Our Family Adventures Pt. 05

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Meet our new daughter Milla.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 03/17/2024
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Tuesday Day 5 of Our Family Adventure..........

Tuesday morning came and went as most normal mornings around our house. The only difference was that we had all fallen asleep in mine and John's bed and awoke from there.

There was no morning banging going on this morning. John and Adam were up first and out the door. They would be in for a busy day if the supplies they were waiting for arrived today. Ashley mulled around as she always does until the last possible minute and then out the door, we went to drop her off at school.

I didn't have anywhere I had to be, so I went over to Susan's place to try and find out what was going on with her. No luck there as she wasn't home, or she was home but not answering. John had given me a list of things he needed me to pick up from the office supply store, so I went on to Office Max and got what he needed and returned home.

The day was long and tedious, I couldn't keep my mind on any one task for too long as it would wander to Susan and what might be up with her. Then my thoughts turned to Kim and what could be up her. To Adam, to what he had that could be up me and to Ashley as to what I could put up her. And even John, finally. John and I had already discussed the fact that this adventure we embarked on was new and exciting and that we both may get carried away with spending more time with Ashley or Adam then each other but we knew we loved each other and that after a while it would calm down and we would get ourselves back on track in time. I wasn't too concerned about him at the moment though.

It was Tuesday and Ashley's volleyball team had their last game of the season tonight. I texted John and Adam a reminder to try and get home a little early to clean up and get there on time. I suggested to John that we should take the girls out for pizza, Chinese or something after the game to celebrate the year, regardless of the fact that they had a bad year. We knew most of the girls on the team, and some had been over to the house a time or two. A few were even spoken of at times between John and myself, if you know what I mean.

John had texted back, finally agreeing to whatever I wanted as I knew he would. Adam texted and said that he would be there but was nervous over being in the same spot with both Ashley and Brittney at the same time. I texted back that it was a bed that he made and now he must lie in it.

This got me to thinking of that situation and others and I decided to go soak in the tub. I filled the tub with water and retrieved my favorite waterproof vibe from the cabinet in our closet that we named 'The Toy Box'. I know, I know, not very original but that's what it has been called forever so that is what it shall remain.

When the tub was full, and the suds were plenty I stepped in and sank down to my neck in the hot relaxing water. My mind raced but I tried to focus on just the last few days. Since Friday when this adventure started with Ashley and then Adam. How far along we had come in such a short time. I mean just last night I took my son's cock in my ass and Ashley had taken her dad's. All of this from my daughter reading my journals and deciding she liked what she read and wanted more from us, than just parenting. Then throw in the deal with Kim and the relationship with Adam and Brittney, my God where was this all leading to. I wondered. I also couldn't help but wonder what Kim's pussy tasted like or Brittney's. I knew I wanted to find out and it wasn't going to be a problem with Kim of course but Brittney was another issue. She was Susan's daughter after all, and I would in no way harm what John and I shared with Susan. Brittney being like a daughter to me, and John only intensified the effect she had on us, but she looked upon us as her mom and dad as well so she may have an issue with the idea of anything ever happening in that way, especially now that she is involved with Adam and with Ashley. What a mess.

I still couldn't think straight so I blocked all the negative mundane thoughts from my head and concentrated on just the sexual escapades of the last few days. The way my daughter's cunt tasted and watching her get fucked by her father. The way my son's cock felt inside me, cunt and ass. How much he could cum. Damn he came a lot. I took the vibrator and placed it under the water against clit and let it do its magic. Suddenly the vision of Kim dominating my daughter filled my head. Kim with a strap-on fucking Ashley from behind while she ate my cunt. Kim knowing full well that she was my daughter and having no regard for it. I came in under a minute. One second, I thought it was going to feel good to cum and the next second I was cumming and it was feeling good. I had lost my breath with my orgasm, and I almost slid under the water. I caught myself at the last moment and sat up straighter. As I sat there soaking and thinking, I came to some conclusions and reached for my phone. I texted John to ask if he would call me when he had a moment, no rush. The phone rang within a minute. We talked for a bit, and I let him know what was on my mind and asked him what he thought. As usual he demurred to whatever I thought and would be happy if I was happy.

