One Prince Summer's End


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That night, while we were pointedly not fucking because I had to get up early for the last three days of the season, Marsha commented on how much fun it was to double-team my brother. Apparently when he and Jim did Marsha and Kate during the summer, one girl did one guy and then they switched. There hadn't been any teaming up. And they were quite happy that they'd just had a chance to hit him with both barrels, as it were. Honestly, my libido was well-sated and I was irritated about not harvesting a buck, so I just figured more power to him and let it go at that. I'd hear more about his side of it at Christmas break.

I did fall asleep remembering it was Thanksgiving and took a moment out to thank God, the Universe and All the Powers that Be for these most wonderful people that had come into my life.

[Friday 11/26]

Friday, I got my buck.

Early dawn, frosty cold out, light snow cover, on the edge of a copse of trees across from my stand. Four points, or eight if you're counting both antlers, but I was guessing four years old based on other criteria. It's amazing what you can take in within the split-second you have to make the shoot / don't shoot decision.

He had a fully muscled neck that blended into his deep chest and he had well-defined muscled shoulders. He didn't have that thin waist of the younger bucks. His waist dropped down almost to his gut but his back and stomach weren't sagging, yet. And all he had to do was turn a little bit more and give me a clean heart-lungs shot. It seemed to take forever, but he did.

One shot, right behind the foreleg, down off the shoulder... he lurched forward and stumbled off into the woods but went down almost immediately, or so I thought. I got the adrenaline rush, the elation, of knowing I'd hit him... followed by the anxiety of having to go track him and make sure he was down. I slung my rifle and climbed down from the stand, chambered another round and walked across the snow and frost dusted field in search of him.

He hadn't gone far, maybe 15 to 20 yards into the thicket before he expired. I was lucky... it was a clean kill and I wasn't going to have to shoot him again. And that's about the time the sadness set in. Regardless if you're hunting for food, there's a remorse at taking a life. At least, for me there is. Especially the life of a beautiful animal. It happens every time and lasts for a little while, until thankfulness takes its place. This buck was going to feed a number of people and I was thankful for that. I was thankful that it had been a clean kill and the buck died with a minimum of pain.

Then I tucked the emotions away as best I could while standing over him and picked up my radio, telling the others, in a kind of shaky voice, "I got my buck." Don came on and told me congratulations, then told the others we should pack it in for the morning and help me get my buck out of there. Besides, everybody knew that the rifle shot would have spooked any other deer in the woods.

Tom showed up first and helped me make a pole to string the buck on, so we could move him out of the thicket and into a clear space, with an overhanging bough to hang him on. Don and Mr. Gallagher showed up next at almost the same time and started helping me field dress him. Don asked if I wanted the head for mounting, or the rack, or trophy pictures. I took a pass on the pictures but decided keeping the rack would be nice. Even with Don's kit, it took awhile to get him gutted and strung up on the pole to carry out. Tom and I did the carrying, out to Don's truck, and all four of us got him loaded into the pickup's bed where Don had laid out a plastic tarp for exactly that reason.

We drove back to Don's and he called his meat processor guy and told him he had another buck for him. Don told me he'd cover the cost of the butchering and have the rest packed on ice and shipped to my Dad's house. I told him to take a quarter side and donate it to the local soup kitchens, which he agreed to do for me. Then he took off for Sturgeon Bay with the carcass. He took Mr. Gallagher with him to drop at the Inn so he could clean up. He'd pick him up on the way back for dinner. Tom and I grabbed showers and went to hang around with everyone else.

That night, sleeping with the girls was a little strange. Maybe it was the adrenaline still running around in my system, maybe it was the letdown and the sadness. Whatever it was, we were a lot more subdued. I got the feeling that they didn't really understand the happy/sad experience of hunting and I wasn't going to be able to explain it very well. Instead, we spent time talking about Christmas Break and getting together the week between Christmas and New Year's, maybe getting in some downhill at Nor-Ski ski lodge or some cross-country at Whitefish Dunes. And of course, there was the fucking. Lots and lots of gentle, spooning, taking turns type of fucking.

