Number 24 Pt. 03


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"Okay," Hope said, her hands moving to unfasten the collar around her neck until Myles stopped her.

"No harm in keeping it on until we've decided, right?"

"I suppose not," she conceded.

From the bed, the next item Myles picked up looked like two deflated rubber balls, about the size of apples with small openings on one side.

"These would be for the kitten costume," Myles explained, pointing to the pad prints on the bottoms of the two objects. "They're gloves that make your hands look like paws when they're inside."

Hope felt a bit confused, but too embarrassed to question him. She'd never seen a kitten costume with anything like this before. A pair of cat ears, sure... some makeup for the nose and whiskers, fine. But strange little gloves for paws? The first one, when he stretched it over her hand, snapped down around her wrist, trapping her fingers into a fist. As the second snapped closed over her remaining hand, she soon discovered that she could not open her hands at all, so tight were the little balls that the black rubber had made around them.

"Er... Myles? I don't think these fit," Hope said, trying in vain to pull off the gloves, but finding the task impossible with her fingers locked as they were into fists.

"No, no," Myles assured her. "They look like a perfect fit. I'm not totally convinced yet that you should go dressed as an animal though. Let's try the last one and see how it looks."

Hope felt flustered with the collar tight around her throat and the gloves tight around her hands.

"What's that?"

"A Ballerina," Myles said, picking up a pair of shoes from the bed.

To Hope, they did not seem like ballerina shoes. They were a pair of strict-looking stilettos with clasps above the ankles and what looked to be between six to eight inches of heel. Myles was already bent down next to her though, lifting her left foot to slip the shoe into place and locking the clasp so it wouldn't slip off. When he lifted her other foot, she was left teetering on the first shoe, feeling as though she were about to fall forward at any moment from the sharp incline.

"Wow," Myles said, standing after he'd locked the clasp of her other shoe. "Those look fantastic."

Hope, for her part, tried not to fall. The muscles in her calves strained as she wobbled atop the barest of toe-tips and the towering sharp points of her heels.

"I think maybe..." She swallowed. "I should go as the dog?" The collar had been the least uncomfortable of the three items so far. If Hope had to spend the rest of the night wearing one of the costumes associated with these accessories, that seemed like the best option.

"I don't know," Myles said, hand scratching his chin. "I'm not sure which I like best. Walk around a bit for me, I want to see how they each look."

"Myles... I don't-"

"The quicker you do it, the quicker we can finish."

With her hands trapped as they were, Hope really had no other option but to do as he said. Face burning, she tottered across the room and back, immensely aware of her absolute nakedness as she did. Even tied in the locker she'd never felt so vulnerable, so exposed. She could feel Myles' eyes on her, soaking in her every movement. That fact alone made her feel hot and flustered, but the accessories she wore too made the whole act feel like an exhibition. He was looking at the items, she knew, picking out the best costume, but it felt like he was buying her instead... deciding whether to pick her out from the girls in the crowd.

"Well..." she said, voice feeling thick in her throat. "Was there anything you liked?"

"There was one thing in particular," Myles said, stepping close, and before Hope realized what was happening, one strong hand had grabbed her by the ring of her collar, tugging her forward while the other was between her legs rubbing against the wetness of her lips. Hope gasped, but could not pull away. Anything she might have said was cut off by his mouth when he kissed her.


She hit him once, uselessly, with her bound hands, then pushed weakly against his chest, then, before she knew it, her body was pressing against his, her hips grinding into his searching hand, her lips returning his kisses with eager ones of her own. She moaned in the back of her throat as his fingers entered her, one, then two. Jolted as he slid her legs open wide to fit a third.


She tasted him on her lips as his fingers thrust inside her, going faster and faster, matching her ever louder groans. His mouth broke away from hers and her head fell back in pleasure as he began circling her breasts with his warm tongue, plucking at her aching nipples with his teeth.

"Please," she found herself saying over and over, but she did not know for what she was pleading. "Please, please, please."

She was trying to unfasten the belt of his pants, but could not with her fingers trapped as they were, so had to settle instead for rubbing her fists against the hard bulge of his crotch, feeling it growing ever larger under her hands. She could barely think with his fingers pounding away inside her, her body trapped in place by the hand at her collar. Cold air brushed her nipples as his mouth came up to her lips once again.

"Do you want to cum?" he said, his voice a low growl.

