Origins of 'Rub'


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She looped her other arm around Brandon's waist. Brandon put his arm around her waist.

"Mickey was right, though," Linda whispered, a tear sliding down. "See, my momma died? And I'm trying keep this all running and then all of a sudden, there's this guy and looks like he knows 'bout as much as my momma 'bout running all this. But Mickey kept telling me, boy ain't nothing but a dog."

"Good to have friends like Mickey," Brandon offered.

"I lost fifty nine pounds," Linda sobbed out. "Know that? I lost fifty nine pounds; went from being this fat old blob and this really cute guy's telling me how good I look and...oh, my God!"

"What?" Brandon asked when Linda screamed out 'oh, my God!'

"I sent him a picture! Me, all naked! I sent, oh my God!" Linda cried out.

Brandon had seen the picture. His first day of travels with Dwight, Dwight had happily shown Brandon the picture of a nude Linda, large breasts and hairless pussy on full display.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Linda chanted, slapping the spatula against the counter.

"Hey, hey, come on, huh?" Brandon said, squeezing Linda.

"And now, get to tell Mickey she was right," Linda wailed.

Linda and Brandon were just finishing up the cleaning of plates and frying pan when Mickey rode up on her bicycle. Through the window, Brandon admired Mickey's sleek, tanned legs, her beautiful buttocks peeking out her denim shorts, her large breasts barely contained within her tank top.

"Okay, Linda Eleanor Clark, get ready for a whole bunch of 'I told you so,'" Linda muttered.

"Ola," Mickey called out, rapping on the door. "Girl, shouldn't leave your door unlocked. Never know who might just walk on in, huh?"

"You were right," Linda said and started crying again.

Mickey immediately hugged Linda, patting her back and crooning. Linda sobbed as Mickey held her.

"Could've been worse," Mickey finally said. "Shit! Could've married him."

Mickey slapped Brandon on the back of the head. She then hugged him.

"You, why you didn't stop him?" Mickey demanded, kissing him.

"Like I knew he was like that?" Brandon asked, rubbing the back of his head.

Linda dressed in a bikini, then opened the atrium door. Mickey joined Linda in the back yard.

Brandon followed and snapped off a few shots of the two girls tending to the hothouse orchids.

"Brandon, you are not putting these on the web site huh?" Linda giggled, noticing Brandon and his camera.

"Hey, might sell even more, huh?" Mickey teased, dropping her denim shorts to the floor.

Her bright red thong bikini bottom and clean white tank top was quite appealing. Brandon made sure to get a few shots of Mickey bending over. Not to be outdone, Linda also stretched and posed provocatively.

"Oh no!" Brandon cried out as Mickey edged her tank top to just underneath her nipples.

"What?" Linda asked, alarmed.

"You two are so hot, you melted my camera," Brandon claimed.

Linda and Mickey giggled, then finished their chores. Brandon made sure to get a few shots of a striped plant. He still could not tell one orchid from the other, but he did have an eye for beauty and this orchid was stunning, a droplet of moisture clinging to one large petal.

Again, he hooked his camera up to Linda's laptop. He posted the striped plant, as well as two of Mickey posed by another large orchid, beautiful buttocks exposed in her thong bikini bottom. There was one of Linda, her blonde hair fanned out, making it appear as if she did not have the pale green bikini top on. Linda posed, peering over her shoulder at Brandon's camera, playful little smile on her face.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Mickey quietly asked.

"Mm-hmm, almost as beautiful as you," Brandon agreed, moving down to another shot of Mickey, tank top bunched up just under her nipples.

The undersides of Mickey's large breasts were plainly visible. Brandon had even managed to capture the droplet of sweat trickling from underneath her left breast. Her smile was a naughty, teasing smile.

"You better not," Mickey threatened.

"This isn't going on the site; there's no plants visible," Brandon assured her. "It's just that, God, Mickey, look. Just look at how beautiful you are."

"I keep telling her, should have been a model," Linda agreed, looking at the laptop's screen.

Brandon finished the updates to the web site, then wondered what to do. Mickey solved that by looking at her watch, then out the atrium doors.

"And right now? Sun's just right for us to catch a tan," Mickey declared, pulling her tank top up and off. "Brandon, leave that camera right there."

Mickey then turned, breasts on full display. She grabbed Brandon's hand and pulled him out of his chair.

"In fact, make sure you don't sneak around with that camera? You coming with us," she ordered, pulling him toward the door.

Linda giggled and followed Mickey and Brandon. She wiggled out of bikini top and bottom and grabbed the tube of suntan lotion.

"Here. Let me," Mickey said, grabbing the tube out of Linda's hand.

