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Of Tentacles and Eggs - Pt. 01


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"Our species has long since lost the ability to reproduce," the creature explained, ignoring Sean's insult. "Fortunately, through our considerable technological know-how, we have devised a means of altering other life forms to reproduce for us by producing the semen of our species and the eggs from which we hatch. We can use a variety of life forms, but we have recently discovered that human males work best. The females of your species produce a hormone you humans call estrogen, and in rather sizable quantities. This unfortunately interferes with the conversion process. It prevents our subjects from... growing and changing in all the ways we require. But you males are perfect. Your bodies and minds grow and convert most easily. Once you have undergone the necessary... physical modifications, our process also reduces your intellect, dramatically increases your libido, and recalibrates the sexual pleasure centers of your brains to prioritize achieving orgasm above all else. This makes you extremely obedient and easy to control, and extremely eager to breed.

We will begin with you," the creature said, pointing a long, smooth tentacle at Dad. "You will be converted into what we call a sperm slave, designed to rapidly produce the kind of sperm we require in very large quantities. Once your conversion is complete, you will prepare your sons for their own conversions by ejaculating into each of them. This will allow us to mutate them into what we call 'incubation slaves', beings designed to produce the eggs of our species in large quantities. By the time their conversions are complete, their bodies will already have produced an initial batch of eggs. You will breed them, ejaculating into them once again, this time to inseminate those eggs. You," it said, turning to Sean and Logan, "will then lay your newly fertilized eggs, which we will collect and take to the hatchery. You will then rest for a few hours while your body produces another batch of eggs and your father's testes refill with sperm. When your eggs are ready, your father will breed you again, you will lay your eggs and so on. The cycle will repeat itself until your body needs sleep. You will then rest only to restart the breeding process as soon as you wake." It chortled. "Oh I know, I know. All this doubtless sounds anathema to you now given the... sensibilities of your species, but, I assure you, once the conversion process is complete, you will be most eager to breed and be bred."

My mouth fell open. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It seemed too absurd, too unbelievable, too impossible to be true; and yet, so did the very existence of this place, of that creature. Dad, Sean and Logan appeared to have similar reactions. For a moment, no one said a word. Everyone stared in stunned silence at the creature. Then they all began yelling at once. "You can't do this!" Dad cried, as he started pulling at his restraints again. "This is illegal! This is torture! Let us go! Release us immediately!"

"This has got to be some kind of sick joke! Let us go now and I may not rip your fucking face off," Sean spat, as he too struggled in vain to free himself.

"You can't do this to us!" Logan cried out. "Let us go! Now!"

The creature ignored them all. Turning casually toward the far end of the room, it called out: "Let us begin." The far end of the room was poorly lit, with just a few bluish lights -- a bank of screens I realized -- flickering in the shadows. Squinting, I made out another squid creature standing by a wide console of some kind in front of those screens. Its tentacles moved over the console, and the screens blinked and flashed. With a soft hiss, two rounded panels about a foot across opened up under the ceiling right above Dad, and two more slid open in the floor near Dad's feet. My breath caught as a thick tentacle covered in the same smooth, lustrous, bronzed scales as the squid creatures slithered out of each hole. Dad gaped, disbelief and fear warring on his face, as the tentacles coming out of the ceiling wrapped themselves around his forearms, and the ones coming out of the floor wrapped themselves around his legs. Once they held him fast, the manacles at his wrists and ankles clicked opened and disappeared into the ceiling and the floor.

"Hey! No! Stop! Stop this immediately!" Dad demanded, as the tentacles lifted him off his feet and held him up a ways above the ground. He was still spread-eagled, but his body now tilted back so that he was suspended at an angle a little short of horizontal, his lower body forward in Sean and Logan's direction and his head away from them. From where I sat watching, his position unfortunately gave me a clear view of his exposed balls and hairy asshole. "Stop this! Stop this immediately and put me down! This is assault! You can't do this...!"

