Our Place in the Sun


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Vicky then started riding her proper... with all the impulse caged in her prick at every loving thrust. And she was taken aback at hearing Trisha reach an orgasm, so soon, that sounded almost violent. In addition to her screams of pleasure, Vicky felt moisture cushioned between their breasts. She was just as amazed as Trisha was, and she increased her rhythm and force.

While Trisha was regaining her wits, she jested. "By the way... Vicky... it's good manners to tell you: I'm sexually healthy and under contraception... how's THAT for people skills?"

"Perfect... you adorable twit... Trish... I can't get enough of your pussy! It feels so amazing! I promise again... I'll never stop! Just brace yourself..."


By now, Vicky was out of control and merrily shafting Trisha's pussy to oblivion; all the while Trisha kept begging for more force, more love, more speed, more everything. Both were in love, both were in heat and both were in top shape; this ride was really vying to last forever.

Trisha was feeling pressure, friction and love on every surface of her vagina. On the edge before her second climax, she had to beg Vicky to stop in order to let her pussy squirt all over Vicky's fleshy monolith. This only excited Vicky even more and she resumed plowing a furrow inside Trisha for her upcoming seeding. In a sexy role reversal, Trisha was now crying, Vicky was now wild and feral.

Both could feel the arrival of their personal Ragnarok and Trisha was welcoming it with emotional glee. "Yes! Yesohyes! Cum! Cum baby! Cum in me! I want it all! All of it! All of your love! Come on, Vicky... make a babyyy! YEEEAAAHHH!!!"

"Cummmmnnnggg! Mrrrrgh!" Vicky erupted burst after burst of semen in an already overstuffed vagina; her pressurized creampie oozed out from all angles and all around the base of her shaft; in fact, she painted her own balls doing so. She kept forcing herself inside Trisha and also crushing her seeping milky whoppers. When she was finally drained, Vicky had the reflex to move on Trisha's side before letting herself collapse on the bed, completely out of breath.

On top of her own panting, Vicky heard a soft sobbing. She found the force to get up and tend to Trisha. "Trisha, babe... are you all right? Tell me I didn't hurt you..."

"No... no darling, I'm in paradise... but angels have no children and I guess I'm a little hormonal, right about now! I... I should have rejected all those losers... all along... I've wasted more than three years, Vicky! We could have loved ourselves so much! You show me what love and sex and connection is all about... and tomorrow I'm gone! Please, baby, ask me to stay! I will, you know!"

"And then what, Trish? I make conjugal visits while you serve a tour in the brig?"

"Would that be so bad?"

"No... that's the hard part, Trish. But I want better: I want all of you, all the time. So you have to go... tomorrow. For now, just kiss me, kiss me long and hard... and when you've come back to your senses, we should go eat." Trisha would never know how close Vicky came to caving in at that moment; but a woman, even transgender, is allowed her personal secrets.

It was a kiss for the ages, worthy of four centuries of date movies and love scenes.


"I'm almost ready!" The thing about loving a nudist is that she is always ready to go out; then again, sharing the bathroom is a charm when it's time to clean and dress up.

"It's all right, babe... just keep it casual this time! It's gonna give me a better chance of eating without having to hide an erection under the table."

"Challenge accepted, my dear... let's go!" Trisha had a devilish grin, from ear to ear. Only the stilettos remained from her original dress kit: she was now wearing a sleeveless, wide-leg jumpsuit; it was made of dark-blue synthetic cotton and, apart from a simple waistband, it was completely plain. What drew the eye, however, was its plunging neckline of abyssal depth: it linked the shoulder straps to the waistband and vividly exposed Trisha's cleavage.

Vicky had a puzzled, accusing, look, to which Trisha mockingly retorted. "Whaaat? That was supposed to be my casual wear for tomorrow morning! Cooome on..." and Trisha almost dragged Vicky by the hand to the restaurant.

They were seated after, once again, creating a noticeable grand entrance. "Geez, Trish! An alcove? Just how much are you spending for this evening?"

"An insignificant amount if our date concludes as beautifully as it started, baby. And so what if I splurged? I want us to be carefree, tonight... and I have four years of commissions and solitude bonuses sleeping in my credit union account! Also, keep in mind that I have seen you perform the accounting of your tips: odds are you're richer than I am!"

"All right, all right... I'm sorry I brought it up. So... are we eating vegan, fish or meat tonight?"

"I've only eaten meat five or six times in my whole life, during barbecues in Florida. I don't get how an orbital restaurant could top those souvenirs... so I guess I'll go with a fish. You?"

