Oishi's Copper Christmas


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"I assure you, Fred... I don't want her hurt either... Sitting alongside her all night has left its mark on me, I want to ..."

Oishi had to bite her lip. She wanted to tell Fed her plans, to convince him it will all be okay, but it was too soon. She needed to talk to Ran first.

Fred paused as he passed Oishi his phone, expecting her to finish but she didn't. She took the phone off him and typed in her number, although he named her contact name as Mr Jones, in answer to her raised eyebrows he explained, "Well, if Margaret sees your name popping up, there'll be hell to pay. We need to keep this off her radar."

Fred returned to the intensive care ward, leaving Oishi in the cafe as she made a few more phone calls. One of which was to ring Trevor to ask for his availability to return her home. Whilst waiting, she prepared her discussion with Ran to talk openly about her demands. After a while, she received her first text from Fred.

< 'Deb's asleep, worn out. We'll come back tomorrow. I've added you to the list of family visitors at the nurse's station. Pleased to meet you today Oishi, apologies again for Marg.'>

Trevor collected her and took her home to shower, change, and eat something more substantial. Being Christmas Day, she and Ran had more than enough time to talk before they had to visit family, which went better than she expected or hoped. With her businesses closed for Christmas day, Oishi returned to the Hospital for the evening.

The night shift recognised Oishi and gave her the latest news. Fred was true to his word, and Oishi was now on the visitors list. Debbie was responding well, and they'd move her to a normal ward tomorrow. She was asleep when Oishi sat next to her again, comforted by the regularity of the buzz and beeps of the machinery. Oishi read a story aloud from one of Debbie's favourite magazines, holding her hand.

As Oishi dropped off to sleep herself, she heard a mild change to the beeps, and a thumb stroked the back of her hand. Glancing over and with great relief, saw Debbie's eyes open. With the mask gone, it was easier for Debbie to talk.

"Hi... It's lovely to see you... Not my favourite way to spend Christmas Day."

Oishi told Debbie about meeting her parents that morning.

"Mum can be a cow at times. Sorry."

"Haha, that's okay. Your dad knows about us, but he won't tell her. He's my mole on the inside... He'll let me know when your mum is coming to visit so we can avoid each other. Don't worry, lovely."

"Okay. I'm so sore today. It's like I've been hit by a train, whilst being trampled on by a horse."

"It's early days yet. Ran spoke to your surgeon, and he says you will be okay. You need to rest."

"They're going to move me to a normal ward tomorrow."

"The nurses told me. It's great news as you're recovering, but for now, they prescribe rest, Debbie. I've brought some magazines you like, I can read them. Or maybe next time I can bring you a book?"

Debbie led back, exhausted, smiling and thoughtful. After several minutes, she sat back up and listed a few authors she liked.

"What happened to me? I remember being on the high street and then waking up here. No one is telling me anything."

"I wasn't there, as I was at the Bombay Palace hosting the annual Council Christmas Dinner. Trevor called me and by the time I arrived, the paramedics were already working on you. I believe you'd answered a call to a brawl at the Taj Mahal and it got out of hand."

Oishi didn't want to say more as she had heard it secondhand, and she certainly didn't want to repeat Officer Williams's confession.

She flicked through the one magazine until Debbie pointed out a story she liked the idea of. Oishi read the story and a few articles. Now tuned into the tempo of the machines, Oishi recognised that Debbie had drifted back asleep.

Oishi spent another night in the chair alongside Debbie's bed, with nurses monitoring them both. Debbie woke a few times, with the machines notifying Oishi, so the two sat and held hands or Oishi whispered another magazine article until Debbie fell asleep again.

Oishi thought further on how unfair this was, not how either of them had expected to spend their Christmas. Whilst families were pulling Christmas crackers, sharing food, joy and exchanging presents. Her discussions with Ran had gone better than she had expected. Change was on its way, and she was already planning her next move.

The nurses' chattering echoed in the corridor, waking Debbie and Oishi at the shift change in the morning. Oishi went to the toilet and checked her messages, ignoring any texts from her so-called family.

Fred had texted, giving a warning of their impending visit, not giving them much time. She warned Debbie, and they made the most of the last few minutes. Debbie expressed her jealousy of Oishi going home, wanting to spend more time with her. At least this time, Oishi ensured they hugged and kissed each other goodbye.

