All Comments on 'Orc Dominion: Triumph Ch. 17'

by OrcDominion

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I feel like there is no way the orcs will manage 400 years of peace without one orc lord decided he wanted fuck over another orc lord and some sort of massive civil war errupting as a consequence. It seems like the need to dominate and beastial aggression is just rooted in their genes and sooner or later they will turn on themselves and tear the kingdom apart.

FastandheartfulFastandheartfulabout 4 years ago

Thank you.

It is a wonderful news.

OrcDominionOrcDominionabout 4 years agoAuthor
Last Chapter

I finished the last chapter last night and sent it for editing. It will probably be posted here within two weeks.

FastandheartfulFastandheartfulabout 4 years ago

Dear Orcdominion,

Please, can you give us a little update?

What will be the schedule for the last chapter?

But is more important, be safe!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Amazing chapter!!!

The fall of Amelie was exquisite. Making her parade her own city in that slutty excuse of an armor was an amazing idea. I would love to see her in more whore action, wearing more skimpy and slutty clothing.

Also I wonder what her role will be now that she has been disgraced in front of her city and now that Augras will take the throne along with Anne. Perhaps she is forced to become a high class prostitute or a war slut for Augras army. Or even end up in a brothel.

Anyway first comes Anne's first night with the orc in the presence of Amelie and I am more than excited for that. I am sure it will be amazing. Orc dominion you have crafted a magnificent story!

OrcDominionOrcDominionabout 4 years agoAuthor

I m fine, thanks for asking. Being hime actually makes it harder to write though. I am plugging away at it though...the endings for Brigitte, jasmara, nd Sylvia are already done.

anonkanonkabout 4 years ago
Please let us know you're okay OrcDominion

With COVID going around, please let us know you're alright & healthy ;_;

anonkanonkabout 4 years ago
Re: Sexinati

I'm with you on that. I enjoy it better when there is a consensual component. Like in the original Orc Dominion. I was kinda hoping that Amelie would win the war, but still be slutty ^^

As for Anne...I hope she murders the orc in his sleep >:D

SexinatiSexinatiabout 4 years ago
I’ve gone to thinking...

If I were Anne, In such dire straits I’d probably throw myself from the castle as a big fuck you send off to Augras. If you’re gonna go, do it free, with both rude fingers flying high. It’s what I’d do in that given situation. It would also be an action that would fly in Augras’s face... what with it being against Augras’s destiny or whatnot.

Granted, I probably think this way because I’ve been raped myself. And Since I’m pretty sure she’s about to go through what is likely going to end up as being rape if she doesn’t surrender. Nope! Fuck that shit with a capital F!

What would you do in that situation? Not asking anyone here in particular, I’m just curious in people’s thoughts.

Granted, this definitely won’t happen, but I certainly do have some emotional investment in Anne. To the point that I’m not sure If I’m going to like what may or may not occur in the continuing chapter or chapters. But, I shall read on regardless. I kinda felt the same with Lyrienna in Elfin Descent.

Of course, I may only be in the minority in this regard. I never really read Orc Dominion for the corruption aspect myself, I came for the Orc Dick and stayed for the story! ;D

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinabout 4 years ago

This is OD's story and I am certain it will be written in a way that satisfies all of us in some way.

I noted that he commented below that it will be about Amelie and Augras. I don't know why Amelie is a thing of the past - as a closing chapter setting up the future, to me, it is far more important (content/context over sex/humiliation for me on epic novels like OD's work) to hit on something/someone new..

Amelie is done - she has no power, no authority, no role, no self control, no mind, no conscience, no will, no fight, no nothing - her continued debasing adds what? Yeah I get it erotica...but to what gain as there is nothing left to take. When you were a child you might have played with little wooden puzzles, but over time you set them aside because they no longer add pleasure, excitement, or value. After the last chapter I've set Amelie in the toy box up in the attic and forgot about her.

Setting the final role of Orc authority across the land, establishing Augras' control and cementing his relationship with Anne, defining Anne's role in the world post marriage...that matters to story and to the benefit of OD's writing future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
About Amelie's bimbofication

I think it would be a good idea as a backfire effect, a price for the magic Augras used to bind her. Like the ghosts of the deceased Sandorans he had been seeing. Augras would clearly benefit from Amelie's expertise in strategy and war but he couldn't have it, as his magic has now turned her into a simple-minded whore.