I got out of the tub and dried off, wrapped a robe around me and sent a few text messages. Letting everyone know, including Susan and Brittney, that there was to be a family meeting held at our house tomorrow night. I was going to get some things straight once and for all. I also texted Adam separately and told him that he needed to talk with Brittney about coming clean with Ashley at this meeting. That it would be better if Ashley heard it from her before it came out some other way. I never said that I was going to spill the beans if they didn't but if what I said implied that to him then so be it.

Nothing much happened the rest of the afternoon. I went and picked up Ashley from school and we came home. She must have forgotten her own rule of no clothes in the house because she didn't bother taking them off.

"You alright Ashley?" I asked her concerned.

"Yeah, just don't want to play tonight. We are going to lose so badly." She sighed and looked away.

"Well, it's the last game and possibly the last game you'll ever play unless you decide to play in college. So just get through it and keep your chin up."

"Yeah, about college as well. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you and dad......." She was interrupted when John and Adam came in.

They were talking loudly about their day and the job at hand. John walked up to me and hugged me tight, kissing me.

"Hello my beautiful lady. How are you doing?' He asked.

"I'm good. Long boring day but I did get the supplies you needed from Office Max, and I got all the invoices caught up and the phone calls up to date and even got you boys a lead on another job. We'll talk about all that in a minute. Right now, Ashley was about to tell me something that sounded important." I looked at Ashley to continue.

Ashley stood there staring at us as if she was a world away. She didn't move or speak for a moment and then only said, "It was nothing and it can wait until later. I need to think more on it anyway."

There was tension in the air, we could all feel it, but no one wanted to add to it, so no one said anything. Adam was the first to move. He moved to the other side of the island where Ashley was standing and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Hey there my beautiful sister. How are you doing?" he mocked his father from earlier,

We all broke out laughing and Ashley pushed her ass out against him to push him away from her. Adam let go of her and walked out of the room.

After Adam was gone, I looked towards Ashley. "You wanna talk now that Adam is gone?"

"No, I really do want to think about it more first. Let me just get through this game tonight and maybe I'll say something at the 'family meeting' tomorrow night. What's up with that anyway?" she asked me.

"Just want to go over a few things that has been on my mind and besides, Susan wanted to talk to us as well Wednesday night, so I thought it was best to kill two birds with one stone."

Ashley shrugged and walked out of the room as well leaving me alone with John.

"You really going to go through with what you mentioned earlier today?" he asked.

"I'm gonna play it by ear. I need to hear what's going on with Susan first. Depending on what she wants to talk about there may not be a need for what I want to say. But I still think the other things should come out."

John leaned in and kissed me on the head. "You know best. I'm just here as service stud." he said smiling. "I'm going to go shower and change. Be back down soon." From over his shoulder as he walked out the door.

I stood there alone again with my thoughts. Was I going to do the right thing? Did John really think I only saw him as a service stud. What was it that Ashley wanted to say but didn't. Damn I hated not knowing. I walked out of the room as if that was the answer to all my questions.

We still had two hours to game time, and it was only about thirty minutes to the fieldhouse where they would be playing. I went upstairs to find Ashley. Her bedroom door was open, and she was quietly lying on her bed. I tapped on the open door.

"May I come in?" as I entered anyway before given permission. Always hating that myself. Why ask if you are just going to come in anyway. Damn my brain.

I shut the door to her room and went and sat down beside her on the bed. She looked as if she had tears in her eyes. I laid down next to her and put my arm around her, pulled her tight to me, and let her know.

"I'm not gonna talk or ask any questions. I'm here for you if you wanna talk. Mama loves you." Was all I said and just continued to lay there holding her. I could feel her weeping softly. I wanted to know what was wrong, but I had said I wouldn't ask so I stayed quiet. It was almost a full five minutes later when Ashley finally spoke, and it all came out in a rush as one long garbled sentence.