"Yes," Hope moaned, biting her lip. "Please."

"Then do exactly as I say." She groaned as his fingers slid out of her, leaving an emptiness behind. "Go stand against the wall."

On quivering legs, she did, desperate to finish her growing orgasm.

"Here," Myles instructed, positioning her a few feet from the wall. He held a quarter midway up it, and with one hand on the ring of her collar, bent her forward until her face was an inch away from it.

"Stick out your tongue," he instructed.

Hesitatingly, Hope did, pressing the coin against the wall with the outstretched tip of it. She was left with only a view of the wall in front of her, bent almost in half and trying to maintain her balance on her high heels.

"If you let this fall, I won't let you cum. Understood?"

Hope could not answer except with a moan. She'd never felt so humiliated in her life, but she'd also never felt so desperate, so incredibly turned on. If he'd asked in that moment, she might have done just about anything to feel his fingers inside her again.

She heard him walk a short distance away and return, something clinking in his hands. A finger brushed against her throbbing pussy lips from behind, almost making her drop the coin.

"Put your hands behind your back," Myles said.

She did. Even with the excruciating memories of the last time she'd done so tickling at the back of her mind, it was easy to push those thoughts aside when his fingertip was slowly circling her clit.

"Good girl," he said, continuing to tease her with his fingers. Hope jolted slightly as cold metal brushed her arched back, then felt something close shut around her wrists with a ratcheting click. She twisted her arms but found that her hands were now trapped behind her back again. She moaned, her tongue stretched to keep the quarter against the wall.

"Almost there," Myles' voice said soothingly, his fingers strong and steady.

She did not know what was happening, but she felt her hands being twisted sharply towards her neck, folded in helplessly by the contraption binding her wrists. She gasped as her hands were wrenched up, her arms straining as her elbows almost touched behind her back, her wrists folded up near the nape of her neck. She heard another click and suddenly, as Myles leaned away, the collar around her throat was pulled tight, half choking her. She could not lower her wrists at all now, nor could she raise them to relieve the pressure on her throat. They'd been locked inescapably to the ring at the back of her collar.

"That position is called a reverse prayer," Myles said. "You'll get used to it... eventually."

Hope could barely take in his words, struggling as she was to relieve the tension in her arms and her neck. She twisted her shoulders, trying to free her arms from their strained position, but only succeeded in choking herself further, momentarily gasping for air. Her fingers strained uselessly inside their tight rubber balls, and, as she struggled, the coin slipped from under her tongue, hitting the floor with a rattling clink.

Myles' fingers paused in their stroking.

"That's a shame," he said.

"No, no, no!" Hope moaned, as his fingers left her swollen pussy lips. "That's not fair! Please, I'll hold it for you again. Please!" She stuck her tongue back against the wall.

"I'm afraid that wasn't the deal," Myles said, bending down to pick up the coin. "I warned you what it would mean if you let it fall. Now you have to deal with the consequences."

Hope could not breathe, could not think. She felt like she was going to cry.

"Please." She turned from the wall, begging him with her eyes. "Please let me cum..."

She almost stumbled while taking a step on her shaking heels, tried to catch herself with her arms and choked as they yanked her collar tight, only just managing to stay on her feet. Awkwardly, desperately, she sunk to her knees in front of him, the move made clumsy by the height of her heels and her bound hands.

If she could only convince him... she knew. If she could just arouse him enough to touch her again...

Her hands were locked away, useless, but she still had her lips. Far past the point of caring how she looked, Hope opened her mouth wide, tongue out, leaning forward in what she hoped was a tantalizing manner to lick along the length of the bulge in the crotch of his pants.

Myles only shook his head though, a pitying look on his face as he looked down on her.

"A promise is a promise," he said, stepping away from her eager mouth. "It's not something to be broken on a whim. I've already let you distract us for far too long from the evening ahead. Maybe once we've completed your outfit, we can revisit this."

Hope groaned. She did not like the sound of that 'maybe.' She was so hot... was so close. Just a few moments longer, she knew, and she would have gotten there, but she'd no way of touching herself with her hands bound in this position. Trying to regain some semblance of self-control, she let out a shuddering breath. Once she was dressed for the evening, once her hands had been freed, she promised herself that she would find a reason to be excused for a quick moment of private intimacy. Waiting until she got home was out of the question, no matter what she had vowed earlier that night.