"Damn, now I really want my camera," Brandon moaned as he watched Mickey applying lotion to Linda's nude flesh.

Mickey shot him a playful smile. She then leaned forward, face millimeters from Linda's beautiful face.

"Uh huh? How about now?" Mickey asked, tongue reaching out to tickle Linda's lips.

Brandon's cock, which had been swelling, shot to full erection, trapped in his shorts and briefs. Linda smiled and snaked her tongue out, touching Mickey's tongue.

"Now, me," Linda demanded, grabbing the lotion from Mickey.

"Damn, just damn," Brandon moaned, watching Linda and Mickey's antics.

"And, uh, you a little over-dressed there, huh?" Mickey asked, now laying on her belly.

Linda continued to smooth the lotion into Mickey's tanned back. Her blue eyes looked at Brandon expectantly.

Brandon wiggled out of shorts and briefs, then dropped his tee shirt to the concrete pad. He fought the urge to shield his rampant erection from view. Mickey lifted her head up and looked at Brandon's erection. She opened her eyes a little wider, then looked up at Brandon's blushing face.

"Nice," Mickey said.

"Here, Brandon, better let me get your back, huh?" Linda offered, holding out the tube of lotion.

"Yeah, be a shame those cute buns got burned," Mickey agreed.

Mickey sat up, her neatly trimmed patch of black curls on display. When she kicked out her leg to stand, Brandon could see Mickey's inner lips. He could see the pale pink flesh, could see the moisture clinging to the flesh.

"In fact, I better help, huh?" Mickey said.

Brandon had to adjust his cock so that he could lay on his belly. He did sigh in contentment as there were two pairs of hands massaging his buttocks. Then Mickey's hands were gently applying the suntan lotion to his shoulders and his back. Linda got the backs of Brandon's thighs.

The warm sun caressed his naked skin. Two pairs of hands gently caressed his skin.

"You snore, you know that?" Mickey said, her lips against his ear.

"Hmm?" Brandon roused himself.

"Need turn over, let us get that gorgeous front, okay?" Linda offered.

The sun had travelled to almost directly overhead. Brandon smiled at Mickey and Linda, then did roll over.

"Aw! He's not happy to see us anymore?" Mickey asked.

"Maybe he's still asleep," Linda suggested. "Maybe if we wake it up?"

Thus saying, Linda poked Brandon's limp cock with her finger. She poked it a second time.

"Wakey wakey," she cooed playfully.

"Maybe it likes be woken up with a kiss?" Brandon suggested, even as his cock did begin to swell.

Mickey pressing her red lips to the shaft of his cock did have the desired effect. Mickey smiled in triumph, then handed Brandon the tube of suntan lotion.

"Aw, not going put it on for me?" Brandon asked.

"Uh, no," Linda said. "You can get your front.

"I'd put yours on for you," Brandon offered.

"Uh huh," Linda giggled, shaking her head.

The sun was starting its slow descent when Mickey woke Brandon with a soft kiss to his lips.

"Ham sandwiches," she said, putting a paper plate on his belly.

"Oh! Man, oh thank you; I'm starving, Brandon realized, now sitting up.

"Hey y'all, listen to this one," Linda said, sitting under the canopy of her porch. "Guy said he'll pay a hundred bucks I turn around."

"Huh?" Brandon and Mickey asked.

Linda twisted the laptop around and showed Brandon and Mickey the recent photo Brandon had uploaded to her site. It was the shot of her, blonde hair covering her bikini top from view. She then swiveled the laptop back and started typing.

"Apparently, guy thinks I got nothing on," Linda giggled.

Linda typed for a few moments, then frowned. She paused, then started typing again.

"Here's another one wants me turn around," Linda said.

"How much he offering?" Mickey asked.

"She. Doesn't say. Just wants to know where the one of me turned around is," Linda commented.

Linda paused in her typing again and smirked. She then typed for another moment.

"Other guy? Says fifty bucks see me in bikini. Oh! Mickey! Here's one wants see you naked too," Linda said.

"Let me see that," Mickey demanded.

Linda and Mickey read the comments and giggled. They shared a quick kiss, then continued reading. Linda typed rapidly, answering each comment.

"And, another three orchids sold, thanks to Brandon's pictures," Linda called out.

Brandon finished eating his sandwich and Mickey smiled. She got to her feet and took the paper plate from him. Then she bent closer and gave him a soft kiss.

Brandon decided he'd had enough of the Texas sun and joined the two girls underneath the canopy. Again, he wished he had his camera; Mickey kept shooting glances his way. He could see her inner lips peeking through her neat thatch of black curls, could see the moisture on her lips.

Brandon could also see that Mickey's nipples were crinkled, hard as she kept looking at him, looking at his slowly expanding cock.