It would also correspond with her previous behaviour of ruining the ambush she had prepared just so she could reach the hard bodies of the centaurs or when she freed the centaur prisoner just so she could be fucked by him. In both cases her strategic persona was drowned in a haze of lust and sexual need.

Anyway whatever ending the author has decided for her character I'm sure will be amazing!!

FastandheartfulFastandheartfulabout 4 years ago
Few addition

1. I forget to mention it. The new dress for Amelie, it has a good design. I like it as I imagine.

2. Somebody mentione earlier. That how much he like to read Amelie total bimbofication. I mean that as Amelie only care about her satisfaction (like as simple minded whore). I disagre with that interpretation.

I think that would be totally the wrong way. Amelie as I think she can handle multiple tasks at once. One time she could advice Augras (as very capable general and politican), and the another time she could satisfy anybody. Like Jeanette. She find the lust/supressed disire. She live it, and integrated it into her personality

P.S.1.: Perfect example for total mind breaking bimbofication: God of Old (

P.S.2.: I hope we can read the grand finale soon.

OrcDominionOrcDominionabout 4 years agoAuthor
Next chapter

The next chapter will mostly focus on Amelie and Augras, but it will also wrap up everyone's storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Next chapter

I love your story and your unique writing style. It's very rare to find an erotic story about the whorification of strong independent women and you are doing it splendidly.

When can we expect the next chapter? Also is it going to focus on Amelie and Anne or will it conclude everyone's storylines?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Excellent humiliation

Really liked what you did to Amelie here. The slutty armor was a nice touch, her warrior persona now corrupted and whorified. I think there is one more level of humiliation here. Augras should make her wear outfits that only whores wear. No sword or armor or leather, nothing that reminds of the Princess-Knight and her fighting days. Only outfits that would fit a harlot who doesn't know how to fight, whose only job, the only thing she is good at is to open her legs for everyone.

After a while Amelie could choose herself her whorish outfits and starting to spend time fixing her hair or applying make up and slutifing herself to please her master. Her strategic mind no longer thinking about battles or ruling, only how to be prettier and turn male heads. Or orc heads.

ragnarok83ragnarok83about 4 years ago
thoughts on story as a whole and the future

-First off, I want to say thank you OrcDominion for such an amazing story/universe that you set up here. I enjoy how much detail and thought was put into it.

-I am just going by what drew me to this story. Like someone else said, I search for stories where you have a strong female (human or elf) lead or a "virgin" like female character who get seduced or corrupted by a beast like brute. It is very hard to find stories like this, especially well written. Especially ones where the female character resists, sometimes strongly at first and then slowly descends.

-As a future story, I just have some questions because I could have forgotten some of the plot since I started reading years ago. The story takes place in the Wester Kingdoms. I remember reading that Henry was sending his wife and children to go across the seas (to the Eastern Kingdoms). What about a future plot line where the Western Kingdom Orc kingdoms invade the Eastern human kingdoms, or the Eastern Kingdoms (maybe the descendants of Henry) invade the Western Kingdoms? There could be even more beasts/monsters introduced from different lands just like centaurs and minotaur's were introduced in Triumph. To me, I feel that OrcDominion is just hitting the tip of the iceberg on the Orc Dominion Universe. There are so many possibilities here! I just hope that you don't change the formula of monster/beastlike characters corrupting and impregnating princess's, strong female warriors, or queens.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts!

OrcDominionOrcDominionabout 4 years agoAuthor

I have thought about the numbers problem. After a few generations blood laws are enacted to control population numbers because:

Magic only works for those with elf, human, and orc blood. The orcs don't want to spread around to much to maintain their grip over magic.

As the mincentti bloodline reunites, orc traits become less dominant and they atart to drift towards mincentti appearance. In order to maintain "orcness" outbreeding is restricted.

I believe I established that orc females are evenly bred with non orc women. The huge increase in available human women created a large influx of orc women.

SexinatiSexinatiabout 4 years ago
Reply to Anonymous

Yeah, Logically the numbers present a problem. What with the Orcs having like, 20 males per 1 female ratio for their birth rate. I'm just surprised there aren't that many gay orcs honestly. It's a sausage fest, even if the Orc women share some of their holes! :P

I mean, you could be waiting hours just to get a go on one hole here, poor orcs.