"It's always fish for me, Trish."

"Haaa, I see... that does your Scandinavian roots proud. So much so, in fact, that I would bet that your natural hair color is blonde."

"Touche, Trish. Would you prefer my hair in blonde?"

"Nooo! I have no right to tell how to wear your body! And you look absolutely ravishing, Vicky... I'm sorry I took all this time to tell you."

"Don't tease, Trish... you know I have no sex-appeal whatsoever next to you."

"You're wrong. We look very different, true... but you have a fashion model poise and an elegance that always drew me to you from the start. You're beautiful, Vicky... inside and out; and I feel good when I'm with you. So good, in fact, that I want to toast our date with Champagne... will you join me?"

Vicky was blushing. "Of course I will, Trish..."

"Good." Back was Trisha's devilish grin; she propped up her breasts and settled them on the table. She then purposefully leaned forward, cushioning herself against her bust for all to see, but mostly Vicky who was losing her breath over this spectacle. Trisha giggled. "What now? You don't think that I'm going to eat 50 cm away from the table, do you? Besides, if I drop some Champagne on my boobies, I hope you'll come over and lick them clean..."

Vicky had no prayer whatsoever. They had a fabulous, memorable time at diner, that included constant and sexy breast taunting by Trisha and a barely concealed erection by Vicky. By the meal's end, Vicky was almost afraid to ask. "Any dessert?"

A foot rubbing her hard anaconda accompanied Trisha's answer. "Nope... you have deprived me enough of your amazing person... and you will be having your dessert in bed." The sight of Trisha lewdly wetting her whistle caused a jolt in Vicky's loins.

By the time they had returned to their room, they were flying blind towards the bed, enlaced together and lip-locked. And they made it, at which point Trisha practically threw Vicky down on the bed, on her back. Another nice thing about loving a nudist is that her cock is always ready to be sucked, and Trisha was now taking advantage of that fact.

Not that she had to suck or slurp for long to bring back Vicky's cock to its full awesome might. Vicky felt like tiger bait while Trisha disrobed, and then propped Vicky's head up with all the pillows, gazing at her with a feral stare throughout her pre-nuptial ritual. "So... Trish... what... did you have in mind for dessert."

"This, baby." She straddled her totem, gently impaled herself on her beloved, with a quivering moan barely heard from her clenched lips, and then she lowered her nipple on Vicky gaping mouth. "Tonight, my love, we both burn as bright as the stars outside... are you with me?"

Vicky was already sucking her nipple and both knew that her milky dessert was forthcoming. She bowed her head in assent, her eyes very moist.

"Here we go." Trisha raised herself right back to the top of Vicky's glans and her pussy ate her huge member in one fell swoop. This was the first of dozens of explosions of ecstasy that they would both share for their first and final night.

3. You say goodbye, and I say hello.

"How much time before the next launch, HAL?"

The autoengineer responded with its simulated voice of Douglas Rain. "Five hours, 47 minutes and 26 seconds, Trisha." Bestowing personas and personalities to their autosystems is a quirk for which all in the Tomlinson clan are now well known for, throughout the Agency.

"Excellent. I'm signing off for some shut-eye. Wake me up with my usual song if anything comes up, please."

"I will. Sleep well, Trisha."

"Thank you, HAL." Trisha propelled herself, weightless, to her sleeping space, mere meters aside from the manual launch control station of the Earth-Mars launcher, currently servicing a launch window between Earth and the Mars L5 archipelago.

As this precious, if minuscule, me-space is designed for complete privacy, Trisha was pleasantly surprised to find a vid in her inbox. Not that the surprise did much to improve the depressed mood that was prevailing since she returned on duty, six days ago. For the first time in almost four years, Trisha found no freedom in her solitude, no respite in the absence of ogling onlookers... she was lonely and hungry for love. Instead of pursuing her advanced studies - her usual pastime during her off-hours - she was searching for a way to live the rest of her life; with Vicky.

(Let's see what this is.)

The vid began with a black screen and some written credits for an old 2D cinematographic production called 2010. Trisha was mystified but, suddenly, guffawed at hearing the emerging soundtrack - it was Also sprach Zarathustra.

"Hey Trish... it's me. I found the music you recommended for my moment of sublime clarity. It's pretty good, but it's short so I rehearsed and I'm reading a note, to fit it all in. Trisha Tomlinson, I'm sorry I let you go. I can't do this... I'm not my mom. I'm miserable here without you, I love you and I need you. For your next tour, please stay with me, bring me with you or set me free right now. I can't wait to hear from you... bye."

