Of Our Hell and Heaven


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As I had taught so many times, Dante's Inferno Canto III's words could be applied to me. Carved in dim color on the lintel of an archway at the gates of the Inferno were the words: "All Hope Abandon, You Who Enter Here"; I was in a hell of my own making and I was losing all my dreams and hopes.

My life was sliding down like in a toboggan; if I was shy before, I had now become a hermit. No social life, no acquaintances, and of course, no sex. I just wander around the house seeking Sofia's presence in each object she had touched, the bed she had laid in. I was slowly going crazy and wasn't aware of it.

October went and she didn't call once and when I tried her home it was always her maid who took the call, and 'the lady isn't home' was her usual answer. At the end of October, the first days of November, I was desperate. I called Sofia's friend, Maria de las Mercedes' home; it was Susana, Maria's lover, who answered their private phone this time, and she was glad to hear from me. She actually asked me if something had suddenly gone wrong or if I was sick, because they knew via Sofia that she usually called me two or three times a week and I was very well and our relationship was perfect.

That was the end. I chatted with Susana a while longer, trying not to show my discomfort and pain. I asked her about her affair with Maria and their relationship; her joyful responses depressed me even more than the news that Sofia had lied to them about us. I kept a casual tone and wished them much happiness, then slowly hung the phone up.

My personal situation affected my teaching and resulted in a call from the dean to clean up my act. That's what led me to seriously think about asking for a sabbatical due to health reasons at the end of the semester and return to Fort Dodge to be with my parents. It was an irony of life; I had returned to teaching as a sabbatical from the relationship with my mother, allowing me to think about my affair with her because I didn't know what I really wanted, and I was now going to take sabbatical from my job because my mother seemed to have lost interest in our relationship.

My mind was totally deranged.

I prepared everything to leave at the end of the semester, around the tenth of December, and once my decision was made, I tried to do my best at lecturing while attempting to put my personal worries aside at the same time. November ran quickly by, and Thanksgiving Day was approaching. A little more effort on my part and it would all be over.

It was very cold the day before Thanksgiving, and after leaving the college grounds amid the hubbub and laughter of students, I went to the supermarket to buy some prepared food, mostly frozen sandwiches for the whole weekend. I wasn't in the spirit to cook a turkey or anything else. What I did for the first time in my life was to buy a bottle of bourbon, because I intended to get royally drunk and spend the holidays in a foggy limbo, without pain, grief, or memories. It was still early in the evening, but the shorter days made the sky turn dark earlier as I went to my car with my bags and to my empty home.

My car lights momentarily lit a lump that was at my door when I entered the gravel road that leads to my house, and my heart skipped a beat, thinking it could be thieves. I stopped the car and left the headlights on to light the porch.

Then I got the surprise of my life; I saw a part of the bulk separate from the rest and get up, as a familiar voice shouted at me "Hurry up and open the door; my ass is frozen. May I ask why the hell you're so late?"

As I sat in the car without moving, totally paralyzed, the voice got me moving again. "Come on, Marie, I've been here for over two hours; give me a hug and let's get inside"

I suddenly woke up, jumped out of the car, and ran to Sofia's arms with a leap; I hung onto her neck and started to kiss her mouth, cheeks, eyes, and her mouth again. I was frantic.

"Oh my love, oh my love, oh my love," I repeated again and again; it was a dream come true. She hugged me and asked me to get us inside the house again, as it was getting colder by the minute.

I opened the door and we took her luggage and the food bags from my car, then went inside, closed the door, and we hugged again and kissed passionately this time before even getting the central heating running. As she kissed me back as ravenously as the first time, it was a 'first time' in its own way. It was going to be the first day of our new life together; I didn't need a sabbatical any more. I supposed she didn't either.

The next thing I did was to turn the central heating on and prepare a very hot bath for the two of us. We went into my bedroom and undressed to take the bath together. "May I take a bath with you?" I coyly asked Sofia.

"Only if you don't get scared by this old hag's body," she answered, showing me her magnificent and fully recovered body.

"Don't you dare call yourself an old hag; your body is more beautiful than mine and you're not that much older than me, it isn't true... Mother?"

"Yes, you're right; many sisters have a greater age difference that we have, and I'll tell you something. I very much like it when you call me 'Mother' since it makes me wet; our incestuous relationship is extraordinarily delicious."

"I'm so glad you think so. Come on, let's go to the bathroom; the water should be hot by now." We did, and it was hot, maybe not as hot as Sofia, I mean my 'mother' and me.

