Operation: Rigid Pt. 08


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"He's going to make you come," Blondie purred as her finger danced in Tits' wetness. "His big cock is making you come. Your pussy needs to come so bad..."

Her face twisted with bliss, Tits stilled her hips. "Shit!" she wailed softly.

"She's about to come!" Blondie continued with a coo as I strained, the muscles of my arms and chest bulging and twisting as I tried to fuck myself with Tits' pussy. "Fuck her! Fuck her and make her come!"

I couldn't fuck Tits like I wanted without her help, so I shoved her off me. As she staggered back, I rose from the chair and flipped the heavy table over, so it landed near the wall, to give us more room. She was still reeling from her near orgasm as I grabbed her arm and shoved her to the floor. I followed her down and plowed my cock into her wet and ready pussy. Braced on my elbows and knees, I gripped her lightly around the throat with one hand before I began hammering my cock into her.

"You're going to come, you fucking bitch," I hissed into her face as I tried to crack the tile beneath her ass with the power of my fucking. "You're going to come so fucking hard."

She glared at me, her face hard with lust and defiance. "Fuck you! You're not..." she paused as her face twisted. "Fuck! Fuck!" Her face twisted even more. "Fuck!" she barked loudly.

"Keep fucking her!" Blondie snarled. "Keep fucking that bitch!"

I pounded into her for a moment as Tits howled and writhed under me. I could stand a lot of grinding, but fucking her, along with her loud, squirming display of pleasure, was rapidly increasing my need to come. Needing a break, I pulled out and rolled to my back, dragging Tits with me. She tried to escape, perhaps wanting a break of her own, but I hauled her back to me, trying to finish her while she was close to coming. I turned her so her spine was to my chest, and then grabbed her legs behind her knees as Legs steered my cock back into her pussy.

Tits lay across my chest as I pulled her legs hard back while thrusting into her savagely. As I fucked her, Blondie and Legs went to work, caressing Tits pussy and teasing her breasts, both clearly wanting to eliminate one of their competitors. I roared in effort as I fucked Tits even harder. Javier had made a mistake. His offer of a reward had pitted the women not only against me, but against each other as well.

"Fuck!" Tits wailed as she squirmed on my chest, the violence of our fucking causing her breasts to ripple, their erotic movement making my need to come soar.

"Come on, you fucking bitch! Come!" I panted, my stomach muscles burning with the effort of fucking her. I was about to come, but I was desperate to finish Tits while I had allies.

"Shit! I'm going to come!" Tits screamed.

Blondie grabbed my cock, pulled it out of Tits' channel, and began slapping Tits' pussy with it as my hips became still. Tits and I wailed our raptures in the same moment, Tits shuddering and jerking as I sprayed my come onto her pussy and stomach.

"He's coming!" Blondie snarled as she began savagely jerking on my cock while occasionally slapping it against Tits' pussy.

"Bitch!" I bellowed, my hips thrusting uncontrollably as Blondie tormented me. Blondie shoved Tits off me, replacing her foe's pussy with her own before I could react. Sneering at me, she began pounding my cock into her.

"You're beaten! Give up!"

"You fucking bitch! You fucking whore!" I raged as I grabbed her hips and began slamming her down on my cock as my lust spiraled out of control.

"That's right," she snarled. "I'm the whore that's going to out fuck you and win that fucking money."

I twisted violently, dumping her to the floor. I rolled with her, forced her legs open, and rammed my cock deep, one of her legs pressing hard against my chest. "You haven't won shit!" I snarled as I power fucked her.

"Give it to her," Legs muttered. "Fuck that bitch's pussy."

"Give it to me," Blondie repeated before her face twisted into a mask of lust and hate as her back arched. With a snarling hiss, her hand fired up to press under my chin and force my head back.

Growling as I struggled to keep fucking her, I jerked her hand away from my face and twisted her spine, pinning both her hands to the floor on the same side of her body. "What's the matter, bitch? Can't take it?" I panted as I pounded into her.

She pulled her hands free of my grip and clawed at the floor as she wailed, before she twisted back to face me. "I can fucking take it! Can you?"

"You're going to find out," I sneered.

