Our Family Adventures Pt. 05


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"Not everything has to be reciprocated every time. Sometimes it's okay to be selfish and just accept the pleasure given without returning the favor. Besides we really don't have time now."

She seemed dejected but kissed me softly and returned to her side of the shower. We finished our showers, dried off, got dressed and downstairs we went.

Ashley rode with her father and I, and Adam took his own Jeep. We made it to the Fieldhouse in enough time to grab some snacks and Ashley to make the team meeting in the locker room. I filled John in on what Ashley had told me for the most part leaving the sexual themes out of it for now.

"So, she may not even play?' John asked.

"I don't know. I doubt it though." I told him. To make him feel a little better I followed up with, "Oh yeah, Ashley has a crush on Milla." I smiled and looked away knowing it would get to him.

"What, our Milla?"

I laughed as he said this, "She's not 'our' Milla John but yes, our Milla."

John smiled real big leaned over into my ear, "I want to watch that." He said with lust in his voice.

I leaned over into his ear, "I want to do more than watch that. I want inside that." I watched as John nonchalantly adjusted himself.

The girls were introduced, and the game began. Ashley stayed on the bench for most of the first half of the game. I kept noticing her looking back at us and we would smile and wave. One of the girls had fallen and twisted her ankle and we saw Ashley get up and go talk to her coach. When play resumed Ashley was on the court. After a minute or two Ashley made a huge block and returned a scoring point and we all jumped to our feet screaming her name. I think she was slightly embarrassed she motioned for us to sit down and then to shhh. I felt bad for Adam because of the position he was in, not being able to overly cheer for Brittney but again, it was the position he put himself into.

The girls won their game, and we went to mingle with some of the other parents. One set who were swinging partners of ours, but we had not played with in quite a while. We made some plans to get together, and I excused myself when I saw Ashley's chemistry teacher Mr. Peters. I followed behind him for a minute until I saw he was clear and stepped up to him extending my hand.

"Hi Mr. Peters, It's Sarah, Ashley's mother."

He recognized me immediately as we had met many times before for one reason or another. He was quite a good-looking man, and my mind threw together a fantasy quickly that I gave him sex in return for a good grade for my daughter. I shook it away knowing that it was wrong, but I couldn't rid it completely as we talked.

Mr. Peters always liked Ashley and he agreed to let her take a test again but not the same test, this one harder and longer. If she passed it and did some extra credit homework, he didn't see a reason why she wouldn't pass his class, although it may be barely. I told him I would talk with Ashley about it, and she would have an answer for him tomorrow. We shook hands again and off he went. I still thought to myself that it may just be easier to fuck him.

I ran into John and informed him of the conversation I had with Mr. Peters. He was okay with it and informed me that he had been inviting the girls out for pizza after, but all declined because it was still a school night and had homework to do.

We made our way back to the truck still waiting on Ashley. Almost all the cars were gone from the lot.

"Keep an eye out." I said to John as I laid over into his lap and started undoing his jeans.

I pulled him out of his pants and took his flaccid cock into my mouth. I love the feeling of him growing in my mouth. Knowing I'm the reason of that, turns me on. I sucked up and down on it as much as I could considering I couldn't get him all the way out in case someone walked up, and he needed to button up quickly.

John reached around me and groped at my breasts the best he could. I love his truck but that damn console sucks sometimes. I hopped up on my knees so he could reach under me and rub my clit through my slacks. I just wanted to get close and not cum because I knew I would end up with a very noticeable wet spot. I let John rub there for just a bit and then I started working on him faster, so he would lose control of what he was doing and just take what I was giving him.

I concentrated just on his cockhead for the most part, spreading his opening with my tongue and working it in as best I could. I flicked my tongue across his ridged vein as I squeezed his shaft tightly. I turned my head a bit so he could watch, and I asked him.

"Did you notice Milla's ass out there tonight?"

John could hardly breathe but he responded, "I noticed all the asses out there tonight."

"Mmmm, me too." I said as I went back to work on him.

It was only another minute maybe and I heard,

'Oh shit, here comes Ashley and Milla." John announced.