Boxing day brought back Oishi's professional workload, as she visited all her businesses, spending the bulk of her time at the Taj Mahal. The staff and manager were back, ready to open for that evening's bookings. Oishi only really needed to give moral support and her thanks for their resilience after a very emotional and intimidating experience.

The local police sergeant popped in to confirm that they would keep an extra eye on the premises over the holiday period to ease any concerns staff had. Oishi continued her rounds, walking through the town centre between premises rather than using Trevor.

Rather than the usual crisp, snowy white, cold Christmas weather everyone wishes for, it was raining hard, darkening Oishi's mood. She remained despondent, with Christmas remaining far from magical for her.

Seeing the families and love-struck couples walking around, enjoying the season didn't help, making her feel even further removed from what is considered a normal life. Although it spurned her on to focus her mind on her plans.

Ran phoned Oishi, asking if she could return home to talk. A quick call to Trevor had her back at home twenty minutes later. Ran met her in the hallway, inviting her into the lounge. Sat waiting was the senior Police Officer, who she had met on that fateful Christmas Eve.

"Oishi this is Police Inspector Paul Scrivens, he thought it best to meet discreetly."

"We've met, but not been introduced."

The inspector spoke, "Oishi, local media are taking an interest; we have media people that can handle this. So you don't need to be involved. Our spokesperson can keep you out of it to a certain extent, but we can't dictate what they print. Of course, you could be involved and gain some promotional leverage with the story."

"Unfortunately, people may kickback on that, saying that I'm exploiting her pain for my gain. It may be simpler to leave it to your professionals," Vicky admitted, not wanting her face on television or online.

"Okay, we'll run with that. I'll speak with our spokesperson and PR people."

The inspector went out into the hallway and started making phone calls. Oishi's mind was racing with all the data she had amassed since that fateful night. Then a few things started adding up, the inspector telling her to be discreet, how he knew her name on the night... She looked at Ran, who blushed, guessing her thoughts.

"You and the inspector?"

Ran nodded.

"He has some developments concerning both our families that you need to know about."

Oishi's mind returned to her businesses and plans. She went to make some phone calls but saw some texts waiting for her. She checked Debbie's first.

< 'I'm news, not bad, they don't suspect. I'm now in a private room. Don't worry I'm not going to speak to anyone. Xoxo' >

Oishi replied, but with all her plans spinning around like plates on sticks, she didn't fully explain herself.

< 'That's great news, a private room to yourself. I can't visit, not now the media are sniffing around, talk again soon. Lots of love xx' >

Oishi had a few more texts to read. Ignoring the spam and business texts, the one from her solicitor was the second most important one.

Oishi then rang her manager of the Taj Mahal, warning her of the possibility of journalists approaching her or her staff, as they arrived for work. In addition, to avoid answering any questions, no matter how innocent they may seem that they could quote in articles.

Fred text, warning Oishi Journalists, visited their house but thankfully, a Police media spokesperson had already warned and advised them. He suggested Oishi lie low for a while. Oishi replied, agreeing.

Paul, the inspector, returned to the lounge, inviting Oishi to sit and divulged his information. The result of which took the pressure off Oishi, for her to meet with her family that evening. Oishi was both excited at the revelation and scared that her plans were already bearing fruit.

At the end of their meeting, Ran confirmed he agreed to Oishi's plan and apart from a few minor details, he would instruct his solicitor. The three nodded, pleased with the calmness of the discussions.

As they all rose to move on with their own agendas, Ran stepped forward to hug Oishi, as a brother would his sister, wishing each other all the best of the season, both relieved and looking forward to the New Year.

Under normal circumstances, Oishi would be dreading this drive to her parent's home. Based on her successful meeting with Ran and the disclosure from the inspector, she was enjoying it this time. Once there, she had a fraught conversation with her parent's, which she enjoyed, for once.

Her drive back home was the most pleasant drives she'd had in years. The huge weight she'd carried for years had lifted from her shoulders. The world seemed a brighter place around her. Reflecting on how her plans were clicking into place, she couldn't help but hope that Christmas may finally hold some magic for her.

