Nothing is Always Something Ch. 02

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Ending to the story.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/30/2019
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I apologize as I lost the ending to my story, I thought I saved it but apparently not. So, for better or worse, here is the ending.


"So, those are my terms and a summation of my thoughts and feelings on the subject and how my response is based entirely upon your decisions. Marriage is an equal partnership. So, I'm ready to hear your thoughts and feelings and the result will be to ultimately decide whether this partnership is retained or dissolved. The floor is yours."

Carolyn thought about what her husband had said. She wondered how he could even consider saving the marriage. If it had been him cheating on her he would be out on his ass minus his balls. Maybe, I can save my marriage and still get my fill of Tom's monster. We'll need to be more discrete from now on, but my first priority is to save my marriage.

"Jim I'm sorry for hurting you."

Jim asked, "Carolyn, tell me why and for how long."

"It's been about a year now. Last summer we went to a cookout at Tom and Stacey's. I had a bit too much to drink and I went to pee and accidentally walked into the bathroom as Tom was getting ready to pee himself. I excused myself and started to head out and Tom asked me to wait. He reached behind me and locked the door. Then he reached inside his unzipped pants and pulled out the largest cock I'd ever seen.

He peed in the toilet and offered to let me pee. I was drunk enough that I wanted to show off my pussy. You always told me it's pretty. I peed as Tom stroked his huge dick. It's 10" and 4" thick. He stuck it in my face and I'm sorry but I couldn't resist sucking it. It felt so good and so big in my mouth. I sucked him until he came in my mouth. I kept dreaming of having it inside me, filling me up.

I tried to resist until one day Tom showed up in the afternoon. He told me he had wanted me for a long time. I told him to leave but he whipped out his cock instead. I'm so sorry Jim but it was like catnip, I couldn't resist. So, I took him upstairs and let him fuck me. I never felt so filled. The sex was great. Not better than when we do it, just different but still wonderful. I'm sorry but I became addicted and we continued until I found out you knew about it. I'm sorry, it meant nothing to me!"

I love you Jim and I want us to work on our marriage. Please forgive me!! I want to reconcile."

When she finished, I told her, "Carolyn, I need time to wrap my head around things. I'm going to stay with Cindy and Jeff for a few days. Please go out for an hour or so while I pack things up. I need to be alone for a few minutes, please."

"Okay Jim. Remember, I love you!" With that she walked out of the bedroom and downstairs. I heard the garage door open and her car pull out. I went right to work. I set up and activated a series of nanny cams we had when Aimee was a baby. I put them in the bedroom, living room and kitchen. I had my cell phone synced to my home phone so I could listen in and record any calls to my home number. I activated the app and was all set. I quickly packed and headed out for my sisters.

I told Cindy and Jeff what I had learned. They were shocked at Carolyn's behavior. I told them of my plans to divorce and swore them to secrecy. I called Julie and told her to cancel the rest of my week as I would be dealing with my marital problems. She said she'd handle everything and wished me luck.

I lied when I told Carolyn she had a choice and an equal say just as she lied when she said it meant nothing. I meant something. It meant everything to me. The lying cheating bitch was going to pay. Pay for the hurt, humiliation, for my near death, and my old buddy Tom would pay double. He was in for a world of hurt. I had formulated a plan and now I just needed to set things up and execute it.

First, I got my attorney, Dale Rodgers to start the paperwork and get it ready to file. I took the remaining cash out of our accounts sav $1000 in our checking. I cashed in my retirement and purchased the paper on my house using a friend as the go between. I then "paid off" half the house on paper and gave Carolyn the title in her name and half the mortgage payment. I used some of the cash to set up a fund to pay for Aimee's support and education.

I planned on giving her the house. Since I used all my assets to "pay my half" of the mortgage, all she would get is the house with responsibility for half the mortgage and insurances. I took the cash that I supposedly paid out on my half of the mortgage and put it in a Swiss bank and had it rerouted several times before ending up in Belize.

