Off The Rocks Pt. 01


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Abi unbelievably said, "Jim, as long as you stay with your wife, I will find a way to show you other special surprises whenever you want."

"Sold," was all I could say. She reached up and kissed me on the ear.

"I do need to tell you though; this has been a fantasy of mine for a while. I love the idea of having a married man."

Holy shit, whatever her game was, I was ready to play it. "I like your style Abi." WTF did I just say?

"Just stay with your wife, Jim. I won't let you regret it."

I stumbled back inside and into the bathroom at the bar and cleaned up all the damning evidence. I looked myself in the mirror and remembered my promise to Abi, trying to match what the fuck had just happened with the impossibility of the situation. At this point, who the hell cares about my promise to my wife? It would have been over for us anyway.

Whatever was going on, this was confusing as hell. The plan was to stay with my wife but have sex with this little sex queen? I resigned myself to an affair. She was so damn hot, and I didn't even care if my wife found out. Well, that wasn't really true. If I could get Haylee going again, that would be good. If not, then Abi would be my salvation.

Chapter 2

I went home to my Haylee, and I noticed that the house was a little empty as I walked in. There were no kids around like there usually was. She sat me down on the couch and said, "Jim, today is the day. Isn't it?"

"I don't know what you mean Haylee," I said trying to hide my drunken slur.

"Jim, I have felt you were going to break off our marriage for months, and now you come home smelling like a still, and she reached to the same ear that Abi had just kissed. Oh crap, I cleaned everything else up but that!

She knew.

"Jim, I don't know exactly what went on today, but I am sure there is a good reason for it." Haylee tried to look confident, but she had an uneasy voice and was drifting off to her usual mousy self. Her eyes looked down as she said to me, "Let's try something new for the next three months. After that, we can evaluate. If either one of us wants to stop we can." Words completely faded off to a cry as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Haylee, I am up for trying anything. I do love you babe." She smiled through the tears and through her arms around my head.

"Get ready for dinner Jim," she whispered trying not to sound emotional.

I went in and took a shower. I put on my typical shorts and t-shirt and went out to the kitchen. I took two steps in. "Fuck you," she exclaimed as she sharply slapped my face. Her slap brought back memories of our rough sex days. I was semi-hard again as I enjoyed the thought of the emotion she was showing.

I took one look at my wife who was now wearing a rather tight skirt and a sheer top. I was headed to the wrong party, clearly. She looked at me and said, "Jim, some things are going to Get your ass back in there and try again." I held my cheek and turned back to the room and put on some tighter jeans and a black shirt so I looked like we were going out on the town, and we were.

Haylee had me drive us to a nicer restaurant next to a dance club where our attire matched everyone else's. Though the waiter asked if we wanted drinks, we just ordered appetizers, because she knew I was still more or less drunk.

As soon as the waiter left, she took over again. This whole night was already unlike anything else in our previous eight years. She blurted, "Jim, I think we both know that you need a hotter wife. I want to tell you that I am sorry for not acknowledging it earlier. I want you to know that I want what you want too. I want to be hot. I will be what you need. I will make you proud." BREATH. Her eyes were glazed over like she wanted to cry, but was proud to have said it.

The events of this evening were nothing short of completely surreal. My wife pulled her hair into a pony tail and pulled a clip from her purse, now looking like a tougher version of herself. She continued, "I know about Abi." I looked at her dumbfounded like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Look, Haylee, it wasn't like that, we only..."

She cut me off. "I know all about it Jim, and I really don't give a shit at this point." Whoa? Two things: My wife didn't care, and she was swearing and being rough again.

Haylee went on, "Abi may have saved our marriage tonight. Who knows, but here are the rules: You are allowed to do anything you want with Abi, but you will tell me about every detail if I want to know." "Also," she said as she uncrossed and slightly spread her legs and moved her chair more to the side of the table, "you need to shave your entire body, penis and all."

I was suddenly staring right into my wife's pantiless and freshly shaven pussy. This was another first I was not expecting. She re-crossed her legs as I looked up at her face completely in awe. I gazed around behind me to be sure no one else saw.

"Haylee, I have to admit. I love this. I don't really care about Abi, and I probably won't ever go back to her. It was only a hand job anyway."

"Jim, I wasn't finished."

"What else baby," I said as apologetically as I could.

"Well, I guess that's good for now," she said, sliding her chair back to its proper position as the food arrived.

Chapter 3

Dinner went well, and my mind was racing through all of this. Haylee really had turned a new corner. I was concerned that all of this was coming from the girls at the bar, and I wondered to myself if this meant that Haylee was already having an affair or something like that.