I covered his cock with my mouth and kept sucking, harder and harder as I worked his shaft with my hand as best I could.

"AHHH fuck, I'm cumming Baby, I'm cumming." John let out as he pushed my head down on his cock as far as he could.

"Don't you let any of that get on my seats." He teased, but no way was I going to let that happen anyway.

John finished in my mouth, and I pulled off him. I took a quick look in the mirror and could see Ashley had made it to the side of the truck as Milla stayed at the rear. I jumped out of the front and met her as she reached my door. I pulled her into me and covered her mouth with mine and dumped her father's cum into her mouth. She recognized what was happening immediately and opened her mouth to accept it all.

The way the truck was parked I was fairly sure that Milla couldn't tell what was going on. It should have just looked like we were hugging but I really didn't care at that point. I ran my hands down to my daughter's ass giving it a good squeeze as I broke our kiss and not allowing Ashley to give her dad's cum back to me forcing her to swallow it all.

"Good game Baby. Congrats on the win and that was a hell of a block you made and a score. You deserve something special for that." I told her teasingly.

'Umm I think I just got something special for that." She teased back softly.

John had gotten out of the truck and was walking back towards Milla, so I headed that way as well with Ashley following me.

Ashley introduced us as if we had never met her before. "Mom, Dad, this is Milla. Milla, this is my mom and Dad. Sarah and John."

The three of us looked at each other and then back at Ashley and started laughing. I spoke up, "We know who Milla is Ash, she's been to our house before, ate dinner with us a few times and even slept over. Remember, she was even with us on last summer's fishing trip." I reminded her.

"Oh shit, I forgot. Sorry, I'm just nervous." She said.

Milla could tell Ashley was nervous and reached out and took her hand. Ashley gave it to her, and I could see a relief in Ashley's body language. Well, that escalated quickly I thought to myself. I think John thought so too.

John offered, "I invited some of the other girls out for Pizza but no takers. You are invited Milla, if you'd like to come with us."

Ashley interrupted before Milla could answer, "Actually dad, Milla needs a ride home and I kind of said you would take her home. I mean after pizza of course. I mean If you want to go with us for pizza that is." She said as she turned to Milla.

"I'd love some pizza, thank you." Milla said very politely then turned to Ashley, "I really don't need a ride. I'll find a way."

"Nonsense." I spoke up, "Come on, let's go get pizza and then we'll get you home."

John and I headed for the front of the truck as Ashley and Milla discussed something in private before moving. Ashley always sits behind me on my side, and she headed that way, so Milla followed the way John had gone. John was just getting in and noticed Milla heading his way and stepped back to open the rear door for her, held it open as she got in and then shut it behind her. I heard her tell Ashley as I was getting in.

"That's the first time anyone has ever held a car door open for me."

"It's a truck." Ashley quipped back and then realizing how immature she sounded followed it up with. "My dad is quite the gentleman, but he reminds me all the time that this is a truck and not a car." Which John is guilty of doing.

The girls sat in the back and giggled and talked all the way to the pizza shop, while holding hands. I had turned my body some to be able to join in on the conversation if it so warranted, but it never did. I stayed that way to continue to check out Milla's body. I could see even in the low light that her nipples were hard and poking through the thin fabric of her t-shirt. My hand was resting between my legs with my thumb sliding back and forth across my clit through my thin slacks I was wearing. I could see the bulge in John's pants as well as he did the same thing with his left hand. We smiled conspicuous smiles at each other.

We made it to the pizza shop and went in and ate. As we were eating, out of nowhere Ashley asked us in a surprised voice.

'Where's Adam? I saw him at the game. How come he didn't come for pizza."

I hated lying to my daughter and I don't condone it at all, but this was not the time nor place besides what I said was somewhat the truth.

"Oh, he said he was going to take a friend home and hang out a while. He'd be home later and would see us then. He told me to tell you congrats on the game and that he loved you. Which he did do that. Adam hadn't exactly said he was taking Brittney home, but I assumed it was her when he said he was taking a friend home and hanging out for a while. Plus, when I hadn't seen Brittney before or after the game, I was sure Adam had told her what I had said to him, and she was avoiding me. John broke my train of thought.

