Our Neighbour Mark


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She felt tense, but as he moved her arms away from each other, she let them fall to her sides exposing to someone for the first time other than her husband. Her naked breasts, well now she was completely naked so this was a night full of firsts. This time however was different. Mark was the first to see something Emma hadn't even shown her husband yet.

"Wow! You sly fox I never would've expected you to have these pretty little nipples pierced...I bet your husband loves to suck on these whilst he fucks you." Gawked Mark.

"What the fuck..." Will whispered underneath his breath. He could hardly hear what they were talking about but he was straining his ears enough to notice the words: 'Sly fox' 'perky' and nipples pierced' come from Marks mouth. He had taken his hands off his raging erection to focus on what was happening and he was absolutely dumbfounded. As well as being un-rationally turned on by another man seeing not only his wife naked sp up close but also the fact that this man was seeing something even he hadn't seen yet, his hand returned to his erection with a fast stroking movement...

"Actually." Blushed Emma looking away from Mark, holding her face in her hands to hide how much she was blushing. "Other than his blowjob this was his main birthday present from me...so he hasn't even seen them yet, you're the first."

"You know the more I find out about you the more slutty you seem to be haha." Laughed Mark.

Emma was ashamed. She had managed to sneak off a few weekends prior to get her nipples pierced for Will's birthday playing it off as a weekend trip with her girlfriends and ever since had been coming up with excuses of why she wouldn't take her bra or tops off to show Will her tits, it now all made sense to Will. Emma really had been so excited to give Will his first blowjob before taking him up to their bedroom and showing him her newly pierced nipples, all the things she'd never done for him but knew he would love.

One plus Emma had found out about not letting Will see her tits out of a bra or uncovered since she had got her nipples pierced was that she had found out he was into denial, something she hadn't known about. Will really got off on the fact that he couldn't see her tits even though she was his wife. Though he didn't actually admit that, his body made it more than obvious to Emma.

Emma made a small squeak and Mark looked from her tits up to her face. "You need to ease up darling, your stressing out to much. Just pause, take a deep breath." He breathed in heavily through his nose, lifting and lowering his hands as he did to initiate her to follow him, she copied him before he blew out through his mouth.

Amber noted to herself how dense his breath was, such a musky scent. But she then blew out through her mouth and although she still couldn't believe what was happening and what she was doing she did definitely feel more at ease, she felt her shoulders loosen their tension almost as soon as she blew out. "There's a good girl, you look calmer already."

"Fuck." Emma whispered, under her breath she thought.

"Yes I would." Jack said, "I'd love to fuck you." She had obviously not said it under her breath...

"In your dreams fatty." Emma replied.

"Every few nights yes." Mark laughed. "You'll love me one day I promise."

"Don't count on it." Emma.

"Well seeing as I'm naked now I feel like we should even the field a little bit hmm?" Asked Mark before he reached forward, putting his fingers into the string of Emma's thong and pulled them down.

Emma was already in total disbelief about what was happening and without really even thinking about it she stepped out of her lingerie and was now naked in the jacuzzi along side Mark. "That's more fair now isn't it?" Smiled Mark. And before Emma even thought about it Mark had thrown her sexy thong across the garden where it landed a few feet from Will.

Will was purely amazed. He was still knelt down and stroking his cock which he didn't think had ever been harder, it was almost soar for him yet he continued to stroke it as this was truly turning into the best scene he'd ever seen.

Mark patted his naked lap and gently taking hold of Emma's arms once again he pulled her into him to sit down. As she did she felt Mark's cock touch her thigh and gasped. "Don't be scared it doesn't bite, although I'm sure compared to your husbands it's a monster."

Emma looked up to Mark as he was higher than her even whilst she sat on his lap and flared her nostrils defiantly. "Actually, I'll have you know by the looks of things you cock is exactly the same size as his, you saw his earlier you should know that!"

"Ahah, well." Mark paused contemplating the right choice of words. "When you were knelt down in between his legs about to choke down his wimpy cock I was more looking at you than him."