"Ooh! Up to two fifty now," Linda giggled.

"Hmm?" Brandon asked.

"That guy wants see me naked. He just sent me an offer of two fifty," Linda explained.

"Two fifty? For one picture?" Mickey asked. "Ask him how much see both of us?"

Linda typed rapidly. Mickey leaned close, peering over Linda's shoulder. Both girls giggled when a soft chime announced the arrival of another message.

"Yes, that's the beautiful Latin girl," Linda said aloud as she typed.

The bartering went back and forth, until the anonymous man agreed to pay five hundred dollars for a nude picture of Mickey and Linda posed together.

Brandon retrieved his camera and posed Linda. He started with the same shot, her watering an orchid, peering at the camera over her right shoulder. But this shot showed her fully, showed her well-rounded buttocks, her slightly thick thighs.

He posed Mickey in an identical shot. Full profile from rear, peering over her right shoulder, nasty little smile on her lips.

Then Brandon had Linda turn to the side. Her right leg was bent at the knee, hiding her vulva from the camera. Her nipples were crinkled, hard and her smile was a playful smile.

Mickey was posed in a similar manner. The next photograph was Linda facing the camera, with nothing obscured. Brandon noticed, and made sure to capture Linda's inner lips peeking out, plump and moist with her excitement.

Mickey also posed in the same pose. Her inner lips were also plump and Brandon focused the first shot on a full profile, his second shot was of Mickey's inner lips peeking through her thicket of curls.

Then Linda and Mickey posed together. Their arms were casually draped across each other's waists. Another shot showed them kissing, lip to lip. Linda's left breast grazed against Mickey's right breast.

The following shots showed Linda and Mickey engaged in an open mouthed kiss, breasts mashed together. The next shot showed Mickey taking Linda's right nipple in between her perfect white teeth. Mickey's fingers disappearing into Linda's pussy. The last shot was of Linda squatting down, tongue stretched to taste Mickey's pussy, Mickey's hand on the back of Linda's head, bringing the blonde's face closer to her crotch.

"Damn, I need to fuck!" Mickey exclaimed after Brandon snapped that last photograph.

"YOU?" Linda giggled. "I'm so wet, it's running down my legs!"

Linda had not bothered to make her bed. The three nude companions flopped down and Linda and Mickey started with passionate kisses, their fingers thrusting into each other's pussies. Brandon watched them finger each other to a quick orgasm.

"I've had Linda, but you, I've not had you," Brandon said to Mickey.

He pulled her onto her hands and knees into the center of the large bed. Linda flopped onto her back, legs spread wide. Mickey pressed her mouth over Linda's vulva.

"Ugh!" Mickey grunted as Brandon slid his hard cock into her tight pussy.

"Ugh!" Linda agreed as Mickey's tongue drove deeply into her pussy.

"Ugh!" Brandon grunted as Mickey's inner muscles rippled and pulsed around his thrusting cock.

Brandon's hands slipped from Mickey's hips to her swinging breasts. He squeezed them in his hands, then mashed them against Mickey's rib cage. Then he pinched down on her hard nipples.

"Oh god yes," Linda screamed out in orgasm.

"Mm, mmph!" Mickey screamed in orgasm, her scream muffled as she continued to lick and suck at Linda's wet pussy.

Brandon tried desperately to remember the names of his teachers at James W. Dawson High School, who had been that odious Earth Sciences teacher, the one that had told Brandon he would never amount to anything?

Mickey's second orgasm made Brandon's efforts a losing battle and he groaned. Stream after stream of his semen flooded into Mickey's clutching pussy.

With another groan, Brandon pulled his wilting cock from Mickey's snug pussy and collapsed on the bed.

Linda immediately wiggled down and had Mickey squat over her open mouth. Linda's fingers and tongue searched for all of Brandon's semen. With a shudder, Mickey squealed in orgasm.

Mickey wiggled over and sucked on Brandon's slimy cock until it bounded up again. Then she squatted over his cock and lowered her pussy down. She leaned forward and kissed Brandon softly.

"You are a good lover," Mickey whispered in Spanish.

Linda lay back against a mound of pillows and fingered herself while watching her two friends make love. She keened in orgasm, one hand tugging and twisting her nipples, her other hand a blur as she rubbed her clitoris.

Then, when Brandon had again pumped his semen into Mickey's pussy, Linda insisted on sucking Mickey's pussy clean. Mickey and Linda swung into a sixty nine, both using tongues and fingers on the other's pussies.

The comments section of Linda's web page had one message from the man that had paid five hundred dollars for the series of photographs. He was very pleased with what he had received. There were forty six comments requesting their own photographs.

