Outback Affairs


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"That's so fucking good!" Kylie moaned into the bed, her arms stretched out in front of her, hands clutching the bedding, hips bucking back against his thrusts.

Andy pumped for all he was worth, sweat beading on his forehead. When he couldn't hold out any longer he thrust hard and deep, and his cock exploded in his cousin's pussy.

Spent, they cuddled together until they figured they were at too great a risk of May or someone else coming home and busting them again.


A thousand thoughts whipped chaotically through May's head that afternoon. Memories of her early years with Jack and thoughts of what might have been if their lives had taken a different turn. What would have happened if they'd been allowed to let their love run its course? It was a pointless exercise, and one she'd occasionally repeated over the years without coming any closer to visualising a scenario that would have been viable.

If left to their own designs, would they have eventually drifted apart? Or would they have nurtured and developed a truly loving relationship that would last? Could they have found somewhere to live together without risking a major scandal? And what about children? Would they have ever had any? Would they have risked the supposed inbreeding those incest laws were in place to protect against?

Her answers were, and always had been, poorly defined: suppositions and half-chances. But now, like it or not, wisely or unwisely, she was being forced to project all those years of mental and emotional turmoil onto Andy and Kylie. They were slightly better off, being only first cousins instead of siblings, but most of the obstacles they would have to face would be basically the same. And where did Gary fit into the picture? Was he an indicator that love wasn't the issue?

Okay, let's try narrowing this down to immediate facts, she thought to herself. When she'd asked, Andy and Kylie hadn't immediately declared their love for each other, although Kylie had hinted at the possibility. Back when things had come out in the open for her and Jack, and their parents had begun subjecting them to what could only be described as a hostile interrogation, she had instantly and vociferously declared her love for her brother, claiming it transcended 'any stupid societal norms'. To this day, she wasn't totally convinced she hadn't been right.

But neither Andy nor Kylie had made any such open declaration, and maybe Kylie's history of giving her brother head indicated there wasn't any love involved. And maybe it was better if there wasn't. And if it wasn't love, then maybe their being busted was enough to get them to stop.

Eventually she gave up on getting any work accomplished, and decided just to leave. She wasn't about to accomplish anything useful as distracted as she was, and there were questions she needed answers to before she made any decisions about what she might or might not tell Terry, and possibly even Jack. She packed her bag and returned home.


Upon arriving home, she found Andy and Kylie watching a video in the living room. Their greetings were subdued, and clearly the were wary of what was coming.

"Before I speak with you both, I'd like to speak to Kylie alone, please," May said to them.

Kylie and Andy looked at each other for a moment before Kylie nodded her agreement, and silently followed May through to the sitting room.

Kylie sat down nervously, studying her Aunt, not knowing what to say.

"Right. Well, I know how uncomfortable this must be for you Kylie, but I have some questions I need to ask you."

"Yeah, no doubt."

"So firstly, are you two just fucking?"


"No... it means more?"

"Yeah it does, actually. Lots more."

"Okay, point taken. Now this next point is going to be awkward, but when we were on the station, I had to pee in the middle of the night and was going through the house, and I um... well... I saw you and Gary together."

"Saw us?" Kylie asked, face blushing red. "Like what does that mean, you saw us?"

"Okay, I'll be perfectly clear. I saw you giving your brother head."


"Yeah, Oh. I thought you might be infatuated with him. I thought that maybe getting you miles and miles away from him would provide you with enough distraction and a different view of the world that you'd discover a different path and get on with your life. I figured perhaps it was simply the isolation of the farm that had led to what you were doing, and I was really happy when you were so keen to come to the city and begin your studies. Frankly, I was surprised you weren't more upset about leaving Gary behind, though I'm understanding now why that was."

"All of that is partly true, I guess," Kylie admitted. "It was pretty much the isolation of the farm that started things off, but that wasn't ever about love, just more like experimentation and fun."

"And how far did things go? If I may ask?"

"Only as far as you saw."

"So you didn't um... ever sleep together?"

