One Last Gangbang Pt. 01


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With a gentle handshake and a smile he said, "It was nice meeting you Karen. You're easy to get along with. Hopefully we'll see one another soon. Drive safe, good night."

All the way home I wondered. Did I meet someone today that I wouldn't mind getting to know better? Or was I seeing things that didn't actually exist? Why hadn't I heard the Morris's talk about him before? Where did he live? What was his education? Was he in a relationship? All topics that we never spoke of in the hours we had talked. Something else struck me as I drove, he didn't ask about my past.

The Monday following Thanksgiving I noticed that Walt wasn't in the office. When I asked one of the other ladies why she told me he always took the week before and after Thanksgiving off. When I mentioned Walt Jr at lunch she sat back and smiled.

"So you met Junior huh? Is that guy a hunk or what? I've known him since he was a kid, that boy has never wanted to do anything but farm."

I needed to ask, "Does he have a girlfriend?"

She laughed softly, "Nah. Doesn't have time for one. Not him or the other two. Nope, they're bachelors. Besides, who would want to be married to a guy who was hardly every home?"

I gave her a funny look, to which she responded, "They travel all over the states and parts of Canada planting in the spring, harvesting wheat in the summer, corn and soybeans in the fall. When they go to Canada or Texas they lease equipment, when they're in the Midwest they use their own. The only time they're home is in the winter months and they're doing maintenance during that time."

I slowly shook my head, "You're right. Who would want a life like that?"

With cold weather around the corner I contracted with the lawn mowing kid to clear my driveway and sidewalks. I also hired him to do the Christmas lights along the soffit. I didn't like the idea of being on uneven ground eight feet high. The University Staff Christmas party was upon me quicker than I wanted. I tried getting out of going but Walt and Annie insisted. It would be the first time I was tempted to hook up with a guy since I had left Carolina.

The party wasn't a gala event, everyone was in casual clothes. I was at Walt's table along with one other couple and a single guy who looked to be in his 40's. We had been seated next to one another and through introductions I learned he was an adjunct professor to the computer lab and would be at the university another three months. He was single, never married, had all his own teeth and hair as well as what appeared to be a toned body. He wasn't GQ material but held his own in the looks department.

As the evening progressed I learned that he would be returning to Idaho when his temporary position was through. He was kind, easy to talk to, and easy to let my guard down with. My late mother would have called him a panty dropper. Unfortunately the evening took a nosedive when dancing began. I did the two step with Walt and then a faster one with my new friend, Cliff. The next song happened to be a slow one, without asking or any warning at all he had me in his arms moving around the floor. I fought for a more traditional stance to no avail.

I found myself wondering *who is this guy? He wasn't like this at the table*. When his right hand left my hip and drifted down to my butt I stopped and pushed him back. Glaring at him the fool opened his mouth.

"Come on Karen. You've been leading me on all night. Drop the goody two shoes act and let's have some fun."

I was pissed, thoroughly pissed. How could I have let my guard down enough for him to think me being talkative was flirting. No, this wasn't going to work. I turned and walked to the table, grabbed my clutch, thanked Walt and Annie and departed.

Driving home I chastised myself for being so trusting. I had thought that I might be ready to date a guy, apparently I wasn't. I felt badly that I had departed so rapidly with no explanation to the Morris's but there was no way I planned to be in the sack with Cliff the perv. I was in bed reading when the phone rang just after eleven. Who could that be, I wondered. Looking at the screen Annie's name appeared.

"Hi Annie." I said.

"Hi Karen. Are you alright? You left in a hurry."

"Cliff got handsy on the dance floor and when I called him on it, he accused me of flirting and leading him on all evening. I wasn't going to stand for it Annie. I don't need some guy's hands all over me, hell, I'd only met him three hours before. And here I was thinking I may have met someone who I might consider going out with. Then the real him showed up on the dance floor."

The line was silent long enough I blurted out, "Are you still there?"

A soft grandmotherly voice answered, "Yes Karen, I'm here. Honey, are you available for coffee in the morning? Walt and the kids are going trap shooting so I'll have the littles, we'll have time to chat."

"Sure. What time should I be there?"

"Let's make it 9. By then breakfast will be done and the kids will be playing. We should have an hour or so of uninterrupted time to talk."

Lying in bed staring at the dark ceiling I wondered what she might want to talk about. Then I remembered something she had said about being obvious I was dealing with things of my past. What should I do? I want to be up front, but do I dare say anything about my other life? I was conflicted and lay awake for some time before sleep overtook my body. I woke up early and decided to take the car to be washed. Bad decision, I had forgotten about black Friday sales. Traffic was nuts, the car could wait another day or three. I donned jeans, a sweatshirt and a light jacket, there was no need for more just to have coffee.

I wasn't sure why I trusted Annie the way I did, it gave me a feeling of comfort to not be judged. As we talked she eventually got around to asking why I always seemed so guarded. I attempted to dodge the question which wasn't working. I finally provided what I thought was enough information by telling her that I had a somewhat checkered past. To my amazement she sat back with a grin on her face and said.

"Haven't we all."

The look on my face must have given away my confusion. Patting the back of my hand she smiled and said, "Let me tell you a little story that no one but Walt has ever heard."

She stood, refilled our cups and proceeded.

"When I was a wee girl our farm ran parallel to a county road. The driveway was long and crossed a meandering creek that flowed through the valley. I loved that creek, it was fast enough to always have fresh water and shallow enough for us kids to play in. As I got older I would stand on the bridge and listen to the sounds it made. A symphony if you will. In the spring with snow melt and rain it flowed with a ferocity that made a sound all its own. During the summer it flowed slowly and steadily singing yet a different song. If we moved the rocks around it took on a new crescendo. In the fall and winter it would slow down, but still sang its song in places the water hadn't frozen over."

