Not Another Cuckold Story

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Three people can save two lives.
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Part 1

This is not your typical cuckold story. You know what I mean, a sissy husband duped by his cunning wife and her alpha male lover. If that's what you are looking for, please move on, there are plenty of those around. This is a story of how a three-way relationship helped us survive the crap that life throws at you. If you want to know how that works, you are welcome to stay for the ride.

First a bit of background about me, the other man in this ménage. My name's Gary Holton, 40-year-old divorced father of two. I was a quantity surveyor for a large construction firm. My job took me away from home during the week when I visited building sites. Not a good recipe for a happy marriage, and ten years in my wife wanted a divorce. She said we'd grown apart and only had the kids in common.

For the first two years of our divorce, nothing really changed. I would come home on a Friday night and we would all have a meal together. If it was my weekend with the kids, I'd put them in our camper van next morning and we'd go somewhere overnight to give my ex, Helen a break. When it was her shift, fishing and football kept me out of her hair all weekend. Life was almost the same after divorce as before. I'd already been in the spare bedroom for eighteen months, but now Helen had a licence not to have sex with me anymore.

I finally had to accept things had changed the weekend I'd arrived home for my shift, to find the kids were on sleepovers at their friends. Helen apologised for not warning me. I said no problem. Then she said she was going out with friends on Saturday night. Again, I said no problem, but when she added 'with a special friend,' the penny dropped. She was seeing someone new and was planning to bring him back to our home. I must have looked shocked. She tried to be sympathetic.

"Gary, it's time for both of us to move on. I thought as a single man away from home, you would have taken advantage of the situation by now?"

To be honest, the divorce was not of my choosing and I'd felt numb for ages afterwards. I was not in a frame of mind for a new relationship, but Helen, despite having the kids almost 24/7, apparently was. It choked me up as I packed a few things into our camper van and headed off. Helen was worried about the way I'd taken it and made me promise to come back on Sunday afternoon so I could see the kids before I set off back to where I was working next week.

I did not know where I was going, but instinct found me on the road to a country park in Wales where we'd had great times as a family. Could I be happy there on my own? To be honest, I could not think of anywhere better to go. It was dark when I arrived late on Friday night, tired and depressed; thinking I'd made a terrible choice, but it was too late to look for somewhere else. I pulled up a decent distance from the few motor homes in the short stay section of the site. There was no food in the van. I didn't even have water to make a cup of tea. I got my five-litre plastic bottle and trudged towards the shower and washing up block, just as it started raining. I cursed my choice of venue. I could have been tucked up in a warm budget hotel with a bottle of whiskey, crying into my fish and chips.

As I plodded past the motor homes, someone called out. I ignored them, thinking they were calling someone else. Then a man and woman started calling Gary and my deafness led others to take up the call until I heard a dozen voices calling my name. My shock when I realised it was me they were calling, made them all laugh. I didn't recognise the nearest caller. He pointed left, as did the next person and so on, until I did a complete 180 back towards the couple I'd parked nearest to. I walked back, trying to put names to their faces. It must have been three years since I last saw them. They'd parked next to us on our last family holiday, the one before it all fell apart.

"I told Katie it was you Gary, but she said I must be wrong because you didn't answer."

His name finally came to me." Martin, Martin and Katie Armitage from Shropshire."

"See, I told you it was him. I recognised the van. I see you've still got that dent in the back bumper."

Martin was smiling. He was about 60, with salt and pepper hair. Well-built and tanned from his outdoor job as a self-employed builder. His wife Katie was perhaps ten years younger (I'm useless at guessing women's ages). Her blond hair was now a chestnut colour which suited her creamy complexion. She was about five foot six and curvy. Some women might have been less kind in their descriptions, but there was nothing wrong with her shape as far as I was concerned. Helen had complained more than once when I looked at Katie in her bikini. Martin had his hand on her shoulder and Katie had her arm around his waist. They looked happy to be with each other. I was suddenly envious that Helen and I would never be a couple like them as we grew older.

