Out of the Ashes...


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If there was any sign of reluctance it was quelled when Kelly said, "You had better come up here and fuck me now or you are going to have to cum by yourself."

She pulled her knees up and spread her legs giving me wide access to her vagina. I rubbed the head of my dick up and down her slit again causing her to buck. She rose up, taking me in one hand and guiding my explosively hard dick into her.

I savored the feeling of her heat as she sheathed me within her. I inched in, then out, each time advancing only minimally. Not only was there a lot of resistance, but I could feel her vagina pulse with every stroke. As I pushed in both of us moaned. I could feel her heartbeat as my cock pulsed in her. She put her hands on my chest and bit her lip and said "Slow, I'm not used to your size." I continued with minimal movement. She backed off a bit when my tip hit her cervix, then she asked, "Please stop and let me hold you. I want to remember this moment forever." I did as she requested. I agree it was a memorable moment. As I started to move, she moaned with every plunge. She would later tell me that I touched a place in her where not even her husband had been.

I started to grind against her, hitting her swollen clit each time. I could reach an orgasm just watching her stomach above her mound moving in and out with each stroke of my cock. It wasn't long before she started meeting my thrust with her own. She gripped me with one arm under my arm holding my back and her other hand on my neck and pulled me to her. As I ground her, she whispered in my ear, "That's it, that's it, right there, stroke me." Her thrust became more aggressive, and I could tell by her breathing her time was near. Suddenly she threw her legs over my shoulders. Her hands grabbed the cheeks of my ass, urging me to a faster pace.

I looked down and her eyes were transfixed on me, and as we progressed her eyes rolled up and closed. Our breathing became erratic as our passion increased. I could feel her stomach muscles contract as she thrust up to meet me. She gripped me hard as her thrust increased, bucking with each plunge. Her head turns to the side and her legs scissored my head. She breathed in deep, not uttering a sound for what seemed like over a minute, her muscles grabbed and milked me until I could feel the advance of my cum. When I yelled "Cumming..." there was a squeal from her that topped the scale, her body trembled, and her legs shook. Kelly threw back her head back as she gasped for air, held her breath as I felt her body tense. Letting out her breath with a sigh, her once tense body relaxed while my cock was buried deep within her expelling my cum. Her arms and legs fell from me, lying prone under me. It was a sloppy mess between her legs. As I withdrew, I got up to find a warm washcloth, placing it between her legs. As I lay beside her, she turned to her side putting her head on my chest. While looking up into my eyes she said, "We are going to do that again, aren't we?"

And yes, we did. If we weren't out eating, we were in bed for the rest of the day.

After coming back from dinner around six, we were sitting on the sofa watching the news when Kelly received a call from her mother. I couldn't hear her mother's end of the conversation, but Kelly soon covered her cell phone with her hand, looked at me and asked, "Is there an invitation to stay the night?"

There was a hasty, "Of course."

I heard Kelly ask her Mom, "Mom if it isn't an imposition, could I pick the kids up late tomorrow afternoon?" I still couldn't hear what her mother said, but Kelly said, "Mom, I am. I know what I'm doing. Believe me, there is no other place I'd rather be."

I hugged her hard as she said goodbye to her mother.

She must have planned to stay the night. Before we went to bed, she went to her car and brought in an overnight bag.

Later that night after we had gone to bed, Kelly hopped up and straddled my hips. She then pulled up, laid my cock on my stomach, and split her lips down over my cock. She rocked back and forth over my cock hitting her clit on my head as she slid up and back. As her pace quickened, her breathing became more intense. She lifted up as I popped into her.

She was straining a little bit; I think from not fully recovering from our previous tryst. I rolled her over, put her on her hands and wobbly knees, and took her from behind. I could tell there was more resistance in this position, and it didn't take long for her breathing to hasten. Her head bowed down, and her body tensed up. I leaned over and started playing with her tits as they swayed. She started to back into me hard, again and again. Her actions seemed to start pushing over the edge, so I straightened up, placed my hands on her hips and banged her. She made a barely audible sound and held her breath for an inordinate period of time. Her back arched and her neck craned while she came on my cock. She gasped and started breathing again. Her vagina constricted as if on cue, and I ground a load of cum into her. She collapsed straight down face first. The way she went down, she pulled me from her, and then she went limp.

All I heard was Kelly say, "OOOH...OOOH...I think I have died and gone to heaven!"

When we woke the next morning, she said she was sore as she mounted me. I don't think she came, but she was determined to take care of me.

We showered, dressed and went for a late brunch. With Kelly, the conversation never lags. We talked about everything, her kids, my kids, children's sports activities, their colleges, the full gambit, with two exceptions: there was no mention of Julia or Timmy.