"Oh no, nothing like that!" It wasn't a vigorous denial, just a simple statement of fact.

"But you and Andy?"

"Well, yeah, we have," Kylie admitted. "And I think I really love him."

"Right. So that's a different issue altogether, then. "Are you using protection, at least?"


"Okay, good. I appreciate your honesty and trust, Kylie. I think we need Andy to join us now." She called for her son, and they waited for him to join them.

Andy sat next to Kylie on the sofa, but not so close they were touching. There were clues though, that suggested they wanted to be closer, that they were seeking reassurance from each other's presence.

"Okay. Andy, do you love Kylie?" May asked her son.

"Yes," he said with conviction.

"Got it. And if we were to... say... arrange for Kylie to stay with someone else while she pursued her studies, what you've had going with her would continue, right? You'd just sneak around and meet each other somewhere I wouldn't find out about?"

Andy looked more than a little panicked at the question. It caught him completely by surprise, both because it wasn't the moralistic ranting and raving he'd been expecting, and also because he'd totally underestimated how perceptive she was. He looked at Kylie, who gave him a small smile of reassurance, without looking as worried as he'd expected. He wished he knew exactly what she and his mother had discussed.

"Yeah," he admitted quietly.

May sighed heavily and paused. She sat in thought for a while, wondering how much she should say next. She decided to take a different tack from the path she'd been about to go down.

"Have you two thought about how this might work going forward? Such as what expectations you each have for an ongoing relationship with your first cousin? Technically it's incest, which isn't unheard of, but it's super rare. If people knew you were related by blood, many of them would present all sorts of obstacles to you as a couple."

"I... no, I hadn't really thought about the long-term future," Andy admitted.

"Me neither," Kylie confessed.

"Right. Then here's what's going to happen," May said, mapping out her thoughts while she spoke calmly. "I'm not telling either of your fathers about any of this, and I'm not going to stop you from doing whatever you decide to do, either."

Kylie and Andy both looked shocked beyond comprehension at hearing that!

"But! You two are going to be so secretive about your involvement with each other that there's less than zero chance of anyone else finding out about it. As in discrete would only be the tip of the iceberg. Nothing at all happens while anyone else is in the house. And I mean nothing. No touching, no sneaky good-night kisses, nothing. Your father and Jen cannot know anything about this. And I for one will be calling home to warn you if I'm coming home unexpectedly. It's a pity I can't ask your father to do the same."

"Um, okay?" Andy answered, totally confused.

"We're going to let things run their course for a bit. Maybe that's unwise of me, but maybe your feelings for each other will just run their course and eventually you'll find other people, or the novelty will simply wear off, regardless of what you think right now. We can talk about all of this again later on... whenever you want to, or whenever I want to."

"Thank you so much, Aunt May," Kylie said quietly.

"Yeah, thanks Mum," was all Andy could manage.

"Okay, you two can go now, and leave me to wonder if I've done the right thing, 'cause I'm already second-guessing myself."

Andy simply stood and left, Kylie following him. He resisted the temptation to take his girlfriend by the hand on their way out of the room. They retreated to Andy's room, but left the door ajar, not wanting to give May any reason to think they might be challenging the generosity they'd just been shown.

"Wow! That was the last thing I expected," Andy whispered.

"No shit! I don't get it."

"Me neither. This afternoon I must have thought of like a thousand things that might happen when she got home, and that wasn't part of any of them."

"I know, right? I want to feel ecstatic, but right now, I'm too freaking amazed and weirded out."

"There's one thing, though," he said. "Shouldn't we have told her Jen's known about us all along?"

"No, I think we're better off just pretending she doesn't know. As much as it could make things a little easier logistically, I don't think Jen deserves Mum questioning her about not dobbing us in; especially without us having discussed it with her first. Let's just stick with pretending she doesn't know."

"Of course if you're having any fun with her," Andy added, "you'll have to follow the discretionary rules Mum has just put in place."

"Yeah, that makes sense. It's probably lucky Jen isn't anywhere near as daring around the house as you and I are when she has an itch that needs scratching. And like, I doubt your Mum would suspect anything if she found us in a room together."

