Operation: Rigid Pt. 11


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I nodded as I tried to take it all in. "And this goes on once a month?"

She slowly sat up. "More or less. It usually happens on the first Saturday of each month, but not always."

"And none of the men abused you?"

She shook her head. "No. Sometimes someone would get hurt if the fucking got too rough, but no, we weren't whipped, spanked, or anything like that."

"So no bondage, or anything like that?"

"No, not like you probably mean."

"What do you mean, 'not like you probably mean?'"

"Most people, when they think of bondage, they think of pain. We didn't do that. Me might get tied up, but it was always to another competitor, and there would be goal... first to come, who could last the longest, who could make the other one come first, or something like that."

"Oh, okay. I see. And you could refuse to do something if you didn't want to?"

She smiled, but there was no humor in it. "I suppose, if you were a pussy."

"Did you?"


"Refuse to do anything?"

This time her smile reached her eyes. "I have a pussy, but I'm not one."

A faint smile tickled my lips. "So, I assume that means no?"

She shook her head as her smile spread slightly. "That's right." She held my gaze for a moment, and I sensed she had more to say. "I wish you could have been there with me." She sighed as her eyes dropped to my cock. "The fucking we could have done," she said softly, almost regretfully before she looked up. "We could have taken on all the other stables, just you and me." She paused a moment but then continued. "I was once fucked by seven guys, every guy in the stables, and I made them all come. The one guy I didn't fuck, was fucking all the other women. He made it through three before he tapped out." She looked away briefly before her gaze returned to mine. "I'd have liked to take you on like that." Her smile was almost sad. "Me fucking the men, and you the women, until one of us collapsed from exhaustion? That would be so fucking sexy."

"Think you could have taken me?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

Her lips quirked up slightly on one side. "I guess we'll never know because that was twelve, fifteen years ago."

"Yeah. Fifteen years ago would have been a problem, because I'd have been fifteen."

She shook her head as she looked down again, her lips narrowing into a hard line. "So fucking young... and I'm so fucking old."

"You don't fuck like you're old."

She smiled up at me. "I can't fuck like I used to though, as proven by today."

"What was it like?"

She shrugged again. "Like any other job, except more fun."

"Were you allowed to leave... to go shopping, get a haircut, whatever?"

She nodded. "Yes. We always had an escort, but we could do pretty much whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted to do it."

That would make getting away once I had the information a lot easier. "And if you weren't fucking in the games, you were fucking each other?" She nodded but didn't say anything. "You said you had your own house?"

"Sort of. We lived together in a big house. We each had our own bedroom and bath, but we shared the living room, kitchen, that sort of thing."

"You took turns cooking?"

She shook her head. "No. Cooking and cleaning were done for us. All we had to do was fuck."

I smiled. "Not a bad life."

She nodded as her lips pulled down again. "Yeah. Now you know why I miss it."

"So where are these games held?"

"It rotated. Each month they are held at one of the stables."

"Ah," I grunted. "So that big padded room..."


"Are the games filmed?"

"Are there still cameras in the room?" I nodded so she nodded in return. "I suspect Voice films his matches, though I don't know for sure. Sometimes one of the others did as well. Once Diego had what looked like a film crew show up." She smiled as if she was remembering something pleasant.

"What do they do with the video?" She shrugged. "Ever find any of it on the internet?"

"No. I don't think they do that. At least I've never seen any of me."

That was a bit of a relief. I didn't think my parents looked at porn, but if they did, and saw me, that would be... uncomfortable. "So basically, you were free to come and go as you wanted, nobody beat you or forced you to do anything you didn't want to, cooking and cleaning were taken care of, and you spent all your time fucking while getting paid a lot of money?" I paused while she nodded. "Sounds like a pretty good gig."

"It was," she murmured.

"And you really don't know who Voice is? Not even a guess?"

"Not even a guess," she said as she shook her head.

"Did you say he was always guarded?" When she nodded, I continued. "By how many?"

"What difference does it make?"

I shrugged. "It doesn't, but I was wondering. What? Is he afraid one of you is going to shoot him or something?"

"It depended. Inside the compound, there was usually only one guy, and he tended to stand back. At the games, there were three more, and they stayed close. Traveling to and from the games, he was in a car with two guards in addition to his personal guard, plus there were usually four other guards in two other cars with us."

"The guy sounds paranoid to me," I grumbled. How the fuck was I supposed to find out anything about this guy if he was always guarded, I wondered.

