Other Voices - Travis


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We started the tour at the beginning, which was the parking garage. I was shown where the staff spaces were and the reader that allowed me to enter. Then to the staff entrance and the men's locker room. Ned pulled three folded uniforms from a pile and asked me to try one on for size. It consisted of a dark blue pair of slacks and a sky blue polo shirt with the Viking ship logo embroidered in yellow and brown on the breast. I thought the blue on blue combination was dynamite.

I only saw about eight lockers, and Ned explained that beside Todd (the only other steward) and myself, the only other males in his employ were three cooks, two kitchen helpers and two security guards, none of whom were permitted in the club proper.

We walked out and he showed me a small employee break room and then we headed to the bar. Ned explained that normally this would be my primary work station, and I might be trained to actually tend it, but usually I'd maintain the back bar, feed the dishwasher and occasionally manhandle beer kegs, but he emphasized that my primary duty was to tend to the unaccompanied ladies, either by talking to them at the bar, or helping them with other 'needs' in the activity rooms upstairs.

While in the club, my manager was Rachel. If I had any questions, I should ask her. If there was anything else, I should call him. It all seemed pretty straightforward. So, tomorrow, I will start my new career!

All four ladies, who I now collectively called, "The Cabal," decided that they would all be there to welcome me on my first day. Liz offered to drive me, but I declined. I wanted to get into a routine, and the sooner the better. I was actually surprised when I drove into the entrance to the parking garage and a swipe of my hand opened the barrier bar. I remember thinking to myself, "It works!"

We were required to be on premise by five-thirty since the club was open from six to two a.m. I found the locker room and ran into Todd, the other steward. He was a tall towhead, who told me he'd been working at the club for about six months. At least, according to him, he was the first steward hired, and I reflected on what Ned had told me. He welcomed me and said he'd heard that I'd been hired. We spent a few minutes just chatting, then he led me towards the bar where three females were talking to one another in a group. All were naked. I was introduced to Corey, Michelle and Rebecca and everyone wanted to know all about me.

Soon Rachel walked by and I was mesmerized by the breathless beauty of her breasts. They were at least 36DD's and like any red-blooded male, I stared in utter fascination as they jiggled with each step. She glanced in our direction and smiled - I was hoping at me - and said, "Show time." As I watched her gorgeous ass roll as she walked towards the front door, a thought popped into my mind and I headed after her.

She had just gotten to the reception podium when I caught up to her. Rachel smiled and welcomed me on my first evening at work, but I had a question. "If some lady requires some... uh... personal time with me... uh... what do I do?" Rachel laughed and said, "Oh, let me show you." Then she led me back, passed the bar to an alcove, and introduced me to another woman named Paula. It turned out that Paula was the 'Board Monitor' and, among other things, handled the distribution of keys to the 'activity suites' located on the third floor.

Ned had mentioned these but hadn't actually hadn't taken me there. When Rachel heard this, she muttered something that didn't sound complementary and took me to the elevator. There were twenty 'suites,' some of which surrounded a central space where there was another small bar. Rachel told me that sometimes, I might be posted there.

Then she opened one of the suites and showed me around. It was very similar to any upscale hotel room I'd ever been in, but it did contain some unique features. There were controls by the bed for lighting and music, a nightstand with dildos, vibrators, and porn movies, and a bathroom abundantly stocked with feminine beauty products. "Just so you know what's available," Rachel said while sweeping her hand as if to capture the essence of the room.

We returned to the main floor, and I saw that a few members had arrived. Rachel gave a gasp and made a quick apology before rushing back to her post by the front door. I continued on, but paused to speak with Paula about the suite keys. I asked her if any one room was the best. She smiled and said that number seventeen was a corner room and was her favorite. I made a note of that and then headed back to the bar where I saw Todd talking to a thin woman in glasses. There didn't seem to be any other unattached women, so Michelle grabbed me and we started a quick inventory. There were a few bottles of liquor that needed to be replaced, and she took me to the room behind the bar where the reserve stock was kept. I busied myself for a few minutes, but when I came back, I noticed that there were a lot more people in the club and...

The Cabal had arrived!