Now imagine several generations of that.

But Author's fiat is probably going to be employed in this case to make the story work. Or alternatively theres gonna be some backstory like some Orcish philosopher in the year 800 goes all on a tangent with something like "Ewww, Orc blood mixing with Humans, gross!"... Cue all the cool Orcs decide against fucking Humans. Or something of this nature.

I don't particularly have a problem with writer's fiat though. Writers do that all the time. Logic or no logic, the writer is the god or goddess of their realm.

SexinatiSexinatiabout 4 years ago
The Orcish Way?

I’d say the problem here is this:

“This series has always been about the orc way. The way you established it. Are you truly going to contradict that now?”

In a general sense, what the hell is meant when one means “Orcish/Orc way?”

Which given that by my interpretation of this word, The Orcish Way to me is about conquest, dominance and brute force. This seems to be the principal theme behind most of the stories. The defeat of the Orcs in Orc Dominion: Conquest shows that they can be beaten. In this sense, given that the Orcs have already been defeated, this cannot be seen as a contradiction if seen from this POV. And thus by inference, it makes it more possible that a Human uprising could occur within the future.

As such, it seems that our ideas behind what defines or constitutes the “Orcish Way” are quite different from one another.

Also In regards to the numbers, I do agree with them but I believe that Authors fiat will probably be employed in that situation. Or in other words the writer can pretty much go “It goes the way it says I go!” Whilst giving us the evil eyes and a frown for daring to question a story with nerdy stuff! :D

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
About repetition

I don't get why this is seen as a bad thing in this case.

Literotica is for porn, and if we come here it's to masturbate. A well-written compelling story is a plus, but at the core of it what we're looking for is sex scenes, which by definition are always similar since there's not so many ways to use a penis or a vagina, and especially sex scenes that involve our particular fetishes, which further increase their repetitiveness.

That's why, here like on tube sites or hentai sites, there's search engines and tags that allow us to directly find the stories that we know will get us hard/wet. We're not looking for surprises. Repetitiveness is fine. After all, I have been masturbating in the same way ever since I was 11, and I'm still not tired of it...

I search for orc stories because the cliché "women are throwing away their personal dignity and social status for a big dick" arouses me. That's probably the same for most of your readers. Changing things around will just make us look for other authors, while you will attract (hopefully) other readers.

Also, the other guy makes a good point. Revolts only happen when there's more people willing to revolt than there is willing to maintain the status quo. A successful revolt from a minority was never seen. Imagine the native americans taking over the US... So it's all about the birth rates. And the way it's been going in your stories up to know, it makes no sense for humans to exist in high numbers 400 years later. Orcs have the desire, the power and the need (since there is few orc women) to keep most human women to themselves, while human women don't mind that much... so their population would keep growing and the humans' decreasing. Can you find a workaround ?

By the way, I personally would enjoy it if you wrote more about what happens to the rest of society under orc dominion, beside your main characters.

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinabout 4 years ago

Perhaps I failed to properly set the context. First, I was noting the consistent nature of our author’s writing when related to orc male and other race female weddings. Second, I was noting that the marriage, which WILL happen, is 100% political, therefore since love doesn’t matter and knowing that Anne must learn her new role in Augras’ hierarchy, why not have the author go out with one last humiliation bang. And just doing that to Amelie has no impact anymore as she holds no power. It’s is Anne who wields the power and needs to surrender it.

With respect to Conquest, that series was to set up this one. There was no wedding scene or a married queen scenario that needed any comments.

So in this one reader’s opinion this is “the orc way” Why change it in the last chapter? There was never intended to be a romance. There were so many other ways this book could have been written if this author wanted that approach. Clearly he doesn’t.

Just in case you don’t see Augras as a full orc. His ways are no different than his fathers and their fathers. So diluting the orc race and mixing in a splash of elf only seemed to multiply the my way or the sexually charged humiliation highway mindset.

Lastly, if it takes 400 years to create a humans rise up revolution my commentary was simply noting there would be no pure human or pure orc to rise up. Just not enough of either race to go that long with the interracial impacts expressed within this series.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

A story about a muscular orc warrior-queen getting secretely subdued and sexually enslaved by her weak but crafty human servants could be a very interesting reversal of Orc Dominion. A society based on strength and valor falling to the lure of decadence, instead of a society of rules and customs falling to the lure of barbarism.