I must have been lost in my thoughts as my bride broke my concentration when her toes gently grazed my crotch. I thought about her shaved pussy and closed my eyes slightly as her foot came to rest on my stiffening cock.

I looked up at her with a kind of lost half grin. "Well, you have my undivided attention honey."

"Good. Now that you are done with your meal, I want you to think about my pussy. I have been aching for some attention for a while now since the moment I shaved it."

"How long ago did you do it," I asked.

"Well, today was the last time I did it, but the first time was the night after we last made love. The problem is that you didn't even notice, and that will never happen again." She was stroking her toes around my erection as she talked, emphasizing each syllable with a foot stroke.

Who was this woman, and what had she done with my hesitant, quiet wife? Who gives a shit? Seriously. She was telling me again, that what I needed was a hot wife. "You will need to do the things that I ask of you, or I will drop this whole fantasy thing," she said with directness in her eyes. It was like a game where one of the players is so into playing that you have to go along.

I nodded, not knowing what to say, or what she meant by hot wife. "I bet you have to go to the bathroom don't you Jim? You haven't gone since home. Am I right?" I nodded again. "Wipe your mouth with your napkin right now. DO NOT touch yourself in ANY WAY but go through this crowded place, and find the bathroom. You can unzip your zipper when you get there, but do not touch that precious cock of yours. That thing is mine tonight."

I looked at her with a ridiculous look, and she shot back a look that told me she wasn't kidding. "I am going to get up and walk through this restaurant with a giant tent in my pants. Is that what you want?" Her look said it all.

I looked around and determined to take the dare. I wiped my mouth (oh, I had some dressing on the side of my mouth -- nice) and got up. I walked with a fake confidence like I hadn't a care in the world and started the walk to the bathroom with my boner straining against my zipper.

On my parade I was spotted by an older wife who was with her husband. Her neck almost spun off as I walked by. Two steps later a group of women were laughing at a booth in the corner when one obviously saw my pants statue and whispered to the table which burst into laughter with different women looking around while the others said, "NOT YET, NOT YET." I thought they would get kicked out from all the commotion they were making in this nice of a place.

I couldn't reach the door fast enough. I had already started to go soft, but finally I was alone. I walked over to the urinal and pulled my zipper down. I unbuttoned the top button and holy crap; my underwear had a big wet spot. I looked and sure enough, it went right through my pants. Great.

Now here I was, trying to lean into the urinal with one arm over the top. Trying to piss through my semi-hardness, and not touch myself was more difficult than I imagined. I tapped at the end by using my underwear to flick it so I could keep my promise and keep up the game.

I walked over to the mirror and sure enough, there was a big wet spot on my pants. It was about as obvious as the boner I had before. No wonder I got all the laughter. I washed up and left the mirror feeling humiliated, but I decided to act like I had even more pride as I walked back to my chair, making no effort to hide my stain.

When I got back my wife was putting on lipstick and fixing her ponytail. She usually did this kind of thing in the bathroom but was probably waiting for me to see the show of power right there in the restaurant. She didn't even look up when I arrived.

"I suppose you knew I had a big wet mark in the front of my pants?"

"Nope, but I am glad. It shows me that you still love me and are turned on by me." Wow, she was right! I did love her. I loved her more now than I had in the past three or four years.

She stood up as I sat down having paid the bill while I was gone. She had pounded a glass of wine during my trip. "Don't sit Jim, we need to go next door and do some dancing," she said in a mock sexy voice as she stood up. Whoa, she pulled down the front of her skirt when she stood, but I got a BIG eyeful of her shaved snatch again as she did. Her skirt was up near her waist in the front from her sliding down in her chair to play footsie with my crotch.

She just smoothed it down like it was no big deal, but it was a big deal, and I knew it. I could see that she was trying really hard to be more assertive, and I loved it. I figured I would play along with her game for now. Whatever was happening was way better than before.

We went into the club with the music bumping and walked straight to the floor together. It seemed like there everyone was younger. Well, the crowd was mostly in their twenties.

We danced a few dances, and then a slow groove came on, and my baby leaned backwards into me, grinding her ass on my manhood which instantly started to come back to full attention.

She was swaying, and grinding and just leaning back into me with her face next to mine. I gently kissed her on the cheek. She looked lost in love. I imagined that she was probably thinking about how she was making me as hard as a baseball bat right here in front of everyone. I slowly pushed my hand in between us down to her ass in a way that no one could really see. I reached up under her skirt as she swayed, and I felt the bottom curves of her naked ass.