Since Don had offered to get my buck to the meat processors, I opted to leave the next day, Saturday. I was going to have to drive home to my parents' house, dump off my hunting gear and get a few hours sleep before the six hours on Sunday back down to school. I'd stop at my folks to say goodbye on my way through, since I'd be off to school before they got home. In any case, the girls and I hugged and kissed goodbye and headed back to our respective lives, again promising to write, and call when we could.

It was a long, quiet drive home.

* * * * *

[Saturday 12/18]

I got in from school in the afternoon. I'd had Finals on Friday and didn't feel like driving that night. Besides, Dad had told me to pack everything up and bring it home, since there was something going on with the housing contract and he was looking at cheaper alternatives.

I didn't know how much cheaper than a dorm you could get, unless he was thinking some kind of tent under an overpass or living in my car. Anyway, I took my time, packed up everything and drove home. I was going to have a decent Christmas break since the dorms wouldn't start food service until January 3rd and classes didn't start until the 5th.

My sister was the one that greeted me at the door.

"Hey, welcome home" she opened with. "I need you to take me shopping."

"Why?" I countered, standing there with two duffel bags. "Don't you have all your presents bought and wrapped by now, like you usually do?"

"No," she told me with a weird smile. "I just found out that I have a few more to get."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere until I get the car unloaded," I told her.

"Fine..." She gave me that Exasperated look women are really good at, stepped forward and grabbed one of my duffels and headed to my room with it. Then she helped me move the rest of my stuff to my room, too.

"Okay, your car's unloaded," she told me when we were done. "Let's go."

"I've been on the road for six hours," I pointed out. "Can I at least hit the head and grab something to eat?"

"Fine..." There was that Exasperated look again. I went to use the bathroom and when I got out, she'd made me a chicken salad sandwich and gotten out a Mountain Dew.

"Eat," she directed me. "Drink. Then let's go. I want to get to Old Orchard before Fields closes."

"Okay," I acknowledged as I wolfed down the sandwich and pop. "So who's so important that they rate Fields?"

"I can't tell you," she smirked. "You have to ask Dad."

Well, that was irritating, but I'd had to put up with her bratty B.S. before. I could do it again.

"So where is everybody?" I asked as we headed to my car.

"Matt's over at Jim's, and Mom and Dad are picking Luke up from the basketball game and then going shopping," she told me.

Well, I'd told her I'd take her shopping, so I did. I figured while she did her shopping, I'd look for something nice to send to Marsha and Kate. What I really wanted to send them was me, but that wasn't going to happen.

Oddly enough, both Mary and I were shopping the women's department, and it suddenly occurred to me that it had been a couple of years since Aunt Barbara and Uncle John had visited at Christmas and that might be why Mary was being so secretive. If they were coming in, it would be awesome to see Suzy and Mike again.

Usually, that meant that Aunt Barbara and Uncle John would get the spare room, Mike would bunk with me, Bob would bunk with Matt or Luke and Suzy would bunk with Mary. After last summer, I had no problem with those arrangements at all.

"So, are Mike and Suzy coming in?" I asked as we drove back.

"I can't tell you. It's a surprise. Sort of," she answered. "Ask Dad."

I decided not to push it and headed back to the house. Mom, Dad and Luke were just getting there as we did. They had a bunch of packages to haul in, plus groceries, so I just put in a hand where I could. It was too hectic to badger Dad about the mystery guests, so I shelved it until later.

That evening we were all together for the first time since Thanksgiving. Dad played conversation traffic cop as we all shared what had been going on in our lives for the last month. Finally it got around to what we were doing up until Christmas.

"Mark, Matt," Dad addressed us, "I'd like you to help me get the tree tomorrow and get it set up. Mary and Luke, you can help your mother get out the decorations and get them organized. I think the only outside lights I'm putting up this year will be on the Spruce out front. Is that okay with everyone?"

The only answer to that question was "yes" and that's what he got from us.

Don't forget, Hon," Mom reminded him, "Wednesday we're going window shopping on State Street. We're going to meet you for lunch at Marshall Fields."

"I already have a reservation for 1 o'clock," Dad beamed. "Don't be late. And can we please try to avoid last minute shopping this year? Speaking of which..." He turned to me.

