One Too Many


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It was then Kellie thought to herself, "I'm...falling in love with this guy," as he looked into her eyes with such gentleness and understanding.

"Oh, right. Let me get that, okay?" she said.

She went to move away, but Justin gently held her in place.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want to kiss you right now," he told her.

Kellie was not only relieved, she was...happy. She was honestly, genuinely happy, and she no longer felt pressured. And it was the release of that pressure that made her want him even more than she had before.

"Justin?" she asked very sweetly.


"Are you saying you...don't...want to...have expectations?"

He laughed very quietly then told her, "I'm saying I'm okay either way. You are so beautiful and so special to me, Kellie. And if you're not ready, then we can..."

"I'm ready," she blurted out. "I am SO, so ready."

"Are you sure?" he asked just to be sure.

Kellie grabbed his tie, smiled a 'wicked smile' then said, "Follow me, good sir."

"Yes, ma'am!" he said as she playfully pulled him along.

By the time they got to the bedroom, Kellie wasn't quite so sure.

"I forgot it stays light so long this time of year," she said when the bedroom was still fully lit by the sun.

"Then we'll draw the shades," Justin told her.

"Then I won't be able to see..."

She started smiling and again felt more confident. "Your...Thor-like body."

Justin laughed fairly loudly then took her in his arms and said, "Hey, just wait 'til you see my hammer!"

Kellie's eyes got big as saucers.

"You have a really big...hammer?" she asked trying to be playful, but now worried about that, too.

"So I've been told," he said. "But you can see and judge for yourself."

"Okay," she said very quietly as she reached for his jacket. "Just please be kind when you see my...43-year old body, okay?"

"Anything that's you has to be beautiful," he told her. " worries, okay?"

"K," she said as a shiver ran down her back as she laid his jacket on a chair next to them.

His tie came next followed by his shirt, and when Kellie saw his chest she literally gasped. And then she saw his abs. All eight of them.

"," she moaned as she began working on his belt buckle.

"Little 'g' god, he told her as she got the buckle undone.

She shook her head and Justin said, "Thor is a god. With a small 'g'."

Kellie finally got it, and again, as a way of releasing tension, she laughed.

But when his pants hit the floor she stopped laughing.

Protruding through the opening in his boxers was...the hammer.

Justin stepped out of the pants, untied his shoes and kicked them off before pulling the socks off and then the shorts.

"Behold!" he said, as he put his fists on his hips, trying not to laugh.

Kellie stood there shaking her head, her hands covering her mouth in disbelief.

"You weren't kidding, were you?" she said as it continued to grow.

Justin took her hand then went to the bed and said, "Would you like me to sit down?"

She'd had one boyfriend in college who was 'big'. But she'd never seen anything like this before.

"We don't have to do this," Justin assured her when she didn't answer.

She finally took her eyes off of his 'hammer' then said, "Oh, we are so doing this. Sit!"

She smiled at him, then got down on her knees and said, "Wow. Where does a girl even start with something this big?"

"Anywhere she likes?" Justin told her.

His smile helped her relax, and after taking a deep breath, she reached out and took Thor's hammer in her hand then looked at her boyfriend once before opening her mouth wide and slowly taking the tip of him into her mouth.

His groan further encouraged her, and after that, Kellie let herself go and gave herself to him completely.

When it came to the actual lovemaking, she had to ask him to back out several times, but after a half-dozen starts and stops, her body adjusted to his fulness, and she took him completely as he brought her to first one and then another delicious, mind-blowing orgasm.

She'd never experienced one during intercourse before. Not unless she was using her hand to 'seal the deal'. But Justin was so big, he was 'ringing the bell' every time he penetrated her, and she felt him fully sliding along her clit the entire length of his shaft.

She screamed when she came the first time. It wasn't just a scream, though. It was a lifetime of want and need finally being satisfied by someone who truly cared for her, not because of what she might do for him, but because of who she was.

She cried after the second time she came, and Justin was worried he'd somehow hurt her.

"No! Not at all," she told him, her face conveying her desperate need for him to believe her. "I've just never been so happy before."

She smiled then said, "Ever."

"Me, either," he told her, still inside her as he lay on top of her as they looked into one another's eyes. "And in case you were wondering, now that I've seen you naked, I find you even more beautiful than ever."

Kellie smiled happily and held him close. When she let go she said, "Tell me about your job. What exactly do you do when you're not putting out a fire? Who are your friends? What do you enjoy doing?"

Justin had never experienced anything like this. Before Kellie, it was the old, 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am, and 'see ya later!' thing. But now, as she lay there in his arms, all he wanted was more of this. He answered every question and asked many of his own.