We were so hot that the water started to boil, almost, when we got into the bathtub. The bath was a thrill in every sense of the word. I started lathering her head and washing her magnificent mane in which some silver threads were not there a year ago had appeared. I then rinsed the hair, twisted it into ponytail, and secured it with a hair clip. She did the same with my short hair, and after washing each other's body, while paying special attention to our most erogenous zones, we rinsed off and got out of the tub to dry off as quickly as possible. We were frantically grabbing and kissing on our way to bed, our mouths simultaneously opened and the tips of our tongues lightly slid together. They were ferociously fighting with each other, trying to invade the other's mouth, in a few seconds.

We fell on the bed with our legs flailing in the air, our mouths and lips sucking each other's spittle, as our tongues trying to reach our gullet. Our mouths suddenly parted open, just like as a fish out of water, in an attempt to fill our empty lungs with fresh air. Mother then turned around and climbed on top of me, her body squashing mine against the mattress.

She took a dominant position for the first time in all of our relationship, as she rose over me, arms stretched out, her ample breasts and her huge and dilated nipples gently brushing my much smaller one and with their tiny, almost boyish nipples, and her large hairy pudenda rubbing my thinly-haired labia.

Mother was moaning louder and rocking her hips back and forth. I turned my head to tease her nipple with my tongue, and my eyes widened as I saw our reflection in the mirror just as I did a year ago. Mom's well-tanned body looked damn good straddling me, and I could see her round ass pumping as she thrusted her hips at me. We were like this for a few minutes, feverishly kissing and rubbing our bodies, until mother lay down on the bed beside me without warning, and surprisingly said, "I like it better when you're the dominant partner. I like that you are so feminine in your daily life, but I prefer you being the master in the bedroom. Do you think that's weird?"

"Why should it be? What two consenting adults do in their bedroom is their own business. Nothing is weird, nothing is wrong, and everything is allowed, everything."

"You really think that, lover?"

"Yes, of course, you should know that's what I think of sex and loving by now."

"Then you won't freak out if I ask you something?"

"Of course not, Mother, you know I won't." Now I was as fretful as a cat waiting for milk.

"Wait a minute for me here, don't go."

"Oh, Mother," I said, laughing, "Of course, I won't go. It's very cold outside not like here where it's very hot."

"I think it's going to get hotter, my love, you'll see." She ran out to the outer room with those words, and I could hear her rummaging through her luggage. She was back with a small package in her hand in a couple minutes.

She extended her arm out to me with the package in her hand, as she told me, "Here, my love; this is for our enjoyment, and I hope you'll like it very much."

I took the package from her hands, and as I was spinning it without opening it, she said, "Come on, Dear, open it and tell me if it was a good selection."

I opened the small package and oh, what a surprise! Inside was a wonderful strap-on with a harness and everything needed to use it. It was made of a natural looking material, around nine inches long, and a couple inches in girth; it was designed to provide the utmost pleasure to those who used it, hard but flexible, with veins and a purple head and with a texture that had the softness of a real one.

Mother was excited and a little worried about my reaction, "Do you like it."

"Yes, of course I like it, do you like it? Stupid question; you bought it, you must have liked it."

"Would you like to use it now?" she anxiously asked.

"Of course, give me a minute to get ready and test the straps," then as an afterthought, I said "You are going to get the fucking of your life."

We were both so excited and hot by that time that Mt. Vesuvius volcano's lava was lukewarm when it fell on Pompeii in comparison to our pussy secretions.

Naked as she was, she lay down on the bed beside me and opened her legs wide, revealing her glistening pink flesh splitting the lush black pelt between her thighs. With trembling voice, she said, "It is time again, Marie, love me, love your mother," and with a hunger in her husky voice, she added, "Fuck me, Daughter, fuck your mother...love me and protect me; oh how much I love you."

I fell to my knees with a feral growl, my fake penis so erect that it slapped against my stomach. I eased myself down upon my mother, hunching my hips as she reached down between our wet bodies, then we both groaned as she guided it, my hanging rubber cock, inside her. My toes dug into my bed's soft mattress as I thrust forward, making Sofia, my mother, cry out as she buried my penis inside her vagina. 'Call it a pussy' a voice in my head whispered, sounding very much like my mother.

We kissed, our tongues hungrily whirling around each other's, as we licked and sucked at each other's mouth in a mad frenzy. My hands stoked the fires of passion in my mother's body; one minute I was stroking her thigh as she drew it back, opening herself up to me more, and the next, I squeezed and mauled her fleshy breasts, finding the swollen nipples and making her cry out in pleasure all the louder. I was also insanely pumping inside her receptive vagina, mashing her clitoris to a pulp with my pounding at the same time.

I cried in anguish as she clawed her way down my back, leaving, as I would later see in my mirror, faint bloody trails down to where her hands cupped my taut buttocks, her fingernails digging into my ass cheeks in a frenzied state, as she urged me to bury my erection in her deeper and more vigorously. Her face, between wet and sloppy kisses, was screwed up into an intense display of what seemed to be a blur of ecstasy and pain.

