Olivia: A Love Story


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I was halfway through my warmup on the treadmill when I recognized the signs. Like a stupid fool, I kept thinking that it would go away but the symptoms got worse and worse. Then I remembered I forgot my backpack. After I turned the treadmill off, I tried to walk to the reception desk, but it looked like it was twenty miles away. My body was enveloped by an intense cold sweat, and I was shaking, almost violently.

I sat on the floor and a friend I occasionally weight lifted with came over to me. When I looked at Petra, she immediately knew something was very wrong.


"Need sugar anything with sugar...need badly..."

As I slumped to the floor, there was a flurry of activity and then everything went dark. Later, I was in a weird kind of twilight, there were voices that I didn't recognize, several sharp pinches on my arm and an appalling sense of illness enveloped my being.

I do remember asking for Olivia.

"Olivia? Olivia? Where are you babe? I need you...help me, please help me."

When I finally woke up, Olivia was standing next to the gurney, my hand in hers, tears streaming down her face.

"Olivia? Where am I?"

"Jason!" She cried and held my hand to her face, kissing it sweetly.

"Where am I?"

"They rushed you to the ER at Paoli Hospital. Your blood sugar was fifty and dropping. You're going to be ok, but you'll be here for a little while until they know that you're stable."

"I left my glucose tablets at home, but I never expected this...oh...I feel terrible."

I couldn't lift my head off the pillow.

"That girl Petra had the presence of mind to look in the favorites on your cell and found my name and contact. She called me, explained the situation, and stayed with you till I arrived. You scared me half to death!"

"I'm sorry, very sorry, babe."

"You were unconscious, but you kept mumbling my name asking where I was and would I help you. I took your hand and kept saying I'm here...I'm here..."

Olivia was crying like I'd never seen her do before.

"Oh god, Jason...just the thought that I might lose you..."

My beautiful princess gently covered my upper body with hers as she wept, tenderly holding me.

"Don't cry, babe...I'll be ok."

A nurse practitioner came in the room took some vital signs, then stood next to the bed.

"You gave everyone quite a scare Mr. Whitson."

Although I was feeling sick, I was also very sheepish about what happened.

"Low Blood Sugar is very dangerous and potentially life threatening. I recommend that you always carry glucose tablets. They can be a life saver and prevent the symptoms that you're experiencing now. I'll have some educational pamphlets included with your discharge papers. Sit tight, you'll probably be here another hour or so."

When I was discharged, I was literally famished, another side effect of the event. I begged Olivia to stop at a restaurant and get takeout. Thankfully, she called ahead, and it was ready for us.

At home, I tore into the food like a dog with a meaty bone. When I finished, I instantly was overcome with fatigue and lay on the sofa. That's the last thing I remembered until Olivia was gently shaking my shoulder.

"Come my love, time to hit the hay."

My princes helped me up the stairs, changed me into my PJ's and tucked me in. Olivia sat next to me and stroked my hair.

"You should take tomorrow off, rest up...the PA said it would be in your best interest."

"But babe, I'll be ok..."

"I'll stay with you, take care of you...be your nurse."

"What about your classes?"

"I only have two tomorrow, I'll text my grad assistant and she can take over for me."

"Thank you, I love you. I'm sorry about today but I was so excited about my gift...I wasn't thinking straight."

I snuggled against my beautiful girl and slept peacefully. The next morning, I felt perfectly fine.

"Babe, I want to go to work...I feel up to it."

Olivia sat next to me with a serious look.

"You're not going anywhere. Understand?"


"No, buts. The PA said you should rest for twenty-four hours and that's what you're going to do, and furthermore no and I mean no sex. Got that!"

"Yes ma'am" I answered cowering under the covers.

"You scared me witless yesterday. So, you're going to follow doctors' orders."

Olivia looked very determined but pulled me in for a hug.

"Now, what can I get you for breakfast?"

I looked at the bulge between her legs.

"Really? I just said no sex. I'm talking about food."

I couldn't decide so Olivia decided for me with two poached eggs, dry toast, some melon, and sugar free yogurt with granola. It was a good healthy meal, but I had to remain in bed. She offered me a back rub and I gladly accepted. Her hands felt wonderful on my bare skin and of course I got a very hard erection and when I turned over, the front of my pajama bottoms tented.

"Typical boy, always thinking with the little head." She sighed.

Olivia picked up my tray and was walking out of the room.