Emma blushed again, but she was progressively getting more horny so she said: "I'm sure you were." As she suddenly felt Jacks hands creep up and start massaging her tits, She thought to stop him. 'How can I really be naked sat on my disgusting neighbours lap, while he's naked as well and whilst my husband watches from the bushes?' Yet she couldn't move. No, she didn't want to move or make any attempt to stop him, in actual fact she thought about how good it felt.

"Mhmmm..." escaped her lips.

"See now, I have been thoroughly enjoying the site of you and I've been giving you plenty of attention but you haven't complimented me or given me any attention at all tonight honey." Mark said taking his hands of her tits and moving one beside his erect cock and moving his other hand to rest on her bottom which was on his naked thigh.

"Ugh don't call my honey my husband calls me that." Emma said disgusted by this man.

"Alright slut get to work on my cock!" He said angrily before looking at her with an almost evil smile. "Better?"

"Maybe..." Emma teased.

"Fuckkkkk...." Will whispered to himself, he could just make out some of the flirting that was going on in front of him with his wife and his rude neighbour.

Mark picked up Emma's hand and brought it to his mouth, his opened his mouth and sucked on her pointer finger before taking it out of his mouth and slowly, whilst maintaining deep eye contact with Emma, lowering her hand until it was resting on his erect cock. "Grab it." He ordered, strongly yet gently as not to disgust her anymore than she already was. He then took his hand off of hers and brought it back and pinched her nipples.

Emma as ordered then wrapped her long delicate fingers around Mark's erect cock and without needing any further instructions began to jerk him off. Slowly at first.

"Holy shit your hands feel fantastic. Your husband is one insanely lucky guy." Mark laid his head back in bliss.

"To be honest I've probably only given Will about 6 handjobs whilst we've been together." Emma said thinking about it as she looked down to Mark's cock with her hand wrapped around it stroking, an identical copy of Will's... she thought.

"And you've been together for how long?" Questioned Mark.

"Married 3, together 5." Emma said still looking at Mark's cock as she jerked him off.

"He's so stupid. If you were my wife your hands would be saw from the amount of time spent wrapped around my cock, but whilst your hand feels lovely I need more." With that he pulled her up and off his lap so she was standing in front of him. "I need your mouth around my cock right now."

"Eww no! I'm not putting my mouth anywhere near that thing." Emma protested.

"I wasn't really asking honey." Making Emma shiver with that nickname she had only been called by Will before.

Mark grabbed Emma's arms and pulling her down to her knees so she was back in the warm water of the jacuzzi and kneeling in front of him and his extremely erect cock. 'The thought of you going out there dressed all sexy, something you never do for me, to go and give him, a man we both hate, a blowjob...' Will's voice echoed in her head.

Emma looked from Mark's erect cock up to him, made direct, deep, intimate eye contact and grabbed his cock with both hands. She then started to pump, fast. Faster. Faster. She was pumping up and down on Mark's cock like she'd never done for anyone, not even for Will.

She had lost it, she hadn't wanted to be here, naked in the jacuzzi with her horrible fat and rude neighbour Mark but being here, naked in the jacuzzi with Mark was turning her on, she knew Will would be watching. She could feel his eyes on her from somewhere, more than likely jerking himself off as well. She thought, 'If I'm naked like this here anyway I might as well go along with Will's fantasy.'

"Still not feeling any lips on my cock." Said Mark like a grumpy child wanting a new toy.

"I never said you'd get that..." Emma began.

"Like I said I wasn't asking-" Mark started to say before looking at Emma more closely and nothing the look in her eyes, he stopped speaking and Emma said: "Yet at least."

"I'm sure you'd be doing this for your wimpy dick husband if I wasn't here anyway."

'Oh fuck...' Emma thought, no. No I wouldn't be even thinking about giving Will a blowjob if we were still in bed together because I'd be thinking of how you interrupted us when I was just about to..." That thought made a lightbulb go off in Emma.

Will her loving, hardworking fabulous husband had never felt her lips around his cock in their 5 years, though she knew he had dreamed of it night after night. 5 whole years, what would he think if she granted something to someone they both hated on their first proper night together? Denying him the first experience with her mouth... 'Only one way to find out I guess...'