Between kisses, and for the first time in the throes of passion, we called the most vulgar demands and endearments out to each other, Mother in mixed Spanish-English, and me in plain non-academic English. Our cries and moans blurred together into a cacophony of 'fuck me, Marie', 'fuck me harder with your bull cock', 'I love you, Mama', 'I love your tight pussy, and you make me feel so big and so good'.

As we gradually settled into an intense rhythm of thrusting into each other, Mother's words changed into a steady chant, moderated only by the rising and lowering of her voice as her pleasure from being fucked by her own lover/daughter waxed and waned.

Then came the vertigo spasms, as my clitoris, totally abused by the protruding tip in the dildo, unleashed a string of orgasms that we had never felt before.

Breathing hard and agitated, our bodies drenched with perspiration while coming down from the most intense of orgasms, we tenderly kissed, our lips just brushing all of our spent passion away; not so our love, which went spiraling up to infinity.

I dismounted Sofia and un-harnessed the strap-on, my macho role play ended for the day. I now wanted to cuddle with her as a woman with her woman, and caress each other while saying endearing sweet nothings that reflected our love.

"I want to do this more often," I said.

"Yes, but how do we manage it if we live thousands of miles from each other?"

"Because I'm now committed to you forever"

"That's a reasonable answer."

We slowly drifted to sleep in each other's arms.


The next morning caught us in bed, cuddling spoon style; mother's buttocks encased in my groin, my sparsely-haired pussy in contact with her ass crack, and my right hand cupping one of her beautiful tits. It was evident that we had moved to be in this position during the night. I was softly caressing and tweaking my love's right nipple when she woke up.

"Umm, nice to wake up being loved; good morning, lover"

"Good morning to you; how do you feel this morning?"


"Yeah, it sure was intense last night."

"Intense my ass, you fucked the sh...hell out of me with that pounding machine."

"Well yes, but don't forget that you got the machine, I only did the pounding."

"Very funny, give me a good morning kiss, and I'm warning you that I'm hungry and only getting up today to attend to nature's call."

I got up, went to the kitchen, and prepared a succulent breakfast. I told Sofia while eating in bed, "I didn't expect you last night; in fact, I didn't ever expect you coming back."

"I know, and that's what made me decide to come before the semester ended."

"Whatttt, were you spying on me again?" I was a little annoyed and becoming really angry now; I don't like to be watched like I was an infant.

Mother looked at me, and putting a toast she was eating in her tray, bluntly asked, "Do you want me to go back today?"

Her counterattack made me tremble with the fear of losing her again; I was sure it would be for good this time. This wasn't the same woman who wanted to be dominated last night; this woman was a dominant in real life, and she was now addressing me as a mother would address a child. She must have guessed what was going on in my mind, because her voice softened and she explained, "You know how much I do love you, don't you?" Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "No, I didn't spy on you, and yes I asked about you, several times. You see I knew in Buenos Aires that the sabbatical idea wasn't going to work, not for me not for you. But as Maria de las Mercedes told me that night in Mar del Plata, I should let you come home to decide what's important in your life by yourself; being with me, or living your own life..."

"But if you didn't spy on me, how did you..."

"...know what was happening to you? Very easy, I decided to share the situation with your parents..."

"My what; you talked with Mom and Pop?"

"Please let me finish, so you can decide if you want me to go back. As I started to say, I not only did I talk to them, I went to see them in Fort Dodge."

I suppose my eyes were as open as two plates in astonishment, because she giggled and said, "I came to the States and talked with them in September. I explained to them what was happening, what had happened, and how we came to know each other. I was with them for a week, and then with their blessings, I came to Boston and saw you several times..."

"You bitch!" I didn't know why, but I was jubilant, "You bitch, bitch, bitch; here I was suffering, and you're traveling to and fro. I'm going to kill you," and I threw myself on her and started kissing her like mad, "I love you, I love you, oh how I do love you."

"Yes, my love, I love you too, very much. That's why I came; I couldn't keep seeing you, knowing how much you were suffering, but it was necessary so that the decision we make will be forever."

"Yes, I now know that too."

"OK, let's finish breakfast and we'll talk of our future later, and don't forget we're going to Fort Dodge for Christmas."

Now that was a surprise, so I yelled, "We're going where?"

"To Fort Dodge for Christmas. Your mom insisted we come together, and I said yes, I didn't think you would oppose. You don't, do you?"

"No, no, of course not, I'm just surprised that's all."

"You shouldn't be I told you I talked to them at great length."

That part decided we talked about the future. We agreed that we wanted to live together. The place wasn't an issue; I would return to Buenos Aires with her after resigning my post at Northeastern and would sell my house in Boston, the proceedings going to my foster parents. Once we were in Argentina, she would acknowledge me as the daughter who was stolen from her side when I was six years old. We would have DNA tests to prove I was her daughter, and it would give the story as much credibility as possible; just enough so the hard-nosed Argentinean patricians would accept me without many inquiries.