"Try to get some rest...and that will have to go down on its own." She said pointing at my hard cock.

"...and no masturbating! Is that clear?"

"But babe it's kind of painful...just a few strokes?"

"No Jason, I meant what I said earlier...now try to rest or I'll have Santa put you on the naughty list."

"Oh...ok." I grumbled.

Olivia brought her briefcase and laptop with her so she could work and keep an eye on me. She totally ignored me, and I did sleep on and off until the afternoon. I was waking from my second nap and very hungry.

"Hey babe, I'm starving..."

My beautiful girl fed me with a turkey sandwich, more fruit, and a tasteless extra-large sugar free chocolate chip cookie. Although I requested a cup of coffee, she brought me a glass of milk.

"Why can't I have coffee?"

"The nurse said to restrict caffeine until tomorrow...and that goes for alcohol too."

I started grumbling under my breath.

"No back talk mister, I'm in charge for the time being."

I felt like I was in prison, albeit a velvet lined prison with Olivia the warden.

"If you want to shower, I'll help you."

"I do feel kind of grungy...so yes."

As I started to get out of bed, I felt woozy and luckily Olivia grabbed me and held me steady. With her arm around my middle, she helped me to the shower and removed my pajamas before she turned the water on. She got naked also.

"Sit tight, don't stand up, I'll do all the work."

"You're enjoying this, bossing me around, aren't you?"

"Since you persist by acting like a naughty little boy, I'll take control and when I'm satisfied that you're actually listening to the advice of the doctors and nurses, I'll let up."

I couldn't help grumbling some more but Olivia ignored me and carefully washed my body but when she got to my genitals, you guessed it, tall and hard. Again, she ignored my predicament but when she was washing, I reached out and caressed her cock, but she slapped my hand away and it surprised me.

"You, you...hit me..." I sputtered.

"And I'll do it again if I have to."

Olivia was rinsing her beautiful body and I must have had a forlorn look.

"Maybe just a few sucks...or licks."

"No, the waiting will do you good and since you've been an annoying brat, I'll decide when, got that?"

The tears welled in my eyes.

"Why are you being so mean?"

"Because after yesterday and what I saw, we're playing by the rules. I have the discharge instructions, want to read them? I did and I'm going to do exactly as they say. And don't cry!"

I hung my head, thoroughly rebuked by my Nazi prison guard. I was marched back to bed with instructions to take a nap. My tears dried up quickly and I did drift off to a nice rest. I woke to long shadows on the wall and saw Olivia curled up in the chair next to the bed, sound asleep. I had to piss like a racehorse and started to get up, but that wonky sensation sent me to my knees. I started crawling to the bathroom until,

"Jason Whitson, what are you doing?"

"I must go really bad..."

Olivia pulled me to my feet and made me sit on the toilet until the expulsion of fluid was complete. Once I was back in bed, she regarded me with very stern look.

"Do you know what happens to naughty boys?"

I shook my head fearfully.

"They get spanked and spanked hard."

"No, no, not that...no."

I hated spankings because that's what my father did to discipline me when I was young.

"Please, babe, I'll be good, I promise."

Olivia smiled.

"You should have seen your face. You genuinely looked scared."

I explained about my childhood form of punishment and why I detested it. My beautiful girl pulled me in for a hug. She dropped the prison guard routine and gazed at me with tender fondness.

"Oh, my beautiful man, I love you and I'd never try to spank you. Now, if you want to spank me well..."

Olivia batted her eyes at me.

"Why are you being nice all of a sudden?"

"We're way past twenty-four hours for recovery."

I visibly exhaled but grabbed Olivia.

"Time for some retribution Brunhilda the prison guard. A little corporal punishment on the menu? Over my knee!"

As she laid across my lap, I pulled her sweat bottoms down and gently caressed her lovely cheeks. They looked like two perfect halves of a melon. Undeterred, I gave Olivia's butt a sound thrashing until it was bright red. She was whimpering and sniffed a few crocodile tears as she turned and put her arms around my neck.

I gazed with wonder at her flaccid tool; how it arched down perfectly between her thighs. But it was the quantity of sperm her big testicles produced that still amazed me. All the meds she took to suppress male hormones and yet her orgasms were intense and belly filling. The way her lightly wrinkled sac hung with those lovely oval testes snuggled inside was incredibly seductive. My hand gently played with her penis.

"You have a beautiful cock, simply beautiful." I gushed.

