On the Loveseat Ch. 27


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But still that didn't help with what to do with the story after that point!

I knew what the ending was going to be (what it had to be), but just not how to get from point 'Q' to point 'Z'.

It always was going to be Jeremy ending up marrying a girl his own age, but with still having sex/connection with his mother even after that (for the happy ending between Jeremy and Jenny). Did I introduce that girl/future wife at that point, or just have a random one or two to get him over the breakup? Jenny would have to realize that she wanted him back, but with the complication of him then having a girlfriend would be a new twist. Would Jeremy's eventual wife know about him and his mom? If so, how involved would the wife be? How serious would Jeremy get with a girlfriend, or how quickly? The story was getting very long and I wanted to get to the end as much as the readers. It might not have been as believable for the first girl that comes along be 'the one', but things needed to move along and it did play into Erin's talk of them being fated to be together (of which I came up with as the reasoning why things moved so fast between her and Jeremy).

For a long time, Erin also didn't have a name. She was just 'girlfriend' or 'GF' (and in the plotting of the story, that is all she ever was).

For me, giving a character a name makes them real. You can write, Jeremy meets girl, they get along, the girl does this or that, the girl ... etc. but at that point she could be anything. Once she has a name, you wonder what she looks like, how she grew up, does she have siblings, on and on. She is real then. I don't really make up characters so much as 'discover' them. So, I held off coming up with a name for her until I decided if she actually would be the one Jeremy would one day marry. If she was going to be that one, then part of her character would be her involvement with Jenny (whether as just a rival for Jeremy's affections, or as a sex partner for Jenny as well!). Once I 'discovered' Erin, I found that she had an interest in incest, that she discovered sex early (from dad's porno novel!), and that mothers and sons were an especial kink of hers. Things fell into place quickly then. Erin would discover them together and wanted to see them again. I debated about her getting involved or just leave her as an overheated bystander. But this is porn! I love lesbians! So, of course she was going to join them!

Erin got to be more involved with the mother/son dynamic than I was prepared to have in the story that had always been about Jeremy and Jenny, even if at points there were others included. I did realize that to get to the point of Jenny (or Jeremy) accepting the eventual slow separation that had to happen, that there had to be a period of Jenny getting to know the girl that would sooner or later take her son away from her. Getting to know her intimately, which at the start hadn't been intended! At the start it is just for Jeremy's benefit that mother and girlfriend get together, but with Jenny's twist with her sister and having had lesbian sex long ago, meant that she was not unfamiliar with the joys of a woman's body. The scene of Erin discovering them came about in the course of the writing, which led to how much she would get involved. I figured just a little, but it grew to become an affair unto itself! If this hadn't been a sex story, I would have reined that action in, but it is, so I let it come out as it did!

Adding Erin as it turned out, didn't come so easily. I tried to imply her importance too soon I believe. Many found they couldn't accept her character (and those that wanted this to stay just Jeremy and Jenny never would). I blame my skill for that. And that I was trying to get from one point to another without a clear path as I wrote, and that I was rushing the storyline as it had gotten very long before Erin made an appearance. It felt forced. If I had come up with the idea of a girlfriend far earlier, I could have added hints of her in before she became 'the girlfriend' and it might not have seemed so rushed. But it is what it is. I did/do love her character, even if I couldn't relate that in words as clearly as I wanted.

The fling that Erin has at her aunt's lakehouse wasn't originally scripted and only got adding in when I came to her returning home. I added it as a way for her to get one more time with another guy before being locked into her future with Jeremy. A small bit, but just a little extra to give to the story. And so that she sees how good Jeremy is for her and to show that she would never cheat on him (again!).

The last chapters were again just a series of events that had to be put in order without conflicting with previous events but also not messing up the planned ending as things happen as you write that you didn't expect, even if they seem like little things at the time (such as Jess's unknown flirting with Jenny as teens, Justin's golf thing, Jeremy's thing for Jess's ass!), you just go with the words as they come to you! The beach scene was an idea that came up very early (maybe even before I came up with the long weekend episode), but as it had to happen in the summer, it was put on hold until the story reached that time point.