Blondie was the smallest and thinnest of the three women. With a snarl, I paused my frantic thrusting long enough to shove her leg away from my chest. She tried to scramble away, but I seized her and dragged her back to me while sliding my hands under her back just above her hips. With another snarl, I lifted her, arching her back and raising her ass off the floor as I flattened my stance. My legs folded under me and spread wide, I dragged her closer and rammed my cock into her pussy. With the added benefit of my new position reducing the pressure on my aching knees, I gripped her tightly around her tiny waist and jerked her down and back, before shoving her away, and then pulling her back again, masturbating myself with her pussy.

"You fucking shit! You bastard!" she wailed as I pounded her pussy onto my cock, causing her to flop around like a rag doll.

She tried to stop me, but with her legs draped over my arms, there was little she could do. I roared in lust and pleasure, effort and pain, her own wail of pleasure, pain, or both joining mine. She gripped my arms, but it did nothing to stop me from using her.

"Fuck! Shit!" she screamed as her face distorted in erotic distress. She wailed again as she began to twist, her back arching as her head pulled back to lever her shoulders off the floor, her body jerking and spasming, and still I fucked her.

"She's coming!" Legs cheered. "Make that bitch come."

I bellowed again, screaming in effort as I forced my body to do my bidding. My knees were hurting like bastards, my legs were beginning to announce their discomfort, my cock was starting to get sore, and my arms and chest were burning in effort, but with a loud cry of effort and defiance, I redoubled my efforts and fucked Blondie even harder as she wailed and thrashed, before I shoved her roughly away.

As Blondie clasped her pussy, jerking and twitching, I sat on splayed legs with my balls grazing the tile floor, panting as I tried to catch my breath. I looked at my cock, and though it was still diamond hard, my rod was turning red, and I could see some small abrasions, probably from the three whores taking turns jerking and tugging on it. I was still trying to catch my breath when Legs pulled me off my knees and shoved me to the floor. I rolled to my back as she grabbed my cock and began to stroke, her fist a near blur as she moved to swallow me. I snarled in discomfort, grabbed her hair, and pulled her away before she could wrap her lips around my member, her hiss of pain joining mine.

"No fucking way, bitch," I snarled as I manhandled her, forced her to turn, and then roughly steered her hips over mine.

She still had my cock in her hand, so she held it erect as she lined it up with her tunnel and then speared me deep with a soft wail. She fucked me hard and fast, our cries of pleasure and effort filling the room as my cock warred with her pussy for supremacy. She bounced on my cock for many long moments, the pain in my cock growing with every hard and fast plunge, but the pain excited and stimulated me, and I could feel another orgasm swelling.

"Fuck him," Tits murmured as she watched us. "Fuck that big, hard cock good."

I grabbed Legs' breasts and gripped them tight, her loud cry as her face twisted in pain my reward. She twisted my nipples in retaliation, causing me to snarl in pain before I ripped her hands away. She jerked her hands free of my grasp and then jammed a hand down on my throat, pressing hard to try to cut off my oxygen. I grabbed her throat in return and forced her head back. Our teeth bared, our fucking became harder, then harder still, and then even harder still as I slowly levered my ass off the floor on stiff legs.

"Fuck... I'm coming," she gasped with a shudder, releasing my throat as her face twisted in orgasmic bliss. I jerked her down, mashing her breasts into my chest, the new position allowing me to plant my feet so I could batter the walls of her pussy even harder. She tried to escape my crushing embrace by pushing against the floor, wailing in effort as I pounded my cock into her as hard and fast as possible. With another cry of exertion, her back bent as she strained to escape my clinch as my orgasm closed in around me.

I began growling as I was overwhelmed with pleasure. "Fuck!" I barked as I splashed into her, and still I fucked her. She howled again, still trying to fight her way out of my clasping arms as I continued to fuck her, my snarls, hisses, and growls loud, the searing pleasure of fucking her while climaxing bordering on pain.

"Fuck! Stop!" she screamed.

I bellowed in victory and defiance as I hammered into her a moment more, and then shoved her away. I scrambled to my feet and quickly examined my manhood, my cock burning as if I were holding it over an open flame. Not only was the flesh on my member red and irritated looking, but there were a couple of small places that appeared to have been rubbed raw... and worst of all, I was about to piss myself. My bladder begging for relief, I grabbed my cock and pinched, trying desperately to hold my water. Blondie and Legs were done. I could see the defeat in their eyes as they looked up at me, but Tits was slowly stroking her pussy and teasing a nipple. I glared at her, but she made no move to rise. I couldn't wait for her to make up her mind if she wanted more fucking unless I urinated in one of the corners.

