Olivia: A Love Story


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Olivia invited her stepdad Walter, her sister Cheryl, husband Brad and their two sons, for Thanksgiving and Christmas. When Walter arrived, it was plain to see the love he had for Olivia and Cheryl. I kept the waterworks in check, but the happiness was infectious.

The day after Christmas, Walter was the only guest left. Olivia had to run to the supermarket for something, leaving Walter in my care. He asked about my work, and we chatted informally. Then out of the blue,

"She loves you Jason, Olivia loves you an awful lot. I've never seen her so happy."

"I feel the same Walter. I love her like crazy and I've never been happier."

"Do you think you two will ever...tie the knot?"

"Honestly, we haven't discussed it, but I've been thinking about it."

Walter stayed until New Year's Day, and I was genuinely sorry to see him go. He was everything she had described to me, intelligent, humorous, kind, caring and just an all-around nice human being, a mensch.

When it was time to say goodbye, there were tears a plenty.

"I love you so much, dad."

"I love you too, dear Olivia.

My eyes started flowing.

"We can't get too sentimental dad. Jason turns on the waterworks. He has a good heart."

Walter pulled me in for a hug and whispered in my ear.

"One day I hope you'll call me dad..."

It had been so long since I called someone 'dad' that my heart was filled to bursting with emotion. I laid my head on Walter's shoulder as the tears streamed down my face.

"You're a good man, Jason and I know that you'll be a terrific husband to Olivia."

"Thanks." I managed to croak out.

After Walter left, Olivia took me in her arms and wanted to know what Walter whispered to me. I told her and my eyes filled up again.

"I thanked my lucky stars when Walter came along..."

Olivia's cheeks were wet with tears.

"I think my mother loved Walter as much as my real dad. The mood in the house was joyful and harmonious. Despite having to work, he always came to my soccer games and track meets to cheer me on. The love and support he has shown me..."

Olivia sniffed back tears as I comforted her. Later when we were eating dinner, I asked her informally her views on marriage.

"Oh, I've always had a desire to 'tie the knot' but..."

"But what?"

"I'm waiting for the right person to ah...come along." She said tongue in cheek.

I gave her my best 'injured little boy' look.

"Oh my god, Jason...really? You don't have an inkling that it's you?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." I said and hung my head.

Olivia stood up and held her arms out.

"Come here, my naughty boy..."

I fell into her embrace and performed some faux sniffles. She patted my back and stroked my hair.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Marry me?"

Olivia pulled back with a stunned expression.

"I'm sorry this isn't more traditional, but I don't have a clue what kind of ring you'd want and..."

"Really? No bullshit? You want to marry me?"

"Yes, very much..."

Before I could say another word, Olivia burst into tears, hugging me so tight it was hard to breathe.

"If you only knew how much I wanted you to ask me. I don't care if it's not the traditional way, you're my man, my beautiful man and I love you to pieces."

"Will you go ring shopping with me? I don't know what you like and there are so many choices."

"Oh yes, yes and yes!"

Now, I'm like most men, I dislike shopping. Since I have Amazon Prime, I have no reason to visit the mall. However, shopping for jewelry online is problematic. It's a very personal item and is much easier in person.

Before we physically went to a jewelry store, Olivia looked online and showed me what she liked. However, when she tried it on in the store, she had a different opinion. We shopped the traditional high-end stores, but my beautiful girl refused to let me pay the exorbitant prices, so we turned to the Outlet shops.

We were in the discount branch of a national jewelry retailer when Olivia saw a ring that made her gasp.

"If it looks half as good on my finger as it does in the case, that's the one." She whispered in my ear.

The saleswoman was very accommodating but when I saw the price tag, I gasped. When she left us alone for a few minutes, we commiserated.

"My love, that's way more than I want you to spend. We can look elsewhere."

"Wait, let's see if there are more discounts she can apply. By the way, nice sales tactic...she knows you love the ring, and she hopes her absence will seal the deal."

"Have I told you that I love that brain of yours also?"

I leaned in for a peck on the lips as the saleswoman returned. I explained the situation and she went to talk to her manager. Another saleswoman who was assisting measured Olivia's finger for size. In the end after some haggling, I got an additional forty percent off that fit right into my budget.

While we finalized everything, I asked Olivia to go shopping.

"Why, my love?"

"Since you know I'll have the ring, I want there to be some suspense, so you won't know when I'm going to present it."