Another panel slid open in the floor right beneath Dad's suspended body, and a fifth tentacle slithered out. This one looked like the others except that it was capped by a mushroom-like tip that looked an awful lot like a fat, swollen, human cock-head oozing a thick, whitish liquid that looked an awful lot like pre-cum. Sean, Logan and I all watched, transfixed with horror as the thing rose and made its way up toward Dad's ass. Dad's eyes widened in shock as its cock-headed tip reached his anus, and when it began to push in, he screamed: "Ahhh! What the...! Stop! Aaahhh! Stop! Mumumum.... Mumumum...." His cries suddenly turned into mumbles. I tore my eyes away from the tentacle pushing its way into Dad's ass to his face, only to find that another tentacle had snaked its way down from another panel in the ceiling and was forcing its way into his mouth.

It was all I could do to keep from giving myself away by screaming and demanding that they let my Dad go. Sean and Logan had no reason to hold back. They began yelling and screaming, hurling invectives at the squid creature as they demanded Dad's immediate release.

But their insults and angry protests had no effect; the creature simply watched impassively as the tentacles pushing their way into Dad's anus and mouth began to pulse, as if some kind of liquid were being pumped through them into Dad. Dad's struggling redoubled at first, but then, just as alarmingly, it gradually began to wane. His body seemed to relax more and more, and was it my imagination or were his muffled screams of protest slowly turning into... into moans!? Sean and Logan must have noticed too because they ceased their tirades and went back to watching in muted horror, as Dad relaxed in the grip of those terrible tentacles, and, yes, definitely began to moan. His moans were soft at first, but they gradually grew louder and steadily more sexual, until he sounded downright obscene. A viscous white liquid soon began to dribble out of his anus and down along the tentacle pumping his ass. A moment later, strands of the same white, viscous fluid began to ooze out of the corners of his overstretched lips and slowly run down along his cheeks. Long strands of the stuff were soon hanging from his face and rear, and began to plop down in heavy globs onto the ground below. Disgust twisted my stomach. The stuff could hardly have looked more like sperm, and Dad's obscene moaning, which seemed to get louder and louder, as if he were in the middle of really enjoyable sex working his way toward orgasm, made it all the more terrible.

Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse, the tentacles holding Dad's arms and legs shifted. They moved him back into an upright position and slowly began to lower him back toward the ground. He was still spread-eagled, and the change in position unfortunately made two things incredibly obvious. The first was Dad's massive erection. He looked to be about as hard as a man can get, and he was clearly leaking pre. The second was his face. Long strands of that sperm-like liquid oozed down his face and neck, and down over his chest. His eyes were open, wide open, and completely blank, as if he were in some sort of trance. Worse still, he wasn't struggling at all and looked like he was actively sucking on the tentacle in his mouth as he continued to moan obscenely. "D-Dad?" Logan asked. But Dad didn't even blink, and his only reply was a long, low, disturbingly sexual moan: "mmmmm...."

"Your father cannot hear you at the moment, not really," the squid creature said. "But rest assured that he will soon regain full awareness of his surroundings, and you will know it when he does." It chortled at that, which sent a chill down my spine. "From here on in," it continued, "the conversion process will be nothing but pleasurable for him." Sean and Logan still looked on, stunned, speechless. I knew exactly how they felt.

Just as Dad's feet reached the ground, a mechanical droning sound drew my attention back to the ceiling. A glass cylinder began to descend toward the ground, separating Dad and the tentacles off from the rest of the room. As soon as the cylinder reached the ground, the enclosure began to fill with a strange yellowish gas, which slowly engulfed Dad and the tentacles. Part of me felt vaguely relieved at the image of my Dad being pumped at both ends by those tentacles disappearing from view, but the greater part of me felt no small amount of trepidation at what might be coming next. What on earth were they doing to him!?

As Dad disappeared from view, Sean and Logan started struggling again. "What the fuck are you doing to him!?" Logan cried, echoing my own silent question. "Let him go!"

"Yeah, let him go or else!" Sean spat. "I swear, if you hurt him, I'll rip off your tentacles one by one and...!"

The creature seemed to sigh, as if it had heard all this before. It waived a tentacle to signal its colleague on the far side of the room. The hissing sound of the gas being pumped into Dad's enclosure died down, and, moments later, that gaseous cloud began to dissipate. Once it had cleared completely, the cylinder retreated into the ceiling, and I had to await the creature's explanation to understand what I was seeing.

Chapter 4

"What the fuck...!?" Sean breathed, echoing my own thoughts.

"Wha... What have you done to him!" Logan demanded.