"Good to see you, Gary." Martin's handshake seemed untypically soft. Katie went onto tiptoes to close the gap between our faces. She wobbled a bit, and I found my hands on her hips to steady her as she kissed my cheek. "Sorry about that Gary, I've had a drink." Katie was at that delightful state of drunkenness where you can throw a woman on the bed and she will have no inhibitions. The way my body reacted to her reminded me I had been on my own for too long.

"Are Helen and the kids joining you later?" Katie asked.

I'm ashamed to say I lost it and started bawling like a child. Five minutes later, cup of tea in hand at the table of their touring van (it was more like an American RV than my VW Transporter), I'd poured out the breakdown of my marriage. They were shocked for me and I think a bit for themselves. Our kids, Tyler and Sasha, had all but adopted the couple as grandparents when we'd last seen them. Martin and Katie had been more than happy to oblige. Their sons were grown up and working on construction projects in the Middle East, so they had not been with little ones for a long time. I hadn't realised during my tale of woe Katie had taken my hand. It was very reassuring. I promised to bring Tyler and Sasha with me during the school holidays, as I was sure they would want to see them both. Now Katie took Martin's hand and I could not make out the look that passed between them.

They insisted I join them for dinner and the smell of Katie's shepherd's pie and the noise of my groaning stomach made it impossible to refuse. After dinner Martin found an old radio station on Long Wave, all crackly, just like the radio of their youth. It seemed to be all sixties music. We were three quarters through Martin's bottle of whiskey and Katie wanted to dance. She persuaded Martin up for the Twist and I watched them. They seemed to enjoy each other's company like they may not have done for a long time. Katie got me up to do some other dances. I'd only heard their names in old songs, but there were actual steps to things like the Watusi, the Mashed Potato, the Swim and the Pony. Katie knew them all, and watching her was an excuse to see her body in motion. I tried to copy her moves, and it was comical. So much so that Martin had a coughing fit that brought our evening to a premature end. The spasms racked his body. Katie and I took an arm each and sat her husband on the sofa while he breathed slowly to recover. She answered my concerned look.

"He's not been well, Gary. Martin is on medication. He shouldn't overdo it, but it's been a while since we've had such fun."

I realised Martin was seriously ill. I looked at Katie to say if there was anything I could do, but she shook her head and tended to her husband. I knew he'd be embarrassed talking about his illness, so I insisted on doing the washing up and took the bowl down to the showering and washing up block before either of them could object.

It was dark as I walked across the campsite and a proximity light came on as I reached the empty building. I took my time to give them privacy and had to move every couple of minutes to keep the light on. I was about to return when Katie loomed out of the darkness.

"He's in bed now. I told him he should not drink with those tablets, but he said there would be plenty of time for him not to drink. He's so stubborn." Katie looked worried, and I put my hand on her bare shoulder. The next moment she was against me, her head on my shoulder. The light went off, and I hugged her in the darkness. I was intending to comfort her, but her presence was too much for me. The heat of her body against mine and the swell of her breasts against my chest. My body just responded to her, and I failed to control a painful erection. I knew Katie could feel it, and I pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Katie. I meant to comfort you not--"

"That's okay, Gary. I had a feeling you liked me and now I know." Katie looked up at me and I could not stop myself from kissing her. She responded fully, her warm mouth breathing life into me just as her body had done to my skin. Katie broke away. We were both panting. "I'm sorry, Gary. I don't mean to lead you on. I'm just so..." She started crying, and it broke the moment.

"There's nothing to apologise for Katie. I guess we're all emotional at the moment. We should get back."

We walked back in silence; me carrying the washing-up bowl. At the door of her motorhome, I went to give it back to her.

"Just a moment, Gary." Katie leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. "I promised myself one more, and that's it now." She took the bowl and looked at my shocked expression and tenting trousers. "Sweet dreams, Gary."

I could not sleep in my state and wondered if I could knock one out without the van squeaking too much. I gave up worrying when I heard their motorhome rocking and their muffled cries as they both came. Fuck the noise, I thought, but I still muffled my mouth with a towel at the end.


Next morning, I considered packing up and leaving, at least I thought I did. But what was I doing was sitting in my van with the door open, waiting for Katie to appear? She arrived from another direction. Katie had got up early and showered at the block. She wore a tee shirt and shorts and a towel on her head. It was obvious she was not wearing a bra.