"I started my period, and I don't know what that's going to mean as far as you and dad and sex. Plus, it has my hormones all messed up. I really don't want to play tonight because of that, and I just hate the game anyway. I only joined the team because Brittney wanted me to and now, I hardly ever get to see her cause she is always off somewhere else. I think she has a boyfriend and won't tell me. I don't miss the sex with her cause it wasn't really sex anyway. You and dad have shown me that, but I did think she would still be my friend anyways. There's another girl in school, on the team in fact, that I like, and I can't get her out of my head, and she probably doesn't even like me anyway. I don't want to go to college, I want to work for you and dad and learn the business. I failed my chemistry test today at school and Mr. Peter's wants to see you and dad. If I don't pass chemistry I won't graduate and if I don't graduate you and dad won't buy me a car. And I'm afraid you're going to punish me by not having sex with me and I can't live without that. My life is just a mess."

Oh, my, I thought to myself. That was a lot, and it didn't get past me the college part how she threw that in the middle hoping I would miss it. I laid there silently for a bit not saying anything, just digesting what she had said. I realized that I wasn't the only one going through a bunch of crap in their head and maybe by focusing on my daughter's crap instead of my own I could work on my own. Before I said anything Ashley spoke up again.

"Well Mom, you going to say anything. I'm waiting, I'm sure you're going to tell me that I'm being ridiculous and to grow up and get over shit. Right?" She said this with a tone, but I let it go.

"No Honey, I wasn't going to say any of that at all. I want you to know that I appreciate you confiding in me and that I'm here to hear you out, listen to you vent and/or to offer suggestions for possible solutions. But the final decision needs to be yours. I will not tell you what you should do or not to do. That is, your decision to make now that you are an adult and especially now that you have embarked on this adventure with your father and I." I let that sink in and waited.

Ashely thought things over and said, "Ok I'm listening. What are your suggestions and possible solutions?"

"As far as your period goes, there is nothing I can do about that. When you do get it, if you feel that you are moodier than normal, maybe it is messing with your hormones more and you should see the doctor about that. As far as your period and sex with your father and I, that shouldn't be a problem as we have had period sex lots of times but yes, we should talk about it. As I always say, communication is the key."

This made her smile, but she didn't say anything else about it, so I continued.

"As far as you playing tonight, that is up to you. Let coach know you are having your period and having a hard time and maybe she will keep you out of the game. You chose to sign up, regardless of the reasons why, you signed up and made an obligation not just to the coach but to all the other girls on that team. You owe them, and yourself to see this through. Ultimately, it's up to you though."

Ashley signed, "I know." But didn't speak up about anything else.

"I can't speak on Brittney's behalf or what she may be going through. I know Susan is going through something and maybe it's affecting Brittney as well. Give her the benefit of the doubt until you hear otherwise."

"That's true. I didn't think of that. I hope Susan is going to be okay. I love her, and Brittney too."

"I know Baby. Maybe we'll find out what's going on tomorrow night." I said and in the back of my mind knowing it may be something she isn't going to want to hear.

"Does this other girl in school know you like her?" I asked.

"No of course not. I can't just come out and say, hey I like you wanna hang out and possibly have sex?"

"Well, no not like that you can't and especially not the sex part, but you could ask her if she wanted to hang out, get to know her and go from there. Maybe she's thinking the same thing as you and because you're both too scared to say anything you might miss out getting to know a wonderful person. You said she's on the team, do we know her?" I asked.

Ashley looked embarrassed but finally said, "You're right about all that and yes you know her, It's Milla." Ashley looked away from me.

Milla was actually named Makayla. She got the nickname Milla because she looked just like Milla Jovovich, except for the height, she was only about 5'4" at best. But she was thin and beautiful with the same flat chest with long hard nipples. Another difference was that she wore braces giving her a very sweet, cute, innocent look about her.

Yes, I knew exactly who she was, as John and I had talked and fantasized about her many times while having sex. She was a hottie.

"Oh Babygirl, you definitely need to talk to her and see where something may go. She's hot as donut grease." I laughed and teased.

Ashley perked up and grinned from ear to ear. "I know right?! She has the sexiest little tits and those nipples, oh my god they get so hard. Mom, you should see her pussy. SOooo sexy."

I laughed with her but wanted to stay on track. "Okay, okay, calm down. That's all fine and good, but remember she is a person first and you should get to know her for her, and not just want her for her body."