Rather than string themselves out at the bar, Liz led them to one of the nearby tables and I walked out to join them. Of course, I was the only one dressed. They presented an interesting sight. All were in great shape with only Christina showing a little pooch in her tummy, but perhaps that was emphasized by the cesarean scar she had. None had been slighted in the breast development department, but Liz and Holly were slightly larger than the other two ladies, but no man would be disappointed by any of them. Lanny was the only one who shaved her pubes which wontanly displayed her slit. I was about to take their drink orders when Michelle appeared and took care of that. So I just stood and talked with the ladies. Liz told me that they were going to have dinner in the restaurant, but they'd be back afterwards. I glanced at Holly and while she hadn't said anything she was gazing at me like a hungry wolf looks at a stray lamb.

Over the next hour, the club began to fill as individuals and couples entered through one of the two doors. Clothed men through the Viking door and naked women through the Swan door. Most of the women reunited with their partners who were waiting in a U shaped sitting area just outside their exit door, but I noted that it seemed to also be populated by some men just watching the parade of female bodies.

Todd reappeared and I asked if he and the woman with glasses had done anything. "Oh, you mean Lily? Yeah, she comes in regularly before her boyfriend shows up. She likes to have her pussy eaten, I guess to put her in the mood for later. She likes my tongue action." Todd chuckled and I did too. "Now that you're here I wonder how long it will take one of these ladies to request a tag-team match." Wow! I hadn't considered that. I'd never participated in a threesome and the new idea just kind of exploded in my brain. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, or the collerary, two women and myself. However, based on what I'd learned so far, I suspected I'd find out, sooner than later.

"I think I know a few who might like that," Todd said. "I think I do too," I responded, thinking about Liz and the "Cabal." Speaking of which, I noticed Liz and Holly walking in our direction, and I assumed dinner was over. Liz approached and said "hi" to Todd who responded as if he and Liz shared more than a casual acquaintance. Then turning to me, she said that Holly wanted to ask me a question. I nodded, and she leaned up and whispered in my ear, "I'm wet, and I need a hard cock. Please fuck me." Well, that was direct, so I smiled at Liz, and led Holly over to Paula's desk. "The key to suite seventeen, if you have it." I asked. Paula already had it in hand and I could see her smile as I turned and led Holly to the elevator lobby.

Once in the elevator, Holly wasted no time, she kissed me and said, "I've been thinking about this for days, you have no idea..." She was interrupted when the elevator door opened and we walked the short distance to the room.

Our lovemaking that night was passionate and lustful. There was no pretense as to why we were both there. She was a woman "in heat", and I was more than willing to sample whatever sexual delight she could extract from our coupling.

Her first order of business was obviously to get me into the game, and Holly's oral skills were more than sufficient to achieve the desired result. As I may relate later, it's my experience that there are just some women who seem to really relish the act of taking me inside their mouths. I think for them, in some ways, it's the supreme act of sexual intimacy. Holly should be a charter member of this group. She had superb instincts on how far she could push and when to back off. Her ability to bring me to the edge without going over was amazing.

Based on her responses, I like to think I was doing my part as well. As much as her femaleness was arousing to me, it appeared that my masculinity was exactly what she desired.

One moment is burned in my memory. Holly had doubled the pillow under her head and this lifted it sufficiently to be able to see our imminate coupling. She had spread her legs and I had moved into position to mount when she asked me to wait.

For long seconds she looked at my phallus poised at the gates. I had become solidly erect and from her point of view I'm sure she was savoring the prospect of this penetrating her body. I was already leaking pre-cum and it coated the tip with a silky sheen.

Holly wasn't the only one looking. Her labia was parted and slick as well and the small purplish petals which glistened with her arousal. There was no mistaking my intended target since the darker pit of her vaginal opening was clearly outlined.

I felt her hands snake up my arms until they rested on my shoulders and squeezed the muscles they found there. Holly's eyes rose from where her gaze had been riveted to find mine. I sensed her legs beginning to apply pressure and I interpreted these as signs that she wished for us to begin.

I was hard enough and we were both wet enough that no hands were necessary to assist. Holly was still locked into my eyes when she felt the tip of my cock seat itself just at the entrance, and her desire was made perfectly clear when her husky voice ordered me to "fuck her."

I pushed and was surprised when I impaled her almost to the hilt. Usually this process is completed in several smaller penetrations which allows the vagina to gradually adapt to the invasion, but apparently not this time.

By the way that I had easily slipped into her, you might think that she was loose, but that wasn't my impression at all. The walls of Holly's vagina felt secure around my cock and I was reveling in the warmth of her. This moment always triggers an increase in firmness and I experienced that quickly.

I sometimes wonder whether a woman also feels an increase in warmth, but I've never actually asked that question. In any event Holky murmured a satisfied "ummm," as I filled her and the look on her face communicated that she was more than happy to feel my lodged deep in her body.