It was a somewhat lackluster afternoon. Watching a chick flick and flipping to the last inning of the ball game. Kelly had been quiet for an inordinate amount of time. I could tell she had something on her mind.

She finally said in a very soft voice, "Michael, one time I told you that if there was an emotional attachment we should walk away. I-I just can't do it. You mean too much to me."

She had a shocked look when I abruptly got up and walked away without saying a word. When I came back, I sat down beside her and handed her two objects that I had obtained from Julia.

"What's this?" she asked.

I said, "This is the garage door opener and the other is a key to the house." She attacked me with hugs and kisses, so much so she just about suffocated me. I don't think she could have been happier if I had bought her a Porsche. Well, maybe a Porsche.

She left to pick up her kids around five.

I started the work week without any worries and a new outlook on life.

I hadn't spoken with Julia since that day I left her at her condo. She called Monday morning. She said, "Michael, I have a problem and need some help. I have tried everywhere, and I can't get a job. I guess my reputation precedes me. I found a job in New Haven; I think I need to move there. I report for work in two weeks. I have a problem until everything is settled: I am out of money. I think I need at least ten thousand dollars."

I said, "I hate to see you move, but I completely understand. I'll transfer twenty thousand to your account when I hang up. If you need any more, just let me know. When you want to move, I will call the girls and we'll help you to move."

"I don't know why you are being so nice to me after what I did to you. I'll remember how much you've helped, particularly with the girls."

"Don't beat yourself up, Julia. Shit happens. You need a new start. New Haven will be good for you. You know if there is anything I can do all you have to do is ask."

"Thank you, Michael, bye."

Later in the morning, I knew I was in trouble when, Sara, my secretary, came in unexpectedly, closed the door, dragged a chair up to my desk, and said, "Michael, you need to know something."

"Sara, you have my full attention."

"There are some rumors, some not-so-nice rumors about you and Kelly."

My eyes rolled back. Can't people just leave your personal life alone? I said, "Sara, I don't know what the rumors are, but I feel that some of them are true. I am seeing Kelly."

I gave my next response some careful consideration. "Ok, here is what I want you to do. I want you to call Ben in HR. Get some of his time for Kelly and I can sit down with him. I will call Charlie after we're finished and get him on board. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions."

Sara got up to leave, saying, "I'll make the arrangements. Michael, Kelly is a good girl; you need to get out in front of this. Oh, in my opinion, you two would be good for each other." She turned and left.

I picked up the phone and called Charlie. Charlie was my boss, the Chairman of the Board, and someone I called my friend. His secretary put him on the line.

"Hey bud, I hope you had a good weekend."

"I had a great weekend, but I need to talk to you about a personal situation."

"You mean about you and Julia? I may be in Chicago, but I heard what's going on."

"Well, it relates to Julia. We are separated, already signed a separation agreement, and she is moving to New Haven. But I wanted you to know that as of this past weekend, I have been seeing Kelly."

"You mean Kelly Woodward? Boy, I thought she was way out of your league. I also thought she was married?"

"Yeah, Kelly Woodward and thanks for the vote of confidence." We laughed. "She has separated also. The reason I am calling is some rumors are going around about us."

"Yeah, I heard the reason you and Julia broke up and I understand. I think you need to sit down with HR and level with them. Tell them to get a report to me that they have covered the sexual harassment aspect, nepotism situations, and everything that they think could cause a problem. I will start informing the Board. When the report is ready, have them send it to me and I will present it to the Board to get their backing. Also, I think you should talk to each member of your management team individually. Explain the situation with you and Julia and you and Kelly. Be upfront with them and gather their support. They will be the ones that will knock the rumor mill down. And hey, congratulations, I think a lot of both you and Kelly. I hope you can make a go of it."

"Thanks for the advice. I will get right on it." And I did.


Later that day, I called the girls and they agreed to come home the next Friday to help their mother move to New Haven.

Although we saw each other every day, because of Kelly's boys we couldn't get together except on the weekends.

The girls came home the next Friday. My weekend together with Kelly was somewhat delayed. The move to New Haven went well. I rented a U-Haul truck and after loading it up the girls rode with their mother and I followed her in the truck to New Haven. It didn't take long to unload in New Haven. After everything was unloaded, I took everyone to Shell and Bones. Julia said a teary good-bye and we headed back to Harford with the girls in the truck. When we got home, I told them to clean up and I would take them out to Carrabba's. They didn't think anything when the hostess called the reservation for Williams' party of four.

As we were seated, the girls sat across from me in the booth. As they were looking over the menu, Kelly sat down beside me, said, "Sorry I'm late," gave me a quick kiss, held her hand over the table and said, "Hi, I'm Kelly."

I started laughing, and Lindsay said, "What's so funny?"

"Your faces," I replied.

