Oishi's Copper Christmas


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"That was going to be my next question. Can I have a Status Quo rate on a tab?"

The two chuckled in the darkness. Like earlier in the day, Debbie felt the need to share her story after Oishi's confession.

"I've never chased another woman. They have always chased me."

"I'm not surprised, you are pretty."

"Thanks, but I think it was more down to me being lazy and unsure. My relationships all ended up being toxic, not built on mutual love, but of a need to dominate a meek and mild me. Some left from the boredom of my indecision, others because of my lack of confidence."

"Was that why I found you sat twiddling your thumbs when you were stood down, earlier."

"Yes. I'd only been there ten minutes and would have sat there undecided for hours had you not come up... Oishi, if it's worked before, I think we can make this work. If I give you my shift schedule, you let me know your availability and we'll meet somewhere in between?"

"Bluntly, yes... When Ran is here, his family can turn up unannounced, so meeting here is out. At least my family gives me a warning. We have a busy family schedule, putting up with two miserable families. Add Christmas and New Year into the mix and we are juggling, or should I say struggling."

"Sounds simple..."

"I hope the prize of a married woman is worth it, Debbie?"

"What makes you so sure you are the prize?"

At first, Oishi thought Debbie was joking, but then with the lack of laughter, she wondered, maybe she wasn't.

"I'm sorry Debbie that was glib of me... What are your shifts?"

"Oh, tomorrow I have three nights, then days until I return to nights on Christmas Eve, all the way through until January."

"What if I come to visit you at your apartment when you are on days? I can fit you in between or after restaurant visits. Thankfully, both families avoid my businesses."

"Mmm, I think I'd like that... Although, my flats' not as clean or as big as here. My shifts finish at seven, so I can be home by eight if I don't go to the gym."

"Size doesn't matter... And I could bring us dinner, so we don't have to cook."

"Can you give me mate's rates?"

"That depends... on performance."

The pair giggled, both relieved the topic had lightened. Oishi couldn't help but underline her position, with them both finding it easier to share their concerns in the dark.

"I'm sorry, lovely. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place and have been all my life. If I follow my heart, family dishonour and retribution will ensue, for both Ran and I... I don't know if either of us are strong enough."

The pair fell silent. Debbie gave Oishi a light kiss and snuggled into her, not knowing an answer, and they both drifted to sleep. Through the night, the couple shuffled around a bed, neither being used to sharing.

In the morning, Debbie realised she wasn't in her own bed when she felt the crispness of the pillows and the thick duvet brushing her naked body when she moved. A glimpse of the bay window reminded her of where she was, with dawn trying to push through the curtains.

A chink of china behind her caused her to roll over, enjoying the cotton brushing against her skin, to see Oishi stood in a thick towel robe, with a tray and two mugs.

"Morning lovely. Tea?"

"Morning," Debbie croaked, "Please."

Debbie shuffled up to a sitting position, fluffing pillows behind her, pulling the duvet up to maintain a cover over her bare breasts. She watched Oishi, as she passed her a mug, waiting for the robe to drop to appreciate her naked body.

After placing the tray on her bedside table, she untied the robe to let it drop, revealing her naked body. Her perky breasts and rounded cheeks excited Debbie. Oishi enjoyed sliding under the duvet to join her, seeing the lust in her eyes playing on her.

Sitting up in bed, clutching warm mugs of tea, Oishi needed to bring them back to earth.

"If you're back on duty tonight, what time do you need to be home? I've got action this week's fresh food purchases and need to get back to doing the rounds, or Christmas will be upon us and we won't be prepared."

"Ahh... Back to the real world... I have to sign all the surveillance equipment back in before I'm on shift at seven, so I'll need to be leaving home at six at the latest."

"Be honest now... based on what you've told me about why your ex's left you... what state is your flat in? Do you need to do any washing or ironing? Do you need to get some shopping in, especially with no time off over the next few weeks?"

Debbie was about to shrug off Oishi with a plain 'no' but remembered the dishes unwashed on her kitchen counter, the overflowing wash basket, and the empty state of her fridge. Oishi read the look on her face.

"What if we go back to your flat, so you can do any outstanding chores before you're back at work and swamped? Something tells me you need a second pair of eyes watching you if you are to get motivated. So, how about I return with you and help keep you on the straight and narrow? As long as I can log into your Wi-Fi, I can do what little work I need to do at your flat."