Fast forward to later that evening and Liz answered my unasked question of Holly; "of course we experience your warmth as you enter us, it's one of the sensations that makes fucking so pleasurable." I thanked Liz with a kiss and a squeeze of her bare tit, but back to Holly and me.

She permitted me to withdraw slightly and I was conscious of the slick scraping feeling as I did. Holky was not going to let me move very far however as I had only pulled out a couple of inches when her legs wrapped around me to pull me back.

This initiated the primeval dance. Over the next fifteen minutes we fucked. We started slow with long pauses where we both just savored the sensation of being physically coupled. I could feel Holly's vaginal muscles squeezing and measuring me and I used my own muscles to send pulsations through the length of my embedded cock which seemed to trigger guttural sounds of approval from the lady.

In time, our mutual arousal began to dictate stronger and quicker strokes. Holly's body responded to this up tempo, by pulling even harder with her legs on the "in" stroke, and by uttering strings of profanity all directed at what I should be doing to her.

oh...crap...harder....harder...oh fuck my pussy...take me....oh God....oh fuck, fuck, fuck."

Several times I glanced down and witnessed myself impaling Holly's pussy. My cock was shining from our mutual lube and as I thrust forward I could see the lips of her labia being pulled slightly into her. I also found that I could see the roundness of her womanly hips and the flesh of her shins as she held me tightly into her. All of these were serving to ratchet my arousal to "critical."

There had already been a couple of times during cotis, that I thought Holly had experienced waves of pleasure, since she screwed up her face and I could see her face and neck had flushed, but I, like most men, are relatively clueless when it comes to the subject of female sexual satisfaction.

I had asked Liz about this on numerous occasions, and she had tried her best to explain. Yes, orgasms were welcome and important, but it seemed that, for women, there were a lot of other things that were in the mix. Just the sense of closeness that came from being filled, the amoma of men and feeling their strength and protection were key. One aspect that I learned from her was at the man's "moment of truth," there is a corresponding rush of pleasure a woman feels at the very point of insemination. Liz described it as something nature programmed into them to ensure that the act of receiving the man's sperm was as deeply received as possible.

I could see that Liz's observation had probably been in play in those last few seconds with Holly. As I felt control slipping away and ejaculation imminent, she pulled me strongly with both arms and legs.

I emptied my seed deep in her womb and incredible waves of pleasure exploded in my brain. Particularly when I have been "edged" to the brink over a period of time, the orgasm was powerful enough that I couldn't sort out whether I was feeling pleasure or pain. I was dimly aware of Holly thrashing beneath me, but whether she was experiencing a similar feeling, I couldn't say.

When I finally collapsed beside her, I became aware that sweat was covering my body and I could see its sheen on her as well. I sensed my spent cock slipping from her and idly thought that the sheets were going to be ruined.

We cuddled together. Both of us were breathing in ragged gasps but we embraced and brought our lips together in the most gentle kiss of this passionate evening.

Holly, who has been either quiet or profane over the last half hour, started to tell me how wonderful that had been, and the more she talked the more expressive her kisses became until she was covering my whole face, lips, cheeks, eyes, and throat. At one point, she paused long enough to look into my eyes and tell me, "I just knew you'd be good."

The lady had a way of stroking my ego, that was for sure

As I predicted, the sheets were a mess and so too was Holly. She excused herself and disappeared into the bathroom and I heard water running and the toilet flushed. I cleaned myself up the best I could with hand towels from the bed stand. A turned down the top sheet over the large wet spot and it served to make the bed habitable enough that when Holly emerged from the bathroom we settled back and cuddled.

Not particularly to my surprise, I learned that Holly, like Liz, was a divorcee, but unlike her, Joe - her former husband- wasn't a member of the club. Liz had sponsored all three members of the Cabal and I found that fitting, since she had, in effect, sponsored me as well.

In subsequent weeks, I bedded Christine and Lanny as well as a couple of other ladies. Once Todd told me that he appreciated the days off on Monday's and Tuesday's because he just needed the break. Truthfully, I didn't feel that way and I guess I took my own sexual stamina for granted.

I continued to live (sponge off?) Liz for another two years after I was hired, but we mutually agreed when it was time to find my own place. I still make house calls for our mutual satisfaction and I've grown more than comfortable in my job at the Freyja Club, but I know that nature is working against me, but as my bank account and investments have swollen, so has my confidence in my future. Whatever that turns out to be.

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