Olivia tenderly kissed my forehead.

"You're the first person to tell me that my penis is beautiful. You make me feel so special, so loved...it thrills me that it brings you so much pleasure."

Olivia kissed me with tender passion, her soft supple lips melding with mine.

"Tell me what you like best about it."

"I love sucking on it, especially when its soft and I can feel it thicken and get hard between my lips. The skin so silky as I lick the shaft and it hardens even more. My desire is overwhelming. I want it, I need it.

Olivia's cock was starting to grow in my palm.

"Oh, my love, you're making me want your mouth..."

"Then it's hard and I hungrily suck the circumcised head, feeling your body jerk as I lap at the sensitive nerve, exposed in the V. Your hips are moving in rhythm to my sucking, pumping that steely nail between my lips. I cup your balls, feeling the weight, famished for the protein that resides within.


Oh, dear god, Jason...please suck my cock...please."


"You drive your swollen tool into my throat, feeling the muscles ripple along the shaft. Again and again, it invades my esophagus, until the jism in your nuts begins to percolate. Your steel hard now, lost in the ecstasy that my mouth is giving you. I'm relentless, sucking and throating like my very existence depends on it.


Oh! Jason...you're driving me crazy!"

I aggressively fisted Olivia's granite hard penis.

"The sperm in your balls is boiling, ready to rocket up the shaft. In the worst way, you want me to have it, every atom of your sweet cum, pumping your searing load down my throat! And just the thought of all that creamy batter in my belly pushes you over the edge.

"Please Jason! Suck my penis!"

I ignore Olivia and keep up the dialogue.

"You yell, alerting me as the first jet splashes my tongue. It's just the beginning as spurt after spurt fills my mouth. I must swallow as your delicious cream leaks out the corners of my mouth. You keep pumping your awesome spitting nail between my lips, as your nuts drain. You've refilled my mouth with your luscious spunk, and I open it showing you the thick batter. Then I swallow and it slowly slides down searing my throat with its rich, tangy flavor."

"Jason! I'm begging, please!"

I engulfed Olivia's penis, driving it into my throat. I deepthroated and sucked like a madman. I'm determined to give her an experience she'll never forget. Her butt was raised pumping her rock-hard nail between my lips. She can't last very long, and she doesn't.

"Oh, dear god! It's soo damn big! Agh...agh...agh!"

Olivia's penis erupted as jets of scorching sperm splashed my tonsils. I swallowed to keep up with volume as her spitting nail filled my mouth again. Finally, it stopped as her load sizzled on my taste buds, and I swished my tongue through the rich goo. I tilted my head back and showed her the silky sperm from her nuts. Greedily, I gulped it down and collapsed in her embrace.

Olivia kissed all over my face.

"My wonderful lover...my beautiful man...that was unbelievable! You just gave me the most amazing head; I've never experienced anything like it! The way you described what you were going to do, made me incredibly hot."

Tenderly, I nuzzled Olivia's balls and kissed her flaccid cock.

To say I had an Olivia penis addiction would only be half accurate, I was also thirsty for her luscious creamy spunk. That never ceased to amaze me. Before my princess, I never entertained the idea of performing fellatio or ingesting ball batter.

I particularly enjoyed sucking Olivia's penis in the morning before work. Her balls had all night to recharge, and it was the perfect way for her to release a pent-up load. After a bathroom break, we'd take up our positions and I'd deepthroat her awesome nail.

"Oh Jason, you give the most amazing head. I love the way you suck my cock. Umm, yes, suck...suck...suck the cream from my balls" She groaned.

Holding Olivia's very firm butt, I aggressively throated her stiff meat missile.

"You're hungry this morning...hungry for my sperm, umm...umm."

After some very energetic sucking,

"Oh yes, time for your reward..."

Her sweet penis swelled and thickened, the head twitched and that delicious first jet would splash my throat.

"Ooh yes, my love...drain my balls. Drink it down."

Olivia loved feeding me her silky sperm.

She'd playfully tussle my hair or stroke my cheeks with her finger, groaning as she pumped her spitting nail, sliding it between my lips until it slowed to a dribble. I'd tilt my head back, open my mouth, showing her the load, I was about to gulp. Afterwards, in the shower, she'd pat my belly with a big grin.

"It thrills me to no end, knowing my cum is in there..."

When I couldn't get my morning fix, as soon as I finished working for the day, I was on my knees. Olivia would lovingly stroke my face and hair as I gobbled her stiff penis bringing her to a satisfying orgasm.