"Unless like you were eating her pussy or something?"

"Well, obviously!"

"Yep. So like, we agree we should go along with your Mum's terms whole hog? Can you keep your hands off of me whenever anyone else is in the house?"

"If you can keep yours off of me, I might manage," Andy replied with a wan smile. "It seems like the smartest thing to do. Like, we've just been given an incredible gift, so let's not fuck it up?"

"Exactly," Kylie said with a sigh. "Fuck, I could really use a hug right now. Would that be too much?"

"Probably," Andy said. "Damn, this controlling ourselves thing could be harder than I thought."

"Yeah. But be ready to have your bones jumped the instant we're alone in the house!"

"Only if I don't jump yours first!"

--- +++ ---

Life assumed a bizarre new normal for May, Andy and Kylie. May kept her scandalous knowledge to herself and Andy and Kylie were perfectly behaved, normal cousins whenever May or Terry were in the house. Things were a bit different around Jen though. Given she was already aware of what they were doing (if not all the details) it would have been weirder if they'd suddenly ceased doing everything around her. Though of course whenever they were left alone in the house, all bets were off and they went at it like rabbits.

They contained themselves to their bedrooms though, never leaving clothes or any other clues around the house that might give them away.

Occasionally they'd discuss what the future might look like for them, but being teenagers, they always quickly returned to enjoying what they had now rather than overthinking the future. They acknowledged the challenges they might face (at least those that came to mind offhand), but didn't dwell on them. Instead, they lived in the moment.

--- +++ ---

Tuesday May 14th

May spent weeks thinking through her life's choices and wondering what might have been had they been made differently, or even if she'd simply been allowed to make all her own choices. It was a series of spiralling thoughts that she'd been through many times before, occasionally leading to periods of depression. She was determined this time not to descend into the melancholy that had claimed her before. At four am, after lying awake, tossing, turning and overthinking, she came to a resolution.

When Terry was finally awake as well, she spoke to him quietly.

"Terry, I need to go and help Jack again. You going to be okay if I head out to the station for a week?"

"Of course, do what you need to. I'm sure with all these so-called adults in the house with me, I can survive a week without you; though I have a feeling my dick will protest."

"Aww, you're too good to me. Why don't I remind your dick just why it's worth waiting for me to come back again?"

"What a generous offer! I'm sure that will be appropriately appreciated by the little guy!"

May smiled at her husband and worked her way to his side of the bed. She pulled at his pyjama pants and took up residence between his legs. She smiled up at him, ready to take him into her mouth.

"Uh, wait. If you're going to be that generous, I'd better pee first!"

May laughed and allowed him to desert her briefly, before returning to take up the position he'd abandoned. He was already mostly hard.

"Wonder what you've been thinking about," May teased him, her hand taking hold of his rapidly hardening cock. She kissed the tip, then swirled her tongue around the head before her lips slid down over him. He groaned in response to the enveloping warmth of her mouth.

May took her time, enjoying herself, using her considerable skills to work her husband toward orgasm. Her loving diligence soon had him flinching and bucking, his cock thrusting at her mouth until he exploded with a cry of joy. May swallowed everything he had to give.

"Well damn, now the little guy's expectations might be too high," Terry laughed.

"Aim high, who knows what might happen," May said with a grin.

She spent the rest of the day planning and organising her trip to the station.

Kylie made her promise to pass on her love to her father and brother, and asked her to make sure she got some photos of the backpacker who'd been employed to help out around the station. Jack had let the family know about Astrid, a young Swedish backpacker whom he'd hired to help out. Apparently she was pretty hot (at least that's what Gary had told Andy, after Andy had needled his cousin for details). Gary hadn't confessed to any romantic notions, though he had told Andy he'd happily go to funky town with her if he was given the chance. Jack had made it clear there wasn't supposed to be any hanky-panky, since she'd been employed through a scheme that helped international backpackers to extend their visas. May had bitten her tongue, rather than mention the sort of hanky-panky that tended to happen on lonely outback stations between young people.