Emma opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out as she began to lower her head closer to Mark's throbbing cock in her hands. "I knew you'd give in eventually. I can't wait to feel what that nerd Will gets on the daily." He smiled at Emma.

She looked from him, to his cock. Back up to Mark. "I've never sucked Will off before. I've denied him it for our 5 years together." Then She leaned down and enveloped Mark's perfect cock in her mouth.


"Woah!" Will gasped as he awoke from his sleep, it had been a deep sleep and his pyjamas and bed sheets were damp with his sweat, sticking to his hot skin. He could feel how hard his cock was with a mix of morning wood and his bodies reaction to his dream.

'Yes that dream really happened.' He thought. On the night of his birthday Emma really had gone out and seen Mark in her sexiest lingerie, shown him her newly pierced nipples before even showing Will, given him a hand job the gods would dream of and sucked her very first cock. Mark's cock. Not even her own husband's.

Will flung the covers open and got out of bed heading down stairs. Emma wasn't in bed so he assumed she was already up. It was 10:32 anyway, he'd slept in. He walked down the stars still fairly dozy and entered the kitchen to see Emma in her sports gear. Tight sky blue leggings which hugged her bubbly ass showing it off beautifully and a dark grey sports bra, she was sweaty as well. 'Morning run.' Will thought.

"Morning sweety." He said walking over to her.

"G'morning babe." Emma replied turning around to hug him. "Oh your damp, you ok? You feeling ok baby?" She asked feeling his sweaty forehead.

"Yeah fine just had," He paused thinking of the dream. "A dream is all."

"Oh yeah?" She said turning back around to tend to her coffee before picking it up and taking a sip. "Wanna tell me about it?"

"It was, eh...it was about that night."

"What night is that?" Emma asked, Will already knew she knew exactly what night he was talking about but she loved to tease.

"On my birthday." Will said blankly. "When you and Mark, you know..." He almost didn't want to say it, it turned him on to much but also made his stomach lurch.

"Me and, Mark?" Emma said quizzically "Oh you mean our horrible, old, fat, ugly, rude neighbour."


"What did we do? Remind me hunny bun." Emma asked, she was having to much fun with this.

"You gave him a blowjob.' Will felt like a child pointing out the fact the colour of the sky was blue, it was so obvious and everyone knew it. Will and Emma both knew exactly what had happened on that night, one of them had done the act and one of them had watched it all unfold and didn't even attempt to stop it from happening before them.

"Oh yes! I did. How could I forget?" Emma turned to face Will again and as she did she reached down and felt Will's protruding erect cock. "That turned you on didn't it? Tell me, I want honest words now." Emma asked Will like he had done something bad in school and was being told off by his teacher.

"It turned me on so much." Will gave in knowing it was true and the teasing would only carry on if he didn't give Emma what she wanted.

"Now tell me most what turned you on about it. Please." Even when she teased Emma kept her good manners, Will appreciated this immensely.

"The fact you still haven't given me a blowjob, and I'm your husband."

"Have I not? How shocking, it must have just slipped my mind." Emma giggled to herself as she looked up into Will's eyes. She leant forward and kissed him, he kissed her back.

"Good morning baby." She said again.

"Morning." He replied, he felt like he'd properly woken up now.

"Come on now, go get a shower you're all sweaty, I'll see you in a bit." She said shoeing him upstairs like a mum.

"Join me?" He asked.

"Maybe...you'll only know if you get in the shower though." Emma couldn't help but tease more.


Will turned the shower off. Emma had in fact not joined him in the shower and he was quite disappointed to be honest. In the 3 months since Will's very eventful birthday Emma and him had kicked up the sex. Now at a level of almost everyday and sometimes even twice a day if he was very lucky by playing his cards right and them both being horny enough.

Emma had also kicked up the teasing of him to another level and she had discovered just how much she loved it. Whether she went for a run in tight gear showing off her young hot body to her neighbours, or whether it was her stripping off in the bedroom and slapping Will's hands away from her bottom as he went to touch it before saying; "Join me in the shower?"

