Not Quite a White Knight Bk. 03 Pt. 02


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Once I was in a friendly state where she could use me as she willed, she did, with a unique technique. Clearly Resha liked to suck cock, and she was very good at it. But she also liked the feeling of a my cock sliding in and out of her pussy. So she alternated, enjoying both. She would suck me for a bit, the slowly impale her juicy puss on me pleasantly for a time, just sitting with me deep inside where she enjoyed our togetherness, then return to sucking. It seemed that she had also acquired a taste for our combined juices, and she was happy to indulge herself with the fresh blend.

I started to wake up when she first turned me over, but before I reached a fully awake state I told myself to relax, to let her play as she wished. I woke again when she mounted me, but honestly it felt good enough in my dreamy state - along with what I was dreaming, that I let it go, pretending it was a very good special effects for a dream I enjoyed. So again her pussy slid down my cock, taking me inside, without me waking up fully. Once I was in the squeezing felt like a dream I didn't want to wake up from. Then came the special pleasure of going from her tight pussy to her warm loving mouth and then back again.

About the fourth or fifth time she mounted me I managed to pop an eye open. She saw it, smiled a you-said-I-could smile but did not let it break the routine of her movement.

Then she whispered, I discovered a voice Mother Nature designed especially for mothers talking to children. "Go back to sleep, you are having a very nice dream. You are a busy man, do not concern yourself with... a dream spirit... pleasuring herself sharing your naughty dream. We will both enjoy the good dream ending when..."

Amazingly, I closed my eye and started into sleep again. I was tired, and she was talking to me the same way any mother talks to their child when they want to put the back to sleep. I guess that language is universal and I was still programmed for it.

Resha could not resist, with her little victory she expanded her routine by adding kisses and nibbled on my chest when she was on top, and little kisses with tiny licks to my balls when she switched to oral. I was awake enough to hear her gurgles of enjoyment at the license she was taking with my slut body.

I could not bring myself to complain.

At one point, using her fingers in concert with my cock, I felt her give herself release. She was careful, building it slowly and trying to keep me from noticing. I almost missed it as her body shivered at the heights, moving while squeezing my cock inside of her, trying to disguise her climax. When it passed she did not break her routine, she kept going so I did not wake up enough to open my eyes.

I did wonder about magic spells. I am not that type of guy, but in my sleep she had me thinking.

Some time later I woke up again when I was on the edge of my own climax. It was entirely Resha's doing, she was getting very excited. It is possible that the lightly frenetic movements she was making were what brought me up again. Or maybe she wanted some kisses.

She knew just where I was in my countdown, and she worked with that.

Damn, she felt really good. Her pussy was tight but very juicy and it felt great around my cock, which was all the way inside her. For my climax she had stopped moving and was holding her me deep while she played with both of us at the same time; she was fingering her clit and working to squeeze her pussy muscles around my cock. She told me later that my breathing was the give-away for how she was doing with the internal massage. She just prayed I would keep my eyes closed until she was done.

Her position did strike me as unusual in some way, although at the time I could not think of how.

She was well on her way to her endgame when my eye popped open again. This time she took no note of it, she was driving towards her goal. So was I. Things happened pretty fast after that.

She was looking down to where my cock was buried deep in her pussy, but she had stopped her. We both looked at one spot. Deliberately, while the finger of one hand held her hood back all the way, a fingernail on the other hand flicked her exposed clit, triggering her own orgasm. She moaned, but it was controlled, because it was just a response as part of something greater. That greater was the reaction of her pussy, which spasmed wonderfully. She was not practiced enough at working the muscles voluntarily, so she worked them involuntarily as part of her climax.

That got me off. She had done all the ramp up at a slow pace while I was half-asleep. It was an unusual climax for me because there was not a countdown period between "ignition" and "blastoff" for me, she came and I followed immediately, dragged along on her body's wave of pleasure so my balls sent my first spurt into her hungry pussy right on cue.