Olivia hugged me aggressively and whispered,

"Don't make me wait too long, ok?"


When I picked up the ring, I had a helluva hard time not giving to her immediately. But I really did want the presentation to be special. Since it was winter, my choice of venues was limited. But I had one idea...

The following Saturday, I told Olivia I wanted to dine at Asian Fusion, an elegant, upscale venue and one of our absolute favorites. I stopped and spoke to the manager and explained what I wanted...for a handsome tip, he was agreeable. We were nattily attired, and I went all out, ordering the best wines and food. After dinner and before dessert was when I planned on the presentation. We were relaxing when the Asian themed music in the restaurant suddenly changed, and a song came on that she recognized immediately.

"I Only Have Eyes for You" by the Flamingo's.

"Hey, their playing our..."

Before she could say another word, I dropped to one knee pulled the ring box out and opened it.

"Olivia Stansfeld, will you marry me?"

Olivia's face lit up, took the ring, placed it on her finger and looked at me with tears dripping down her cheeks.

"Yes, Jason Whitson. Yes, I'll marry you."

Patrons in the restaurant applauded.

"Turn this way please?"

It was the photographer I'd hired. Olivia was in my arms, and I was never happier. On the way home, she couldn't stop looking at the ring, turning it every which way and watching it sparkle.

"Are you happy?" I asked my beautiful girl.

"I'm beyond happy...more like ecstatic. I'm engaged and I'm still trying to process it."

Olivia wanted to shower before bed, and we had a great time soaping and groping. In bed, her lips sought mine and we kissed passionately. I tried to go down on her, but she stopped me.

"Jason, you're positive this is what you want?"

"Yes, I'm a thousand percent positive...Why do you ask?"

"I mean, it's a big step...and I can never have children." She said like Jack Lemmon in "Some Like It Hot"

"We can adopt some." I spoke like Joe E. Brown from the same film.

We both laughed but Olivia's expression was still serious.

"I want you to be realistic for a minute. You're willing to marry a woman with a penis?"

"Yes...yes and yes! I told you; I love Olivia and if that comes with her then I accept it, gladly. I think I've shone my devotion to ah, your awesome appendage.'

"Oh yes, yes you have and quite often." She snickered.

We lay quietly for a few moments.

"Thank you, Jason. Thank you for making my life like a fairy tale. I dreamt about finding someone to love, who'd treat me like a princess, and you do all the time. Your love and commitment mean everything to me."

Olivia turned and kissed my forehead as tears spouted in my eyes. I snuggled my face against her soft neck as I quietly cried.

"Oh, I should have known, sentimental talk and my beautiful man starts the waterworks because he loves me with all his heart. I know that you do, and it absolutely thrills me when you cry over me. My sweet, loving man."


We settled into our lives together. Living together was our first big step and it tested our compatibility but more than anything, I wanted it to work.

Olivia was big on planning, having a schedule, it was the engineer in her. On Saturdays after kick boxing, weight training and yoga, we ate lunch and then it was cleaning time. The first time she inspected my work in my bathroom, found that it was superior to her methods, and I was relegated to cleaning both. I didn't mind one bit because, she was a whiz at doing laundry. The bed was stripped, and the sheets went in the washer, underwear and any washable clothes soon followed. Olivia showed me how to properly fold anything that came out of the dryer.

We usually went out for dinner on Saturday night. But if the weather cooperated, we grilled and sat by the pool. Sunday after morning sex and a big breakfast, any left-over chores were completed. During the work week, I'd help Olivia prepare dinner and we'd clean up together. Truthfully, I liked the regimented schedule. Not much was left to chance, and it made for a lovely home environment.

Our domestic life was something I'd always dreamt about, maybe not with a woman that happened to have a penis. But my love for Olivia transcended anything I'd felt previously with anyone. Every morning I woke, arms and legs entangled with this extraordinary woman. She had such a sweet, loving and kind nature, despite all her suffering. We cuddled and kissed like two young lovers, and I experienced a profound contentment in her embrace.

Our engagement seemed to solidify our commitment to one another. Olivia got many compliments about her ring, especially from Rhea who introduced us at the wedding, now many months ago. As time went on, we became more and more in tune with each other's thoughts and feelings.

To our surprise, we discovered we were really a couple of homebodies. Olivia's home was large and beautiful as was the swimming pool compound. It was large enough to swim laps and she had two separate cabanas constructed, one for the ladies and one for the men. There was a connected patio with a stone grill and bar.