To which Will would always, definitely answer: "Of course." But as she turned to go into the bathroom she would lock the door behind her and start humming as she showered and then when she came out of the bathroom, naked except for a towel around her wet hair she would say: "Why didn't you join me? There was a blowjob waiting for you in there..."

Before she would smile evilly as she dried her hair, crossed the bedroom and got into bed, naked. Only kissing Will goodnight. No sex. No blowjob. Not even a hand job or her letting him touch her body, if he tried to she'd take his hands off her and tell him she was too tired, and that a goodnight kiss before bedtime should be enough for him. Which they both knew wasn't true as Will would groan as he felt his erection.

One thing Will had been pleased with was that after the night of his birthday Emma had done nothing else with Mark, everything had just gone back to normal. Because whilst he had loved that night, he wasn't sure he could handle it continuing into their everyday lives.

Will stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself. He was fairly fit. A strong hint of a six pack lay on his stomach and he had both muscular arms and legs, with a tight buttocks which Emma loved to playfully grab as she walked past him around the house. He groomed his pubic hair, trimmed to a nice length every few months. He didn't like to shave it off fully because he felt demasculated when he was bare down there.

He dried himself and opened the bathroom door when his jaw practically hit the floor. Emma lay naked across their queen sized bed. Now whilst they have been together for 5 years, seeing her completely naked lying on their bed never failed to amaze him, he really had the perfect wife he could possible have ever found.

"You want me?" Emma asked smiling sweetly at him.

Will's cock sprang upward pointing to her almost like a cartoon characters eyes would when they see a pretty girl. "Always." He smiled.

"Ge that tight butt over here then." She said leaning up to read on her knees pushing her voluptuous tits together. "I've got news for you...something i think your really going to enjoy..."

Will so fast there was a wind trail behind a before he jumped on the bed and Emma straddled him. Her hands found Will's cock and started to stroke, slowly.

"So," He said. "What's this news?" He asked. 'Oh lord tell me this is the day I'm going to feel those lips wrapped around my cock.' He thought.

Emma leant down pushing her bubbly butt backwards and up, so her face was in line with his cock. She opened her mouth and blew hot air towards Will's cock, eliciting a twitch and a groan from Will.

She moved forwards, mouth still opened still looking past Will's cock towards him, She moved closer and closer lifting her head up in a motion to bring it back down to engulf Will's throbbing cock...

'Let today be the day...' Will wished.

But just as Emma was going to go down on Will she moved forward and kissed him on the lips, sucking on his tongue. He kissed her back but let out a disappointed sigh. Emma smiled, letting go of his tongue with her lips before leaning to his left ear and whispering.

"I'm going to cuckold you."

To be continued....


Really hoped you guys enjoyed this first part, its going in directions I didn't think it would be I'm just as excited about it as hopefully you are, any and all feedback is appreciated as I'm writing this for you guys so I want you to enjoy it.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in Chapter 2!!

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LucieLou007LucieLou007about 2 months ago

Great stuff , loved the ending :D

GcoachGGcoachGabout 2 months ago

Great start!! Please get an editor. The grammatical errors throughout really ruin the flow, especially the name changes over and over.

FunnyFearFunnyFearabout 2 months ago

Glad to see authors inspired by good stories popping up.

ForestsCharmsForestsCharmsabout 2 months agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback guys and i hope to please you all a lot more with chapter 2 which will hopefully release very soon…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

No. Sorry, but no. This seriously needs some stringent editing, apart from anything else.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Looking forward to seeing more of this couples' decsent into depauchery :)

bisklave69bisklave692 months ago

Ich mag die Geschichte.... alle Geschichten die ähnlich wie Neighbor Chronicles geschrieben sind!!!

Hoffe nur das wir nicht allzulange auf die Fortzetzungen warten müssen und das diese Story auch angemessen beendet wird.....

Bham487Bham4872 months ago

Feels like a copy of some many others on here.

GD6720GD67202 months ago

What a great start to Will becoming a cuck, looking forward to chapter 2, thank you for writing

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

just keep the names straight and i’d enjoy it much more!

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