Debbie had mixed feelings about the suggestion. Her place was a mess, especially compared to this palace, but having Oishi with her for the rest of the day was a lovely prospect and she would be a great help.

"Okay, but you may have to promise not to be too judgmental when you see the state of it."

"How bad can it be?"

"I just wanted to warn you... How much time do we have?"

"Well, it's nine o'clock now, how bad is it... Be honest now."

"Ah... It may take the two of us. I was hoping to put up some decorations, as I brought a scrawny tree, to try to cheer myself up."

Oishi looked at Debbie, wondering how bad her flat could be? It would be a way of getting to know where she lives, if it's going to be their rendezvous and love nest over the Christmas period.

Oishi was used to sneaking off to meet her lovers at spa retreats or high-end country hotels, but what good had that done her in the past? To be fair, she now realised it was her old 'type', at fault, not the locations or establishments.

In hindsight, to call them lovers was optimistic. They were more convenient 'ships passing in the night' that would never have evolved into a genuine relationship. Yes, they were beautiful, stylish, successful businesswomen, but cold-hearted and calculating, with no desire to develop any relationship.

Maybe this Christmas was going to be different. Oishi looked at Debbie, seeing her as the wind of change.

"Should I shower now or after we've cleaned your flat?"

"Hey... It's not that bad... you can shower now and I'll shower back home, before I go on shift."

Oishi slipped out of bed, shaking her bare rear, teasing Debbie, and then trotted off to the bathroom. Debbie sat finishing her tea, unable to resist a glance up at the picture above the bed. Pleased to see the gaggle of girls surrounding Oishi, looking down at her, rather than the glare of her husband from their wedding photo.

It disappointed Oishi that she found Debbie dressed when she returned. She'd pulled the bed duvet straight and was tidying and fluffing the pillows.

"Well, that is a good sign for what we're going to find in your flat."

"Cheeky. I object to the accusations you're levelling at me," Debbie giggled.

"We'll see... I've cereals, rolls, and bread for any breakfast you want downstairs. I won't be long."

Debbie collected all her surveillance equipment back into her sports bag, lifted it to walk out, but upon reaching Oishi, she placed it back on the floor. Wrapping her arms around the towel hiding Oishi's body, she pulled her in tight and kissed her.

"Can't I just tear those towels off and continue what we started last night?"

"You've already admitted to avoidance tactics. As much as I'd love you to... Let's save it for another time."

Oishi kissed her back and pushed her away, her heart yearning for Debbie to fight her resistance, but she didn't. Debbie capitulated, nodding in agreement, picked up her bag and left.

Once dressed, Oishi entered her kitchen, pleased to find Debbie had made herself at home. She sat at the small breakfast bar, eating cereal with her mug full of tea once more. She beamed at Oishi, appreciating what she saw. Oishi was now in a pair of jeggings, with a heavy knit, loose blue jumper, wearing a fashionable pair of trainers.

Debbie finished her mouthful, pointing at the teapot, showing there was tea waiting for her. Oishi filled her mug with tea and put some slices of bread into a toaster.

"How do you do it, Oishi? Even coming down to breakfast you look chic... Jeggings never look that good on me!"

Oishi blushed and settled onto a stool opposite Debbie. The two enjoyed each other's company, chatting over breakfast, more so for Oishi. Whilst she and Ran were more like brother and sister, it was special to enjoy a carefree breakfast with a lover. Both were relieved not to be under the gaze of the photographs in the lounge.

Soon after breakfast, the pair drove across town, to Debbie's flat, in her car. Debbie's flat was on the third floor of a square of 1970s flats. The buildings ran around a grass playground, surrounded by residential parking.

A local nosey parker checked the pair out, with net curtains fluttering, as they walked up the stairs. Oishi followed Debbie, carrying cleaning products and rags. To enter Debbie's flat they squeezed past her bicycle in the hallway and two bin bags. Oishi surveyed the small single bedroom flat, full of clutter. The kitchen still had washing in the sink and dirty dishes mounted up on the counter, ready for cleaning.

Soon the washing machine was in full flow, and Debbie was at the sink, scrubbing dishes. Oishi collected rubbish to join the bags of rubbish to the door and cleared the fridge of food that was beyond eating and living a life of its own. Soon the flat hummed to the music of the washing machine, dryer, and vacuum cleaner, as the pair worked together.