It turned out that kitty was not the only one that was hungry. After I fired my three shots her position allowed her to quickly pull off of my cock and suck me deep into her mouth with my cockhead into her throat before I fired the rest of my spurts. I was lodged in her throat as she did this "swallow" thing with her mouth muscles as I fired again and again, draining my balls into her throat. Her swallowing was not 100%, which made her sloppy mouth feel even better for me.

This "swallow from deep throat" thing was a first for her, she knew she could not do it for the first three big spurts, but figured she could handle the fourth as long as I held still.

As soon as I was done and had softened to the point where she knew nothing else was coming, she spun around, bent forward, stretched, and brought her sperm-covered lips to mine. Her body had been reversed at the end. In her eyes I saw the raw desire and the hope that I was sincere about taking it. With a broad welcoming smile I parted my lips and kept my tongue out of her way as I let her snowball me, feeding me my own very fresh cum from her mouth and throat. Then we played together at sharing the taste between us, like we were children playing with a new shared toy.

Resha loved it, the play reassured her in so many ways about me and how I accepted her. It was complete validation of all I told her. That was something she NEVER got from any man before.

I know some guys don't like that sort of thing. But you have to admit, it is at the height of freshness with zero additives, and the packaging was mighty nice as well. Nothing that comes out of a factory is any cleaner. I choose to go with the whole bundle. To each his own.

After I welcomed that snowball in my sleepy state she knew I was not one of those "no fun" guys. The act was novel, inventive, dirty, sincerely playful sexual fun. I would have enjoyed this novel and committed sexual act tremendously even if I was not trying to bind her loyalty to me using sex so she would be my slut spy.

But as a tool for convincing her I was her guy, it worked real well, killing all doubts.

You might say that both the monster and the man in me were very happy with Resha's inventive dirty mind and made-for-carnal-sin body.

I knew it took great bravery on her part, there were many men, likely 100% of her former lovers and the most of the asshole lawyers she serviced - who would have answered her snowball attempt at a loving sex kiss with a solid punch to the head, curses and body kicks.

Instead I welcomed what she thought of, welcomed it willingly and joyfully. With my act I said that she might be a mouth slut, but that did not place her below me. She began the tears before we finished at either end. Tears of joy. When we did break apart for a moment to breathe the first words out of her were, "You ACCEPT me... in your sleep it was no act... you REALLY accept me... you are not using me..." and various similar phrases - some of which were not English but they kept with the phrasing - that repeated the same theme. This was while she was still kissing me. It felt good as she cried tears of happiness.

Eventually the taste of our joining was gone from lips and tongues. Her tears ran dry. But she stayed on top of me, resting her head and body on my chest and torso, holding me tight in a way that had nothing to do with a fear of falling off. In the roiling sea of torment that is life for a poor girl with a child in LA, she was holding on tight to me as her rock, for her and her child's life and future. She fell asleep easily, a deep and trusting sleep, which is always a good sign after an emotional high. I let her sleep where she was, and tried to figure out the score.

I guessed I was winning.


Chapter 13. Crossing Lines

I knew I was winning, Resha had crossed the emotional Rubicon. She loved me and would spy for me when I asked, even stealing files and the like. I held her child to provide that last bit of loyalty in an extreme case, like the meddling of law enforcement snoopy noses, and I held the child without the extreme inconvenience of actually having to care for the child in any way. My problem was that she was so much fun that I was starting to notice unusual feelings about her in my own cold dead heart. I told myself that it was not love but that those feelings came from my own greed, because a unique woman like Resha would be so hard to replace and I am a monster who wanted her as a spy and a slut and a loyal, unquestioning, extremely flexible place for my cock. I am usually pretty honest with myself, but in this case I had some doubts.

Some of those doubts came from my thoughts of her giving me a replacement for her sexy fun body in about 20 years.

The monster in me did not question such things. "Just take the win, enjoy the spoils and be happy before the prize spoils." It was a good thought before I went to sleep. So what part of me was raising doubts?

What didn't I have from her? Well, she was not going to kill for me. She was not sure about my capability to defend her against my enemies. Plus, she was likely to be a bit shaky about my role in the drug business. Maybe a lot shaky.


