Off Campus 03 Pt. 02


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I reach for her, she reaches for me. We embrace, we kiss. Oh, do we kiss. We are hungry for each other.

"Sweetheart?" a soft voice beckons from behind, and there's a gentle touch on my shoulder. It's Cyan. "You're naked. Close the door. Hi, Ally."

"Hi, sweetie!" as Ally breaks our hug to land a friendly peck on Cyan's lips.

I close the door. About that time Jen has entered our side through the pass-through.

"He's all yours, Cyan," Jen softly advises. "I didn't wear him out; plenty left for you."

"Thanks," replies Cyan, giving Jen a sweet kiss as they dwell in their embrace. Let's not forget they're lovers, too.

Cyan steps into the next room to find Phil. I glance in to see him lying supine with a very nice hard-in-waiting for my wife. They're good together. I linger just long enough to watch Cyan climb on and take him cowgirl style. Always wonderful to see. Have fun and sweet dreams, my Cyan, but get your rest. Phil, you too.

"You're overdressed," as Jen steps toward Ally, and gently strips her of her company uniform. "You naughty girl!" Jen softly scolds, on the discovery, "No underwear in your work clothes. You're so bad!"

"You don't know the half of it, sis!" Ally grins.

"What? You always go commando?" is my surprised query.


"Even that first night we met?" I ask.

"Yep. Especially then. I was feeling the magic that had walked into my tavern, Steven!" Ally teases. "You were seconds away from having me down in the bar after your 'little show' with Cyan on the barstools, after she and Jen did Darren."

"Oh, gawd," as I shake my head in disbelief. "Kismet."

"C'mon, Steven, Ally" as Jen pats the sheets. "Please?"

The three of us settle onto the bed, willingly and wantonly sharing each other's bodies. It is so, so wonderful to be with my ladies.

We sleep well "after". However, about 3:30 or 4:00 Ally gets out of our bed.

"Where you goin'? Jen asks sleepily.

"To fuck your husband," is the soft, loving response.

"Oh. Good. Thanks," Jen confirms. "Cyan might want a break."

"I miss his 'special' cock. I'll be back," Ally reassures.

Don't hear much from the next room; maybe a brief exchange as Phil and Cyan slide over for Ally. "MMMmmmmm, niiiiiice..." from Ally as Phil enters her. It's that "uncut" thing again.

A few minutes pass. Oh. I just heard Phil exhale loudly in an obvious release into Ally, which she confirms in a satisfied moan. A couple minutes later she climbs back into my bed, interrupting my coitus with Jen.

"(Hey, lover?)" Ally softly poses to me.


"(You have any left?)"


"(May I have it? It'll be like our first date, Phil first, then you. Remember?)"

"(How could I forget? That was the beginning of 'us'.)"

"(Yes it was. Come 'ere. Let me take you. Cum in me.)"

"(You two are hopeless,)" Jen chuckles as she lets me go for Ally and I to intimately join.

Ally gets what she needs. I get what I need. Jen cuddles both of us as we drift off into slumber.

Next thing we know, the alarm quite rudely reminds us it's seven o'clock in the a.m. Gotta get dressed, and a lot more dressed than usual! Suit and tie!

Ally grabs her uniform, throws it on enough to cover up to make it to her apartment in the hotel she keeps for such situations, and gives me a quick peck goodbye.

As she dashes out the door, she informs us, "Breakfast at eight! See you there!"

Everyone else scrambles around in their respective rooms in preparation for their first big day. I'm not all that sure that Cyan and Jen will need to be in the meetings, especially today since it's going to be all about going over the books and other accounting minutia. Boring, but important, and the girls -- save Ally, of course -- are not about the numbers.

All of us sort of breathless after the hastened charge to dress for the occasion, we pile into the elevator for the ride down to the café. We duck into the passage single file, trying hard not to muss each other's sartorial splendor, such that it is.

Ally is waiting at our favorite table for six. Across from her...


Rising from her seat across from Ally to greet us is this absolutely spectacular slender longhaired blonde with tight, subtle curves and legs that go to infinity. Gorgeous smiling and welcoming face. I am breathless, as Ally was right, nearly the spitting image of Cyan when we married, twenty-some years ago.

She steps towards me, I reach to shake her hand, but she not only goes for a friendly hug, she goes for a passionate embrace with a completely, totally lascivious kiss for the exclamation point. I returned the favor. I couldn't help it. And did I just feel her grab my junk?

That sure as hell was Cheyenne. "We had to get that over with right away, Steven. Didn't need the tension while we were working. Looking forward to Thursday."

"No question where you stand, Cheyenne. Thanks!" is my "Mr. Cool" retort.

Cyan, Phil and Jen are wide-eyed and in shock, chins hitting the floor.

"Have a seat, everyone," I suggest. "I'm not the least bit surprised. Ally warned us that Cheyenne was a 'virtual twin', so obviously they're connected at a pretty deep level. And you all know how strong Ally and I are tied. Anyway, we have work to do."

Cheyenne offers, "Cyan, you are beautiful. If I'm half as put together then as you are right now, then sign me up! And no, I have my own life. We may play hard, but I have no designs on Steve beyond the fun stuff. He's yours, and Ally's. And Jen's."