"Maybe," she murmured with a shrug. "It didn't matter to us. We hardly ever saw him except at the games."

I made sure my annoyance and disappointment didn't show on my face. Not only was Voice guarded like Fort Knox, but it also sounded like he was never around. I considered for a moment, trying to think of something else I could ask that wouldn't make her suspicious. "Is there anyone still there that you know?"

"Don't know," she said, shrugging one shoulder.

I deliberated again but couldn't think of anything else. "I guess that's it."

She nodded slowly. "You won't tell anyone I talked to you, right?"

"Not a soul." She held my gaze and I could read the worry in her eyes. "You have my word."

The worry in her eyes didn't disappear, but she nodded. "Thank you." She continued to hold my gaze. "I just wish..."

"What?" I prompted when she didn't continue.

"I just wish I could have made you come again."

"It's okay."

"No... I wanted to make you come again."

"Ah..." I breathed with a smile. "Sort of a pride thing?"

A faint smile danced across her lips, but there was a sadness there. "Yeah, something like that I guess... but my pussy is too sore."

Watching her, she struck me as the premier athlete that was realizing she wasn't competitive anymore... and I felt almost sorry for her. "Anything wrong with your mouth... and your tits?"

She held my gaze a moment before a ghost of a smile painted her lips. "No."

I'd softened considerably during our discussion, so I reached for her, placed a hand behind her neck, and pulled her lips to mine as I slowly rolled to my back, dragging her over me. We kissed furiously for a long moment as my cock swelled with anticipation.

"Your watch says I can make you come before you walk out of this room," she purred, her eyes bright.

"And if you lose?"

"What do you want?"

An idea came to me. "If you can't make me come again in an hour, you have to help Holly get out of here and to a better life."

She looked at me for a moment. "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"I leave that to you."

She held my eyes for a moment. "You really care for her." It wasn't a question.

"Yeah... some." I said nothing else, not sure how much Letícia knew about Ana, and I damn sure wasn't going to mention the ten grand I'd given her to help her get started.

She continued to watch my eyes. "Deal." A smile touched her lips. "She's my only competition anyway. If I can get rid of her and--"

"I don't like the way that sounds," I teased, speaking over her.

She grinned at me. "I'll do what I can... but no promises."


"What I can promise you is, you're going to fucking come."

"Yeah? Maybe I should leave now if I want to keep my watch."

"The fuck you are. You're not going anywhere... gringo... until we settle this," she growled, her grin taking the threat out of her words as she began kissing down my chest.

"I'm not going to willingly give you my watch," I warned.

"Oh, God... I hope that's true," she murmured as she continued to kiss her way down my body.

For the next eternity, she destroyed me. After further experimentation, I decided that with the exception of Tit's grabbing her throat trick, Letícia was the better cock sucker. She drooled and slobbered over my cock until I was certain that, had the linens not already been soaked with oil, there would have been a huge puddle of drool under my ass and balls. Considering how dry my mouth was, where she found the spit, I had no idea.

"Fuckin bitch!" I roared as she swallowed my cock, my hands on the back of her head as I held her nose into the short and curly hair at the base of my manhood. "You're sucking the come out of my fucking cock!"

She threw herself back with a gagging cough before grabbing my shaft and stroking it furiously. "Come on you bastard! I want that watch!" she growled before swallowing my cock again.

"You're not getting... fuck!" I roared as I drove my hips up while pressing down her head. "You cock sucking bitch! You're going to make me fucking come!"

I held my cock down her throat until she stopped playing with my balls, and began to struggle, before I released her. We were only twenty minutes in, and I was in real danger of losing my watch. She gripped my cock and stroked it rapidly.

"I'm winning that fucking watch!"

"No!" I growled.

"Yes!" she snarled in reply.

She tried to swallow my cock again, but I shoved her away. She came back at me, but I pushed her away a second time. She tried to come at me a third time, but after twisting her to her back, I swung my leg over her chest to pin her down. She grabbed my ass and pulled my cock to her lips.

"Fuck...!" I growled, drawing the word out long as I leaned over, placed my hands on the bed, and began ramming my cock into her mouth.

She took it without complaint, caressing my balls as she did. I fucked her throat for a long moment until she pushed back against my hips. I extracted my rod from her mouth, allowed her time to take two quick breaths, and then jammed it down her throat again. She gripped my ass, her fingernails biting into my flesh as she held me deep, my nut sack resting on her chin.