To the world we will be a mother and her daughter, reunited at last, of course, but we will live as a couple and lovers behind closed doors, a fact known only to Maria de las Mercedes and her partner, Susana. Mother had a crazy idea once we had decided that and resolved those issues; she wanted to marry me, legally.

I was astounded at such a crazy idea, but I was fascinated by it nonetheless; a public, yet secret, mother/daughter marriage. Will it be like others in the world? I suppose so; there is a world of possibilities open, with many countries where same-sex marriage is legal.

Mother was overwrought, "I've thinking of everything. We could marry in Iowa where we only need to provide picture identification and Social Security information, which you have. I have the papers to show the date of my divorces with me ..."

"Mother, Mother, Sofia, please wait a minute are you sure you want..."

"Well yes, I want to, but it really is up to you. If you don't want to get..."

"No, no, I love the idea of marrying the woman of my dreams; I only want for you to be sure.

"I'm sure, my love. I've been thinking about this since September. Iowa only has a three business day waiting period. The marriage license costs thirty dollars, cash only, heh, heh, heh; no other tests are required for a marriage license, and we only need a witness to apply for the license. I got even the witness, two, in fact."


"Your mom and pop"

"But how..." my head was spinning and the world was alien to me.

"What better way to deliver a daughter to her mother that by handing her over in marriage."

If I wasn't before, I'm sure I will be on my way to Dante's inferno from now on.

So that was the way we got married. We spent the Christmas and New Year holidays with my parents and then started out on the long road to our future.


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LcnmdLcnmdover 8 years ago
A wonderful story!

Absolutely one of the best I've ever read!

Thank you so much!


grangurugrangurualmost 10 years ago

A lo dicho en ingles solo me cabe agregar que admiro la pluma de fer, la solidez del guion y lo apasionante de sus relatos.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I couldnt give a 10 because 5 is the max.

That said, some comments:

This could be an extraordinary script for a movie, perhaps with a more dramatic ending . such as Sophie's dead thru cancer, or that the young lesbies get together - which fortunatelly doesnt occur here.

I loved the romantic part of the story. The suspense given by Sophie's departure and later Sophie's disappearance, gave a stunning emotional thrill to it.

I would have liked to see a real depravated scene such as an orgiastic honeymoon between the 4 women, including double penetrations and golden showers, or the more humble scene of accepting and matching the invitation to meet Susana's fisting act in Mar del Plata's resort. .

I trully liked the precision of the information given about argentinian sites, flight schedules, flight duration, commuter and connection options, and so on. It makes feel the story real, and very probably some parts of it are taken from actual events (a guess).

A strange feeling I had was reading the name of Maria de las Mercedes. Even many old women have that name in South America, nobody calls them as such. Just Maria, Mercedes, Meche, Mary, but no one would use the long entire name to call them, except on official matters. I guess the author, even knowing it, selected this long name because it sounded very spanish and was no exact and fully correspondence to an english first name. Some small errors in italian shows the author doesnt speak it as her mother language. Looks like her spanish is it, in fact, as there are some English grammatical errors, even she had a proofwriter, but the spanish is perfect, outside the intentionally imperfections demanded by the script - and the absence of the ñ (for Doña) in the english keyboard.

Perhaps the only little hole in the story is that the strong italian family didnt do nothing after the father kidnapped the 6 old daughter. Probably at the time Interpol could have done a lot to find the child and get it back to her mother. The American embassy might have protected the father, as an agent as he was, but not the kidnapping of an argentinian child. Besides, Argentina had lost Malvinas war in 1982, and Alfonsin restored democracy in 1983. Ha had to resign 6 months before his term ended, but Menen, another civil President took office in 1989, around time where the abduction occurred. So, at the time there was no military government and justice was working on prosecuting civil rights offenders at full. Therefore, it looks ununderstandable the laissez--faire attitude of the italian-origin traditionalist family.

illicitAriesillicitAriesover 10 years ago

I enjoyed this tale of yours. Aside from missing words here and there & a few other grammatical errors, it was wonderfully written. I would have liked more banter between Sofia & Marie. Also a little more on Sofia's daily life would have been awesome.

OscarDanOscarDanover 10 years ago

Quiero que Girlfriendfilms haga una película con este relato con Julia Ann como Sofi y Brea Bennett como Marie.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
loved it

I have read several of your stories and have always been fascinated by the characters and situations that you create

fermperafermperaalmost 11 years agoAuthor
Would like.......

To the readers of this story: I'd like very much if someone of you makes a comment about what you think of this story; good or bad, on the positive or negative, but please let me know your opinión. As you know the only pay we have for our work is your words. I'd like to hear from you. Thank you.

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