Still, all the promises in the world could not make up for how she was feeling now. Hope could not help but to spread her knees and bite her bottom lip, hoping for some small crack in Myles' armour. "Which did you like best in the end?"

"I loved all three," Myles replied. "I think we'll keep them all."

Hope wanted to laugh, but somehow it did not feel so funny with her hands tied like this. "I don't think I could wear three costumes at once," she said. "Wouldn't the rest of the clothes clash with each other?"

"Rest of the clothes?" Myles asked innocently.

Hope smiled nervously, her throat tight, confused by his tone. "From your ex? For me to wear tonight, remember?"

"I think you misunderstood," Myles replied. "I never said you would be wearing anything else, only that I'd find something to fit you back at mine." His hand traced the leather collar around her neck. "Seems like a perfect fit to me."

Hope pulled vainly at her bound arms, a cold dread creeping up her body as her situation began to dawn on her.

"That isn't what you said," she denied, even as the truth of his words washed over her. "This isn't what I agreed to."

Myles looked at her with disappointment in his eyes, like a father who'd been let down by a misbehaving daughter.

"I knew you might feel that way," he said, his tone cold. A few steps took him to the door of the room and Hope's heart leapt into her throat as he pulled it open to reveal a long stretch of hallway beyond. "You're free to go, if that's what you truly want."

Hope could hear muffled voices drifting to them from somewhere down that hall. She had no way of covering her nudity if anyone were to turn into it.

"Myles!" she whispered shrilly. "I can't go like this, someone might see!"

"Is that what you're worried about?" Myles asked, leaning next to the open doorway. "It's not like the guys out there won't end up seeing you naked when your video is released anyways. Hell, the whole campus will."

Hope's blood was ice cold, intensely aware of that long stretch of empty hallway ahead of her, just waiting for someone to come along. "You can't do that."

"Who's to stop me?" Myles asked. "And afterwards, if someone wants to plaster your name, face, and address across every porn site on the internet, who's to stop them? I'm sure your future job prospects will love that."

Hope felt sick. "Why are you doing this to me?" she whined.

"I'm not doing anything," Myles said. "You're doing this to yourself. You promised me, remember? And these were the consequences if you broke that promise."

She had promised him, but she hadn't known at the time what it was she was promising herself to. She felt trapped, helplessly staring through that open door.

"Please close the door, Myles," she begged.

"Does that mean you've decided to keep your word?"


He crossed his arms. "I'm not closing this door until I hear it from your mouth."

Hope shifted on her knees, biting her lip. What possible choice did she have? Any objection and her name... her career... her life could be ruined. What would her mother think if she saw that video? What would her sorority sisters? If she did not do as Myles said, she would spend the rest of her life wondering about every lingering glance at a family gathering, every snide remark at a social function, every whispered rumour at a future workplace...

She was trapped. In every direction, a humiliating, shameful, degrading scenario. In the end though, it was one naked night weighed against a lifetime of embarrassment... In the end, it was no choice at all.

Hope bowed her head, feeling tears stinging at the corners of her eyes, and also, embarrassingly, a heat between her legs.

"I'll keep my word," she whispered.

"Good," Myles said. "I'll leave this open for now to encourage you to get through this next part quickly."

He did not close the door as he stepped away and Hope's eyes flitted nervously between him and the empty hallway ahead of her as he shuffled through a drawer. After a moment he pulled out what looked like a dildo attached to a strap of leather.

"Aha!" he exclaimed. "The final touch."

Hope shifted on her knees as he approached, heart quickening.

"Myles..." she stammered. "What is that?"

"The thing you were so desperate for just a moment ago," he replied as he knelt down behind her, bringing the dildo in front of her face. "Now, open your mouth."

Hope baulked as the object came into view. It was the shaft of a penis cast in a black rubber mold and attached to a wide buckled strap of leather. The penis itself must have been about six inches long and she noticed that it was hollow on the inside, creating a tube from end to end.

"No, Myles-" she started, suddenly very afraid. "I can't-"

She pressed backwards into him, away from the dildo, but Myles grabbed her jaw in an iron grip, pressing the rubber against her clenched teeth. Hope struggled, trying to shake her head left and right, trying to get free from his grip. She wrenched at her bound arms but only ended up strangling herself in the process, causing her to gasp for breath. Seizing the opportunity, Myles forced the rubber penis between her lips, causing her to choke as it plunged down her neck. She thrashed, fighting back her gag reflex as the object lodged itself deep in her throat, twisted uselessly as Myles forced it in the last inch, locking the strap behind her head.