After trips to the communal waste, recycling bins and several washing machine loads, Debbie began a long stint at her ironing board, as Oishi logged in to her Wi-Fi. Whilst ironing, Debbie looked at Oishi, knowing that without her standing over her, she would have left it all for another day.

Oishi had a slightly different view. Sat working quietly, she enjoyed the odd glance at Debbie ironing, whilst watching some soap on catch up TV. This felt more homely and relaxing than she had ever felt, sat at home, alone.

Whilst Oishi and Ran had an excellent relationship, she'd never enjoyed just watching someone undertaking a mundane task.

Debbie may not have an Amazonian body, but that was part of her attraction. The petite, elfin like figure that Oishi first encountered was a facade that hid a strong, athletic woman.

The way she carried her heavy bag, the tone of her body last night, her physical passion, as well as her commitment, risking love, to defend her career. All added together to excite Oishi, beyond all her previous experiences.

Closing her laptop, Oishi got up and started balling socks, tights and pulling knickers and panties out of wash baskets. Debbie finished her last sweep of the iron, folded the T-shirt, to place it on the finished pile and smiled back at Oishi, both sighing with relief.

Oishi put the kettle on, whilst Debbie tidied the iron, board and clean washing away. Sitting on the sofa, the two enjoyed the break, both with mugs of tea and biscuits, whilst quietly chatting, holding hands or resting hands on legs.

Oishi asked about Debbie's Christmas decorations. Debbie went out to the kitchen and to a small private balcony, returning with a bare, four-foot-high Christmas tree. After a hunt in a cupboard in the hall, she found her box of decorations.

They discussed the best location for the tree, agreeing on next to the TV, as it was also closest to the electrical socket for the lights. Pulling decorations out, they continually negotiated, teasing and joking over what was to go where, as they worked together decorating the tree and lounge.

After making another round of tea, they returned to the sofa to review the newly decorated apartment.

"We're like an old married couple!" Debbie joked.

"Speak for yourself."

The two teased each other. Like a pair of teenagers, they poked and tickle each other, which inevitably ended up with the pair kissing and canoodling on the sofa, watching the remnants of the Bing Crosby film 'White Christmas' on TV.

Both wished they could remain curled up together for the rest of the day, enjoying the extramarital affair they'd both embarked upon.

"Time's marching on Deb's, you hungry?"

Debbie checked her watch, just a couple of hours before she needed to be back at work.

"Do you want to order a takeout and I'll jump in the shower?"

"Oishi nodded, curry, Fish & chips, burger, chicken, or were you spoiled last night?"

"Yes, you spoiled me rotten yesterday, thank you, but tonight, something cheap and nasty... Pizza and chips."

After a tut from Oishi and one last passionate kiss, they separated, Debbie, disappearing into her bedroom. Oishi rang Trevor and then one of her takeaways the Five Star Cafe. Later, upon hearing a wrap on the door, Oishi opened it to find Trevor stood outside offering her some takeout boxes. She knew she could rely on him for discretion.

"Would you like a pickup in the morning?"

"Trevor? No, that's okay. I've a busy night ahead. Could you call back about six and take me to the Taj?"

Trevor nodded and returned to his car. Oishi carried the boxes into the kitchen and hunted some plates out. Debbie slipped into the kitchen behind her, now back in her unisex uniform. Her hand slipped under Oishi's arm, to pinch a triangle of pizza and took a bite, "Mmm."

Debbie soon filled a plate with pizza slices, chips, and tomato ketchup. She grabbed her mug of tea and a tray to slope off to the lounge, kissing Oishi on the cheek and pinching her bum. Oishi copied her and followed her back, to find her on the sofa, tray on her lap, flicking through channels.

As Oishi bent down to sit alongside her, Debbie slapped her on her bottom with a cheeky giggle.

"Thanks, sexy."

Then she gave a low wolf whistle and in a mock, male cockney accent, "Alroit m'darlin."

"Defaulting to the male stereotype... A sexist copper?"

"No... Enjoying a wonderful girlfriend, who cared enough to help me through the grind of my chores. I would like to thank you differently... But that would mean I'd need to shower and change the sheets again."