During this time, I had listened in and recorded several calls between Carolyn and Tom. They planned to continue their affair once thing settled down. Tom professed his love and desire for Carolyn and said, "I'll leave my bitch of a wife tomorrow if you'll leave that wimp your married to. Carolyn told him that she loved me and wanted to stay married to me but still wanted his big dick. He said he'd take whatever he could get.

I had my ducks in a row so I went back home on Friday. I arranged for the papers to be served that afternoon. I planned to pick up Aimee and explain what was happening and take her to Cindy and Jeff's house for the weekend. I had the wheels set in motion. I also filed a suit against Tom for alienation of affection and had it served while he was in his office since he was locked out of his house.

Of course, they were too stupid to keep away from one another. I had video of them fucking in our bed that Wednesday, their normal routine, as they figured I wasn't home and would never find out. I set old Tom up and paid a call girl known for "being contagious" with several STD's and paid her to seduce Tom that Monday. Tom fucked her and then went and fucked Carolyn on Wednesday. I made sure to clue Stacey in so she wouldn't catch anything. Thankfully she had her period so there had been no sex with Tom and never would again. She was deeply hurt and when she heard what Tom told Carolyn over the phone, she was livid.

I told her what I had planned and she was on board. I told her I had evidence in recordings and I had video of them in my bed. She was furious. I assured her they would both pay dearly. I told her my lawyer would take her case on at a reduced rate. She thanked me as I left.

I arrived at home about 20 minutes before she was to be served. I told her I needed to clear the air about her affair and the status of our marriage. I told her that I'd never felt so betrayed and humiliated in my entire life.

I added, "Carolyn, you are nothing but a liar, cheater and a truly deceitful bitch with no scruples or moral compass. You not only planned on continuing your tawdry affair with my ex-friend, you couldn't even hold back long enough to try to save your marriage. You fucked him in our bed again on Wednesday. I don't give a fuck what you want, what you need I'm done."

Carolyn began sobbing and as she started to say something the doorbell rang. A woman was at the door and asked, "Are you Carolyn Tyson?" Carolyn said yes but it wasn't a good time. The young woman apologized and added, "I won't bother you for long. You've been served." She put a manila envelope into her hands and snapped a photo with her phone. Then she turned around and left.

Carolyn collapsed onto the floor wailing. I went upstairs and packed the remainder of my clothing and personal items. I walked back down the stairs and found Carolyn still lying in the foyer with the door open and now completely hysterical. I stopped and sat my bags down for a moment.

I finally said to her, "See, you not only lied to me but to yourself which is more the pity. You convinced yourself that I was a complete and utter fool. You could have your cake and eat it too. You've just discovered that nothing is truly something. Your nothing ripped my heart to shreds. Its time for you to suffer the consequences of your choices."

I picked up my bags and stepped over her convulsing body. I put the bags in my trunk and I got in the car. As I backed out of the driveway, I saw our neighbors Carl and Loise Fuhrman come to Carolyn's aid. I saw them glaring at me but I felt no sympathy, no compassion or no remorse. In fact, I felt nothing. However, I smiled at them as I drove out of the neighborhood and out of her life.

I picked up my daughter and took her out for pancakes. I explained that I would no longer be living at home. I explained what a divorce is and that I would be close by and always there for her. When we got to Cindy and Jeff's Cindy had a long talk with Aimee. She felt better afterward. She wanted to call and check on her mother. I didn't ask and Aimee didn't say how the call went.

I invited Cindy and Jeff to go with us on a weekend excursion to a resort four hours from home. We would stay overnight. We wanted to get an early start so we retired early. After they went to bed I snuck out of the house and met with my friends Charlie and Frank. They would deal with Tom while I was out of town with my daughter. I returned to Cindy's and got a quick night's sleep.

We got up early and hit the road. We arrived and Aimee enjoyed a day swimming. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we were going to take a horseback ride before heading back home. We went out for a nice dinner. Aimee was still a bit down. So, after dinner I took her for a drive and talked with her.

She was quiet after I tried to explain to her the reasons why I felt I had to divorce her mom without throwing Carolyn's affair in her face. I didn't want our daughter to be angry or disrespect her mother. Finally, Aimee asked, "Dad, Mom told me she doesn't want a divorce and neither do I! Can't you forgive her for whatever. She said she would do anything it took to keep it from happening. She told me it's a big misunderstanding and that you are reading too much into it. Please Dad, she told me that if you leave, I'd never see you anymore!"