That night, Oishi enjoyed immersing herself in her businesses. It was a joy to be back in the throng of celebrations and enjoying it. At last feeling included within the envelope of some Christmas spirit. She could now embrace this part of her business, helping families, friends and couples enjoy their yuletide celebrations. For once feeling included as she watched women, with tinsel in their hair and men carrying mistletoe, laughing and flirting with their lovers.

Late in the evening, Oishi received a call from Fred. Moving to a secluded spot, she answered.

"Oishi, great news, they're confident Debbie's blow to her head will have no permanent effect. Being almost the only patient over Christmas, she's already had several scans today, and they all were clear. They're going to release her tomorrow."

Oishi was ecstatic, convinced Christmas was finally sprinkling some magic on her. Things had already moved fast, but now she would have to go into overdrive. She outlined her plan to Fred, and after some negotiation, they agreed on the revised details. Oishi liked Fred and looked forward to getting to know him better.

Oishi continued her evening as normal, monitoring her businesses until they closed and finished for the day. Once Trevor dropped her back home, her real work started. She worked into the early hours of the morning, with her favourite music on and for once feeling the festive spirit energised her with the prospect of success.

She managed a few hours sleep with her phone waking her, as it announced Fred's text.

< 'The consultant is seeing her about ten. We hope she will be free to discharge herself by midday.' >

Fred gave Oishi, Debbie's ward and room number, also confirming that the media circus had gone.

At eleven-thirty, Oishi walked into the ward, to Debbie's room, her heart bursting with her news, but she wanted it to play out, to give Debbie the surprise she wanted. Debbie's room door was open, with her dressed in baggy jeans and a thick hoody, sitting on the bed, with a small holdall next to her.

Debbie looked almost disappointed to see her, "I thought dad was picking me up?"

"No, I twisted his arm. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, but mum will be mad, me turning up with you?"

"Ahh, well, I wanted us to talk first, so I thought we could go home and have a cup of tea first?"

"Home... Mine or yours?"

"Ahem... Mine, you don't seem too happy to see me?"

Debbie blushed, as if caught with her hand in the biscuit barrel and shook her head.

"I think it's the pain killers they've given me, the one stab wound cut deep into my bicep and it was aching like buggery... I'm, sort of glad, I think we need to talk, but I hadn't planned on it being so soon."

"Sort of?... No time like the present."

Debbie's demeanour concerned Oishi, looking like her unsure, old timid self again. Maybe Oishi should get her to wear her uniform to give her a confidence boost. Oishi brushed her concerns off, thinking Debbie could be having anxiety issues after the attack.

Debbie stood up, with Oishi taking her bag, and the pair left. As they walked out together they looked more like sisters than close friends. Outside the hospital, Trevor was waiting to whisk them back to Oishi's house.

When Trevor dropped them off, rather than waiting outside he drove off. Debbie rose her arm to call him back, only to bite her tongue when she saw Oishi watching her, unsure of her motives. Debbie gave up and followed Oishi inside, feeling like a trapped animal. Inside the smell of fresh paint greeted them. Debbie took her shoes off and dropped her holdall.

"Tea?" Oishi offered, gesturing to open the lounge door to sit in the lounge.

"No... Water will be fine. I'm just a little dry."

Debbie walked past Oishi into the kitchen, desperate to avoid the photos and chintz hidden behind the closed lounge door.

Debbie sat on a stool at the breakfast bar as Oishi poured a glass of water and offered it to her.

"Well, Debs, as I said, I wanted to talk..."

"No... I'll go first... I've rehearsed it in my head."

Debbie took a sip of water, then a gulp, her eyes looking tearfully at Oishi, who struggled to read her thoughts.

"Are you sure? I've got news too. I've been dying to share it with you."

"No, Oishi, that's the problem... We can't share... That morning you left me in bed, it broke my heart."

"It broke my heart too, but you understand, I had to go, I told you."

"Yes... But in hospital, I've had a chance to think. I've never wanted someone as much as I want you... You've made me realise what I want from a relationship, but what I don't need is an affair."

"No, Debbie, you don't understand."

"I do. You made it clear from the start... Those nights, together on the sofa, chatting in front of the TV are as much of what I want, as I want the wonderful sex, with a wonderful woman... To watch you leave me, returning to your fake family over me, your lover... That hurt worse than being stabbed."

"NO, Debbie, you don't understand."