Trisha did not sleep a single second until HAL beckoned her back to her post.


"What's up, Venus? You're normally not that in a hurry to sign off?"

"I know, Dave... but tonight I have a videoconference appointment and I don't want to miss it."

"I get it. All right, Venus... see you tomorrow..."

"Have a good shift, Dave."

Vicky was walking rapidly to her room and was so oblivious to her surroundings that she almost bumped into other passersby. Once arrived, she dashed inside, grateful that her bunkmate was not in. She tried to settle down as she sat within the video capture range of the room cam.

(She requested a conference instead of just sending a vid... it's gotta be big... please don't let it be bad... please oh please...)

Her plaintive wish was interrupted by the chime of the videoconference organizer. Once she accepted the transmission and its fee, she was seating face to face with a hologram of a very nervous-looking Trisha.

"Hey, Vickie..."

"Hi, Trish... how are you doing?"

"Lonely and nervous... you?"

"Pretty much the same, but I'm burying myself in extra work to cope... at least, I have extra tips to show for it!" Vicky smiled meekly. She was thankful that they were close enough in orbit to avoid any transmission lag time.

"Good for you, then. Look... I wanted to talk to you face-to-face because of the vid you sent last week. I did some soul-searching, but that only took about 15 seconds. Then I did some actual fact-finding... Vicky, I have this idea. At five years of service, we're allowed an ISA honorable discharge. Our pensions won't be much though, so we need jobs. There's an island in the Venus L4 archipelago that's in full growth - it barely has 200 000 inhabitants as of now; it's called Aeneas... funny... a mortal lover of Venus... maybe it's a sign; anyway, I was thinking we could move there: I could be hired as a space traffic controller for the island and you could be a tattoo artist, a social worker, a farmer, whatever you want; I checked a couple of things: your nudist license would still be valid and there is no fecundity index cap yet... we could have as many kids as we want; of course, I get that it would be a huge change... we would have to live there forever and probably our kids too - I haven't checked the mortgage rates yet; plus, we've never talked about farming... maybe you hate it; but... well... before I go on, I suppose I should ask: Vicky, do you want to marry me? Or live with me in civil union? I'm pretty sure I could ask mom to help with the paperwork before my tour ends... Vicky? Please don't let me ramble until Doomsday... Vicky? SAY SOMETHING!"

Vicky held her head in her hands; she was crying profusely and was looking for words to properly allocute her answer. "What have I done to you?"

Trisha was startled. "I... don't know what you mean, Vicky... you have... served my drinks... been my friend... been a lover whom I love also?"

"Why? Why do you love me?"

"I'm only 22, Vicky... for that kind of wisdom, I usually talk to aunt Kat."

"Don't fudge! You're an ISA spacecrew, an officer and part of its most famous family... your godfather successfully brokered the Copernicus Accords, for crying-out loud!!! You look hotter than a supernova! I'm barely better than... space trash..."


"It's true! I've always seen myself down the road as an old dickgirl, alone behind my bar counter... and what do YOU DO!?! You offer me the most beautiful body in the solar system... you offer me your heart... and your soul... now, you offer a life in the sun! With kids, even!!! Why, Trish? Why me?"

"Does the why matter? I love you, Vicky. I want to love you forever... or for at least 70 years, if you're not an afterlife believer. You made me see, Vicky: life is not about how fast I go, how far I go... or how big are my boobs! Vicky, I want to LIVE, day after day, with you: wake-up, press your coffee, call you after lunch... please say yes... at least to that... we can always find anoth..."


Trisha really had a smile that could outshine the sun. "Yes... to a union or..."

"To all of it, you adorable cow! I would have been happy with monthly dates in orbit or conjugal visits in jail! I want it all! I say yes to all of it, Trish!!! Marry me!"

Both were now trying to caress each other's hologram. "Well, all right... that's settled. I suggest we hang up before you go bankrupt... plus I need to announce the big news to mom and aunt Kat."

"Not yet. Please, Trish... talk to me about island life some more..."


"Anything new?" Vicky was walking into her room.

The room clerk autosystem answered mechanically. "You have one vid in your inbox."

"Haaa?" That perked her up. As tiring as her work schedule was, plus whatever arrangements that had to be made during her precious few off-hours, Vicky had sent almost daily vids to her new fiance, and vice-versa, for the last month.

That vid, however, was anything but a progress report or a daily journal. Trisha was stark naked, floating in weightlessness above her cot. "Hey, Vicky! I hope you're alone while you watch this because I thought you ought to know what I've been doing to avoid turning crazy in here, all alone in this closet."