"If you want to make some extra cash, Mark, I've got a list of errands and projects I'm not going to get done without help. Interested?"

Of course I was interested. I was usually careful with my money, but it never hurt to pick up more. Besides, I was going to need it if I was going to buy presents for my aunt, uncle and cousins.

That night I boosted a gimlet from Dad's liquor cabinet and went to bed thinking about the cottage and wondering how much grief Dad was going to give me if I wanted to disappear up there between Christmas and New Year's.

* * * * *

[Wednesday 12/22]

It hadn't been a boring holiday, between getting the tree, doing Dad's errands, finishing some of the repair-type projects around the house and acting as Luke's taxi. I had no idea the kid had so many extracurricular activities. Wednesday broke cool but not cold.

Walking the State Street stores and looking at the animated Christmas displays, with lunch in the Walnut Room, had been a family tradition for a number of years. I'd missed the last couple because of college, but this year they were going later, so I figured what the hell? My parents obviously expected me to go.

Rather than drive, my Mom opted to take the "L" from 4th and Linden down to State and Monroe, pretty much the middle of the Loop. Then it was hoof it.

When I was really young, like four or five, I was dazzled by the store window animations and all the bright decorations and seeing Santa. It was kind of overwhelming. As I got older, my appreciation for the artistry of the displays remained, but my interest in Santa's lap fell off and was replaced by amazement at the 45-foot Christmas tree that Fields got in the huge indoor atrium.

The restaurant was on the 7th floor and barely looked down on the heavily decorated branches. It was a thrill as a mini-kid to ride the elevator with the guy in the cap operating it and calling out what was on each floor as we went. Those days are long gone but I still cherish the memories.

We got to the Walnut Room just before one o'clock in the afternoon and Dad was waiting for us. As we approached, he turned to the hostess and told her, "reservation for Engle, thank you."

She consulted her chart and told him, "right this way, sir." She turned and led Dad, followed by his gaggle of a family, towards the back wall of the restaurant. She indicated a table set up for about a dozen or so and while we slightly confused people figured out who was going to sit bunched up where, another of the wait staff showed up with menus and a third with ice water.

We did get settled in and started looking at the menus, but Dad seemed distracted, regularly casting his gaze over towards the hostess' station.

"Dad, I can go get her attention if you want me to," I told him.

"No, that's okay, Mark," he told me. "You don't need to..." And then moments later he exclaimed "Ah!" and stood up. I automatically turned to see what he was looking at. I just about had a coronary.

Don, Natalie, Steve, Tom, Marsha and Kate were being led directly towards us.

My heart started racing and my guts felt all funny, and all of a sudden Mary's secretiveness and the extra places at the table made sense. I think I was in shock. The entire Terney family was walking back into my life. I realized I was being rude and belatedly scrambled to my feet, standing beside Dad. Matt and Luke stood up, too.

Don walked right up to Dad and put out his hand, which Dad took.

"It's great to see you, Hank," Don told him. "Thanks for helping set this all up."

"My pleasure, Don," Dad answered. "I don't think introductions are in order... but if I don't allow a couple of hugs, Mark may start thinking about patricide."

Don laughed and called over his shoulder, "girls!" My Stubborn decided that some etiquette was in order and offered my hand to Don, first. He took it and I told him, "Don, it is an absolute pleasure to see you and your family. I had no idea you would be here. As before, if there is anything I can do for you, please let me know."

"I appreciate that, Mark," he smiled. "We'll chat in a bit." I could see Marsha and Kate getting antsy. "I've forgotten," I told him, making sure the girls could hear. "Is the etiquette oldest to youngest, or youngest to oldest?"

"During festive occasions such as these, youngest first is fine," he chuckled. I dropped his hand and Kate and I moved towards each other and into each other's arms. There wasn't any embarrassing erection issue this time. It was pure emotion.

"Hello, beautiful," I murmured as we held each other tight. "I love you and you're surprising the hell out of me."

She leaned her head back from my chest so she could look at me and quietly said, "that was kind of the point. And I love you, too."

There was no way we were going to avoid the kiss, public place or not, family or not.

"Don't go overboard," I whispered as I leaned down.

"Never," she whispered as she leaned up.