"I do, that's the trouble... That first night you made me feel like a princess... But when you left me in the early hours of that horrible morning... I felt cheap."

"NO, Debbie, it wasn't like that."

Oishi panicked. Her new life and plans were slipping away from her.

"It was work. It couldn't be helped," She lied and knew her face showed it.

Tears were now streaming down Debbie's face. Oishi moved forward to hug her, but Debbie's hand shot up to keep her at arm's length.

"When I woke in hospital, it was wonderful to see you... But reality hit when the media turned up. You couldn't be there... With me, supporting me, by my side... I was alone, playing second fiddle to a lie."

Debbie's demeanour changed, her eyes stoic, "I'll text dad and ask him to pick me up... It's over Oishi."

Debbie stood to pull her phone from her pocket, but her face turned ashen, and her legs buckled.

Oishi rushed forward to catch her before she fell.

"Debbie!" Oishi squealed as she caught her, holding her upright.

Debbie struggled to regain composure, picked up her glass she gulped some water down.

Whilst Debbie remained faint, in her arms, Oishi took the initiative and, gripping her tightly, she frog marched her through to the lounge.

"NO, Oishi, it's over..."

Debbie struggled but was too weak to offer resistance, her feet struggling to resist being dragged across the floor.

Oishi opened the lounge door and pushed her inside, holding her from behind to digest the scene.

Debbie paused, regaining her strength, but still in shock. "Fuck... What have you done?"

"I tried to tell you..."

Debbie surveyed the room. Dustsheets covered the furniture, all the photographs had gone and a layer of magnolia paint covered the wallpaper, whose pattern was ghosting through the thin coat of paint.

Debbie regained her legs and, rather than pushing Oishi away, turned to face her, with her hands grasping Oishi's arms. Not knowing what to make of this, Debbie stood open-mouthed, trying to understand the meaning of this.

"But... But... What?"

"I kicked Ran out... Well, sort of, I gave him an ultimatum, and he agreed. He's moved in with his lover."

Debbie, still disbelieving, shot Oishi a questioning look, unable to ask the next question.

"All the photos are in the bin... I know it looks crap, but magnolia was the only paint I found in the shed. It will need another coat or two, but it was all I could do last night.

In the New Year, when we go away, I can get decorators in and they can remove the wallpaper. We can replace the furniture and the carpet. We've time to choose whatever colours we want, unless you want wallpaper again?"


Oishi nodded, grinning at her.

Debbie's face was now flush with excitement, her eyes kept checking the room around her, then she returned them to rest on Oishi, but now with concern.

"But... But, what about your family?"

"Stuff them. I took great delight in telling my parents last night... Watching my dad foaming at the mouth, no longer able to assault me or force his will on me."

"But your brothers?"

"Haha, under lock and key, they have far more troubles to worry about. I was right to keep them out of my businesses. They've been so keen to have money and power; they've been laundering your Mr Big's money. The raids you helped instigate, uncovered their dealings and the evidence against them is overwhelming."

"But Ran and his family, surely they won't take too kindly to it either?"

"Well... It turns out, they discovered Ran's secret, years ago, poor Ran. They've been blackmailing him for years. He never told me. It was only when I confronted him with my desire for a divorce that he admitted it.

It seems after all these years, he has found the right lover to protect him and lock them up. He is as happy as I am to be free. He couldn't move out fast enough. We have details to work out, but we are both in agreement."

"So, who is his lover, a big-time lawyer?"

"No, your boss... Inspector Paul Scrivens."


Debbie regained her composure, the colour returning to her face and she continued to survey the room, wiping tears from her face.

"But... But what does this mean for us? Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

Debbie's grip on Oishi's arms tightened as she glanced around, still in shock.

"Well, I'm putting you dumping me, down to your painkillers, but yes... I want you to move in with me. Having your own private spa will help with your rehabilitation."

Debbie burst into tears, blubbering and hugging Oishi.

"I'm sorry, I just feel so emotional at the moment... You mean, live together, for real, not just at weekends?"

"As long as you want to put up with me... Like you, I adored those nights we spent curled up on your sofa... Even more, the sexy ones curled up in your bed. I've never had a friend or lover to share moments like that with. Leaving you that morning was not in my plans and I'll make it up to you."