Oishi gave her a playful slap on the leg, enjoying the hint and her being termed 'girlfriend'. Previous partners avoided any form of connection, even avoiding referring to her as their partner.

They both sat eating, watching some inane, generic, early evening quiz show, whilst trying to answer the questions. They enjoyed brief chats between themselves and casually touches of reassurance. As the clock's minute hand closed on six o'clock, they broke the spell, getting up to tidy everything away.

Oishi broke up the cardboard boxes, placed them by the door and washed up, leaving it all to dry on the sideboard. Debbie approached her, looking nervous, with her hand held out, offering her a key, held in her palm.

"If this is going to be our love nest over Christmas... Then it wouldn't do to have you waiting out in the cold."

Oishi was about to refuse, but realising that it would be more practical, she took the key and pocketed it into her handbag, clipping onto her house keyring rather than mixing it up with her business keys.

The gesture had a surprising effect on her. She felt warm comfort inside as a result, something that a loving family should give, but she was hardly familiar with.

"How about a goodbye kiss from my 'copper teapot'?" Oishi joked, pulling Debbie in close whilst feeling a little emotional.

"I've had a wonderful time, Oishi... You treated me like a princess yesterday, and I loved it. I can't wait to do it all again."

They hugged and kissed passionately, both struggling to release the other, knowing that once they walked out the door, they would be back to reality. After one last kiss, Debbie opened the door as Oishi quickly grabbed her bag and laptop to squeeze past the bicycle and stepped out into the cold dark night.

Oishi headed for Trevor's taxi and Debbie deposited the cardboard boxes in the recycling, and then went to her car. Oishi returned Debbie's little wave as Trevor drove her past and away into the night.

The next few days were a blur for both of them, both busy as the public ramped up their Christmas spirit. Romantic couples and families enjoyed eating at Oishi's restaurants, whilst Debbie had to contend with minor drug and traffic offences, with a few late-night drunken disputes.

Oishi returned to her busy schedule, initially almost forgetting she had a lover, until 'Copper Pot' started sending her sweet innocuous texts. Once or possibly twice a day, they chatted over WhatsApp texts, with the relaxed nature of their conversations being new and surprisingly enjoyable for Oishi.

When Debbie's shift changed to days, they arranged a few evenings together. Oishi called in after nine o'clock with a takeout for them to share. She would then slip out of the apartment in the early hours for Trevor to return her home.

The sex was amazing, but they also both loved just lying in bed or on the sofa, spending time together and comparing notes on their day or gossip at work. A few evenings, neither felt the desire for sex, just for shared company, although at their next rendezvous together, they would compensate by having a triple x rated stormy bedroom romp.

They both enjoyed discovering a completely different facet to having a lover. Initially, the skulduggery was exciting, but they both yearned to spend more time together, prompting them to plan a few days away, in a seaside spa, later in January.

The two lovers planned one more evening together before Debbie's change back to night shift on Christmas Eve. Earlier than usual, Oishi arrived at the flat and caught up on some cleaning for Debbie, as well as adding some extra Christmas flourishes.

Debbie's day, however, hadn't quite gone to plan. An office party got rowdy and they broke it up without any arrests. A few of the ringleaders met in a local pub and after several drinks too many, they repeated their earlier arguments. One thing led to another and it became a brawl.

Debbie's shift extended into the night shift by many hours, after making arrests, taking statements in the street, hospital and police cells. She breathed a sigh of relief when at long last, she could slip her key into her front door and open it. A stream of Christmas lights lying on the hallway floor, flashed like runway lights guiding her to the kitchen.

Chuckling, knowing this was Oishi's handy work, she closed the door and followed the blinking lights. They wound into the kitchen and to the microwave, where she found her portion of a Chicken Tandoori waiting for her. A 'post it' note on the door told her, 'You Push my buttons xx', which she did.

As the microwave's timer ticked away, she saw the Christmas card open on the table, sat on top of a small Christmas cake, ringed by safety candles that had long burned out. The card was a generic Christmas scene of Santa in the snow. It was unsigned, but the note inside was all Oishi.

'To my loveliest Christmas Present ever xxx'

The microwave pinged, and Debbie ate her dinner, exhausted and aching from her day, needing a shower. It disappointed Debbie that Oishi wasn't there. She could smell Oishi's perfume and saw the drying plates on the side, confirming she had been there and also eaten. She could only assume she had gone.