--- +++ ---

Friday May 17th

May pulled up at the front of the station's house, her stomach knotted with nerves.. She sat for a few moments, summoning up courage she hadn't expected to need, and then finally opened the car door just as Jack came around from the side of the house.

"May!" he called out happily.

"Jack," she replied, heart fluttering madly. They folded into each other's arms, and after May quickly checked no-one else was rushing out to meet them, kissed her brother intimately, though briefly, a promise of more to come.

"Just like that?" Jack asked when she pulled back.

"Hell yes, just like that," she responded with a growl of desire. "Is Gary about?"

"Yeah, he's not far away. When we knew you were coming, we stayed close to the house for the day. Astrid's inside too."

"Pity," May sighed, "Though it will be good to see Gary and meet Astrid, of course."

"You were pretty cagey about why you were coming; are you going to give me a clue?"

"Nope, not until I can get you alone for a while."

Jack gave her a quizzical look, but let it slide, figuring he'd find out when she was ready to share her reasons.

"Gary! May's here!" Jack hollered.

Moments later, Gary emerged from the opposite side of the house to the one Jack had come from. The front door opened at about the same time, and a stunning young blonde girl emerged. May couldn't help but check out the girl who'd taken up residence in the house.

She was a stereotypical Swede with long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of jeans that showed off her gorgeous figure nicely, along with a white tank top and work boots. It was clear as she approached that she rivalled Jen in attractiveness.

"Hey Auntie May, welcome back," Gary called out as he approached.

"Good to see you again, Gary," she replied, hugging him. He felt good; strong and warm, just like his father.

"Astrid, this is my Aunt May, Dad's sister; and Aunt May, this is Astrid," Gary introduced the young Swede.

"A pleasure to meet you Astrid," May offered, turning her attention back to her and offering a hand to shake. Astrid's returned shake was confident without being too firm..

"Nice to meet you too," she replied with a thickish accent.

"Grab May's bags will you, Gary?" Jack asked his son before leading them all into the house.

"So what brings you back?" Gary asked, when they were seated around the kitchen table with tea and coffee in hand.

"I thought it would be worth checking up on the books more regularly, to make sure you two don't end up in trouble with the bank again."

"Ahh, that explains it," Jack replied a little sheepishly.

"Can't have you getting thrown out on your ears!"

"The farm, is in trouble?" Astrid asked.

"Not anymore. We struggled a bit over the last twelve months, but May helped us out over the summer, and we've turned things around again."

"Oh that is very good," Astrid replied with a smile.

They made small talk for a while, and May noted subtle signs indicating there might be something going on between Gary and Astrid. They weren't being obvious, but there was clearly at least a mutual attraction.

After a while, Gary excused himself to go finish what he'd been working on, and Astrid announced she'd be getting dinner ready. May offered to help, but was waved away, Astrid telling her she should relax after her long drive.

"I still can't believe what they call a short drive here," she said to May, who laughed along with her. So rather than help with dinner, May followed Jack back out into the yard, where he'd been repairing one of the old tractors.

"So you going to tell me why you're really here?" Jack asked her as he grabbed a wrench.

"Probably," May teased him.


"Probably not," she laughed.

Jack just rolled his eyes.

May chatted with him and talked about the kids and everything they'd been up to over the rest of the summer and start of the year (though she held back on anything about Andy and Kylie fucking each other).

When Astrid called them for dinner, they went and washed up and joined her and Gary at the table for a simple but tasty steak and veg dinner.

"I can see you've worked out the food they like," May noted, as she cut into her piece of steak.

"It's not too hard really; more meat, less everything else," Astrid laughed. "But I keep making more everything else anyway."

"Been a damn good find for us," Jack commented. "Saved old misery guts over there from tripping over the bottom lip he dragged about for weeks after you lot left."

"I bet. Amazing what a beautiful fresh face around the place can do," May teased her nephew, who had the good grace to blush. Astrid also blushed at the compliment.