The last scene of the main story, before the epilogue and all the extras, had to be a return to the loveseat, a 'back to the beginning', but now with all the additional backstories going on with all the characters. Jenny then knew about Jess's feelings for her, Jess knew about Jenny's involvement with her son and his girlfriend. Erin likewise aware of all that Jeremy had done with his mom and aunt. Jeremy wanting to be with them all, but it is only Erin at the end. That it is Erin on the loveseat and not Jenny is to show that although Jenny is still in his sex life, that it is now Erin that is his primary focus. The girlfriend had taken the mother's spot.

One of the chief complaints I received was the number of participants in Jeremy's sex life, or how easy everyone jumped in bed with each other. For the first part, no one lives in a bubble. We all orbit numerous people in our lives, as they do around us. Life is that interplay of lives. Much as Margie was needed to set things in motion for mother and son, so too are all the others involved. Otherwise, it would just be scene after scene of Jeremy and Jenny and that would as I've said, get boring very quickly. As to the second, this is a porn story. There are no nuns, or recluses, here. People have active sex lives, even if not as unbelievable as our protagonist, but that's why you are reading these stories, for the fantastic things that happen in them. At least, that's how I feel. I come here for the stories that would/could never happen to me!

I do know that at different times it seems like Jenny is a bit too casual about her marriage, or that she doesn't care about Justin, or that she just acted a little like a bitch. None of that was intentional, but also like real people, our attitudes about different things vary as we go through life and sometimes fluctuate even from day to day. Jenny didn't know how to react to all the things that were happening to her and she was conflicted by her feelings for husband and son (and later, for her sister as well!). It wasn't deliberate, but that it also gave her more dimension, I wouldn't change it. Part of it was that I was as conflicted on how to convey all the things each of the characters was feeling and to make it seem like they were all different characters and not just variations of 'me', so to say. I hadn't intended this to be a complex morale debate about incest or fidelity, it just grew to become that. As in the original idea, it was just mom rubs his dick and he eventually has sex with her, that's it!

I will also say now, that I will never again write a story as I go! It will either be completely finished before I turn it in, or the entire plot will be set out ahead of time. I hadn't expected this story to turn out as it did and there are many things at the start that I would have changed if I had known the length that it would end up being. As I am big stickler for continuity, there are some of those things that once I had written them and they were 'published', I couldn't change as at that point I considered them 'set in stone' as it were. Certain things such as the layout of the house, or the vehicle that mom drives, have varied throughout the story although I have tried to limit it. Forgetting about Jenny's allergies when the parents give Jojo a kitten (which is why mom couldn't go to the zoo with the family) was just a 'D'oh!' moment. I just chalk them up as a learning experience and try to do better.

As to the actual writing:

First, I try to outline long sections of the story (to avoid things coming up that I hadn't prepared to happen), then I write a rough draft (such as that given here above, but usually more expansive than that short bit, or like an unwritten scene of which I give the draft below) that might even include sentences, phrases, conversations that make it to the final draft. I then read through that last draft to find words missed while typing, for clarity of my descriptions or the events happening, and to rewrite parts that I had an issue with in the initial writing but had to just put the idea down and then moved on to come back later and fix. I will usually add the beginning intro and the ending notes at any time during the course of the story, but edit them before finishing the chapter. Then I run a grammar check; spell check is usually on while writing, although there are actually few words that give me an issue. The spell checker, I will say, really has a field day with the sex talk as it doesn't understand 'Cuh-cuh-minnng!' or with the grammar, that it is 'my' cum and not me that it always suggests! I fix the grammar issues (even if Word is stupid in most such instances!), then read through it again for clarity. One more spell/grammar check if I've changed anything, and then I submit the chapter.

I will add that doing a spelling and grammar check is so, so important to do before turning any story in. I've read so many stories on Literotica that are good stories, plot wise and with interesting characters, that are just killed because of typos, misspelled or misused words, mixed tenses (my personal demon), or just jumbled sentences. 'Quiet' instead of 'quite'. 'Tounge' instead of 'tongue'. Authors, please, just read through your story before submitting! Or have someone else do so! Please, I beg you!

(This re-reading of my own story has led to some of my delays, as I start reading and I get caught up in the story. Even me, and I wrote it!)

