One Wish: Apr - May

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The continued diaries of a girl who's wish got granted...
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April 2nd

Hey Diary,

I have been a very busy bunny this past month. I haven't written any of this down because I've had assignments and shit to do but I find myself free this afternoon and flicking through these pages. I think for the sake of me staying on task, I may even have to subheading this or something, I don't know, I'll look again later and decide. So yeah, first things first, how did things go with my other 'clients'? Anabelle had not told them all that we fucked but what surprised me was what she had told them instead. I'll explain what in a moment but I can't help but wonder if she did it on purpose as maybe a favour to me? Anyway, let's break this down girl by girl...


Selina was the first of the troupe to contact me after Anabelle had spilled the beans. She wanted the same kind of changes as Anabelle but slightly smaller, clearly not wanting to upstage her commander in chief. She too had been saving, not quite as much as Anabelle, and was willing to bring every penny. Thinking about this from a logical standpoint, I rounded the figure she gave me down a little bit, not wanting that same awkward feeling I got when Anabelle had given me all of her clothes, food and living money before. It worked out at about $6500 in the end, which for a few minutes work isn't bad.

Just like with Anabelle, I invited her to my home and she turned up bang on time and with an envelope full of cash. I asked her to take a seat and questioned her about what she knew.

"Anabelle told us that you have this power or magic or something that means you can change people however you like and that it isn't just taking stuff away like before."

"That about sums it up," I confirmed. "And you believe her yeah?"

"Why would she lie?"

It was an excellent point. I had had my doubts that they would all have taken her word as gospel but apparently they were as dedicated to her as she claimed.

"Ok, did she tell you anything else?"

"To bring a picture of who we want to look like, a change of clothes and that afterwards we have to ask you to show us the other trick you can do?"

'The other trick I can do,' I thought and smirked.

"I'm guessing she hasn't told you what the trick is?"

"No, she only said we have to see it ourselves."

It seemed that Anabelle was feeling particularly generous (whether to me or to her friends is up for debate depending on how you look at it) and setting up each of her friends to get what I suppose you could call the 'full experience'.

"Ok, well show me what you want first and then we'll go from there."

Selina was very obedient and eager to please it seemed. It was almost as if she was giving me the same reverence she normally reserved for Anabelle. Bearing that in mind, I asked her if I could take a before and after photo for my personal use and she immediately said 'yes' without even thinking about it. I'm not ashamed to admit that I wanted at least something to keep and enjoy later.

Doing exactly as she was told, Selina stripped down and stood before me as I took her picture. She was only ever so slightly less in all aspects of her figure than Anabelle, but still already a stunningly beautiful girl. I'd have enjoyed her even without the changes I was about to make. Ironically, she'd have looked really good in a catsuit, but that's by the by.

I watched her expression change to shocked joy as I made her changes. I was already feeling horny from taking the pictures of her, but as has proven to be the case now, watching her swell and grow coupled with the knowledge that I might well get to enjoy what I was seeing on a more personal level was almost making me sweat. It was nearly all for nought as she went to get her new clothes out the bag she'd brought with her until I stopped her.

"Hang on, I just need some pictures of you now as well," I hurriedly told her.

"Oh, sure of course!"

A plan formulating in my head, I took a few quick photos and then pretended to be taking more as I switched the phone to video mode. In case this happened, I had chosen to wear a pair of grey pyjama bottoms that were loose enough that they weren't skin-tight but that ultimately left not too much to the imagination. Recapturing what had happened with Felicity, I started to grow out a cock but made sure it wasn't hard (not yet anyway). Almost immediately I could feel it brushing against the material and starting to work its way downwards, but that wasn't what I was interested in. My focus was Selina's reaction and she didn't disappoint.

Her focus started on me and the camera but then I saw her eyes do a quick double take as she noticed what was going on in my pants. Her expression changed from a smile to wide eyed shock with her mouth agape.

"W-what the fuck is that?!" she said in bemusement.

I stopped filming, having gotten what I wanted and looked down, reacting as if only just noticing.

"Oh that? That's the other trick Anabelle was talking about..."