She raised both of her hands to either side of my head with her back still to me. She turned her head towards me, and I leaned in to hear what she was going to say as my hand slid down her crack, "Do you still think about me with other men?"

"Yeah baby," I whispered into her ear as my hand went up and down the back of the inside of her ass cheek.

Truthfully I really had mixed emotions about it. While I hated the thought of losing her to another man, I really did get off seeing her getting sexed up and swept off in passion.

"I like to think about that too sometimes," she hissed as she grinded around. The words slowly left her mouth, and I was about to moan into her ear when I slid my hand further down her ass and underneath her slightly open legs.

Holy Shit, there was another set of fingers! As my hand hit his, I looked over Haylee's shoulder to see this young kid pull his fondling fingers away from the front of my wife's skirt. He stepped back from in front of her just as shocked as I was. Instinct took over as I moved around her to beat the shit out of him.

Haylee turned right into the direction I was going around her to cut me off. She kissed me deeply, nearly tonguing my throat. I tried to move again, but she grabbed my balls and squeezed. It wasn't hard, but hard enough. I pulled back a little and so did she. She leaned in, "You need to get used to being around a hot woman. It will be ok. I know that this is something you want too."

She let go of my balls as I was spinning off into confusion. My wife wrapped her other arm around my neck, but she was standing with her legs slightly spread and her ass leaning out in a slightly lewd way.

Well, our friend was even more emboldened by the fact that he wasn't hamburgered by me, and instead that my wife was presenting herself to him. He obviously knew that she didn't have any panties and was putting two and two together. So was I.

She sternly went on, "It shouldn't bother you if something like this happens with another guy. It doesn't mean I don't love you any less. In fact, it shows me that you love me as much as I love you." She was having a hard time putting together the words. It was like she was reading from script or something. I suspected Callie and Trish. It seemed like she had come to a foregone conclusion about this.

I could tell she was trying to make up a mind that was not fully invested yet. Haylee was struggling for the capacity to deal with it. "Haylee, you don't need to..."

"Shh! Don't ruin this, or it will be over Jim." I knew she meant it.

It would be the last time we would talk about this as just a possibility. Everything after that was like a dare and how far we would take it. She was the one exploring new territory, and now I was here to do it with her. Hell, we would have broken up anyway. What did it really matter if someone felt her up? It was all in fun anyway, right?

"My god Jim, he is doing it again." Suddenly I heard the music beat again as I came back from my thoughts. My wife was swaying in my arms. I was still trying to deal with all this and had lost track of the fact that we were still supposed to be dancing. I held her there kind of dancing with her. I kissed her. She kissed me deeply, and it was fast and more deeply than ever before. "Jim, he is feeling my ass and my pussy RIGHT NOW." "Is he hot?" she moaned, "I barely saw him."

Holy shit, this was happening. I kept slow dancing my wife as this kid kind of stood by trying to look disinterested and nonchalant while his left hand was behind him and up my wife's skirt. "Haylee, I j..."

"Oh my god, he just stuck his finger in my pussy. Oh MY GOD JIM." Her breathing was getting faster as she tried to calm down.

I stepped to the left slightly, awkwardly turning my wife so that her ass was pointed into the corner where no one could really tell what was going on, and where I could hide the erection that was rising past half mast in my pants.

She was really into this whole thing and to think, two hours earlier I was about to leave this woman. Shit, three hours earlier I was getting a hand job by the sexiest girl I have ever met, and wait a minute. Haylee gave me her full blessing to be with Abi any time, just as long as I would tell her! My cock sprang to full life.

This really was hotter than hell. I didn't know what got into Haylee, but this was like a genie had come and granted all of my top wishes. Here was some late college kid finger fucking my wife while I stood here and let it happen. This was seriously hot.

I took my wife's hand and slipped it down to my cock. She immediately slapped my face and then put her arm around my shoulder. I was stunned. "This is not about you." Then she closed her eyes and kissed me like there was no tomorrow and like she hadn't just slapped me. She was pressing her tits into me and kissing me while her back was arched way out.

She moaned again, "Oh my god, can people see? Is anyone looking?" She started to get self-conscious. I wasn't about to let that happen. I kissed her back and sucked on her tongue like Abi had done to me. She was right back into it. She was grinding away on this guy's hand again. "Ungh. OOooooh. Shit, he just brushed his thumb against my asshole. Oh my god. I think he is trying to slip a finger into my ass Jim."

No fucking way! Haylee had never let me touch her little love button, not ever. I nearly shot my load right there in my pants.

She went on starting to talk herself through it, "I need to relax if this is going to happen. I just need to remain...OH SHIT. Jim, I need you to rub my clit, NOW." I reached down and immediately did what I was told. She was starting to move forward and back as her finger lover was now obviously finger fucking both her ass and pussy at the same time. I reached down and obediently went to town on her clit.