"Uh, mine, too," Jessica adds, having stepped forward after standing out of the way of the fireworks. She already has our coffees on the tray along with Cyan's tea, and is leaning over to pass them around.

"Hi, Jess!" as I greet my tiny special friend. "Ready?"


We all give Jess our breakfast druthers and she runs off with her tray to put the order in.

Cheyenne starts to work, "Okay. Today is just nuts and bolts. We will be going over spreadsheets until our eyes glaze over. I expect us to be working late, so no funny business, everyone, we need to conserve energy."

"I agree," I interject. "But."

"But what, Steve?" Cheyenne stops.

"We need to talk about the elephant in the room first. Just between us," I caution.

"What's that?" she puzzles.

"Ally's conflict of interest (sorry, sweetie)," I inform.

Ally grimaces.

Cheyenne admits, "Yes, I have considered that. Fortunately this is not an adversarial acquisition, this is a transfer of interest between friendly parties. The objective is to be as fair as possible to everybody. Ally already told you I think the offer you four put together is a fair one and well thought out. You're simply waiting for confirmation of certain details to tweak the final numbers and conditions of sale. I don't see a lot of 'conflict' there. George may not get his 'dream number' -- sorry, Ally -- but given his objective to have a comfortable retirement we will do him well, I think."

"What do you foresee as the biggest stumbling block?" Phil asks.

"Lines of credit, frankly," Cheyenne responds.

I agree, "Yes. Working capital to smooth the peaks and dips. We don't know how much is secured by the corporation, the real property, or personally obligated by George."

Cheyenne adds, "Then there's the problem of the bank being okay with you four, despite the millions you're investing. You have no, or at least very little experience in the hospitality business, and are relying solely on Ally to run the show. That's very risky."

I counter, "We're prepared, I think, with enough in reserve to go it alone if we have to, but that might be at the cost of making improvements to the operation necessary to regain the lost business."

"That's where I come in, Steve," Cheyenne reassures, with a sly grin. "I'm not afraid to use my not-so-secret weapon to distract bankers into doing something they wouldn't do for a guy."

"Evil but necessary! And understood!" I laugh. "I'm really happy to have you on board!"

"How's it goin'?" Jess asks as she sets our breakfasts in front of us.

"Pretty good so far," I respond. "We appear to have something that will make everybody happy, or at least moderately satisfied. Right?" as I look around for confirmation and get smiles and nods from the crew.

In our collective anticipation and nervousness we sort of wolf down our breakfasts, basically "wanting to get to it" as much as it is "let's get this over with". Like going to the dentist for an extraction.

The party breaks, with Ally, Cheyenne, Phil and I heading up to the conference room and Jen and Cyan going... well... wherever.

I hold back for a second to ask, "You two have anything planned? It's going to be a long day, and lunch will be just the working group, upstairs."

"Jen and I are going to spend some together time this morning, honey," Cyan advises. "We deserve that, I think," as they put an arm around each other.

"You two enjoy yourselves, then. I know you will," I offer.

"See you when we see you tonight, sweetheart. Good luck. Be your best. You too, Phil," as Cyan affectionately sends us off.

The workday is indeed a grind. George Abercrombie met with us briefly at the start to introduce us to his accountant and lawyers, but didn't feel it necessary to join our poring over the details, handing that task over to Ally. I am startled yet not surprised, really, that she is the astute and dedicated manager I suspected was under the girlish and playful veneer that captured my heart. I'm proud of her. She is working hard, and is fully holding her own against the men twenty years her senior. Including me. That's my girl!

The catering department brought sandwiches up for everybody for a working lunch; Ally signs-off on the ticket. Our initial plan was to break off into separate huddles to voice concerns among ourselves, but truth is everybody seems to be singing from the same hymnal. We all want this to work.

Afternoon is more of the same, but, frankly, reviewing the capital asset ledgers is totally overwhelming Phil and I. I pretty much envisioned that hotels are all about the fixtures and furniture, but the level of detail necessary to track all that stuff is astounding. Thankfully we have Cheyenne keeping us out of trouble as Ally and the accountant go line by line through the spreadsheets. There are items of concern especially about the physical plant, but we're addressing those tomorrow.

We send out for pizza for the late-afternoon wrap-up. Everyone's eyes are tired from all the squinting over detail upon detail. We break up around 7:30; Phil, Ally and I head to our respective quarters to splash a little water on our faces, retrieve the girls, and make our way back down to Ally's bar.

Cheyenne is waiting for us at our table. Jessica is playing bartender tonight in light of Ally's obligations. Jess cut her café shift short so she could take a break and then cover for Ally.

"That was brutal!" as I rub my eyes.

"Oh, that was nuthin'!" Cheyenne counters. "You should see what it's like when we're dealing in the big leagues!"

Phil jumps in with, "I'll pass, thank you!"

"Uh... Ally?" I pose. "What are you going to do about the bar when you're the boss?"