I think there's some good mileage to be had from a woman of both physical and political power that lets herself be conquered by those that, both physically and politically, are below her.

The overt political conflict could be a civil war that she sparks because goaed into it by her counselors, and that she ends up making as destructive as possible to orc society as a whole because she gets off on it, because purposefully making bad strategical decisions is deliciously humiliating.

Maybe have it so human servants in the big cities have been getting bred through generations for feminine good looks and big, veiny cocks, and boom, you have a full mirrored scenario to Zentara.

SexinatiSexinatiabout 4 years ago
Huh? Only Orcs!?

“This series has always been about the orc way. The way you established it. Are you truly going to contradict that now?”

I’d imagine this is being said in opposition to the idea of the humans rising up in a future continuation of the story? And that you are of the opinion that because it is labelled Orc Dominion, it should only be about Orcs?

But if you are of the opinion that this is contradictory, could you please explain the ending of Orc Dominion: Conquest?

Because it seems to me that the Humans won in that story. In which case, it’ s not really contradictory to have a human uprising, or even a successful human uprising if there is already a case where the humans have won. Also, it is was written under the title Orc Dominion.

And this was not contradictory now, this was two years ago, hell... maybe three years ago.

So I don’t feel that the idea is contradictory in itself. There’s already been a case wherein the Humans have won. Short-lived though it may be said. There’s already the precedence herein to also say that Orc Dominion isn’t always about Orcs winning either.

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinabout 4 years ago

Again look at all you have written. The story arcs that you woven over all these books. This last chapter is not the time to bail on your audience. Not the time to fail to feed them this last morsel of humiliation. And substituting Amelie for Anne will mean nothing Amelie is lost and compounding her new reality will do little to satisfying your reader’s (and maybe your own) hunger.

Now, I get what you are saying but you wouldn’t be yourself if what you propose is true. And I actually believe your statement in the feedback is accurate “...Amelie's reassurance to Anne, it was sincere. Augras made the offer the Amelie and she rejected it. Now, Amelie has to be humiliated to destroy her...”

But I suspect that Augras’ reassurance to Anne is not. The need for Anne to know her place was set up by forcing her to watch and vicariously suffer the experiences of her mother. There will be no wooing of the princess, there is demand and expected acquiescence. There is no compassion, no caring, and clearly no love. There is simply the need to establish this political marriage. Nothing else matters and it, like every other marriage before it, will be founded on the same basis as every other in this series ... the female will completely surrender and be a passive plaything brood mare or suffer unimaginable sexual degradation and still become a passive brood mare.

Take the ED marriage of dear Lyriena. It didn’t need to go the way it did. But that is the orc way. Her becoming a Queen who chugs cum from her chalice and sucks of guards...didn’t have to happen. But that is the orc way.

This series has always been about the orc way. The way you established it. Are you truly going to contradict that now?

I honestly cannot wait for the next chapter(s). No matter how you write it it has been a pleasure to ride this roller coaster with you. Thank you again.

One last thought about your novel, 400 years is at least 16 human generations. At the rate of interracial mixing that is occurring. The addictive nature of the orc pheromones. The increased rate of birth. And the impact of losses on the human male population. There will be no pure blood humans or orcs by the 13th generation unless the original population of both species started with more than 9,565,938 members with extensive geographic diversity. Admittedly that is only one generated model But none made it to 16.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Brigitte is my favorite character in this story and i would like to know more about her future with or without Markoz in the March. Is it possible to have a review of some future for her?

It would be interesting to see her regret her decision a couple of years later with nostalgia about her former princess privileges... ¡you are the genius!

SexinatiSexinatiabout 4 years ago
Reply to OrcDominion

"I'm not sure people will want to see human servants overcoming the orcs, or if I'd be able to make that sexually interesting. We'll have to see!"

Not me. I'm down for that!

Reversing things up and destroying people's expectations is great.

Humans liberating themselves (And maybe the elves) would be a breath of fresh air in my opinion. Who knows, the Orcs 400 years in the future might become massive assholes with a 'species-ist' system where the Orcs have control of everything and Humans are seen as subserviant weaklings and thus 'weaker' or even 'Inhuman'... or perhaps 'Inorcish' might be a better term.