"I know, I know, but damn, that body!" she shuddered and giggled. I went on before she could try and stay on this topic.

"I will call Mr. Peters tomorrow unless I see him tonight at the game and set up a meeting to discuss your chemistry grade. I can't do the work for you Ashley you are going to have to apply yourself and make this happen. Your father and I would not have sex with you because of your grades unless it was because of the sex you were failing so you need to be honest with me. Is us having sex been getting in the way of you studying?"

"No, honest mom. I just hate chemistry and have a hard time with it. I swear." She seemed sincere so I chose to believe her for now.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now but If I find out otherwise then yes, we will have to discuss the sex part of all of this. As far as the car thing goes. That was the agreement, and it will stay the agreement. No car until you graduate. If you graduate this year like you're supposed to, we will buy you a car. If you fail and must take your senior year again then it waits until next year. Or you buy one yourself. We made the deal and we both will honor it and that means you as well. Stay true to your word. Understand?"

Ashley looked disappointed but answered, "Yes mom, I understand." She sighed a big sigh and started to move saying, "I better get in the shower and get ready."

She thought she was going to get away with it, but I stopped her, "Hold on there Young Lady. About you and college and working for me and your dad."

Ashley's shoulders slumped and she looked defeated. "I know mom, I shouldn't have even brought it up. I'm sorry and it won't happen again." She kept trying to get up.

I got off the bed and blocked the door, waiting for her to look at me. "Look, I'm not going to say any of that to you. What I was going to say is that you, your father and I all need to sit down and discuss this further. I'm not making any promises. Hell, your dad may not even want you to work for us. I don't know. What I do know is that it's a big decision and we need to discuss that. Can you agree to do that with us?"

Ashely's face lit up and her posture improved. "Yeah mom, for sure. I can do that. Thanks."

She moved into me, and we embraced. She leaned back to say something, and I planted a kiss on her mouth and let my tongue work into her mouth as my hand roamed down to her ass. I glanced past her and saw that there was still plenty of time.

"Now, why don't we go take a shower in my shower and play for a bit so we both feel much better." I suggested to her.

"I'm all for that." As she kissed me again.

We went down the hall to mine and her father's bedroom. John was getting dressed as we walked by him hand in hand into the bathroom. He smiled his all-knowing smile but continued to get dressed. Ashley turned on the water and I grabbed fresh towels and stripped out of my clothes as she did hers.

We got in the shower, and each stood under a shower head. The shower has dual showerheads with individual controls. I like my shower warm, while Ashley likes hers as hot as she can stand it. I reached out to her with my hand, she took it, and I pulled her over to me. We kissed as our hands explored each other's bodies. My one hand on one of her breasts as my other found its way down her body stopping between her legs. I pressed my palm to her sex and worked my hand back and forth while I kissed down her neck and onto her breast taking a nipple into my mouth.

The lighting changed as a shadow crossed the wall. I knew John must have entered the room then I could hear the sink faucet come on as well and the buzz from his toothbrush as he brushed his teeth. He groomed his hair and beard all while his daughter and I made out in the shower as if it was a totally normal everyday event. Which, I hoped was going to be the 'normal' as time went on.

I turned Ashley around so that she was under the showerhead and pushed her gently backwards guiding her down to the ledge seat built into the wall. I reached up, turned the shower head a bit away from our faces, went down on my knees and began to pleasure my daughter. Although the water was still raining down on our bodies I could still feel and taste her wetness through her slit. I pressed each hand flat against each of her thighs with my fingers facing inward so I could use them to pull her labia apart and sink my tongue deep inside her. I licked around her insides and traced her canal slowly as I withdrew. My tongue traveled up through her slit so I could run it across her clit and then suck it into my mouth. Ashley's was leaning back on her right hand and with her left she took the back of my head and pulled me into her. Her left hip rose off the seat, and she moved her hips back and forth across my face as I ate her. She bucked and rocked and within a minute she was rocking through her orgasm and then another. I eased up on her as she let loose of my head, and I kissed my way up her body stopping at each nipple to suckle for just a moment. As I stood up, she did as well and tried to turn me around. I grabbed onto her to stop her.