"I-is it a... a..." she stuttered.

"A cock? Yeah, turns out I can grow one when I want to or when I'm particularly turned on."

My last comment, as intended, caused Selina to take a quick look at herself and boost her ego up. It gave her a little more confidence to ask more questions.

"S-so this happened with Anabelle as well?"

"Yeah. Although it didn't happen automatically with her; I guess taking your pictures was a bit too much for me," I replied with feigned, cute embarrassment.

Stroking her ego to get what I wanted was, in hindsight, a bit manipulative, but it's not like I forced her to do anything, I would never do that.

"So did you guys?" she asked tentatively, her inflated ego making her adventurous enough to ask.

"Fuck? Yep. Once she saw it she wanted it inside her straight away. And not just in her pussy either..."

Selina went wide eyed again.

"S-she took that in her ass?"

"Well, once it was hard obviously..."

"It's not hard?!"

Her reactions were just too perfect. Part of me was enjoying having her gawp over me, even if it was because of the physical impossibility hanging between my legs. Now for the killer question.

"Would you like to see it?"

She was far more hesitant and less devil may care than Anabelle was, which was to be expected, but I could tell she was definitely considering it.

"O-ok," she finally said.

"Are you sure? You don't have to..."

I think in that moment I suddenly became aware that I was bordering on forcing her by coercion to do what I wanted. I'm not that person.

"I want to see it," she replied more confidently.

Now all too happy to oblige, I dropped my pyjamas and once again enjoyed the look of shock on Selina's face as she took in what she was seeing.

"It's really... real!" she said in amazement.

"You have no idea," I grinned.

"And i-it's not hard hard yet?"

"Does it look it?" I fired back.

"No..." she gulped.

She stared for a moment and I could tell what was going through her mind. A second later, she confirmed my suspicions.

"C-can you make it hard?"

Thinking about it now, I probably could just make it hard using my powers, but doing it manually is far more fun. I lifted the heft of my cock up and started to jerk it with my hands. In next to no time, I could see and feel it growing, the head steadily jutting out further and further as it gained length but also starting to prise my fingers apart as it also gained girth. Selina was transfixed to it and I noticed one of her hands had unconsciously started to play with one of her new boobs, teasing her nipple slightly. It only turned me on more and shortly after, I was back to what I'm going to call 'my size' from now on, a thick, 12-inch cock any futa would be proud of.

"It's so... so," she gawped.

"Big?" I finished for her.

She was still gently fondling her boob, clearly very turned on.

"Do you want me to keep going?" I asked.

With very little hesitation this time, she nodded and continued touching herself.

With that, I removed my top and allowed my braless boobs to hang free, before closing a little of the space between us. I once again grabbed my cock and started to work it up and down in front of her. Selina's other hand had now wandered between her legs and I could see she was starting to work her clit in time with my pumps. Greedily, I wanted my cock in there but I didn't want to push my luck. Instead, I decided to bombard her with information to heighten her arousal.

"You want me to keep going till I cum?" I asked her, my own breaths starting to shorten.

"Yeah, I-I do," she told me, biting her lip slightly, lust starting to take over.

"You know, I never actually came in Anabelle..."

"No?" she said, sounding surprised but still horny.

"No, she asked me to cum all over her instead."

I could see the image was now burned into Selina's mind and igniting her fire even more.

"So that's what I did; I came and came and came until she was completely covered in my cum."

Selina's hips had started to gyrate as I could see she was building to a peak.

"C-completely covered?" she stuttered.

"When I cum, I cum hard," I told her.

I gave her a moment to process that.

"She even swallowed some of it," I continued.

My cock was throbbing in my hand. I was going to cum soon, I could feel it.

"How much?" Selina suddenly asked, a look of desperation in her eyes. "How much did she swallow?"

"Easily a full mouthful," I said, my words starting to twist into moans as I got closer to my climax.

"B-but that was only a little bit of it?"

I lustfully nodded. In a move I wasn't fully expecting, Selina dropped to her knees and grabbed my cock with both hands, taking over pumping it with a level of ferocity I didn't know she had. The determination in her eyes was incredible and if I had any doubts still that this was what she wanted, they were blown out of the water.