Besides, I'm something of an Orcophile as it were. If its an orc, whether they are male or female, or if they are dominant or submissive, I'll probably be into it. Though having said that, I'd be into most things actually as I am bisexual.

OrcDominionOrcDominionabout 4 years agoAuthor


Augras should be between 19 and 20, while Anne is older at 25. She looks like Amelie, with brown hair/eyes, slender build, but much softer than her mother.


You're right, it's not terribly realistic, but it is erotic fantasy so I took some liberties.


Thanks for the feedback. You'll get your wish in the next (and final) chapter!


Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it all, even when it's not positive. I know what you're saying about it getting repetitive. I've often felt the same way, and it's one of the reasons that the sex scenes are the hardest for me to write now. I try to mitigate that by having the different storylines focus on different themes, but it is over all pretty similar.

My plan going forward is to try writing mainstream fantasy, but I may revisit the world of orc dominion at some point. If I do, it will be set 400 years in the future and be a story about the liberation of humans (and others) from the orcs. The only thing that holds me back is the thought that degrading nobles is kind of my thing. I'm not sure people will want to see human servants overcoming the orcs, or if I'd be able to make that sexually interesting. We'll have to see!

As to Amelie's reassurance to Anne, it was sincere. Augras made the offer the Amelie and she rejected it. Now, Amelie has to be humiliated to destroy her authority in order to make way for Augras and Anne to assume the throne.

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinabout 4 years ago
Time to end it?

You have improved your writing significantly over time and this story in general was very good. I thank you for taking the time to create it, share it, and interact with your readers feedback. You made it a very personal and endearing work. But now I’m about to say something that I hope doesn’t disappoint you or anyone reading this...but I’m glad this series is ending. The story line is solid, the characters are deep and colorful, fully fleshed unique creations. But the continuous need for you to deliver emotionally engaging plot progression constantly entwined with hyper-erotic sex has become...repetitive.

Sorry it’s just falling flat. Yes if read as a stand alone chapter the degradation, humiliation, and submissive events are highly charged. But seventeen chapters worth added on top of four other books worth of near duplicate acts does grow weary. What should be seen as erotic, titillating, horrifying, etc... just becomes campy when repeated over and over in a single arc. Story line. Plot line. He forces her. She hates that she loves it. More story line. Some intrigue. He forces her. She hates that she loves it...change a few names, hair colors, body shapes, acts, number of actors...but still over time it becomes...wash rinse repeat.

I will honestly admit however I do look forward to the next (last?) chapter and Anne’s submission and how it will truly destroy all that is left of Amelie.

I did laugh out loud as I read the line “He won't humiliate or change you if he doesn't have to”. Does Amelie not know her world history?

Zentara - Jeanette’s wedding scene

Rebellion - Jeanette’ pearls in her ass, hopping from orc to orc to...

Soiled Dove - Jeanette’s ... everything

ED - Lyriena chugging a “drink” every morning and walking to her throne room just to suck off the guards

Triumph - Amelie’s acts in this chapter alone

All queens, none of which were ever changed or humiliated by their husbands

Surely Anne has nothing to fear her mommy just told her so. LOLOLOL

FastandheartfulFastandheartfulabout 4 years ago
Another 5 star story

Thank you. It was another perfect chapter from you. I have already read it 4 or 5 times.

It has a very good build up. The Princess Kinght finally got a chance to be satisfied. You have thought through well the structure of the scenes.

I hope in the next chapter she will have the opportunity to try what it is like to be with one or more minotaur.

And the hint, that she will be the chaperone for Augras and Anne first meeting. I will eagerly wait to read it.

syd_v63syd_v63about 4 years ago

Always liked your stories but the opening battle and fight scene that leads to sex on the battlefield was just plausible. Amelie is bloodied and beaten, almost ready to fall from exhaustion or die from bleeding out, and she looses the ”Power of the Sword” but hey let get laid I'm feeling sexy. Yeah that just didn't work. Other than that it's been great.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
5 stars

The awaited humiliation and ruin of Amelie was amazing. You did a great build up for that and it was worth it. I wonder what else you have in store for her and her daughter. Also could you give us the ages of Amelie, Anne and Augras? And perhaps a little description of Anne. I don't think we' ve seen that.

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