"Milla, where do you live? He asked but before she could answer he started again. "I should ask, it is still okay to call you Milla? If not, please say so. I don't want to offend."

'Not at all John, I don't mind Milla at all. I mean besides I know where the name comes from and she's hot as hell." She said as she laughed. Then she continued as she looked at Ashley. "That's cool that your brother thought of you before he left and wasn't afraid to tell your mom to tell you that he loves you. My brother could care less about me. Well, stepbrother but the same, he couldn't care less."

Ashley looked a bit flushed and looked at me for help. "It is cool that her brother does that. We are a very close family and never embarrassed to tell one another that we love each other. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. Or stepbrother as you say. And where did you say you lived again?" I asked, to try to change the subject. Not that anyone should be embarrassed about telling someone else they love them. Family or not.

Milla looked a bit embarrassed herself and only answered, "Umm what?"

"Your house, where is it at. Where do you live at. Ashley said you needed a ride home. We need to know where to drop you off at." I explained for no reason I could think of, but she seemed reluctant to answer the question.

"Oh, that, No I don't really need a ride. I'll just call from here and someone will come to get me. Thank you for the offer though." She said very nervously and kept looking away.

I looked for John for help. I didn't have a good feeling about this for some reason. John picked up on my vibe. "It's really no trouble at all Milla. We are probably going your way anyway so we can drop you on the way. No sense someone else getting out if they don't need too." John explained to her.

Milla still looked nervous and wouldn't take us up on the offer. "Nah, I'll be alright Besides their coming here anyway to get pizza so I will just wait for them."

John always being the quick one on his toes, "Okay, sounds good. We'll just wait her with you until they come in case something goes wrong, and they don't show you still have a ride home."

Milla looked totally defeated and hung her head. A tear streamed down her face. Ashley put her arm around her. "Milla what is it?" she asked. "You can tell us. My mom and dad are cool and will help in any way possible."

Milla broke out sobbing and Ashley looked at me for help. Other people looked over at us as well. I turned to them, "What, you never see someone cry when there's no pizza left. It was good pizza. Mind your own business." I snapped at them, and they all turned away.

"Okay John, pay the tab. Ashley, Milla, you two with me to the restroom." I got up and led the way the girls were following. "John, meet us in the truck with it running please." I said over my shoulder as I went.

"Yes mam." John quipped but knew there was something going on here.

I took the girls to the restroom and gathered up some paper towels, wetted them and patted them on Milla's tear stained face.

"Okay, look Milla, you do not have to tell us what is going on and why you don't want us to know where you live, but we are not leaving here until we meet whoever is coming to get you or you decide to have us take you home. Your choice."

Milla looked over at Ashley like she was going to stand up for her. Ashley felt it too and spoke first, "She's not lying Milla. My parents are cool and all, but they say what they mean and mean what they say so if my mom is telling you that, you better believe it's the truth."

Milla looked scared and didn't say anything. I thought for a minute and wondered what this could possibly be about. Why would she care if we knew where she lived? I didn't get it.

"Ashley, go to the truck with your dad and tell him we won't be long." Ashley knew better than question me, and although I knew she didn't want to leave Milla, she left the restroom.

It took me a full twenty minutes to finally get Milla to tell me what was going on with her. I pulled her to me, hugged her, kissed her forehead. "It's all going to be alright. I promise Baby. You have John and I on your side now. Let's go." She was reluctant but she let me lead her outside and into the truck.

As Milla got into the truck I leaned across her looking at Ashley, "If she wants to tell you her story that's up to her but don't hound her about it. Your father and I will take care of it." I turned to John next, "John, outside please."

I explained to John, Milla's reluctance in letting us take her home. John grew agitated as I relayed the story. When I was done, John and I got back into the truck and John drove fast but safely to the address Milla had provided me with. Best as I could tell Milla had not shared anything with Ashley who sat there looking confused as anything.