"Have you got one of those for me, Gary?" She looked longingly at my cup of coffee.

I made her one, and we sat at the small table in my van, each waiting for the other to speak.

"Listen Gary, I think I need to apologise again for the way I acted last night. Throwing myself at you. I'd be lying if I blamed it all on the drink."

"That's okay, Katie. I was more than ready to catch you. I guess it turned out all right in the end."

She thought for a moment. "Oh, my god, you heard us at it!" I smiled. She hid her face in her hands. When she looked again, I was still smiling, and she gave me a playful slap for embarrassing her further. "I told Martin what happened. I've never lied to him. I thought he would be angry, but he was philosophical. `You're an attractive woman Katie, he's a handsome bloke, you like each other.' I said I would not have let anything else happen, and he said, `Not tonight you won't.' He's been on these pills and they stop him from getting... you know." She looked away.

"But not last night, hey? I'm happy to be of service." She covered her face again. "I'm joking, Katie. You're a lovely couple. I looked at the two of you and wished I could see Helen and me like that in the future. I got that wrong, didn't I?"

"Gary, you're a lovely man. Women these days get upset because of their expectations. They don't take the time to enjoy what they've got." She took my hand, and I did not want her to let go. She pulled the towel off her head and shook her hair. It was an unconscious gesture she'd done a million times. She looked so sexy with her hair dishevelled. She saw my reaction and blushed. "I'd better get out of here while I still can, or I'll miss the bus to town."

I offered to drive her in my van, to pay them back for their kindness. I did my shopping while she waited to cash Martin's prescription. It took ages in the small village pharmacy. I peered through the window of a charity shop to pass the time. A scarf on the dummy caught my eye. I thought it would complement Katie's amber eyes. Don't ask me how I knew that. I was useless at buying things for Helen and restricted myself to sexy underwear, which was for my benefit anyway.

Katie caught me coming out. "What have you bought Gary?"

"A present for you. To say thank you for dinner." She opened the bag and pulled it out. Katie was delighted. More than all my expensive lingerie purchases ever achieved. "I thought it would go with your eyes."

She put it on and examined her reflection in the shop window. Katie hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Her eyes were watery. "You know the colour of my eyes. Martin has to think for a moment, even after all these years. Let's see what else they've got."

Men will agree traipsing round department stores when their wife is on a mission is the closest thing to hell. But this felt different. I found a seat and a book about classic cars while she assembled an arm full of clothes and headed to the changing room. Every so often the curtain would open for an opinion. After a while, the curtain did not close completely and I could enjoy Katie in her underwear as she got changed. She just looked at me and smiled. She chose a summer skirt and top and then mischievously put on a short denim miniskirt which buttoned down the front. I nodded. Katie said a woman her age could not wear that out in the street. I told her to wear it at home. For the last item, she closed the curtain. When she opened it, Katie was wearing an off the shoulder peasant style blouse. The thin white cotton was almost see-through and her braless nipples were prominent. My look was enough warning. As I got up and moved towards the cubicle, she pulled the curtain closed and giggled, "So that's a maybe, is it Gary?"

Katie took my arm on the way back to my van. "Thanks for not rolling your eyes and looking at your watch while we were in there."

"I hated every minute. Couldn't you tell?"

I cooked my thank you meal in their motorhome as its kitchen was better equipped than my van. We polished off the simple steaks, salad and jacket potatoes with two bottles of red wine, and we were all merry.

"You cooked very well for a man with a broken arm Gary," Martin joked.

"Ha! Ha! I told Martin we'd been shopping. Just because I have to threaten violence to get him to come with me does not mean all men are the same."

"Did you like her purchases, Martin?" The look Katie gave me told me she had not shown him everything. Lucky guy, you've got a surprise later, I thought.

We settled down to watch a DVD. Martin was in the middle and the wine and his medication made him tired and he dozed. I looked at him and realised the seriousness of his illness. He was a big bloke who stood eye to eye with me when we first met three years ago, but now he'd seemed to have shrunk. The collar of his shirt looked several sizes too big. Martin snored in a deep sleep and we smiled at him. Katie and I lost interest in the film. I just looked at her. 'Stop it', she mouthed. She tried to ignore me, but her body didn't. A flush went up her neck and into her face. Her breathing became more laboured. Her nipples poked through her tee shirt. She looked me in the eye. 'You're making me wet,' she mouthed. I leaned back and showed her how hard I was. Katie gave a little whimper and Martin stirred. "Go, I'll come to you," she said. I got out before Martin came around.