Surprisingly, we woke up together a few hours later. I had been working extra hours on really boring stuff so I slept longer than usual. Resha got less sleep than usual, but she was having good dreams and was looking to get somewhere with the part of me that had returned to stiffness. She was still clinging to my chest.

"Good morning sexy. What do you feel like today?" I asked.

"What I feel like is some more of what you have down there. But first, could we maybe have a shower? Plus maybe something to eat?"

"That sounds like a plan."

Compared to our last shower this one was pretty non-sexual, we only molested each other with fingers, not tongues. What we wanted to eat was not in the shower.

Outside each room Zar had left breakfast carts with fresh croissants, jams, fruit, cereal plus a thermos of hot coffee. Airline-size bottles of booze were included, she knew everybody's poison. I got special treatment, when she heard my shower Zar heated some bacon for us, there was enough that I might even get some for myself before Resha ate it all.

After we ate we could not bring ourselves to leave or even dress, so we crawled back into bed. She wanted to spoon and snooze, which worked for me because it allowed me to wrap myself around Resha's wonderful dark-skinned erotic body. We enjoyed some quite time with each other, not many people can be alone together without talking unless they are really comfortable with the other person. I took her contentment as a good sign.

Naked in bed pressing together like that, some parts of the body were more interested in communication than others. She got wet and we could both smell it when it she reached down and parted her nether lips in invitation. She had washed off the crusty residue in the shower, but slippery creme inside was still inviting. Moments later I was much harder and we could both feel it. My stiffness and her wetness worked themselves together. We adjusted slightly. We were positioned so it took very little to put the parts even closer together and then rested while the other parts of our body got more interested.

She didn't want to move right away, she just like us being "plugged in" as her body was held by me. I wrapped my arms around her. Amazingly she did not even need to talk, so I was 100% with her. We did not fall asleep, we just enjoyed some quiet time. Communicating without conversation, it worked very well, and gave me another special reason to like Resha. I stayed hard, inside her body, not 100% hard, more like 80%.

Resha's body was still, but her mind was someplace else, in what she imagined South America might be like. She pictured the ocean, not the river. The way her pussy was juicing, she expected a very sexy experience. I learned later that she was thinking of the strip shows, and what it would be like if she was stripping before strangers, and then if her body was used by some of the crowd after, or while, she was on stage.

After a time she drew my hand to cup her breast, then whispered, "I can't help myself... I need... please, stay still, let me do..." Then she used her own hands to gently masturbate as she imagined.

I can't say I did exactly as she asked. For starters, my cock stiffened. I needed to move a bit. But otherwise I tried not to distract her. She had one hand in her pussy, where her finger was working on her clit. She moved slowly, but she seemed to be a little rough on her nubbin. Well, it was her nubbin, she knew what felt best. She also got this slow motion squeezing-rubbing thing going with her pussy on my cock. The actual motion was slow and gentle, with little movement. If I had to put words to it I would say her pussy was slow dancing with my cock.

My hand was full cupping one of her breasts, weighing it, palpitating it, checking the nipple and keeping contact. Her other nipple was getting a harder workout from Resha's hand. She was squeezing and pinching and playing, all pretty hard, some of it with her nails.

I knew that most of what was going on was in her head, she never did tell me what fired her need. But given the way she was pleasuring herself she was fast and effective. My cock felt two silent orgasms take her in less than ten minutes. As she was building up for the second one she did manage one unusual move, she drew a pillow close to her tummy, pulling it tight to her. She had a plan.

As she was building she asked, in a voice that was tight with lust and need and some internal drive, "Do you think we could stay inside while we roll over a bit, so you are on top?" She would have the pillow beneath her, it was not exactly a loving position, or one where she could watch. I knew she had something in mind, as soon as she spoke I knew the something was lust serving strangers. She was thinking of South America, the bachelor party and sexual contact with a man she could not see. I did as she asked, we rocked once, then I rolled the other way while she wiggled and did what she had to do to keep us together.