After a few more sips of that effervescent brew she continued.

"It didn't matter what season or time of year it was that little creek always had a song. It's sort of like people. We go through seasons of our lives facing and overcoming obstacles placed in our path, or stone's being moved by someone else in a manner of speaking. Yet, our song continues. I have no idea why I trust you enough to tell you the following, but I will. My first year in college was a time I would like to forget. Having led a sheltered life in my small farming community, freedom at college took me in a direction that I never should have followed."

It was obvious she was bothered and conflicted. I was sure she was going to stop but didn't.

"I became what was then referred to as a floozy, or in today's terms, a slut. The pill was easily attainable, so I never worried about getting knocked up and I never gave STD's a thought. Thankfully I never contracted anything like that and came to my senses by the end of the final semester. I was so bothered by my behavior that I switched schools and that's where I met Walt. Being a year ahead of me and always a gentleman it was easy to fall for him. We knew neither was a virgin when we married, and it didn't matter. We had been married nearly ten years before I broke down one night and cried my way through a confession of my past. Do you know what he did? He held me and let me cry then he took me to bed and made love to me. So gentle and loving, I was his and he knew it."

My mind was spinning a hundred miles an hour by that time.

"So you see honey. It doesn't matter where you've been or what you've done. What matters is where you are now and where you intend to go. Most people who can't change are usually focused on what went wrong instead of focusing on the future. Without knowing any details I want to encourage you to focus on the future Karen. The past is the past, leave it there and live for today."

We parted ways with a long hug, it was as if I was being comforted by a mom, a real mom. Annie had mentioned joining them for Christmas and then remembered they were going to be with his folks in Iowa for the holidays. That suited me just fine. I was planning to stay home anyway. All the way home I ruminated in what she'd told me knowing that I would never allow what she'd told to leave my lips.

It was at that moment I realized my past didn't have to define my future. I really could meet Mister Wonderful, fall in love and have babies.

I also wondered what it would be like to be romanced, to be slowly seduced with passion and desire. To be sought after for something other than lust. What would the first kiss be like? Though I had kissed a few clients it was a rare occurrence. What will it be like to be held in a man's arms knowing that I'm safe and protected, to feel warm and secure inside? Lying in bed that night I asked myself the question that had been in the back of my mind since leaving the Morris home that morning. What will it be like to make love and not fuck? To wear sexy clothes and undies because I wanted to please him and not because I had been paid to do so. I had so many questions and no answers.


Parts two and three are finished and will be published a week apart.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I really wish you had given this a different time, even something like "Hooker with a plan". I didn't notice this until part 3 was up in the top quartile of Romance Top List. That upset me , having "gangbang" mentioned in Romance. I ignored it for another week or so and it held up in the ratings. So I read all the comments, which led me to take a chance on part 1. I will continue, now knowing she has a plan to change her life.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wonderful story, 10 stars! This is exactly why you are in the category with the best of the best. As for the story, it is not entirely fiction. Everybody needs somebody, to love and be loved by...

JusteenKJusteenK9 months ago

Exceptionally good start to a story. Chapter 2 is awaiting me and I'm going straight there.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Where is chapter 2??

Foggybottom81Foggybottom819 months ago

Waiting for next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Your weeks must be different than mine. Where the hell is the next chapter???

FillDirtWantedFillDirtWanted9 months ago

A very different approach. Kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for the next chapter.

OvercriticalOvercritical9 months ago

I'm not sure how one can write this story without having experienced the physical, emotional and social sides of an ex-prostitute. I wouldn't even think of trying such a task. Karen is so jumpy and reluctant to spar with a serious flirt. That is expertise that only comes with experience. She assumes, not only that everyone is out to get in her pants, but that they're literally going to become physical with her. An experienced woman of 27 would know how to spar verbally to see if there's a middle ground to work with. To her, in this story, every man is either at a distance like Walt's son or a slobbering animal like their son-in-law. Yeah, this story will probably proceed with the son getting close and maybe becoming the man of choice, but in an ordinary world where don't have a highly experienced prostitute as our protagonist it could be any of the man Karen comes in contact with as she develops the skills to deal with the real world of men. 4* for now. We'll see as we go along.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

60 years ago in a high school class, Teddy an I were discussing the premise of the story: is a girl her past or where she is now and what she plans for her future.

Teddy became a highly respected professor of philosophy at a highly ranked university. He was brilliant on the topic. I think he and the author would make very good friends. This story is a 5 to this point and has the makings of a Hall of fame story. Excellent read, full of powerful insights.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Another great story. Can't wait for the rest.


linnearlinnear9 months ago

Amazing beginning and I can tell it will be wonderful.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc9 months ago

I’m old - Is there really that high of a percentage of asshat men out there nowadays? Well told and look forward to #2. 4.8*


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

WONDERFUL, 10 stars isn't even close! know this is fiction, but maybe not that far-fetched. Everybody actually needs somebody to actually love, not just use and abuse. Karen will probably find this out, walk into strange territory, and find her true other half. If and when that time comes, she'll marry and have his babies, and it would be unwise for anyone to abuse her husband and children. Mama bear will protect her family, without question!!

muskyboymuskyboy9 months ago

The romance seems to just be getting further away as this chapter progressed. She is not a likeable character, by your design, and it is very difficult to see a romance coming....

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


Great beginning. Looking forward to the rest!

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