I lay on the bed in my van, straining to catch any sounds from their motorhome. The light went on in their bedroom area and I caught odd noises, but not the telltale rhythm of people fucking. My desire for Katie fought with my guilt at deceiving Martin. If only she had not responded, I would have had more self-control.

A few minutes later my sliding door opened and Katie was there, wrapped in a thick cardigan against the night chill. She sensed my mood. "What's wrong, Gary?"

"Are you just here for more foreplay, Katie?"

She could see my feelings for her and her smile dissipated all my anger. "No, Gary. I'm here for you... and me." I pulled her towards me and we kissed. This time there was no holding back. She responded wholeheartedly. Her tongue forced itself into my mouth. Her leg was between mine, the inside of her thigh rubbing against my painful hard on. We broke away, panting. "I'm here with Martin's blessing. He said I would not be needing these." She pulled a pair of knickers out of her pocket. I pulled her hand towards me. I felt their dampness against my cheek and breathed in her muskiness.

My mind was spinning at her words. "Really, Martin is okay with this?"

"I guess this must confuse for you, Gary. We're not swingers, we've been faithful all our married lives." I opened my mouth. She put her finger on my lips. "Martin says you and he should have a chat in the morning."

Our bodies told us now was not the time for talk. I opened the cardigan. Katie was wearing the peasant blouse. My hand confirmed she also had the mini skirt on. "Martin saw me changing. He may be ill, but he still has the hands of the octopus. He was not up to it, but I had to take him in hand before he'd let me go. `Make sure Gary finishes the job. I'm sure he won't disappoint you.'" He said.

I didn't know what to make of this, but at that moment I didn't care. My hand found the inside of her thigh and my fingers traced the line of her soaked cunt lips. Katie opened her legs and two fingers slid into her. My thumb found her clit, and she moaned. She pulled at my tee shirt and trousers. I pushed the blouse up, exposing her large tits, and the tiny skirt rose over her arse until it was only a wide belt at her waist. Katie straddled me, her tits hanging in my face. My mouth moved from one nipple to another like a hungry new born. Katie smiled. "I hope they are not too big." I pulled her on top of me, smothering my face.

"I've wanted to do this since I first saw you in that yellow bikini all those years ago."

"God, you remember that one, do you? I didn't think you would have been interested in me with the young, slim wife you had."

"You haven't noticed I've been hard for you for the last twenty-four hours. I want to make love to you, Katie, but first I need to fuck you." I rolled her over and Katie pulled the back of her legs up, splaying her wet cunt. I could not resist. My tongue raked her fleshy lips. I nipped one, then another in my teeth, and Katie gave a shriek. I licked her from her clit to her arse hole as she squirmed. My tongue found her clit, and she thrashed and moaned. I wanted to make her cum hard the first time because I knew I would not last long once I was in her. My fingers squelched, searching for her G-spot. Katie started to come, and I slipped my little finger into her arse. That did it, and she bucked against my face. She held the back of my head, trapping my fingers insider her and my tongue against her clit. She murmured and let go of my head. As my fingers slipped out of her, a huge squirt of juice followed. "Oh God, Gary, I've peed." I clamped my lips against her pussy to catch the last.

"You haven't peed, you've had a squirty cum." She looked at me between her legs. I leaned up to kiss her, and she looked at my wet face suspiciously. Before she could object, I pulled her head towards me and kissed her.

"Is that what I taste like Gary?" I kissed her again. "I want to taste you, before we do it." Katie took my cock in her hand and wiped the pre-cum all around the head, before taking me in her mouth. Her tongue teased the underside of my helmet and her lips took my shaft in. I watched it disappear until her lips reached the base. Helen had been a reluctant cock sucker, always trying to bring me off as quickly as possible. With Katie, a blow job was an act of devotion. She brought me to the point of no return three times until I begged her to let me cum.