It usually takes the website two to five days to approve a story (in my experience). Those days are usually very tense, as you constantly check to see if the story is up yet! And then I give a little cheer to myself when I finally see it is posted. Then the wait for the comments and the votes, or the messages that are sent to your email privately. I am amazed that some people take the time to write some of the longer comments/messages about something that I have written!

I do read every comment and message and value them all! I have taken some comments to heart and changed things in the story to accommodate this, usually very minor, but I hear you and listen to your advice. There were also many suggestions that I couldn't accommodate as no one was ever getting pregnant in this story (well, until the end anyway!), there wasn't going to be any gay sex, and many worried about additional guys of which couldn't happen given the storyline, etc.

Also, many (too many) have guessed plot twists or commented about things that hadn't happened yet that I had to wonder if I was being too obvious with some of them. Notably, when someone commented out of the blue that it was obvious what Jessica's secret was; that she had been in love with Jenny. There had been nothing overt in the story to suggest that and then someone says it was obvious! I was blown away by that!

I am also blown away by the love you readers have shown my 'little' tale of incest and seduction. The characters started out as cardboard actors that have been filled out because of your requests for more. I thank you for that! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Now for some notes about some comments, clarifications, and miscellany.

Jack, Justin's golfing buddy has his own family issues that will (hopefully one day!) be told in another story.

After the appearance of the waitress Gretchen (from chapter 12), I have come up with a story idea for her as well, but it is still only vague and rough at the time of this writing.

The incident at the mall (from chapter 25) will be more fully told in the story appropriately titled 'The Mall Incident' (of which is still rough, but mostly drafted).

One reader commented that he couldn't picture the dress that Jenny wore when she, Jess, and Jeremy went out on the Saturday of the big weekend (chapter 12) and that was due to a portion of the description getting deleted. I give it here again, with the missing portion replaced. I only found out the mistake when it was commented about it. I don't know how it got deleted, but I guess such things happen.

Mom's dress was like nothing I had ever seen her wearing! It was a sparkly cherry red that looked like fish scales but on closer inspection were very fine interwoven sequins, with sleeves so short that they hardly covered her shoulders.

Another reader misunderstood that the box banging (from chapter 15) was Jenny and Jeremy's bodies slapping together instead of what I meant; as the sound of Jenny's body bouncing against the floor from the force of Jeremy slamming into her.

Someone else made a comment about dad not calling or texting while he was on his business trip. Just because I didn't write every little thing that happened, doesn't mean that it didn't. Also, I am from a generation before smart phones and instant messages. We could actually go days without hearing from friends or family. No call was actually a good thing, as it meant nothing bad had happened!

As for Aunt Jessica having a 'landing strip' pubic hair trim, she is regularly dating at the start and trying to attract a man. She keeps herself trimmed for that, and also for Margie's benefit as well!

Jeremy's favorite actress, Kate Lawrence is a mix of Kate Beckinsale and Jennifer Lawrence, both favorites of mine!

Tigerade is obviously a replacement for the drink originally developed by that Florida college football team!

X-station is a mash up for two of the most popular video game systems.

Vanessa's Closet is the substitute for that famous Secret that is no secret to any man, or woman.

Cap'n Charms is a mix of two cereals that have a sailing ship captain and a leprechaun as their respective characters, both childhood favorites of mine.

As for the oft mis-quoted proverb throughout the story: 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'. I botched it repeatedly and purposely for effect.

Jenny's swimsuit when they go to the lake (chapter 24), took a lot of thought to come up with and it isn't based on anything that I had previously seen. I wanted it to be spectacular, but not so overly so for a woman her age. I have received no comments about it, so I don't know if I over thought it, or just didn't express/describe it well enough (and that it occurred in the same chapter as the grandma sex that few cared for probably overshadowed the lake bit).

The amusement park actually took a bit for me to come up with a suitable name. It has to be obvious that it is similar to that famous mouse world in Florida, but with more of a focus on roller coasters than that park. I went with Willie as that was the mouse's character in his first short cartoon about a steamboat captain. I don't want to tread on any copyrights or trademarks of theirs, as they have many, well-paid lawyers and are well known for being quick to sue! (: Google it if you still don't know.