For two hours they talked, they laughed, and after that, they made love again.

"So I take it you've never stayed at a woman's house, either," Kellie teased, knowing he hadn't.

"No. For two reasons," he started to say again.

She laughed happily, kissed him, then asked him if he'd like to try doing something else for the first time.

Now Justin laughed.

"Hey. Are you getting kinky with me?" he said, trying to be serious.

"No, but I have to tell you something else Sandi said."

When she finished telling him about her 'handcuffs' comment, Justin didn't laugh.

"Is that something you wanna try?"

Kellie raised up to look at him to gauge his level of sincerity. He wasn't kidding, and suddenly the thought of actually trying something kinky became very appealing.

"I've never done anything like that before," she told him, not sure yet if he wanted to or not.

Justin rolled over on his side and said, "But would you like to?"

"I...I wouldn't mind trying new things. With you."



"Hmmm. Then maybe we should give that a whirl one of these days."

Kellie bit her lip then decided to say what she was thinking.

"It kind of turns me on."

Justin laughed, but not at her.

"Then we'll definitely do that. But I'm not building a 'Red Room' in my house, okay?"

Kellie laughed happily at his reference to Fifty Shades of Gray as she explained how the handcuff thing also came up in the conversation with Sandi.

"I'll try anything once, but I want you to know I don't need anything like that to be happy," Justin told her. "I just need you."

Justin did experience a new first that night, and when he woke up next to her, he smiled.

"So this is what it's like to wake up next to someone you love," he said to himself as he watched her lay sleeping.

He quietly got up, grabbed his things, then went home and showered before going to work. Justin was almost always in a good mood, but he was so upbeat all day several people asked him what was going on.

"I met someone," was all he'd say.

The captain overheard the comment once and said, "You meet someone damn near every day, Justin."

"But not like this, Cap'n. In fact, please let Mrs. Captain know I'll be bringing her with me this weekend."

"Well I'll be damned. Someone's in love," the captain said, a big old grin on his face.

"You know what? You might just be right."

Justin saw Kellie every day the rest of the week, and they did go to dinner together at the fire captain's home.

Sometime after the meal, his wife had a private moment with Justin and said, "She is just lovely!"

Justin looked at Kellie who was talking to his boss and replied, "She is. She's...incredible."

On the way home, Kellie told him she'd had a wonderful time and thanked him for asking her.

"Thank you for going," he told her as he reached for her hand.

"I love spending time with you," she said as she squeezed his large hand and laughed. "So I guess it is true."


"You know. The size of a man's hand and the size of his...hammer?"

Justin laughed quipped, "Right. Like 'poor little Marco'," meaning the senator from Florida who received the nickname from the guy who became president.

"Yes. Exactly," Kellie said with a laugh.

Justin looked over at her and said, "I love spending time with you, too, Kellie.

He looked ahead for a second then looked her way again.

"In fact, I'd like to spend as much time with you as you'll allow me to."

Kellie's heart was singing with happiness when she said, "You can spend all of it with me, if you'd like."

"Unless you want to come to work with me, we might have to modify that, but otherwise that would make me very happy."

Two weeks later, they'd had dinner with Sandi and her husband, and the four of them had a great time together. Two weeks after that, Justin moved in with Kellie and gave up his apartment.

She'd kept the house as part of the divorce settlement, but the mortgage was killing her. The alimony she'd reluctantly accepted when her ex-husband admitted he'd treated her like trash was due to end soon, and she needed someplace more affordable.

The subject of money and the house came up one night a month of so later, and Justin said, "You know, you could sell this place, and after you pay your ex his half we could build a place of our own somewhere around here."

Kellie told him she loved the idea, and she did, but what she was really hoping to hear was a marriage proposal. But it was still too early, and she didn't want to say anything that might jeopardize that happening somewhere down the road. So she told him that sounded wonderful, and kept her growing love for this younger man to herself. What he said in return, however, made it all worthwhile.

"I love you, Kellie," he told her for the first time. "That's why I want to us to have a place of our own."

Her eyes teared up immediately, and she couldn't wait to say it back to him.

"I love you, too, Justin."

"You uh, you still interested in trying something a little kinky?" he asked.

Kellie's tears stopped, and a burst of something shot through her.

"I am. What exactly did you have in mind?"

Justin borrowed a pair of handcuffs from a friend on the police force and had them in his back pocket. He pulled them out and dangled them in front of her.

"You game?"

"Oh, yeah!" she said with a laugh as she pulled him to the bedroom where she experienced something for the first time.

"Wow! That," she told him when it was over.

"Yes it was. Maybe we could do that or some other new thing every now and then."