I told her, Aimee, sweetheart. I'm sorry but the problems that your Mom and I have are complicated. I will speak with your mother when we get home but I'm sorry, I don't believe that anything will change. Remember this, this has nothing to do with you or how much both of us love you. I'll always be there for you!! You will see me a lot I just won't be living with you and your mother any longer."

Aimee refused to speak to me the rest of the way home. I was furious that Carolyn would stoop so low as to involve our daughter in adult matters. When we got back to the motel Aimee went to Cindy and Jeff's room. Cindy came over and told me Aimee was angry and it was directed at me for breaking up her family over nothing. I told her what Carolyn told her on the phone and that it wouldn't change the outcome. Cindy took her suitcase with her.

I told her I was calling my lawyer first thing Monday. Maybe I would end up with custody of Aimee if I could prove Carolyn used my daughter as a pawn in our divorce. I planned on having the conversation taped on the hidden cameras in the house. I had a restless night as my daughter wouldn't even sleep in the same room. The new morning did little to soften her attitude toward me.

I decided that if she didn't want to speak to me there was no sense going on that horseback ride. It was a cold day but the sun was shining so we could've ridden. I called Cindy and asked her to tell Aimee that we were going home. I asked Cindy to keep Aimee until I had a chance to speak with my bitch of a soon to be ex-wife and she said she would. The drive home was somber with Aimee sullen and moody. When we got to Cindy's I dropped them off and headed straight to my former home. While at Cindy's I picked up my burner phone. I got the message from Charlie, 'Necessary adjustments made to the equipment but it suffered a catastrophic fail. Sent out for repairs but prognosis is not good. Most likely needs to be replaced with a new model.'

I smiled. However, I needed to deal with something more important. I pulled into the driveway and went to the front door and knocked. Carolyn answered and she looked completely frazzled and worn out. "Jim, why did you knock on your own door?"

I explained, "Because I didn't know whether or not you had guests." She gave me a look of puzzlement that morphed into anger.

"Jim, I told you it was over! Besides Tom is in the hospital. He was mugged coming out of the Dockside Tavern Saturday night. He has broken ribs, a fractured skull a fractured arm, orbital socket and lost moth of his teeth and had both of his testicles removed as his groin area was severely damaged. He may need a catheter permanently."

I asked, "How do you know all of this if you are no longer in contact with him? Did you visit him in the hospital?"

She hesitantly replied, "Yes. But only because he had no one else. He really is in bad shape. Oh my God! Jim did you have anything to do with this?"

I replied rather harshly, "No! I was with our daughter all of Saturday and was four hours from here! Now speaking of Aimee, why did you involve her in our marriage troubles? She is too young to understand the dynamics of the situation. Why do you think it's all right to use our daughter as a pawn to gain leverage?"

She looked at me and said with a straight face, "I'm desperate and you did make too much out of all of this. I promised you that it was over and I would never do it again. I made a terrible mistake. Everyone is entitled to one! Besides, all is fair in love and war and I told you that I still love you!"

I stood face to face with her and with cold steely eyes told her, "If you ever, ever put our daughter in the middle of this you'll live to regret it! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"

I could see the fear in her eyes and she nodded in the affirmative. "Good, we're done here. Cindy is driving Aimee back home." I turned and went out the front door. I called Cindy and had her drive Aimee home before I got to their house. When I got back, I had a beer with Jeff and he asked if there was any hope for reconciliation. He added how devastated Aimee was with the news of a divorce and what her mother told her.

I had Jeff follow me to the kitchen table where I set up my tablet. I downloaded all of the latest video from my house and showed him the video of Tom and Carolyn on Wednesday and what she told our daughter on the phone on Friday. After he viewed my evidence, he agreed with me that divorce was the only option. Cindy came home and began to read me the riot act about how hurt Aimee is and I needed to fix things. I played her the videos and when she was through, she apologized and knew I had no real choice thanks to Carolyn.