"So, you planned this, didn't you?" said Becky.


After we ordered we started answering questions. The first question from Lindsey to Kelly was, "who are you?" And the next to me from Becky was, "Why haven't you told us about her?" After a round of twenty questions, I just sat back and let Kelly work. I have seen her in action many times. Kelly was in her element, and it was textbook. She exhibited all of her training and life experiences: 1) overcome apprehension 2) eliminate threat 3) build trust 4) establish a relationship and 5) bond. She must have done well because by dessert they were laughing and joking among themselves.

When we left, Kelly followed us home. When Kelly walked in the house she said, "Girls, let's go to the kitchen, I put a couple of bottles of wine in to chill before I left the other morning." Don't think that last phrase went over MY girl's heads. I saw the questioning look on their faces.

I turned the ballgame on, sat down in the den, and yelled, "If anyone gets a chance, would you bring me a beer?"

It was quite some time before my beer arrived. I wondered if the girls used rubber hoses when they gave Kelly the third degree.

Becky finally brought my beer, and I said, "All of you can come out here and you would have more room. I'll turn the ballgame off."

Becky laughed and said, "Dad you don't want to hear what we're talking about."

Every so often I could hear a burst of laughter. Then both Becky and Lindsey came out, brought me another beer, and crouched by my chair.

Lindsey asserted, "Dad, don't send Kelly home tonight. She told us you have been sleeping together, and it's OK with us."

I asked, "Did Kelly send you out here to ask me that?"

Becky said, "Well yes...But we really like her, and we don't mind unless you two get wild and keep us up all night." And then both of them broke out laughing.

I'm not too sure about the war, but the battle had been won!

The girls came out a little later and said they were heading up to bed, gave me a kiss and headed upstairs. Kelly came out, and I moved to the sofa. Kelly kicked her shoes off and snuggled up to me.

I said, "I assume that went well."

"Well, it did after the first couple of questions."

"What did they want to know?"

"First, and the most contentious, they wanted to know if we were screwing behind their mother's back, but that isn't quite the terminology they used. They were blunt and upfront."

"Well that's a pointy question, how did you answer?"

"I told the truth. We had only started having full intercourse in the past couple of weeks. I purposely left out several aspects; otherwise, I think they would have lynched me then and there. Then they wanted to know about my situation and wanted to know if you had interfered with my marriage. Girls are very sensitive about those issues. You raised good girls. After that, it was girl talk. They even told me about their love lives."

"That's something I don't think I need to know."

Snickering, Kelly said, "Yeah, I would say so."

That was the first night we didn't have sex before we went to sleep.

We got up late on Sunday morning and the four of us went for a late brunch. After brunch, we came back to the house and the girls got ready to go back to school and left. They even kissed Kelly on the cheek and hugged her before they left, whispering to her to take care of me.

After the girls left, I broached the subject of how Kelly's boys would react to me. She felt they would be happy that a male figure was spending time with them. Their father sure didn't. He didn't even try to teach them golf. I remember working with the girls when they played softball. I thought I would have fun working with or maybe even coaching her boys in baseball.

Kelly and I ended up on the sofa watching TV until she unzipped me, pulled me from my pants and lowered her mouth onto me. We adjourned to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes from the den, up the stairs, and into the bedroom. Without saying a word Kelly knelt putting me in her mouth giving me a tingling sensation that gave my cock an even firmer hardness. As I mentioned Kelly has some serious talents when it came to cock sucking, but above those, she enhanced those talents by gently scraping her fingernails down my ass cheeks, balls and of course my sphincter. That alone was enough to drive me to orgasm. Me calling "cumming" seemed to step-up Kelly's actions causing me to become weak in the knees while thrusting myself further into her mouth and down her throat as I spewed my load.

After cleaning me, Kelly climbed up my body caressing my body as she stood. Without saying a word, I gently lay her down and climbed between her legs. Her sweet smell hardened me again as I started to lap her juices. Kelly's head swung side to side as my tongue reached her clit giving me a little ride with the thrust upward of her hips. My middle finger entered her, crooked and scratched her G-spot. I heard her start to moan with a little gasp for air. Another hunch lifted me off of her but I quickly found returned to her clit and aggressively sucked and licked her. Kelly bowed her back while her stomach spasmed and hunched her pussy upward. Her head hit her chest as she exhaled. Her once tense body now relaxed while she tried to catch her breath. I moved up her body, kissed and held her.

She kissed me as her breathing returned to normal, slid over me and slowly lowered herself into me. Her emerald eyes were affixed to mine. It seemed that not only was I feeling myself in her, but through her eyes, I was feeling what she was feeling. It was as if she wanted to merge her soul with mine. It was the most erotic moment of my life.