"Oh yeah," I moaned. "Oh fuck, I'm really close..."

For my next surprise, on hearing those words Selina opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and rested my cock on the end of it, the tip pointed to the inside of her mouth and in a position where I'd be able to see every blast enter her mouth. She had clearly done this before, both because of her positioning and her seeming lack of concern for taking my load in her mouth.

"You want me to cum into your mouth?" I lustfully asked her.

Her response was to dip herself a little further down my cock so that I could only just make out the tip on the back of her tongue. If she wanted it, she was going to get it.

I let out a deep, guttural moan and felt her tense in preparation. The first blast of cum shot out of the end of my swollen and throbbing cock straight into her mouth. She barely even flinched, impressive given how much there was in that first shot. I could see the inside of her mouth was covered in a pool of my milky white seed and watched in a little bit of awe as she swallowed the whole lot in a single, large gulp. She didn't let up on my cock for one second and no sooner had she swallowed my first blast than she was back ready to take the second.

The second blast was at least as potent as the first, but just like before she let it pool in her mouth before swallowing it down. Just like when I came all over Anabelle, I got a real sense that Selina was enjoying this on way more than just a basic level. Her body seemed to be quivering and shaking slightly and I'm pretty sure an orgasm of her own was washing it's way through her body while she drank from my cock. Thinking about it now I must admit I'd heard rumours that she preferred her partners to cum in her mouth, but at the time I was way too busy enjoying it happening to me to think about it.

After she'd swallowed the second blast, she wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock, not taking any of the length in but just enough to make sure she got every last drop in her mouth. I watched with lustful glee as her cheeks puffed out with each blast and then quickly deflated as she swallowed everything in her mouth. Her hands were still pumping away, clearly wanting to milk out every last drop, but then I felt one of her hands drift downwards and start to fondle my balls. I'd never paid them much if any attention before and neither had Anabelle, but clearly Selina was an expert at drawing as much cum out of her partners as possible because as she started to fondle them it felt like the blasts of cum that had started to dissipate slightly became more intense again.

I've no idea how long it took in the end, but it felt like she was sucking cum out of my cock for hours. Even once I'd stopped cumming, she sort of held it there in her mouth for a minute or two, like she was coming down off of an adrenaline high and didn't want to let go. In fact it kind of reminded me of like those comics or stories you see sometimes about succubi, where they feed on cum to get more powerful, just without the whole killing the other person bit at the end.

"I take it you enjoyed that?" I finally asked her.

"I've never... never had to swallow that much before," she said, almost in a daze.

"You're ok though right?" I asked, slightly concerned I might have broken her.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," she said with a sort of dozy smile.

"Do you need to lie down or something?"

"That would be nice," she replied.

She slept for an hour or two after that. She thanked me as she was about to leave but I had one more question for her.

"Will you be telling the others about this, or leaving it as a surprise?"


I don't think I'm going to spend as much time talking about Charlotte as I have Selina or will Amanda for that matter. No offence to the girl but it turns out that she's painfully dull. I'm not sure she actually has a personality of her own and that she just kind of borrows her friend's ones to fit in. I feel a little sorry for her really as it makes me wonder what her life might be like in the future when she doesn't have them to fall back on. Still, at least she has a smoking hot body now thanks to me.

She showed up, paid (about $6k), I gave her what she wanted, took the photos before and after and then waited to see if she'd mention about the 'extra trick'. No such luck, but as Felicity was going to be coming to mine later that day, I figured it was no great loss to just let her go and not mention it. To be honest, I'm only bothering to write this down because there's obviously three of them and if I didn't mention her it would just seem weird when I read this back.


Amanda came to me a few days later and from her I got about $7k (which seems to be becoming my average rate). Interestingly, she was less concerned about her boobs, more her butt. She wasn't after the 'perfect balance' Anabelle had desired. Given my own tastes, I was more than happy to oblige. Clearly she had spoken to Selina after her experience with me and Selina must have told her everything because she came more prepared than Selina had and actually reminded me to take the photos.