I phoned Dale and set up a meeting later that morning. I played the video for her and gave her a copy on a flash drive as well. She said we could file for primary custody and with the right judge might have a better than even chance in getting it. I had her file a change to the custody agreement and had Carolyn served with the amended papers.

A couple of days later my phone rang and it was the bitch. I answered, "Hello."


I simply replied, "I'll see you in court."

I paid my old pal Tom a visit in the hospital. Even I wasn't prepared for the mess I encountered. He was a mass of bruises and bandages. He had tubes everywhere. I said, "Hey old buddy! I heard you had a rough weekend!" He looked at me with the one eye that wasn't covered and bandaged. Suddenly, his heart monitor jumped to 180. I said, "Hey calm down! We can't let something as trivial as you, fucking my wife to interfere when you are so badly injured. I just came to offer my condolences. I won't top my lawsuit but I'm sorry your hurt."

He meekly eked out, "You did this!"

I told him, "Hey old pal I was out of town with my daughter, sister and brother in law from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. I only heard about your misfortune from your mistress Sunday night. I haven't the foggiest who did this but it most assuredly wasn't me. Besides, I need you alive and kicking so you can pay out after I win my lawsuit. So, get well soon!" I left just as the nurse came running in.

It took several months before the divorce went to court. Carolyn tried to fight it. Her attorney suggested counseling. Dale had the court review the video and the judge summarily rejected counseling and ordered the divorce to proceed. He took a dim view of Carolyn's using Aimee. However, when he interviewed Aimee said she wanted to live with her mother because her father was responsible for the breakup of her family.

The judge felt he had no choice but to grant temporary custody to Carolyn and ordered therapy for Aimee in the hopes of making her see the truth without destroying her. The judge admonished Carolyn while giving me kudos for putting the welfare of my daughter first and foremost. Custody would be revisited in six months.

Sixty days later I was a free man. Aimee was doing well in therapy and began to speak to me. I apologized to her and told her that if I could have done anything to save things I would. After eight months in therapy she understood that her mother deceived her because she was desperate to save her marriage. A year later Aimee said that she wanted to come live with me because life with her mother was unbearable.

The judge granted me custody. Carolyn in the meantime had problems. It seems that the payment on the mortgage nearly doubled and once she stopped receiving child support, she could no longer afford the cost. The lender (me) foreclosed and then sold the house back to me on paper. Since I had owned the paper, I now had my home free and clear and Carolyn had no recourse or equity in the home.

Tom never recovered the use of his big cock. He was forever reduced to pissing in a bag on his side for the rest of his life. The money I received went to my account in Belize and I invested my funds internationally so I could eventually replace my retirement. Carolyn ended up living in a rundown apartment and was forced to go to work. I paid alimony for 18 months, When Aimee came to live with me, she ended up paying me child support.

Even if she had money for a social life, she still doesn't have one because no one will date her. It's a small town and the few that have tried were put on notice that she is persona non grata and if you want to date other women in the area, leave her be. Now she is cold, bitter, and alone thanks to Stacey who made sure everyone knew who was ultimately responsible for the breakup of two marriages.

Whenever I see her, I notice she has aged ten years and looks terrible. I wish I could feel sorry for her but she was unconscionable in her conduct and she suffered the consequences of her actions. I feel no remorse for my actions that led to her losing her home, marriage and family. It has been nearly a year since the day I walked in on Carolyn and Tom. I found myself drawn to the park by the lake. I decided to take a seat on the bench.

The air was cool and crisp with just a hint of winter chill. The warmth of the sun faded as it set, all but ready to disappear below the horizon. I sat and watched until the last shimmer of daylight gave way to the darkness of night. I reflected on the course of events over the past year. I realized that I needed to get home and relieve the babysitter. I pulled the collar of my coat up around my neck to stave off the chill of the evening air.

I got up and made my way to my car on the moonless evening. As I fired up the engine and turned the headlights on, I felt blessed to have come out the other side scarred but relatively unscathed. I looked out on the inky blackness and thought this is nothing. Tomorrow, the sun will rise again and erase the darkness and bathe us in warmth and life and that is always something to look forward to.