Vicky felt the air being sucked out of her lungs. Her loins were jumping to attention just as if a drill sergeant had blared a wake-up call. "Do you think I'm sexy, baby? Would it help if I wiggled my nice weightless rack, just for you?" And she did: Trisha's jugs were now dancing, colliding, behaving as if they had a life of their own. "Huh, huh... I thought so..."

Trisha had a lewd and taunting smile. "All right... enough foreplay; I AM ready to PLAY! Before you ask, I found this lovely boutique just before boarding... you were right, you know: A.C.Clarke really has all we need, hi hi! SO... first, this is for my titties!" She produced a pair of nipple clamps, linked by a y-shaped chain to a galloping horse trinket. "Isn't it nice? It's made of titanium! And I chose a horse because you're such an awesome stud, of course!"

Vicky sat, mesmerized, and watched Trisha place small tissues on her nipples and then clamp both of them. The short chain actually pulled her breasts into a canyon. "Houuu! There! The clamps are well fastened, as you can see..." she wiggled her bust some more to make her point "...and they almost remind me of your lips and teeth. I love that feeling, Vicky... I can't wait to give them to you again... to feed you again."

Now Trisha produced a small nondescript tube, followed by an enormous pink-white dildo, complete with a bulbous glans, fake gorged veins and balls at its base, to be used as a grip. "Next, this is to remind me of another one of your magnificent body parts... though I admit it's barely adequate as size goes... but what's a girl to do?"

Trisha then actually showcased the dildo: on one side, it had a name, handwritten in red. "See? I named it Mjolnir... get it? Thor's hammer... I know, I know... I am JUST TOO CUTE!" Trisha then shrieked in excitement. "Now, since it doesn't taste nearly as good as your sweet flesh, I will skip preliminaries and just coat it with a LOT of lube, OK?" She did so.

"All right, baby... I hope you're ready to cum with me... this is the part where I close my eyes and make myself believe you're near me!" Trisha did close her eyes and began her solo session by rubbing the dildo length-wise all along her slit and her clit, while using her free hand to gently yank on her nipple chain. Her eyes were closed and she was now drifting aimlessly over her cot. Vicky noticed the vid was being filmed in full 3D, so she could change her vantage point.

Trisha began to moan. "Houuu ya, baby! Bite my nipples! Like that! Drink all of my milk... yes! Oh God, you feel Good! And that big fat cock of yours drives me crazy! Come on, baby, stop teasing! Put it in... put it all in!"

Vicky was hooked. She changed the view angle to watch the glans spread her pussy lips. "OH! GOD, YOU'RE SO BIG, BABY!!! I love this... I love youuu! Come on, now! Spread me open! You can do it, honey!" At this point, Trisha was floating upside down, with both hands grabbing the dildo balls and shoving it inside her. Her breasts and the horse were galloping wildly from the effort. "Come on baby! Deeper! NIIICE! YESSS!!! Do it!!! HaHAAA!!! You're there! You're at my back wall! Easy now... juuust let me stretch! THERRRE!"

By now, Trisha was floating on her back, one hand back on her chain and the other at the balls base. Her mounds looked like pink lava blobs seeking to float to the surface of a giant lamp. "Fuck me, Vicky... fuck me HARD!!! And keep sucking! YEAAA!!!" She was starting a slow motion with the dildo, rapidly changing into a powerful drilling action, with occasional rotations for added effect. Her breasts lazily followed in whatever direction she pulled on the horse-chain.

Trisha was obviously not new at this type of play and she was firing for effect. Vicky could see the balls slap on her clit and Trisha was now skewering herself at a frenzied cadence. "Oh ya BABY! I'm gonna cum! Oh geez! I'm gonna squirt! No, no, no, baby! Don't pull out! You know I can't squirt in zero-g! HouuuHIIII!!! YA YA YA! Keep going! MMMHIIII!!!"

And then Trisha climaxed. She wailed in agony, shoving the dildo inside her with all of her two-handed strength. Her body flailed about in all directions - breasts included - and droplets of nectar were now swimming all around her. Vicky, for her part, was feeling wetness trickle all along the hand holding her very real and gorged penis. Her throat was dry.

"It's nice of you to stay hard inside me, honey!" Trisha was beginning to catch her breath and kept the dildo inside her, while she swam to gobble up her own coalesced seminal fluids. "And I... mmm... taste good and sweet... just for you, baby! Did you like it? I sure DID!"