Out of all of them, her ass had actually been the flattest which may have explained why she wanted it improved over all else. I mean I say flat, it wasn't like Lauren levels of tiny and probably just a little bigger than my own, but as a starting point, it was definitely lacking compared to her friends. And she went big too, like almost ridiculously so. In the end with the combined huge ass and her lightly bronzed skin, she looked like a Brazilian lingerie model.

"This is perfect!" she said in delight, squeezing her now massive ass cheeks and jiggling them slightly. I was inclined to a agree, but an artist should never brag about their work. Her gaze switched back to me and I noticed she briefly looked down at my crotch.

"So, do I get the next part of the package now?" she asked, very directly.

"What do you mean?" I said feigning ignorance, interested to see how much she knew.

"Well, Anabelle didn't give us the full details, but Selina told me you said you'd, like, grown a cock or something and fucked her in her ass and pussy and then came all over her?"

I laughed slightly.

"Well, I mean have you seen her now? She was stood completely naked in front of me like you are now asking me to show her how turned on I was and what's a girl to do in that situation apart from grow a cock and fuck her brains out?"

"So you can actually do that then?" she asked, ignoring the overall bizarreness of what she'd just heard.

"Selina must have told you the rest of what happened when she came to see me, what do you think?"

She paused for a moment.

"I think that I'm stood in front of you naked now and I want you to show me how turned on you are."

I grinned and stripped down. Within a minute or so I was back to 'my size' and as hard as a rock. Amanda's face had been less like shock and more like hunger. It made it very easy to get to full hardness for her.

"And Anabelle took all of that in her ass?" she asked, sounding more like she was confirming a record or something than she was in disbelief.

"Eventually," I confirmed with a grin.

"How?" she asked, almost like this was some sort of weird interrogation, "that bitch has barely taken more than a finger in there before, there's no way she would be able to take that much cock!"

"If you really wanna know, I've got this trick that I do where I make the asshole grow to get my cock in and then put it back to normal straight after.

"Ha! I knew it!" she said victoriously. "Well, I mean, not that specifically but, anyway..."

"It's ok, I understand what you mean," I chuckled.

With a certain determination, she walked beside me and bent over my couch.

"Anything she can do, I can do better," she told me. "Get that cock in my ass."

I must admit I'm not used to being commanded so directly when it comes to sex, but on this occasion and with an ass bigger than any I'd made before to enjoy, I was more than happy to oblige. I got into position behind her and pressed my cock against her asshole. I was about to do my usual trick when she suddenly stopped me.

"Don't do that thing you were talking about earlier. I want this to be 100% natural."

She was clearly missing a certain level of irony in saying what she had just said to the girl with a 12-inch dick getting ready to fuck the massive ass she'd just magically given her.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you..."

"I'm sure. I've been practicing in case it was true. It'll take some pushing but I will take it all."

Her commitment to this was astounding and a little scary.

"Ok, let's do this then."

I felt her immediately start to push back on my cock and I started to push forward in response. A glob of precum spouted out of the end of my cock, providing a little lubrication and after a minute or so of trying, I was somehow in.

"Oooooh, yes, it's fucking in!" Amanda said in a mix of a moan and a celebration.

The sight of her asshole stretched around the head of my cock barely visible between the two massive globes of ass cheeks she now had was almost a little too much to handle. She started to edge herself back and forth slightly and I felt the squeeze of her anal muscles against my cock as it slipped further and further inside her.

"Fuck this is so good!" she moaned. "Does it feel better than hers?"

I didn't even know how to answer that question but in the heat of the moment I just agreed it did, prompting a triumphant smile from Amanda and causing her to push back even harder. I wasn't even fully in yet but the sheer size of her ass now meant our hips were crashing together with each thrust, my hips sending shockwaves through her ass cheeks and coming together with a loud clap of flesh hitting flesh each time. As much as I was loving it, her new assets were potentially going to stop me from bottoming out in her. I told her this and she commanded me to take a seat on the sofa. Apparently we were going to let gravity do the work for us.