"When we receive notice that you have deposited your payment of $500, we will forward you the ten photographs we have available," Linda answered each inquiry.

Nineteen of those patrons did pay their five hundred dollars. None expressed disappointment. Linda tried to give Mickey half of the ten thousand dollars. Mickey smiled as she pulled her clothing on again.

"Um, Brandon? He's the one took the pictures? He doesn't get anything?" Mickey reminded Linda.

"I got to take your pictures. Then I got to make love with the two of you," Brandon said, struggling to dress again. "I think I've been paid already."

"I think we should discuss this over steaks," Linda declared.

"Steaks from...?" Mickey asked.

"My dumb ass ex-boyfriend insisted we buy four steaks," Linda said, popping the freezer open. "Brandon? You know how to grill?"

"Little bit," Brandon said.

Mickey decided that Brandon's answer of 'little bit' was insufficient and declared herself the Mistress of the grill. Brandon shrugged and allowed himself to be shoved aside.

"And these ears of corn. Had to be white corn. White. It's the best," Linda said, pulling out the package of corn.

"Know what? Kind of glad he's gone," Brandon admitted as he began to clean the ears of corn. "I mean, other than stealing your money."

"Yeah, well, thanks to your pictures? I've already put that money back," Linda said and kissed Brandon.

"Uh, hey, don't be kissing my man," Mickey playfully threatened.

"My man," Linda said, grabbing Brandon's left arm.

"My man," Mickey said, grabbing Brandon's right arm.

"Nuh uh," Linda said. "Brandon, tell her."

"Yeah, Brandon, tell her," Mickey said.

"No matter what I say, Brandon's going lose," Brandon said.

"Our man?" Linda asked.

"Our man," Mickey agreed and the two women kissed.

Over steaks, salad, and roasted ears of corn, Linda and Mickey argued and agreed on a thirty five-thirty five-thirty split. Brandon sat quietly, letting them argue the decision.

"What you think Brandon?" Linda finally asked.

"I think it doesn't have to stop here," Brandon said.

"Hmm?" Mickey asked.

"You two are beautiful women," Brandon said.

Both young women beamed under his praise. Brandon cut another piece of steak and prepared to put it into his mouth.

"That first guy; he was willing to pay five hundred dollars for just one photograph of the two of you. And, so far, we got nineteen others pay the same thing," Brandon said, then popped the piece of meat into his mouth.

Both women waited for him to finish chewing. Then they waited while he swallowed some beer.

"Linda, how many women, ages eighteen to um, say twenty five live on this street?" Brandon asked, spearing the last piece of steak.

"There's, wait, single or..." Linda asked.

"Either single or married, doesn't matter," Brandon said. "Women willing to get naked to earn five hundred bucks."

"Oh," Linda said and lapsed into thought.

"Hmm," Mickey thought.

"Mrs. Finestein; her husband left her with that retarded kid," Linda said aloud.

"Not supposed call them retarded," Mickey said.

"Oh good God, mentally challenged, special, retarded, all means the same thing," Linda snapped. "Like calling her 'special' makes it any better?"

As Brandon stacked the dishes into the dishwasher, Linda and Mickey compiled a list of eleven women on Vienna Street that they thought they could approach about posing nude for five hundred bucks. Brandon then dried his hands, went on-line, and found a generic 'Consent' form. Doing some cut and paste, some drag and drop, Brandon had a suitable contract. He then had Linda and Mickey fill out and sign their own copies of the form.

After they signed the forms, Brandon brought Linda into her bathroom. He posed her on her commode, posed her playing with herself. In front of Brandon's camera, Linda rubbed her clitoris, she pinched and twisted her nipples, she dug her fingers into her splayed pussy.

At Brandon's instructions, Mickey lay on Linda's bed. She masturbated for Brandon's camera.

"Okay, so, what are we doing?" Linda asked as she crawled into her own bed to join Mickey.

"I'm a guy," Brandon started.

"No! Really? Is that why you got a cock?" Mickey asked and she and Linda giggled.

"And one thing I've always wondered about? Women playing with themselves. How do they do it? Do they all use dildos? What's the difference between a dildo and a vibrator? What's better? A dildo or a vibrator? What do women think about when they play with themselves?" Brandon rattled off.

"Uh huh. And?" Linda prompted.

"And that's what 'Rub' magazine's going to focus on," Brandon said. "Female masturbation. And sometimes? Having a friend help you masturbate, and what really happens at pajama parties, little sleep-overs?"

Brandon Schopes took the settlement from his insurance company when they totaled his truck and invested that money into the magazine. Mickey and Linda invested their three thousand, five hundred dollars from the pictorials they'd sold on-line.