Walter was a frequent visitor as well as Cheryl and her family. Rhea was invited a few times; sometimes friends and co-workers as well. Olivia was the perfect hostess and with my assistance the chef.

Summer was upon us when Olivia suggested we take a vacation to one of the Caribbean Islands.

"Babe, I feel like I'm at one of the islands when we're relaxing by the pool." I spoke.

Recently, I'd started calling her babe and she loved it.

"Jason, I found a resort in Saint Lucia that has private villas with swimming pools, chef, and maid service. Since it's not high season, we can afford it. I'll wear my sexiest bikinis or with the privacy, nothing at all."

Olivia batted her eyes at me. I got a lump in my throat and shorts just thinking about my princess, naked as the day she was born, lounging by the pool. There was no way I could refuse her and agreed.

Well, the villa was just as advertised and we practically spent the entire vacation without any clothes on, except when the chef and maids were doing their thing.

By the time we went home, I don't think I had any bodily fluids left. We fucked and sucked each other more than at any other time in our relationship. It was mid-way through our vacation when Olivia asked me what my ultimate desire for the trip was. I didn't even have to think.

"I'd love to spend an entire afternoon in the pool with you, naked, kissing and hugging. We don't have to have sex, just us, together, some soft jazz in the background and we'll get the chef to prepare a nice spread of food and wines, we can munch on and indulge.'

"Oh my god! You're such a romantic and I'd like nothing better. Tomorrow, my love?"

The next day, the chef left a generous spread of food and alcoholic beverages for us to enjoy at our leisure. I tipped him handsomely and explained that he could come back in the morning to prepare breakfast.

Olivia walked out in her sexiest bikini and looked stunning. We ate and drank, happy as larks. Before she went in the pool, her bikini was left on a chair, and we had the best afternoon of the vacation. We swam, cuddled, kissed, and frolicked like two kids. With the strong tropical sun, we had to apply sunscreen often and my favorite was rubbing it into her breasts.

"My god babe, you have beautiful breasts and the nipples..."

I stroked and caressed her awesome chest.

"Hmm...that feels good but my love, I'm only a B cup. I wanted bigger but the surgeon talked me out of it, a full B would be perfect with my frame, he said. He was right. You don't wish they were bigger?"

"No, not at all."

I stroked her nips until they were rock hard.

"Oh...umm...umm. They're so sensitive...umm, umm."

I couldn't resist and suckled while I tweaked the straining buds. Olivia's penis was erect and looked like an ICBM ready to launch. With her left nipple buried in my mouth, I stroked her magnificent cock.

"I thought you said no sex this afternoon." She groaned.

It wasn't long before,

"Oh, my love...I'm gonna cum."

I dropped down and engulfed her cock as it spurted. Holding her firm butt, I gulped her load then carried her to a lounger for some sweet kisses. That was the only sex we indulged in, and it was the most romantic afternoon of our vacation.

Back home we settled into our usual routine. It was the first summer that Olivia only taught the first summer session and she was the perfect home maker. Dinners were out by the patio; weekends were glorious and less on routine as she was able to accomplish most of our end of work week tasks during the week.


My birthday was in late October, and she'd ask what I wanted. Unashamedly, I tell her I wanted to visit Disney World. I'd never been but wanted to in the worst way. She balked at the idea and gave me her reasons, but I was undeterred, and it was my sole wish.

On a Sunday in mid-August, we were eating a delicious breakfast that she had prepared.

"Have you thought about where you want to go for your birthday?' she asked.

Just from the look in my eyes, she knew what I was going to say.

"Oh no, not there. No Jason."

"What's wrong with Disney World?' I whined.

"I've never been a fan...I just don't see why everyone is so ga ga over the place. It's horribly expensive, hot as Hades and the lines..."

"You're probably the only person I know who doesn't care for Disney..."

"You can always go by yourself. I won't mind."

"Without you? No way! I want you with me."

I was visibly pouting.

"There you go again...sulking like a little boy. What am I going to do with you?"

Every time Olivia said, 'what am I going to do with you' I cringed."

I was washing the last few dishes grumbling when Olivia came up behind me and put her arms around me.

"How's my little boy? Huh?"

"Fine..." I answered curtly.

"Is my little boy gonna cry because mean ole Olivia won't take him to Disney?"


I tried to shake her arms off, but Olivia was strong and held me tight.