When we got to Milla's house it wasn't hard to understand that part of the problem was the fact that she lived in a very poor neighborhood. To say their house was dilapidated was a nice way of putting it. The other part of what she shared with me was that her mother was strung out on drugs most all days and nights and her stepfather and stepbrother had been both physically abusing her. She would not admit to me about any sexual abuse but if I had to guess there was that as well.

I knew telling John about the abuse may not be a good idea considering the history that his own mother had. (a story for another time) John did not take kindly to anyone being abused, especially a child and although Milla was 18 years old she was still young enough to need protection and John now was going to be that protection come hell or high water.

John left the truck running and opened Milla's door for her. He held out his hand for her to take and announced to Ashley and me to stay put.

John continued to hold her hand as they walked up the walk, stopping about halfway where he turned her to him. He said something I could not hear and then hugged her. As they broke their hug the front door flew open, and a rough burly guy came running outside yelling. I assumed he was Milla's stepfather, and he seemed drunk.

"Where the fuck have you been. I told you to be home right after the game. I'm gonna......"

That's as far as the guy made it, as he reached to grab Milla he made the mistake of putting his hand on John to shove him out of the way. I've only seen John in a couple of fights over the years. He does not like to fight. Not that he can't fight, he just doesn't like to. As the guy went to push John all his bodyweight was coming forward and by reaching out to grab Milla he was even more off balance. John merely stepped aside, stuck out his foot and the guy tripped over John's foot and fell forward. John took him by the back of his neck and shoved him a bit harder propelling the guy through the air and face first into the concrete sidewalk that was in worse repair than the house. The guy's face was torn to shreds as he skidded across it. The guy howled and hollered, threatened that he was going to kill John and started to get back up. John stepped to him and placed his foot against the guy's large fat ass and pushed him forward again where the guy face planted yet again into the concrete. John stepped over to the guy and set his foot down on the guy's back.

"Stay down motherfucker and this will be over in a few minutes." John told the guy.

It was strange hearing John cuss. He seldom ever did. The guy tried to get up, but John would shove him back down with his foot.

"I said stay down. Here is what is going to happen." He turned to Milla first before continuing and asked her. "Is your stepbrother home?"

Milla looked around and out to the street before answering. "No, I don't think so, his car is not here anyway." She let him know.

John asked her, "This your stepfather?"

"Yes." Is all she said.

John turned back to Milla's stepfather. "Here is what is going to happen. It doesn't matter if you like what is going to happen or not or if you think you can do anything about it. This will happen." John turned back to Milla, "Milla go inside and pack whatever you absolutely must have. Don't worry about toiletries and things like that, we will get you anything you need but grab your clothes and whatever you think is personal enough and don't want to lose. You will not be coming back here. Go now."

Milla's stepfather tried to get up, but John held him in place with his foot on his back. We saw John lean down and say something quietly to him, but we could not hear what it was. Whatever it was, the guy took him serious enough cause he quit putting up a fight.

Milla was only in the house for about ten minutes when she came out with a couple of bags and was crying. I got out of the truck along with Ashley and took her bags from her to put in the back of the truck under the tonneau cover. After us three were back into the truck I yelled at John.

"Were good John, let's go."

John stepped off Milla's stepfather and climbed into the truck, back out and off we went. We rode in silence for most of the way home. I knew to let John settle down and Milla needed to process what was happening. I finally asked John.

"What now?"

John was quiet for another minute and before he said anything Milla spoke up.

"You can just drop me somewhere. I'll work it out. I'm so sorry you all got involved." She said, tears flowing down her face. Ashley put her arm around her as we all three said at the same time.

"That ain't going to happen."

We all looked at one another, Milla included, and after a couple seconds of recognition we all broke out laughing at the synchronicity of it.

John spoke up first after the laughter died down. "What now?" he repeated. "I'll tell ya what now. We are going home and Milla is going to stay with us for as long as she needs to." John looked in the rearview mirror at Milla. "You're not being held hostage and are free to leave whenever you want but I would like it very much if you stayed and let us help you. You're not a burden at all, we have plenty of room and I know we would all feel much better if you're with us then back there."