"Fuck... I've got to piss!" I snarled as I turned to the door, a gossamer of come falling from my cock and landing on my leg to create a spiderweb like connection.

I didn't have time to put on my pants... and why bother? I was certain everyone was watching us on a monitor somewhere anyway. I rushed to the door and jerked it open. Frantic, I glanced both ways before turning from the entrance and hurrying down the hall. My cock was in my hand, but all I could think about was relieving the incredible pressure in my bladder, my need to pee rising exponentially with every step. I banged through the door into the restroom.

The room was a typical public toilet, with a black and white floor composed of small octagonal tiles, and two free standing sinks backed by a single large mirror. Deeper in the room were four wall-mounted urinals with thick, tiled, shoulder-high walls separating them to afford the user a bit of privacy. On the wall opposite the urinals, there were four deep maroon stalls with their doors slightly ajar.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..." I chanted as I hurried to the first urinal. With relief so close, my need to piss skyrocketed, almost overwhelming me even as I pinched my cock harder.

I released my grip as I stepped into the tiny cubby, crying out softly as I struggled to release my water. Panting and gasping, sounding as if I were about to come, I waited for the flow to start, until with a deep grunt, blessed relief poured through me as my urine fire-hosed from my cock.

"Fuck..." I murmured, shivering and rumbling as my head tipped back, the sudden relief almost orgasmic.

The bathroom door banged open again as Tits charged in, Letícia and four officers hurrying in behind her. "There you are, you bastard! I'm going to win that money!" Tits sneered as she stomped toward me, her face hard.

"For Christ's sake, let me finish pissing!" I snarled, but Tits wasn't waiting.

As Letícia brought her cell phone up, clearly filming the action, Tits stepped up behind me and leaned hard into my back as she reached around me to grab my cock. I braced against the wall with one hand, so I didn't fall into the urinal, and tried to shove her away with the other, but all I succeeded in doing was spraying piss everywhere.

"Get off me, you fucking whore!" I shouted as she began furiously stroking my cock, as much urine hitting the tiled walls as going into the urinal. Thank God for the privacy walls, otherwise someone would have had even more of a mess to clean up.

I snarled loudly, her tight grip as she masturbated me painful, but with the walls tight to either side, there was little I could do short of driving an elbow into her. Moments after she grabbed my cock, my bladdered finished emptying and I shoved hard away from the urinal, driving her back. As we stumbled out of the alcove, I turned to her, my cock still in her grip. She began stroking me again.

"Fuck!" I howled as I gripped her hand to lessen the pain. "You want to fuck?" I sneered as I placed my other hand around her throat and squeezed, bringing my face close to hers. "Then let's fuck!"

I continued to tighten my grip, her eyes opening wide as she gripped the hand around her throat with one hand. When she released my cock so she could use both hands to free her throat, I released my grip and shoved her back. Coughing, she staggered back a step. I shoved her again, causing her to bang through one of the stall doors. I followed her into the tiny area, slamming the door shut to give us a bit more room.

Facing me, she began rubbing her pussy, her legs spread by the front of the toilet. "Give me that fucking cock!"

It was tight with both of us wedged into a space designed for one. I roughly turned her to the side wall and slammed her tits first into it, her thighs pressed against the toilet paper holder as she spread her legs. I wedged myself in behind her and rammed my cock deep into her canal.

"Fuck!" I hissed through clinched teeth, her pussy juices making my already aching and battered cock sting as if I were dipping it in acid.

I didn't care. I was so pissed off from my cock and knees hurting, from nearly pissing myself, from Tits barging in here and grabbing my cock while I was urinating, and for being interrupted while I was with Ana, I was going to power fuck this bitch until her pussy exploded. Above us, a female hand appeared, holding a phone above the partition with its lens pointed at us.

Grabbing Tits shoulders as she hung onto the top of the stall, I began violently hammering my cock into her. I couldn't even pull all the way out before my ass collided with the wall behind me, but I didn't care about that either. I wasn't pulling out. I was going to fuck her until she was begging me for mercy. The stall began to rock as I savagely plowed her garden, softly thumping to our rhythm like the beating of a drum. I didn't care if we knocked the fucking walls down, I wasn't stopping until this bitch was screaming for mercy.

"Fuck my pussy. Fuck that shit!" she snarled, her voice hard and full of spite.