"Anytime," Kellie told him with a smile before she kissed him.

It was nearly a year to the day since her 'one too many' night when they got approval for the plans on their new house. Kellie put hers up for sale and it was gone in two days for well above the asking price.

She paid her ex-husband his half of the profits, and used hers as a downpayment. Justin had some money saved, too, and they used his to upgrade things in the kitchen and bathrooms.

It took six weeks to finish it, and on the day they moved in, Justin told Kellie how happy he was that evening as they stood outside on their new deck.

"Me, too, honey," she replied, certain he was referring only to their hew home.

"No. I'm...really happy," he explained. "So happy, in fact, that..."

He stood up and fished something out of his pocket, and Kellie's knees nearly buckled.


Justin got on one knee in front of her and opened it.

"Like everyone, I've had my share of ups and downs. Losing my parents was the lowest of the low although being...huge...wasn't exactly easy. But the highest of the highs was the day I met you, Kellie Seals. I've loved every minute I've spent with you, and now that we have a place to call our own, I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you. So...will you marry me?"

Kellie had tears streaming down her face as she said, "Yes. Of course I'll marry you!"

Justin slid the ring on her finger, a ring he'd saved for throughout the last year, then stood up and kissed his beautiful fiancé in the cool evening air.

"Honey?" he asked when their lips parted.


"Are you still interested in...making a baby?"

Kellie's knees went weak again, but Justin kept her from falling.

"I...asked my doctor if it was safe last time I saw her, and she told me there was an increased risk for certain things, but the risks are still small. So if that's what you want, sweetheart, nothing would make me happier."

"Not even if I was to say...handcuff you to the bed while we did it?" he replied with a smile.

Six weeks later, Kellie gleefully told her fiancé she was pregnant. After a round of hugs and tears, they both looked at each other.

"Do you think?"

"Maybe," she replied with a smile that said 'yes'.

Neither of them said it, but the chances were good she'd conceived that very night. It didn't matter, though, as they made plans to marry a month later.

Kristi had become a best friend to Kellie, and Sandi had spent quite a bit of time with them. All of them were now very close.

Sandi did indeed serve as her BFF's Maid of Honor, while Carrie was the beautiful little flower girl.

The fire captain married them at the firehouse, and the new couple spent four days in a rustic cabin out on the San Juan Islands making love, fishing, and thinking about their baby they had learned would be a girl.

When she was born, she was perfectly healthy, and the Laws were officially a family of three.

"We should name her Kristi," Kellie suggested as she held the baby girl in her arms.

"Honey, we don't need to do that," her husband told her as he fought off tearing up.

"But your sister has been the most important person in your life, sweetheart. She was there for you through it all, and I love her like my own sister. What better way to honor her?"

"Are you sure?" Justin asked, overwhelmed with love and gratitude.

"As sure as I am that I love you with all my heart," Kellie told him.

"My sister has been amazing, but no more so than you, honey," he told his beautiful wife.

"Well, our rather...rocky start aside, right?" she said with a smile.

"Hey, if you hadn't had 'one too many' that night none of this might have ever happened," he reminded her.

As she held their baby, Kellie Law had to agree with her handsome, younger husband. As a result of that one huge lapse in judgment her life was now happier than she could have ever imagined.

"Then let's do it," Justin said as he took his daughter and held her for the first time.

"Hello, Kristi, junior," he cooed as his wife looked on. "Welcome to our family."

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NitpicNitpicabout 1 year ago

Decent story,but if she got the house in the divorce settlement and paid the mortgage,why did she give half the profit to her arsehole of an husband?

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 1 year ago

(2/3/2023) Very nice. An enjoyable read. Five stars From me.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 years ago

Anudder Winnah!

11/10 Doubles!!!!!

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 2 years ago

Not sure why, but the give and take banter between those two had me smiling all the way through the story. Guess I'm just a big softy when it comes to romance. Great story, as usual. Thanks

Sausage17Sausage17almost 3 years ago

Wow. Just wow. Justin was the perfect protagonist. Sweet and funny and wise. 5 stars!

Rancher46Rancher46about 3 years ago

What a great love story, you just got to love Komrad's May-December romances. Well Done 5+++Stars

biggeoff35biggeoff35almost 4 years ago

Thank you for your time and effort

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
Love those cougar stories

Every story I read by this author gets better and better. 125 down and 42 to go. I am on my way to read every mature story he has written.

MackBobMackBobover 5 years ago
Thank you Komrad!

For sharing the gift of your writing!

mcmahancovemcmahancoveover 5 years ago
One Too Many....

Five Stars from me! Hope there's a sequel coming....

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