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trucker1965trucker19652 days ago

Definitely a crock of shit. But hey it's your hero fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

You lost the ending to your story? You should have done us all a favor and lost the beginning too.

StruckwrongStruckwrongabout 2 months ago

Hey don't you know non cuckold endings are not sophisticated?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

ok even though a little well worn. 4

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Every stupid cliché, every canned phrase, every dumb plot device from the Loving Wives Category Book of Crappy Writing.

orneryonezorneryonez8 months ago

Don't pull the bull by the horn, otherwise you'll likely get horned!!!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Too much razzle-dazzle and fairy dust leading to a "satisfying" BTB ending. Don't quit your day job. Rated four stars solely because he didn't take her back.

HarleyRider1955HarleyRider19558 months ago

Would have rated higher but for the inconsistencies and underdeveloped plots. STD ridden whore? Just a mention of Tom’s situation with his wife.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Liked the story but doing those financial moves the MC did are easy to trace and will get you penalized big by any judge hearing such a divorce case.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

So did she or did she not have a STD?

NitpicNitpicabout 1 year ago

Why was Tom locked out of his house?.No where does it say his wife knew of his affair with Carolyn.

EvelZombieEvelZombieabout 1 year ago

If I could give this story less than 1 star I would. First off who talks like this MC. Also everything in this is really off the walls unbelievable. Everything the MC did was illegal and would have ended up with him in jail or having to give everything and maybe some blood to his ex in the divorce. No this is just to divorced from reality for me to enjoy. I am willing to bet the author is a guy that got taken to the absolute cleaners by his ex-wife and then one night sometime later on he got so coked up and alcohol fueled he wrote this drivel on how he thought it should have gone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not telling the daughter was wrong. It was a teachable moment. Fathers have a responsibility to make sure that their daughters don’t end up like their slut mothers. He shouldn’t have pawned that off onto the therapist.

If the daughter is old enough that the judge would give even the smallest consideration to her wishes, then she’s way past the age to have a frank discussion about what sex is, how important it is in a marriage, and that the only thing worse than adultery is murder!

Frankly, coddling his daughter the way the story describes is failure of parenting!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

OP says he lost the original ending, and it's clear he spent maybe five minutes writing this. He indicates Tom was "locked out of the house," but nowhere did we read that Jim told Tom's wife. Most of Jim's plan was illegal, illogical or idiotic. Stupid writing and a tragic end of not a marriage, so much as a decent story.

fredbrownfredbrownover 1 year ago

Well glory be! Ole Tom bites the dust and our hero ends up with more balls than the villain. Tommy can enjoy all he wants of Carolyn now- if he can just get it up .......

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Many meteorological maunderings.

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

Alright, this chapter redeemed the first one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thanks for a 5!

The problem with a great story like this, especially one that is true to life as some of us know, is the pseudo experts who try the story apart. They usually post as anonymous. They think they know everything and there way is the only way. Whether they are in politics or whatever, you can tell by their pronouncements that they are controlling people and just want to force others to see it their own way. Maybe they get embarrassed by good authors by PKenny, because they are so much like Carolyn.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

well his ex wife should be happy now she can have all the big cock she wants ,so everybodys happy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

SO bedazzling!!!

orion2bear2orion2bear2over 2 years ago

People do not speak like the husband in real life

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

stupid story with lots of wrong views as to what happens to people involved in a divorce involving infidelity. No body does any favours to the other party unless they gain something in return.. The wronged spouse wants revenge by hurting the guilty spouse in any way available,to the point even the guilty spouse can end up hating because of this. It can even be vicious. A cheating wife thats been in an affair will not turn into a blubbering idiot but will readily move on with her life in most cases easier than the husband because to have an affair she was already not happy with marriage/husband. Many cases move right in,if possible, with whom she was/is having the affair with even if just temporary. The unrealistic part in most of these stories is trying to make the aggrieved husband be a good guy while getting the divorce. bullshit not so. If its the wife that has been cheated on it gets vicious. Have seen/experienced this a hundred times thru my job. An infidelity divorce is by far the worse.

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