On the weekends, Olivia rarely wore a bra, except if we were going out. I'd grope and fondle her very firm breasts. I remember a Saturday after the gym and kickboxing, we were in the shower, and I was gently soaping her very firm mounds.

"My god, babe. You have beautiful breasts and these nipples, just mouthwatering..."

"Umm, a beautiful penis and breasts...what else do you find beautiful?

My hands slid down to her awesome derriere' and clutched the cheeks.

"After I'm done with your tits, I'll spend some time licking your sweet butt."

"Oh Jason, you make me feel like a princess."

Olivia adjusted the shower head to a steamy spray. She sat me on the triangle seat and with her hands on my shoulders, her nipples jutted at mouth level. I gazed at them hungrily, her areola was small but in the center was a lovely, peaked nipple, much like a large Hershey Kiss. Back and forth, she grazed her stiff titties over my closed lips.

'Are you being stubborn, my love? I know you want to suck. Go ahead, suckle all you want."

I opened my mouth and covered her right nipple, tongue resting on the tip. My lips closed and gently tugged while my tongue teased the tip. With tender care I worshipped her breasts, hands gently squeezing, mouth working leisurely. I adored how her nipples would swell and harden as I suckled like a baby.

"Yes, my love...yes...nurse my breasts."

Olivia held my head and kissed the top while I teased and tugged on her sweet nipples. I was taking a momentary respite and gazed at her lovely titties. They were swollen and almost purplish in color from all the sucking. I looked down and her penis was hard with a pronounced pulsing.

It was time for some butt worship. To say Olivia had a 'great ass' like Pacino declared in "Scent of A Woman" would be an understatement. It was about as perfect as I'd ever seen.

I made Olivia lean against the shower wall and bend forward. Her lovely pink cluster was nestled between her cheeks. I knelt and licked every square inch of her behind, my tongue tip teased her anus with feathery licks and pokes. When my mouth settled over her pucker, I energetically sucked and repeatedly drove my mouth muscle into it.

"Oh yes! Eat my ass...holy shit! It feels fantastic!"

With my tongue buried in Olivia's rectum, I jerked her pole until rapid spurts of jism, splattered the tile wall in front of her. In the aftermath, I caught her before she slumped to the floor and carried her to the day bed and toweled off her beautiful body. I found a thick terry cloth robe because she was shivering.

When I sat next to Olivia, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed all over my face.

"You wonderful man, have I told you lately that I just love you to pieces?"

"Yeah, you do, every day." I said with tears rimming my eyes.

My heart and my soul belonged to her, totally. Olivia always made me feel like the most important person in her life and I did likewise.


The TCM cruise was a film buffs dream of a lifetime. I got to meet several of the hosts and a few older movie stars. The Disney Characters were on board, and at the Meet and Greets I made Olivia pose with me for pics with Minnie, Mickey, Goofy, etc. Despite her cool regard for Disney, she couldn't help but smile as the photographer clicked away. I paid for every pic which cost a pretty penny, but they came with a classy Disney themed frame. She arranged the photos along the vanity mirror in our stateroom, often moving them around to suit her taste. When we were in our cabin, which wasn't very often with all the onboard activities, she'd gaze at them with a huge grin.

"I thought you didn't like Disney?" I smirked.

"Oh...ah...you see..."


"Ok, Jason. I'm warming to the idea but it's us in the pictures. We'll have them to remember when we need a smile or laugh."

Olivia's favorites that were always in the middle of the vanity were two impromptu pics of her with Chip and Dale. We were eating dinner and they were working the room with silly antics. One was on either side of her, using her utensils, showing her how to eat in the pantomime they used as they never spoke, just made silly noises. My lovely princess was laughing and it's so genuine that my eyes mist over whenever I see it.

"How do you tell them apart?" She asked one afternoon.

"Dale has a red nose and gapped buck teeth; Chip a dark brown and two centered teeth."

"How on earth do you know that?"

"I'm a Disney lover babe."

It truly was a wonderful cruise, and I showed my appreciation every night for the best birthday gift I ever received.


We were enjoying life looking forward to the holidays when the news started mentioning some mysterious disease from China. It wasn't until early March when the shit hit the fan, the shutdowns and stay at home edicts were issued. The remainder of Olivia's school term was canceled, and I found myself working at home with two large laptops my only means of communicating with the outside world.