Our eyes continued to lock on each other as I rolled her over, putting her legs over my shoulders allowing me to put all of me into her. Her eyes widened as I entered her, fluttered and then closed. We thrust toward each other at a frantic pace. She was dripping and creaming on my cock so much so her juices were dripping off her rosebud onto the bed. I gave it all I was worth, when she writhed that last time, there was so much tension on my cock, her little cunnie just sucked the cum out of me. Kelly tensed, her legs started shaking, her stomach spasmed, her head arched and she sucked in a deep breath through her clenched teeth. As she held her breath her vaginal muscles contracted, constricting my cock head which was spraying her cervix. My body vibrated and contorted as I emptied into her. I lay on top of her and felt small spasms rippling throughout her body as her once arched head relaxed.

I rolled off of her. Both of us were gasping for air like we were trying to get our last breath. As we regained our composure I reached to hold her. After a while, the silence was broken when I heard her soft breathy voice say, "Hold me forever." She pulled my head to her and kissed me. This was our bonding moment. We were as one.

After Kelly left to get her kids and go to her house. I quietly sat on the sofa. The TV was on, but it was just noise was in the background. I thought of the activities of the weekend. Severing a tie by taking Julia to New Haven thereby ending a chapter in my life; then a new chapter opened by having voices and laughter back in the house with the girl's being at home and of course Kelly being present. Kelly had been busy also. Although sparse, some of her clothes were hanging in that empty closet and make-up and toiletries in the bathroom. It was as if the breath of life had been blown back into this old house. The three that are the dearest to me are seemingly close, at least accepting of one another. Time will tell. Truly out of the ashes...

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FallschirmjagerFallschirmjager3 months ago

Finished your stories and greatly enjoyed all of them! Can there be better structure? Sure, but your promises of gentle separation or reconciliation are more realistic than I think most people can accept. Please continue….

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

Enjoyed that a lot. Enough that I wanted more detail he about why his wife cheated, did the new romance work out, etc.

Husband doesn't own the moral high ground either.

FluidswallowerFluidswallower7 months ago

A well-written, rather tender tale. Very enjoyable, thanks.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief8 months ago

I liked the story. I enjoy a BTB story but don't mind when a couple can call it quits and end it amiably after the love dies out. Felt cheated by not having the two boys included more. Hell, he hadn't even met them yet and he's screwing their mother and planning on living together. Still a good story worth reading and the sex was good also.

Ocker53Ocker53about 1 year ago

I couldn’t finish reading this garbage, just too ridiculous ⭐️

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

To the commenter directly preceding, yes this is a cuck writer, and a clueless one at that. Gets advice from other cuck writers,0produces similar levels of scum. Sorry you missed th e obvious.

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Jennifer, you did a superb job writing this excellent tale. Everything about it was above and beyond my expectations. This is the first of your stories I have read and am going to follow. If I might add my Constructive Criticism now. You picked up the Literotica Habit of using the dot dot dot for a pause. Should you allow your readers to insert a pause where needed? Have you ever read a novel, paper back, instruction manual that used them. Of course you would once in a while. Load your story into a program like TextAloud and listen to it. For example, a particular sentence in your story. Quote: "No...No...I can't stand it...Oh...Oh...Oh...My God. In a text reader unless you edit, it would read as such; "No dot dot dot No dot dot dot I can't stand it dot dot dot Oh dot dot dot Oh dot dot dot Oh dot dot dot My God." As a retired Editor in Chief and Field Editor for a hunting Magazine, I would have to return your story and request you edit it and re-submit. People here at Literotica, I'm guessing read numerous stories and thought, "Hey, I'm going to give it a go." Already familiar with the style and so, I call it a bad habit I could never get used to! I've help a few Authors here with some advice I haven't given in 33 years. Another suggestion, using TextAloud to write your story would be very beneficial to your writing! I loved your story and it surpassed every expectation in a Loving wife BTB story. I'm going to follow you now and read the rest of your stories and hope you don't have the Cuckold fetish other have here. Good luck and thank you! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING BLAZING NOVA STARS!

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAalmost 2 years ago

Why is it the commentors hate it when two people drift apart and then move on? The couple obviously wasn't in love. The wife had been cheating for a long time. So, the husband lucks out and attached himself to a sharp younger woman that has the same problem he has. So, what. The writer could have developed Kelly's young kids a bit more, however left to wonder I would suspect they are better off with a successful man than an absentee father.

bobareenobobareenoover 2 years ago

Pleasant story, but it lacked the meat of a loving wives betrayal story: the pain of the loss, the pain of the betrayal, the pain of the confrontation, the heartache of the ending. In each instance there was none, so it was more like a walk in the park to a new relationship. While well written, it lacked any emotional power.

woodwardwoodwardover 2 years ago

A very realistic story. Gave it a 5.

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