"I'll fuck it," I growled.

We continued our duel of pleasure and endurance, our soft cries of pleasure, pain, and effort growing louder and more frequent while becoming ever more animal-like, our lust stripping away our humanity and leaving only the beast behind.

"Fuck her, gringo! Fuck her pussy!" a man called.

"Give it to her!"

"Wear that bitch's pussy out!"

"Hey, gringo, can't you make a Mexican pussy come?"

"Fuck his cock, cunt!"

"Make her scream!"

"You've done a lot of fucking! You getting tired yet?"

"Can't you make him come?"

"He's fucking your pussy good, isn't he, cunt?"

I ignored the men's catcalls, raucous laughter, and shouts as they cheered first one of us and then the other, encouraging us to fuck each other harder and longer.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck... you fucking bastard! Come! Come in my pussy! Fill my pussy with come from your big fucking cock! Shit!" Tits wailed.

"You fucking come!" I bellowed as I tried to fuck her even harder.

She was quiet for a long moment, and I could sense she was winding up for an orgasm. I spread my feet a little more, to change the angle of my thrusts, braced my back against the wall, and began using my arms to jerk her back into me as I thrust my hips forward, using the same technique on her I'd used to defeat Blondie. Roaring, my arms and chest burning with effort, I tried to fuck her even harder. She began to keen, her voice rising until it became a wail.

"Come on, you fucking bitch!" I roared to the ceiling.

"Fuck...!" she howled, the word long and drawn out as she squatted, straightened, and then squatted again, her legs quivering as she buried her face in her arm. "Fuck, I'm coming... I'm coming so fucking hard," she murmured as I hauled her back to pin my cock deep inside her, my chest heaving as I gasped for breath.

I shoved her hips forward, twisted to the side to free my cock, and then jerked the stall door open. I shoved her out, causing her to stumble and fall. I followed, grabbed her arm, and hauled her to her feet as Letícia quickly backpedaled, the phone's camera still following us, to give us room. Tits was unsteady, clearly still strung out from her orgasm. I picked her up, grunting with her weight, turned, and then after kicking the trashcan aside, slammed her against the stall's wall. She was hanging limply on me, as out of breath as I was. With her legs over my arms and my hands under her ass, I probed for her opening, and after finding it, thrust up as I allowed her to slip lower to drive my cock deep.

"Fuck!" I roared as searing pain radiated from my cock.

I began pounding into her, the stall again rocking and thumping to our beat. I was exhausted, my cock was hurting like a motherfucker, and I wouldn't be able to hold her like this for long, but I was trying to finish her while I had her on the ropes.

"Stop, stop," she begged softly as she clung to me, her large firm breasts pressed tight against my chest, but I didn't stop. I wanted there to be no question who was tapping out. "Stop!" she wailed as I continued thrusting my cock into her. "Please stop! I can't take it anymore!"

I held her a moment, my cock still inside her, my chest heaving, my arms burning, before I stepped back and dropped her to the floor. She stood, staring at me, clearly upset that she hadn't won Javier's prize, but then took a step back as her eyes fell. I glanced at the men with their eager faces, but Letícia was the one I was most interested in. Her face was serious, her phone held in both hands as its unwavering lens watched us.

I shoved Tits to her knees. She looked up at me, fear in her eyes as I pointed my rod at her face, grabbed a handful of her hair, and jerked her mouth over my cock. She swallowed my shaft without hesitation, causing me to hiss in pain, her spit burning my member even more than her pussy juice had.

She began working me over, sucking my cock with enthusiasm, but when she pulled my cock out of her mouth and stroked it, I snarled in pain. I considered stopping, but I didn't want to show any weakness to whoever would be watching the video, plus I wanted to put a capstone on our contest and end our fucking on my terms, not hers. Her breasts glowing with sweat and slobber, she swallowed me again.

"Fuck..." I growled as she pulled my cock from her throat to catch her breath.

Snarling loudly, I stepped to her side and straddled her shoulder to press my balls against her jaw. Gripping my glistening shaft at the base with one hand, and the head with the other, I pulled my steel hard manhood tightly across her throat, my growl deep and threatening as she first bared her teeth at me, and then opened her mouth as if struggling to breathe.

"Holy shit! He's fucking choking that bitch with his cock," one of the men hissed as I pulled my rod harder against her throat, causing her to squirm slightly as she looked up at me with pleading eyes.