When I was on top on her, and she was on her belly under me, and things had settled, I asked, "What is going though that pretty little head of yours?" As I asked she made one more adjustment, spreading her thighs and shifting her hips to get me deeper. She was getting wetter inside, but now the only physical stimulation was my cock working in her pussy from the rear. "Are you thinking of somebody else screwing your hot little body?"

"No... well, actually, yes. I want to be your slut, but to me that means you will give me to other men. Men do that with sluts."

"Uh, don't forget, I am a very generous guy so I also give you to other women."

There was a bit of a giggle and her breath quickened. "Oh fuck, that is right you might... You probably will... Maybe you will watch - how could you not? I was imagining that... being a slut while you watch... maybe while you are inside another woman... Ohhh... I imagine... Irene crawling toward me... she smiles with hunger... stronger, more taking... not manly, exactly... but unrestrained, like a she-tiger..."

Did you know that tigers are protected in India? People? They have a lot of people, so they are not really considered endangered.

I felt her inside again, she was imagining more, something powerful, and what it was doing to her felt very good about it around my cock.

"What else is it baby?" I asked as I shifted my movement a little, so she got more out of it. "There is more going on inside. Is it who I am with?"

"No... that doesn't matter. It is me... I'm doing it for you... but..."

"But what darling? I can feel you, you are wonderful at pleasing my cock. Tell me so I know how to do it in the future."

"There... this is hard to say... there is a line of men I don't know. You have invited them all to fuck me as you watch. I see you and I imagine each is also you... but I know that is not true... But that is not the biggest thing..."

She was working up to something in her mind, something powerful that scared her. I thought about it for a moment and the answer was clear. But she had to say it, saying would get her off harder than anything so far.

I whispered in her ear, quiet but with a lot of breath, giving her some quick goosebumps. "Go ahead Resha my slut, say it. The men, me watching while I am in another woman, these are small details. What is churning your imagination so much?"

She knew what I was doing, the image was powerful, like a hand touching her perfectly in all her spots at once. But she had a waking erotic dream and now she was trapped in it, the pleasure and power of it.

"They look like you because they are your family... I am imagining... I... as they do... I'm fat... pregnant with your daughter... ARGHHHH!"

The explosion of her body muscles, her legs and butt and back, was so powerful she almost pushed me off of her. At the same time, inside I felt her pussy hold me tight. It was wonderful to feel her body do all this just thinking. When we got to South America I would really enjoy giving her as a slut. It didn't matter who I gave her to, they were all relatives. The real kick for her would be serving me like that, like I owned her soul.

I didn't, but I was close enough for now.

I recalled the line in "Story Of O" where the handsome charming man who loves her gives O to another, with the most shallow of reasons. He shares with her the thought that he could only give what he really possessed; it was the least thing he could give. It was what she thought she wanted. Resha might not have seen that movie, but somehow she had made the idea a part of her basic feelings. The book was written by a woman.

Maybe, deep down, there was some of that in all females.

After her wrenching climax I stayed where I was, resting on her body. She took a short trip to dreamland. Asleep, passed-out, drained or exhausted, it really did not matter, she was still under me but for a moment she was not paying attention. Since I was not done with her I did not need to finish, I saved myself for next time, when we could both enjoy it.

I will not say she was comfortable as a mattress, but still I enjoyed resting on her body as I planned the next few lines I would say to bind her even tighter to me.


It was between 5 and 30 minutes later when Resha returned to awareness, she did so with almost no movement or other external sign, even her breathing hardly changed. It was quite a gift for a whore - or a mother who nursed her child at her breast longer than most. The only reason I knew it was because my weight was on top of her, and she really had to make a tiny adjustment.

"Hello again. Did you have a nice nap?" I asked.

"Yes, thank you. That before was very nice... perfect for me, what I needed. Did you...? Oh no, you didn't. Why? Did I say the wrong thing? I'm so sorry, tell me what it was and I will never again... If you want to finish... maybe my ass?"