The kiss was soft and warm and romantic and stood every nerve in my body on end. We didn't tongue and we only went a little longer than we should. When we broke the kiss, she whispered "later."

Then it was Marsha's turn. Her hug was just as wonderful as Kate's.

"Hello, other beautiful," I murmured as we held each other tight. "I love you, too, and you're surprising the hell out of me."

"Are you complaining?" she asked, a little louder than me. Then she added, "I want what Kate got." Perfect faux sibling rivalry.

I leaned down, she leaned up and it was another soft, warm and romantic kiss that went on only a little longer than it should have. When we broke it, she too whispered "later."

I reluctantly let go and turned to Tom and then Steve with a couple of "manly hugs" and "good to see you" greetings, and then I turned to Natalie. I wasn't sure what to do so I offered my hand.

She smiled and said "oh, come on..." and opened her arms for a hug. I sure wasn't about to refuse!

"Hello, third beautiful," I risked, seeing as how my mother was sitting right there.

"It's good to see you again, Mark," she told me as we hugged. "Merry Christmas."

"It sure is! This is one great surprise Christmas present," I grinned.

After that, we decided to mix up the seating and of course I ended up with Marsha and Kate on either side. Don ended up next to Dad and Natalie ended up next to Mom. Everybody else was kind of interspersed.

I found out during lunch that Don had taken rooms at the Orrington and that they were spending the holiday sightseeing. They had spent a day at the Museum of Science and Industry, and a day doing both the Adler Planetarium and the Shedd Aquarium. Tomorrow would be the Field Museum of Natural History and Friday would be the Art Institute.

Then they were spending Christmas Day with us. I was completely blown away.

Dad nixed me going to the Field Museum with them because he wanted help finishing getting the house ready, but he told me I could go with them Friday. Don extended the invitation to include Christmas Eve dinner and Dad agreed, as long as I was back at a reasonable time.

I figured I could live with that, since I now had some serious Christmas shopping to do.

In the end, we had a fantastic lunch and spent time browsing Fields en masse. After lunch, Dad had to go back to work. I didn't get any real alone time with Marsha and Kate... just stolen kisses and such... but that was okay with me. Just having them near was awesome.

We wrapped it up and headed home after the evening rush. Don and family rode the "L" with us to Evanston, then they headed to the hotel while the rest of us went on home. Dad had a soup and sandwiches late dinner waiting for us.

* * * * *

[Friday 12/24]

The Art Institute wasn't my favorite cultural experience but it was a lot better with the Terneys. With seven of us, we went to relying on the CTA again. I met them at the "L" and we trooped on down together. I did get a kick out of the huge wreaths on the two lions outside. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised that Natalie and Marsha were very knowledgeable about the art on display. It was kind of like having our own tour guide.

It was late afternoon when we got back to the hotel. Don surprised me as we walked down the hall towards their rooms.

"Would you rather go boff the girls before dinner, or after?" he asked. I am pretty sure my shock was self-evident. You know... eyes wide, jaw on floor. "Or both?" he added with a smile.

"Both," Marsha piped up.

"Definitely," Kate added.

"I was asking Mark," Don pointed out.

"Um... it's 'keep the women happy', right?" I asked and he smiled.

"Call when you're ready for dinner," he told us. "But not later than seven, okay?"

"Absolutely!" Marsha grinned as she dug out her room key and opened the door.

"Later!" Kate smiled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room.

It was a single King room and nicely furnished, as all the Orrington was. It had always been one of the fancy hotels in the area and continued to be years later after Hilton bought it. The girls were taking off their clothes before the door latched.

"We want to give you your Christmas present early," Kate told me, turning to face me. I noticed right away.

"Or at least, the first part of it," Marsha added, also turning to face me. Her, too.

They had both shaved. And they both had something stenciled on their mons. I was hoping it wasn't a tattoo, because that would have hurt!

Marsha tapped her mons with her finger. "You might want to take a closer look," she suggested. So I moved closed and knelt down. It said "Mark's".

I turned to look at Kate's. It said "Mark's" too.

I was about to do the stupidest thing in the world and ask if it was permanent when some guardian angel shut me up. For a moment, anyway. Long enough to think a little straighter. I found out later it was henna.