"Goddammit! I'm going to come! You're sucking my cock so good I'm going to come!"

She pushed me back again. "Do it! Shoot that come down my throat!" she snarled. I shoved myself back and wriggled lower, pressing my cock down between her fleshy mounds. She sneered up at me. "Fucking loser. You can't take my cock sucking, so now you're going to titty fuck me? Fine! Do it! Fuck my tits! Fuck them! I want you to come all over my tits!"

We'd almost emptied the oil bottle when we were fucking, but I picked it up and waggled it. There were about two fingers left in the bottom. I flicked the lid open and coated her tits and my cock with about half the contents. I snapped the lid closed, tossed the bottle to the bed, and began slowly thrusting my hips, to make sure everything was well lubricated, as she surrounded my manhood with her breasts.

"That the best you can do?" she challenged. "That the best titty fucking you can do?"

"You want your titties fucked?" I rumbled in reply.

"I want you to fucking pound these fucking tits! Fuck the shit out of them! Fuck them!" I began thrusting harder, then harder still. "Yeah... that's it... fuck these tits. Fuck them hard! Harder! Fuck my tits harder!"

"I'll fuck your tits," I snarled as I leaned over her and returned my hands to the bed. "I'm going to fuck your tits like they've never been fucked before!"

"Do it! Show me how a man fucks tits!" Growling low and deep in my chest I increased the power and speed of my thrusts. "Fuck!" she wailed softly. "You're fucking my tits so hard! You're fucking the shit out of my tits! Don't stop! Fuck them! Fuck them and make that big cock come!"

I thrust violently for a long moment, my need to come swelling with every hard, fast stroke. The oil was being used up, and I paused my brutal thrusting briefly when she released her breasts and grabbed the oil. She emptied the remainder of the oil in a quick squirt, and then we resumed where we we'd stopped.

"Fuck! I'm going to come!"

"Don't stop!" she cried. "You're fucking my tits so good, you're going to make me come!"

"Shit! You bitch! Your fucking tits are going to make my cock come!"

"Do it! Oh... fuck! I'm going to come! Shoot your come all over my tits and make me come!"

"I can't hold it!"

"Give me the rest of the come in that big fucking cock and make me come!"

I was quiet for a long moment as I battled my rising bliss, but that was a war I couldn't win, and was slowly defeated by pleasure. I began to wail, loudly announcing my climax to the room as I continued to furiously pummel her breasts with my cock. I'd fought my orgasm to the end, making her earn my watch, but as I fell to my rapture, and my essence exploded from my cock, my wail became a loud roar of completion. Shuddering and twitching, I slowly thrust my cock between her tits as I coated her face and chest with my seed.

"Fuck!" I gasped as I sagged with relief.

"Made you come," Letícia murmured, a self-satisfied smile painted on her come splashed lips.

"Fuck," I breathed again, still recovering.

After I'd dragged myself off her chest, she used a finger to wipe my come off her face before sucking the digit clean with a sexy smile. As I fell to my back, she flopped over me, smearing come and oil onto my chest, as she kissed me lustily. After I'd taken my fill, she rolled off me and made a big production of picking up my watch and looking at the time.

"Three hours. You paid for four. You want your money back?"

I snickered as I waved my hand feebly in the air. "Keep it." She smiled as she returned to the bed and snuggled in, my... her watch still in her hand. "Were you really going to come?"


"When I was fucking your tits."

"No," she said, and I heard her smile in her voice.

"You lying bitch," I growled slowly, but there was no heat in my tone.

She snickered softly. "We have the room for as long as we want it," she murmured.

I nodded slowly. "Want to stay a while? I have enough for another four hours."


I again nodded slowly. "Sleep."

She snuggled in. "Yeah... I think I can stay." She was quiet for a long moment. "If we have any time left after we wake up... you want to...?"

I smiled softly. "Maybe," I mumbled as sleep pulled hard on me.

She sighed deeply as she nodded. "Good."

"Buy my watch back?" I murmured, my words heavily slurred with impending sleep.

"Not a chance," she mumbled, her voice as thick and slow as my own.

I was smiling, unsurprised at her answer, as I slipped into the darkness of sleep.

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KeithW66KeithW66about 1 month ago

maybe the loss of the watch was worth it for the information. Will she help protect Ana in his absence?

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