"Good question," she responds. "I like the bar, I have a lot of fun down here. Dealing with the drunks, not so much, but generally it's a great crowd and I have lots of casual friends. Wouldn't have met you guys without being here!"

I get the biggest grin from Ally, and a squeeze which turns into a big, passionate kiss (...sigh...). "But to answer your question... I don't know yet!"

Jen and Cyan respond to our making out with silly smiles. Just how much "quality time" did they have today?

Okay, I have to ask, "What did you two do today?"

"Each other," they answer in unison.

Now that got chuckles and eye-rolls.

"Alright, guys. Seriously," I scold.

They giggle.

"We spent the morning just relaxing and enjoying each other's company, mostly in bed," Jen volunteers. "Then we drove around a little to explore the town and ran across a cute little bistro near the mall. It seemed to be new."

"Ah. 'Ma Maison'," Ally confirms. Cheyenne chuckles.

"What is funny about that?" Phil asks.

Ally adds, "They had a longer name first. Nobody around here knew what it meant, other than it was French."

"Which was?" Cyan challenges.

"'Ma Maison de la Baise'. 'My house of fucking'," Cheyenne breaks in with a toothy grin. "It was quite the joke on everyone. Nice place, though. Glad you found it. Food's good."

"Yes it was," Cyan comments. "Okay, 'fess up. What is the story behind the name?"

Ally expands on the question, "The married chef at the one fancy restaurant in town was doing his hostess on the sly and got caught. The now ex-wife took the lopsided divorce settlement and used it to open the bistro to spite him. She imported this stud of a French chef to throw it in her ex's face, too, and she parades him around like a hunk of fine meat. He is, by the way."

"And the city fathers -- or whoever -- were okay with the name out there on the signboard?" I ask.

"They were eventually told of the translation, but wanted to let it ride, shrugging their shoulders, 'How many around here understand French?'," Ally comments. "A couple of ministers caught wind and riled up their congregations, and that was the end of it."

Cheyenne adds, "The joke gets better because when they truncated it to 'Ma Maison', the other words were painted over in the most obvious way possible. Enough people saw the original to fill in the blanks in their minds. Great marketing!"

"Nuttiness," I complain. I shouldn't. I'm well known for that kind of wordplay. But I'm tired.

Changing the subject, "Cheyenne, how are we doing?"

"Fine so far," she replies. "Today was mostly necessary tedium. The tough stuff happens tomorrow."

Phil adds, "And that's your wheelhouse, yes?"

"Sure is," Cheyenne confirms. "As I said before, you guys have your act together. You did the research. It's a good offer. I think we'll be okay."

"I guess we'll know that for sure on Wednesday," I conjecture.

She adds, "We'll tweak anything on the offer that needs it tomorrow evening, and present it to George's team Wednesday morning. Then it's up to them. There may be a little back and forth, but I don't expect much of it."

Ally jumps in, "Don't forget that tomorrow is the behind-the-scenes review, first thing. You all have seen the seedy side of The Abercrombie already, so I don't expect any surprises. Jen and Cyan, we need you on the tour, too. You may notice something we don't. I can't be aware of everything around here, at least not yet."

"Will do," Jen confirms.

Cyan inquires, "Will we have an independent inspector on the tour?"

"Yes," Cheyenne acknowledges. "Two of them. They've already been on the property and have prepared a preliminary report, which Ally and I have. They'll be along to cross the I's and dot the T's, if needed."

I glance at her in a "did I just hear what I just heard you say?" expression.

Cheyenne grins, looks me straight in the eye and says, "That was for you, Stevie. Ally warned me about your wit with words. I had to beat you to it."

I laugh. I have to admit, I'm really getting to like this Harvard lawyer. She's already becoming a bit of a foil to my nonsense.

"You have a copy handy for us?" Phil inquires.

"Yes," as she reaches into her briefcase. "Here you go. I didn't see any deal breakers, just annoyances that'll take a little money to fix. It's a 100-year-old relic, after all!"

Leafing through the report, Phil pauses to address his biggest concern, "I'm worried about the elevators."

"Rightfully so," Cheyenne confirms. "They were updated 30 years ago, but as you guys know well, performance is an issue."

"Ballpark for upgrades?" I ask.

"Shouldn't be too bad," Ally breaks in. "Mechanicals are sound. Control systems are the main weakness. About 500K to upgrade all three."

"Okay, let's run with that number and worry the 'how to' logistics when we go live," I suggest.

"Guys?" Jessica interrupts. "Here. You all need something to refuel."

She sets three trays of finger appetizers on the table.

"Aw, sweetheart. Thank you!" as I stand and reach over to give her a kiss. My girls are so, so good to me. And to us.

And I certainly appreciate the break in the action.

We linger over our snacks and drinks for maybe another half-hour, breaking up to crash wherever it is we are each crashing for the night. We have to seriously rest this evening; today was exhausting. Jen and Phil quietly find their room, Ally tags along to overnight with Cyan and me. I most certainly don't blame her for not wanting to sleep alone when her lovers are in the building, and besides, I want her with us, too. "Steve sandwiches" are always on the menu.


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nwiannwianabout 2 years ago

Great story I look forward to the next episode - hopefully soon!

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