"I must change for my class...? What about a nice island in the Caribbean? You love looking at me in my bikini. Think about it?"

I nodded but Olivia was right, Disney wasn't everyone's cup of tea but somehow it seemed sacrilegious not to make the pilgrimage at least once. My dad was a psychologist and when I was much younger, he had similar views on Disney. He called it crass commercialism under the guise of a squeaky-clean environment. He wasn't wrong in his assessment, but I like most Americans could care less. Disney sold us a bill of goods and we happily bought into it.

When Olivia reappeared in her kick boxing outfit, I wolf whistled.

"Damn girl, you look...phew! Is it hot in here or is it just me."

"Flattery will get you everywhere..."

As I dried my hands, Olivia took me in her arms.

"Does my little boy feel better?"

"Sorry about earlier...I...feel stupid at how I reacted."

Olivia gazed at me with her soft brown eyes and kissed me with those amazingly supple lips.

"I'll see you in a couple of hours. Do you want to shower with me when I come home?"

I eagerly nodded my head as she left. Our together times in the shower were intense and sexually fulfilling.

Olivia didn't bring up the subject of my birthday for several weeks and I thought she forgot about it. I resigned myself to the idea of a birthday trip to one of the islands which I would enjoy but...

One Sunday morning, as I started to help her cook,

"Jason, would you set the table."


I adored Sunday mornings with Olivia. I'd watch her cook, mesmerized by the marvelous elan she displayed as she prepared the food. We'd hug and kiss until we sat down to what would best be classified as brunch. We ate at a leisurely pace, enjoying every morsel. Then, as I cleaned up, she'd get ready and go to her kick boxing class. Afterwards, we'd spend time in the shower, indulging our lust.

I went to the corner cupboard to retrieve the glassware and marveled at her extensive collection of Depression Glass.

"Let's use the green Royal Lace, ok?"

I gathered up what we would need and when I walked to the table, I saw an envelope with hearts on the outside addressed to me.

"Hey, what's this?"

"Oh, something for you. Open it."

I found the letter opener and slowly slid the edge along the seal. I took out a small card and a letter size piece of paper. My hands were shaking as I opened the card.

My dearest Jason,

I think you know by now that I love you with all my heart and soul. Your happiness means the world to me, and I hope this gift will make your birthday special.

All my love, forever!


When I opened the letter, I gasped. Olivia had booked the TCM Classic Cruise, five nights aboard a Disney Cruise Ship, exclusive meet and greets with movie stars, classic films running day and night. I was literally in seventh heaven.

I walked in the kitchen in a state of shock.

"I...how...you...I'm so..."

"My poor boy...cat got your tongue?"

"Olivia, this is just unbelievable, so unexpected. Thank you...thank you. I love my gift."

I took her in my arms and kissed my beautiful girl with passion. Suddenly, I turned and started for the stairs.

"Where are you going? Breakfast is ready."

"I gotta start packing!"

"Jason Whitson, get back here this instant. We have three months before we leave."

I snuck up behind Olivia and put my arms around her waist.

"How did you manage to get the time off from teaching? It's near the end of the term."

"I have two grad assistants who'll handle things, anyway the University owes me quite a few days, and this will only put a little dent in it. Before you came along, I rarely took any time off."

My beautiful girl, you're the best!" I crowed.

Olivia had tears in her eyes.

"Remember babe, I'm the sentimental one."

She embraced me in her sweet tender way that lit a fire in my soul.

"Let's eat before it gets cold." She said but kissed me with searing passion.

I was like a kid in a candy store, unable to concentrate on food, I saved most of mine and ran upstairs to change for the gym. Before we headed out, I took Olivia in my arms.

"Is my boy happy?"

I nodded my head with a goofy grin. Olivia pulled me tight against her body.

"Oh, my love, when I see you this ecstatic...it makes my heart soar."

More blazing hot kisses and out the door we went. At the gym, I started my cardio and realized I left my small backpack with my gym essentials at home. I thought that I'd be ok but one thing I always carried were glucose tablets because I had a serious problem with low blood sugar. Every morning, I took my blood sugar reading when I woke up, but it could strike at any time. I was keenly aware of the signs when it started and would quickly chew a pill, to stave off the terrible symptoms; profuse cold sweats, severe shivering, trouble breathing, fatigue and the inability to think clearly. It could take upwards of two or three hours to feel normal again and it was necessary to nap or sleep, only to awake to an awful feeling of lethargy.