Water is actually a good lubricant, if not so much for sex, depending on quantity (the water, not the sex!) and had been used long before oil was discovered to work better. And that it is good to be well hydrated after exerting yourself extensively with sex to prevent cramps or dehydration.

The final page count, again in Word (narrow margins, single space, Calibri 11 pt. font), counting this appendix and the alternate endings coming next, is 1,024! So quite the epic turnout for the little stroke story that could! For those of you that have read it in its entirety, give yourself a pat on the back!


A small tidbit.

I have had this happen to me numerous times and I've found it annoying, maybe funny, and could be interesting to others. This is an example of a writer's brain at work:

You are up too late doing various things and you need to get to sleep. Just as you are about to drift off, you think of the most amazing story idea ever, one that will change literature forever and make generations to come look at words in a whole new way. You want/need to sleep, but you can't let this opportunity to change the world slip away. So, you pull out your notepad and you quickly put down the words with a shaky hand and half-closed eyes. You know it'll need plenty of work, but at least you got the basic idea down and hope the rest will come back to you when you are more conscious. Then you can finally get to sleep! You wake in the morning and remember your earth-shattering story idea and you grab your notepad to find this:

Then Mr. Codgelskin took his barnwaffle and gave it a good scree before humblescot sugarish coonershoes of corn. Mumble coatskittle hazahfred snozzilgrass ...

And then it turns to even more gibberish for two more pages! You yell out 'Brain! This is why you wouldn't let me get to sleep?' Brain: 'Hee, hee, hee! Wait until he sees what I have lined up for tonight!'

Now, not that all such incidents turn out like that (the above is made up and not an actual idea!). I've had some actual good story ideas come to me as I fade off, and hopefully I will get the time to write them someday. But it shows you have to take inspiration when it hits you, even if most of it turns out to be trash.


And now, a couple of extra scenes, bits that didn't quite fit in with the rest of the story, but that I thought were interesting ideas. They were too extreme or out of character for the participants to have them occur in the main story. I wrote them out specifically to put in this 'chapter' as extras (except for the first).

This scene seemed too over the top, even for the extras, and I wasn't going to include it. But when I finished everything else, I thought, what the hell! I will add it here just as it was drafted with no other editing or corrections. This is a good example of what some drafting usually looks like as well.

Have a bachelorette party with Jeremy filling in as the male entertainment and as many of the guests know who he was, there is no pretending to be otherwise (?). Jeremy has as an excuse (for dad) that he going out with friends while Erin at her party. Erin's friends there (with Jenny and Erin's mom [Jojo still far too young for a bachelorette party]) and as Jeremy strips the friends gasp at his size (while still concealed in male thong underwear). Some of the woman grab him and one pulls his dick free. A few give it a suck while Jenny has to pretend to be horrified, but she does give it a stroke at the urging of the young women. Erin's mom does so too (?) but leaves shortly after with a complaint of being tired/headache (so she not present for the more intense action). Erin sucks him teasingly with no attempt at making him cum. At least one other girl does suck him enthusiastically. All are very drunk and each now takes a turn to wrap their lips around his large cock, and they even 'convince' Jenny to give him a suck also. Erin declares that it was her bachelorette party and the stripper had to give her one last fuck before she got married. Jeremy not sure about this and especially with his mother present in front of the other girls. Jenny, acting more drunk than she was as an excuse for her abnormal motherly behavior, urges him on along with the other women. He does fuck Erin who does actually orgasm and Jeremy is about to cum when one of the women grabs him and pulls him from his fiancé's pussy and has him cum on Erin's ass. The woman then sucks him clean with an exaggerated lip smacking. A few of the other girls come over to Erin and lick at her cum-covered ass. The one that cleaned him (or another?) grabs at Jenny to have her take a lick at her future daughter-in-law's ass covered with her son's cum. Jenny takes one small lick as if she found it excruciating to be forced to this act. The rest of the women cheer drunkenly. Jeremy just hopes most of them don't remember the next day or just attribute it all to too much alcohol. Erin swipes a finger across her ass and sucks it clean before the crowd of horny women. She jokes that she hopes her fiancé tasted as good. The party continues but Jeremy leaves. Jenny follows a short time later and the pair hook up together before getting home (where?).