Outrage! Pt. 02


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"Tell me how much you want your brother's cock," Jon commanded. Flashing his sister a smile when she rolled her eyes.

"Oh Jon, I so desperately need your cock," Julie cooed teasingly.

"Then why are you still in your shorts?" Jon asked, backing away as he lowered the zipper of his jeans. Stroking his cock as Julie slowly rolled her ass at him as she pushed down her shorts. A primal, rumbling, chesty growl emanated from his chest as he stared at his sister's red, puffy lips.

"Jon," Julie said sweetly, drawing his gaze to her face. "I need you... here," her voice shuttered as her fingers ran along her labia, "don't worry about me, I want you to cum. Fill my pussy with your cum, brother," she said, spreading her lips open, letting her brother see how eager her little hole was. Reaching back, resting her left hand on his hip as she felt the tip of his cock pressing at the entrance to her garden. Sucking in a breath as she felt her folds welcoming her brother back into the depths of her womanhood. Feeling Jon's hands running up her stomach, along the underside of her breasts, panting as Jon gently rolled her nipples while his hips hammered his cock into her. It was taking all her will not to moan aloud knowing while the cove was rarely visited that didn't mean it didn't get its share of visitors. She didn't want anyone taking this time away from them. Her grip tightened on his hip as she was reaching her peek. Squealing as Jon gave her nipples a firm but light tug causing her canal to clench.

"Shit." Julie heard her brother as his hands grabbed hold of her hips. Smiling wickedly, rolling her hips, feeling her ass brushing against his groin as she milked Jon's cock.

"Cum for me Jon," Julie panted, little yelps escaped her clenched teeth as Jon thrust hard into her. Slamming her hips back feeling his cock swelling so that hot seed could be as deep as she could get it. Her womb quivered as she felt his lifeforce striking the back of it.


Two days later...

Nora Roberts hummed as she worked around her shop. The sound of her camera flared off as she took one pose after another all to tease her son, her man, while he was in class. A sinful smile rose the corner of her lips as her eyes moved down all the photos she had taken. She definitely loved the one were her hair was held high, with her burgundy shirt hanging open showing off the matching bra underneath it. Wondering if that was enough cleavage to entice something to rise as her eyes moved along curvature of her breasts. She couldn't send any photos of her pretty little pussy; she didn't want to send him a bloody mess and ruin what she hoped would be a very hard cock at the sight of her risqué photos she had just sent her son.

"Not cool! You know how hard it is to concentrate on my class! Naughty!" Nora giggled at the text her son had sent in return.

"I've been a bad, bad mama, why don't you spank me then," Nora sent back. A rumbling purr emanated from her lips at her son's reply of: 'Oh, that's definitely going to happen when I get home.' It wasn't her fault that she's been sexually frustrated for the past two days. No matter the amount of blow jobs she gave him Saturday night when they got back from the lake, or all day Sunday, it never truly took the edge off. It was only when she was in the shower that she dared to touch herself without leaving a mess behind, and she couldn't close up her shop just to get her jollies off. "One more day," Nora muttered aloud, she felt her cunt throbbing at the thought of her son back between her legs. Tasting her sweet peach to his heart's content. Again, was it her fault she enjoyed having sex with her son, her lover? She didn't think so and yet she wondered if she would ever let her son go. Nora was torn on that matter, one: as a mother she wanted Jon to be as successful as he could be in whatever he chooses to be once he was out of high school. Two: as his woman she didn't want Jon to move away from her, she wanted to snuggle up to him every night, to hold him in her arms. Make passionate love to him every day and night, to feel his cum filling her womb to the brim like it had always done for the past two months.

Looking down her body, knowing that once her friend had left for the month, then a week after she would be at the peak of her ovulation. Her hands ran along her belly wondering what it would be like to carry her own son's child. Leaning back against the counter where her 1909 National cash register sat atop it, tilting her head back staring up at the floor above her. Pondering on what it would be like to hear the sounds of little feet running across the floor of her home. Picturing the smile on Jon's face as he chased after their child. Shaking the thought from her mind, she couldn't do that to her son, no matter how nice that dream was, Jon was still a growing boy, she couldn't willingly tie him down to one spot because she wanted to be pregnant with their love child. Yet she also knew she wasn't getting any younger, and if it didn't happen soon she knew it never would. However, the thought of missing out on raising another child brought a tear to her eye. So far they have been extremely lucky that her vaginal sponge had caught all of his little swimmers. Wondering if she should just stop using it and let nature take its course. Turning her head when the front door opened, and the little brass bell jingled overhead.

"Good morning feel free to look around, if you need anything I'd be happy to help," Nora stated smiling warmly at the early forties woman as she walked through the door. Her chestnut hair swayed as it brushed along her crisp, grey power suit. Her skirt was snug to her hips as she wandered her store. Nora didn't mean to look, yet she saw no panty lines. Smirking inwardly knowing that some man was going to be very happy wherever she was going after this.

"Thank you, I will," the woman said with a nod as the front door closed behind her.

Nora stood behind the counter, watching how that woman moved around her shop. Taking her time to study every piece she had for sale, her bigger items were stored in three different storage units a few miles from her place of business, however, to view those items personally one had to make an appointment so she could close her shop and hopefully sell a few of those items. Her regular costumers kept her lights on, while the walk-ins put a little extra in her son's pocket. Biting the inside of her cheek as the woman picked up a very expensive Tiffany lamp. Sighing in her mind when she set it back down as gently as she could.

"Is there something in particular that you're looking for?" Nora asked, after watching the woman for five long minutes.

"Sort of," the woman responded as she studied the Chippendale small round table.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Nora watched how the woman sauntered over to the counter; she knew from the way the woman walked that she was used to being in charge.