"Calm yourselves," the creature said. "This is merely a cocoon. Your father's conversion is taking place within. The cocoon is composed of a solid but flexible resin that will slowly adapt to the new shape of his body before ossifying and then finally cracking and falling away once his transformation is complete. The process is remarkably quick."

Sure enough, what looked like a yellowish stone statue now stood where Dad had been standing just a moment ago. His features were indistinguishable. In fact, it looked as if someone had covered him in some sort of fast-drying yellowish wax that had solidified even as it poured over him. The different parts of his body -- head, torso, arms and legs -- could only be clearly made out because he still stood spread-eagled, arms and legs up and out to each side, forming an x. The tentacles that had held his arms and legs were gone. The tentacles in his mouth and ass, however, were still in place. They writhed and began to pulse again as if resuming to pump whatever they were pumping into Dad.

Dad's obscene moaning began again, sounding a bit muffled now as it echoed from within his strange cocoon. Sean and Logan suddenly went quiet, staring once again at Dad in mute horror. It took me a moment to realize what they were looking at. Something was moving, writhing beneath the stiff wax encasing the general area of Dad's groin. At first, I thought, I hoped, that it was my imagination, but alas not. The groin area of the statue slowly began to bulge and push out as it grew and grew into a long, thick phallic-shaped protrusion sticking straight out from the waxy statue's crotch. It looked as if Dad had become erect within the statue, except that the protrusion was both longer and thicker than any human cock could be.

Another obscene moan echoed from within the statue, this one much deeper and louder, and a jet of milky white liquid spurted out of the tip of that cock-shaped protrusion. It was followed by several more. Logan cried out in shock and disgust, as it splattered a broad swath of ground between the statue and the tables on which Sean and Logan were strapped.

"What the hell is that! That better not be...." Sean spat, working his way up to another series of invectives, but the creature on the far side of the room interrupted him.

"Subject has achieved initial orgasm, sir." As if in confirmation, a long, resonant moan -- almost a whine -- of pleasure echoed from Dad's cocoon, as one final jet of that milky white substance shot out of that phallic protrusion.

The creature's colleague chortled. "Good, good, this means body growth and cognitive... adjustments should begin very shortly. You will soon have your father back, albeit with a few important modifications and a very different... disposition." It laughed again, clearly finding all this terribly amusing.

Logan started whimpering, eyes trained in horror on the cock-shaped thing that had grown out of the statue's groin, and from which a long strand of what appeared to be Dad's sperm still hung. It dangled there for a long moment before breaking off and falling to the ground just as another long, obscene groan echoed from inside the statue. Sean momentarily gave up hurling insults at the creature in favour of devoting every ounce of effort he could muster into pulling free of his restraints, but in vain.

Meanwhile, the moaning and groaning from inside the statue grew louder still, and the general area of the legs began to grow. It looked as if Dad's legs were suddenly and very quickly putting on a great deal of muscle within the cocoon. And the sound of it, creaking groans that reminded me of stretching rubber or expanding wood, was as disturbing as the sight. What the hell was going on!? What was happening to him!? What were they doing to my Dad?'

The inflation of Dad's legs stopped a few moments later, almost as suddenly as it had begun, and the material encasing them grew pale, fading from yellow to almost white, becoming more stone-like, before beginning to split with loud cracks and pops. The splits appeared first at the feet and spider-webbed upward, stopping just short of the groin. Large flakes of the stone-like material began to fall away, bursting into dust as they hit the ground. A long, deep, resonant groan, deeper than any so far, echoed from within the statue, and Dad slowly moved his legs, first his right then his left, shaking off what remained of the now brittle material that had encased them. The fact that he could move at all initially came as a relief, but the relief was very short-lived.

Dad groaned again, a deep, bestial, triumphant groan verging on a growl that really sounded nothing like Dad, as he slowly stretched each leg. Sean, Logan and I all watched in horror, completely transfixed. Besides becoming hulkingly muscular, so much so that they would not have looked out of place on a champion body-builder, Dad's legs no longer looked fully human. I swallowed hard when I saw the deep tanned colour of the skin, which matched that of the squid creature's, and I swallowed even harder when I realized that Dad's leg hair was gone, and that his legs were now covered in the same fine, smooth, semi-shiny scales as those that covered the squid-creature's and the tentacles still pulsing in Dad's mouth and ass. The toes had also changed, becoming thicker, with rounded, bulbous tips that looked completely smooth, devoid of toe-nails. They reminded me a bit of the rounded toe-tips of an enormous frog. A thick, milky white liquid oozed slowly along the inside of his thighs, tracing the curves of his hulking new quads and calves.