I went back to kissing her in that new erotic way. She started to buck her hips and then sure enough, she was shaking all over the place. She had her first orgasm in over a year. I felt awash with happiness. I was miffed for a second as my wife turned and looked at the kid and kissed him on the lips. What else would she do? It was like a quick thank you. Then we just walked off.

I was thinking about how amazing that whole thing was when I looked down to see the bottom of my wife's ass fully exposed. I quickly pulled her skirt down for her. She was drunk on the throws of post orgasm and needed some tender care.

I told her I loved her when we walked out, and she told me that she had never loved me more.

She said that it was good to know that our relationship could withstand a little flirting and a few innocent hand jobs. "Of course honey," was all I could say.


I put her in the car and we drove home. She was still hot and horny as hell. She told me to get myself cleaned up and ready.

I went in to the hot shower and shaved myself (which took forever). Trying to shave my cock and balls was like getting rid of how ever many years of under growth. I had such a hard erection from the feeling of the razor across my flesh, especially as I cleared the bush from my balls. As I looked down my dick looked bigger and kind of porn-starish if it was possible.

I dried off and went back out to her. She was on the bed with her sexy robe on. She looked up at me, and turned me around. "Your ass crack too Jim, NOW."

I turned and looked at her in protest as though she was going too far. She slapped my balls and said, "NOW". I nearly dropped to the floor. It wasn't a hard slap, but damn. Rough sex was fun and all, but that needed to never happen again. Still, I didn't dare say anything to break the mood at that point.

I went back to the shower and worked on shaving my ass crack. This wasn't easy to do, and took me probably twenty minutes just to figure out how to do it.

When I came out, Haylee was asleep with her vibrator sitting by the bed. It was 3:15 AM. I don't know what I expected, but I just gave up and went to sleep too. My blue balls from the night's events made it so that I didn't really want sex anyway at that point, since it would likely hurt more than feel good. be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Garbage - the premise and content was awful.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

You also my balls.bitch, and your whoring days are over.

devilspydevilspyabout 10 years ago
From Cheating hubby to cuckold trainee.

In just two pages no less. lol. And please ignore the trolls. They hate what they somehow read. Yet, the jerk off and read another, just to bash it at the end. One person commented about you rushing the story. You mention you are going to rewrite it. All fine and good, but your details so far are pretty hot. Hubby swallowing own fresh sperm. Wife taking control over cheater. Hubby wonders how she knew. Hell women set stuff up like this all the time. Some young stud gives her the orgasm hubby cannot give to her. Him shaving head to foot. Ass and all. Yes, all part of training of a good cuckold. I look forward to your next chapter and I do enjoy reading about cuckold trainee's. He is in for a number of shocks I am sure.

HCallahanHCallahanover 10 years agoAuthor
Major edit is on the way

I have heard your concerns, and other than jumping off a cliff to commit suicide, I think I can live up to your expectations. I don't want to turn off comments because they are so good for the process. I want to thank you all to this point but ask you to hold further comments till I get the confirmation that the edits are posted.

Wait for my next comment which will confirm that the edits are live on the site.

Thank you,


user110user110over 10 years ago
if i was going to leave my wife

her acting like a slag wouldnt help her case for staying together.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 10 years ago
Wrong category

This is clearly a Fantasy story! There are too many things that the Beer Vixen and Sweetie (and probably the two Wing-Gals!) know beyond what they could have contrived in advance. And HOW could they guess about Hubby's 'The Talk' plan? It is, furthermore, unclear WHY Sweetie would give that much of a DAMN about if Hubby stays with her or not!

Sorry, it reads like a deep fantasy short-story. Waiting for the Orcs and Ogres to come forward!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Time to divorce the slut. If she wants to be hot wife ,be one for her husband and her husband only. If she lets other men play where she never let her husband play that is cheating. It like giving your virginity to some other man the day before your wedding. Letting other younger men touch will do nothing for her husband, unless he's a wimp and likes to eat other men's cum out of her cunt and soak his cock in some one else's semen when she does let him fuck her. This is just leading to a wife that wants to fuck and suck other men and make her husband cuckold.

x_witless_xx_witless_xover 10 years ago
Filthy fuckers. All of them

though hand jobs off chicks are fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Start of something good

Smoking hot story. Wifey comes into her own, takes control of hubby, and becomes a real sexual woman. These are the women we love to read about.

OOAAOOAAover 10 years ago
Good story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please, continue ir soon ;)

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