"Good girl," Myles said, patting her head as she choked. She was barely even aware of him, barely even aware of the hallway in front of her, so totally focused was she on fighting down her gag reflex. The socks in her mouth before had been nothing compared to this torturous object.

"Oh, relax," Myles told her. "You can still breathe, that tube assures it. It might be a bit uncomfortable, but you'll live."

It might have been true, but as the one with it rammed down her throat, the situation seemed very different. I've changed my mind, Hope wanted to tell him. You can show the video. Just let me go, but there was no way she could speak now. All that came out was a desperate moan, cut off by another involuntary gagging noise. She tried standing to her feet as her body shuddered but could not get to her legs up on the high points of her heels, nor maintain her balance with her hands twisted up and locked to the collar at her neck. Myles let her struggle on the floor, the door still open as he bent down near her legs to lock a short loop of chain between her two ankles.


A second length of chain was connected to the ring at the front of her collar as involuntary drool began to string down between her breasts. A leash, Hope suddenly realized, like a dog being brought to the park. With two strong hands, Myles lifted her to her feet, looping the end of her leash around his hand as he looked her up and down.

"Incredible," he breathed. "Do you even know how sexy you are?"

Hope could not respond as his hand traced her body, watching his face with wide eyes as his fingers brushed against her raised nipples, down her tight stomach, between her naked legs. He'd not closed the door, and raised male voices drifted to her ears from down the hall, threatening to stumble upon them at any moment. With a sharp tug on her leash, Myles made her take a staggering step forward on her heels, her movement cut short by the small length of chain between her ankles.

"Make sure you keep up," he said as he began to walk, forcing Hope to jolt quickly behind him or risk falling over. She could not pull away as she was led naked through the doorway, could not protest as he brought her down the hall in her bondage. Where were they going? Oh god, where were they going? She was breathing hard and fast through the hole in her gag, her shoulders and arms and back on fire.

The voices were getting louder by the moment, and as they did, the horrifying realization was slowly beginning to dawn on Hope that she was being brought naked and bound and gagged before the whole fraternity. Somehow, it had not seemed real until this moment, but as she heard the baying of laughter and the clinking of bottles, she could feel the terror overcoming her, the absolute, heart-stopping mortification of the reality before her. There was no way to cover an inch of herself, no way to stop the humiliation from crashing over her, no way to escape.

She planted her heels for a moment and pulled back against the chain on her neck, making desperate noises in the back of her throat, but Myles only smiled.

"Don't worry," he said. "If you're good, you might just get to cum tonight."

Hand unyielding on her leash, he led her out into the light at the top of the staircase.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It's a shame you never continued this story.

hakardhakardalmost 2 years ago

All your works are a good read. Quite a way out of the problem of swimmers in women's locker room:-) but I really hoped the ending would be in line with the whole "reluctant" theme. He could offer her anonymity by the hood and have her walk valuntarily.

artty67artty67about 3 years ago

Really interesting start, I can see her getting a good hard spanking before the nights over.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nex chapter plsss

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Next chapter soon?

Good story hoe to see another chapter soon. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You think update soon ?

GoddessViolet86GoddessViolet86over 3 years ago

Seemed like it would be very interesting story but there was a slow build-up and it didn't go anywhere so it was boring.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

After she is completely humiliated, degraded, and raped senseless she finds an inner strength to move on. Afterwards bad things strangely happen to the fraternity and all of the men that were part of her stay at the fraternity. Or, everyone has a good laugh and she is ok with parading around naked for the guys. Of course no pictures are taken and released, no videos are taken and released, and she is released with their thanks with the stipulation that nothing will ever been said about what happened at the fraternity. Wink, wink, afterall this is a fantasy, right?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I love this story as much a Watching Her Expectations, which was fantastic! I love how Hope is so naive, but I also hope Myles shows some decency toward her after he gets the pledge points!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

it would be more enjoyable if he was less cruel

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Ahahah hâte de voir cette pute naïve se faire violer .

Ce serai amusant si elle était forcer de boire de la pisse et d’avoir une gamelle remplis de croquette pour chiens .

J’imagine qu’elle seras aussi enculer .

Tu pense la faire violer par des chiens ?

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