"Excellent! Excellent!" the squid creature churped.

'This can't be happening. This can't be happening....' -- was all I could think. The words kept echoing through my mind like a sound-track stuck on repeat, but the nightmare refused to end.

The upper part of Dad's cocoon had so far remained unchanged. It still looked like Dad was holding his arms up and out, in the same position as when he had been shackled. But then he growl-groaned again, the sounds of stretching rubber and creeking wood echoed through the room, and his arms began to grow. They grew both a little longer and a lot thicker, much as his legs had done, as if he were rapidly putting on a great deal of muscle.

It wasn't long before the stiff, waxy material encasing his arms began to pale and splinter. Dad gave an honest to goodness roar, and, with one violent gesture, he flexed. The now brittle, stone-like material exploded, releasing a pair of arms so big they were downright monstrous. Not even a body-builder could have grown arms like that! Their overall shape and size immediately made me think of the arms of a gorilla, with their massive rounded shoulders and hulking biceps, and hands simply too big for a man. His fingers, like his toes, had grown thicker, with the same smooth tips devoid of nails. But the most disturbing change of all was the skin of his arms; it was the same tan colour as that of his legs, and covered in the same fine, shiny scales.

Dad gave another roaring groan, as he stretched his hulking new arms out to the sides. When he relaxed them, he hunched over a little, as if the sheer weight of his new muscles was pulling his whole upper body forward. His muscles were so big that his arms seemed to naturally curve inward and hang a little in front of him, rather than at his sides. Had he hunched over a little further, his knuckles might have reached the ground.

He seemed to be breathing hard, but there was something inhumanly deep and heavy, and unmistakably sexual, about his breathing. He somehow sounded both tired and incredibly turned on. He slowly took a step forward, moving just clear of the rubble at his enlarged feet. The tentacles in his mouth and ass moved with him, and I couldn't help notice that he made absolutely no effort to get away from them even though his arms and legs were now free. He was also standing with his knees partly bent in a kind of half squat, legs about as far apart as they had been while encased in that cocoon. I barely had time to wonder why he was standing that way when the next set of radical changes began.

Dad suddenly convulsed, throwing his arms out to the sides, hands clenched into fists, raising his upper body untill he was almost standing straight. He groan-roared and ejaculated again, sending a thick jet of semen fountaining from the tip of that waxy, cock like protrusion at his groin. This time, it flew so far that it partially splattered Sean and Logan. They both yelled and squirmed in horror and disgust, as thick globs of Dad's cum landed on their feet and lower legs, as well as all over the ground.

"Ejaculation of all human semen complete," the creature on the far side of the room called out. "Completing conversion of groin genitals." Its colleague nodded in apparent satisfaction.

I barely had time to register what that meant before the cock-like protrusion at Dad's groin began to grow even larger, slowly lengthening, inch after inch, before beginning to thicken, growing thickest at the base. At the same time, the stiff, wax-like material between his legs began to expand. Actually, "expand" is a bit of an understatement. With more creeking and popping, and loud groaning, the area of his balls ballooned, growing until he had something the size of a football hanging low between his enormous thighs. I suddenly understood why he was standing with his legs so far apart. The word "sperm-slave", spoken earlier by the squid-creature, echoed in my ears as I watched that thing between his thighs swell, and hang lower and lower.

Finally, the material encasing it paled, and, as it had a moment ago on his arms, began to split apart and fall away in large flakes. What emerged was a set of balls about the size of small melons, completely devoid of hair and covered in the same fine, tan-coloured scales as his legs and arms. As soon as his gargantuan new testicles were free, the bat-sized protrusion at his groin began to pale. Before the hardened material could crack and fall away, something inside seemed to writhe and flex, and the whole thing simply exploded. I was not prepared for what I saw and gave an audible gasp. Fortunately, Sean did the same, and Logan actually screamed, which completely obscured whatever noise I made.