"I just been transferred here and am in desperate need to redecorate my office and the home the company I work for bought for me," the woman said, stepping up to the counter.

"Okay," reaching below the counter pulling out a notepad, "if you write down everything you want I'll see what I have in inventory," Nora said, placing a pen on top of the pad.

"Do you have any more of those Tiffany lamps?" the woman asked, as her hand moved quickly along the pad.

"Of course, although I only have three more in that style," Nora said, nodding to the lamp she had been looking at.

"But they are Tiffany lamps, yes?" the woman asked, inquisitively.

"That they are," Nora nodded, spinning her monitor around so the woman could view it. "These are the Tiffany lamps I have," she stated handing over the mouse so the woman could browse through her assortment of Tiffany lamps. Pulling out the three ring binder that had all the hard copies of her inventory. It was a backup should her computer go down. Taking the pad, her eyes glanced up as the woman eyed the screen very intently. Her finger ran down the list while her other hand open opened up the binder. She didn't need to see the tabs. She herself was the one that cataloged everything, so she knew which tabs held what. Whistling to herself inside her head at the amount when she added up everything she had that the woman wanted. There were a few items that she didn't have yet knew of someone that did. She hated giving out her competitions phone number, nonetheless, if she could get the woman to buy from her maybe she'd become a regular especially with the amount that stared up at her as the results of her tally on her calculator screen. Which came to a total of thirty-five thousand and eight hundred dollars. "Mrs?!"

"Its Ms. Hicks. Call me Maya," she said, holding out her hand to Nora.

"Well Maya," smiling warmly at the woman, "I have everything except these four items," Nora said, pointing at the four names on her list.

"Oh?! Do you really?!" Maya asked, excitedly. She'd been all around the city and only one store had four of the items she wanted, yet she loathed to deal with the man. One: he smelled horribly. Two: she didn't care for the attitude he had when she walked into his store. This was the last place she could go to and hope they had all the items she wanted. She had money to spend thanks to her new promotion, and she wanted to have her new home and office like she'd always dreamt of.

"Oh yes," Nora nodded firmly. Reaching over taking one of her business cards from the holder. Writing her personal phone number on the back of it. "Please give me a call, so we can set something up for you to peruse the more larger items I keep in storage," she said, handing Maya the card. "The smaller items are..."

"I know!" Nora noticed the warm light in the woman's green eyes as she nearly bounced on her feet. "I just didn't want to come out all giddy," Maya stated bashfully.

"Well, now that I know what you want, why don't we get those smaller items for you and set up an appointment later this week?" Nora inquired, knowing just those small items alone were going to be eleven grand. After an hour and a half, Nora helped pack the back of Maya's car with everything she had bought.

"Are you sure you don't have those four items? I really don't want to have to deal with that man," Maya sighed as she carefully closed her trunk lid.

"Oh? You already know Robert, huh?"

"Unfortunately," Maya groaned.

"I might be able to swing a trade with him, but that would make the prices for the items a tad more expensive depending on what I have to trade Robert for."

"I see. Please do, I'll pay double if I don't have to walk back into that shop of his."

"I'll see what I can do," Nora nodded, looking down as Maya handed her card to her.

"Please call me the moment you hear something, okay?!" Maya said warmly, her hand cupping Nora's as they stood less than a foot between them.

"I will," Nora replied flashing Maya a smile. All the while she was dancing in her head at the eleven grand that was currently sitting in her bank account.

"By any chance..." Nora stopped in her tracks as she turned to look back at Maya, "do you happen to offer like I don't know, something like a membership or something like that?"

"I do have a website, and I do offer a discount to regular customers. The web address is on my card. It has all my inventory on it," Nora stated matter-of-factly.

"I just might clean you out then," Maya chuckled waving goodbye to Nora before climbing into her car.

"If you do, then I better be seeing two million dollars," Nora said, to no one as she waved to Maya as she pulled out of her parking lot. Turning on her heel, humming happily as she walked back into her shop, thinking how good today was, yet as with all good things. Shit has a way of pouring down when your happy as it did at that moment a few hours later.

Nora groaned inwardly as Marinda stepped into her shop. She tried to get the image of her former close friend standing in her bathrobe in her front door kissing her soon-to-be ex-husband out of her head, but that was impossible. She kept her distain from her face as Marinda sauntered along the floor. Nora had hoped Marinda was wallowing in her house knowing that she had destroyed their friendship, yet it appeared to her that Marinda was holding up quite well and she hated that!

"I know we haven't spoken in a month Nora," Marinda said, breaking the silence as she walked around her friends shop. It was her hope that she could mend their friendship. She knew she should have said something to Nora the first time Patrick had joined her and her husband. However, she always had a crush on the man, so when Patrick didn't hesitate to line her bed she didn't look to deeply into his words. Maybe should have, yet she was in lust, she finally got to have Patrick. Finally got to feel him deep inside of her, yet at what cost to her?

"So, you just thought to come to my place of business?" Nora asked, keeping her tone neutral as much as she could.

"It was the only way you'd talk to me," Marinda said, peering over the antiques.

"As you can see I am working," Nora said, gesturing to the paperwork before her.

"I know, maybe this wasn't such a good idea," Marinda said, sadly.

"Which part Marinda, you fucking my husband," she watched Marinda flinch at that, "me catching the two of you in your front door, or is it this very moment that you're referring to?"

"Okay, I fucked up! I let my pussy do the thinking for me when it comes to Patrick. You know this Nora," Marinda said, in a pleading voice. "You know how much I've had a crush on him since the day I met him, it's the same with Bod for you. Why else was I okay with having a threesome with you. I don't do that for just anyone Nora. Mine and Bob's life style might not be what you would think is proper, yet it works for us."

"Why are you here Marinda?" Nora asked, although it did give her a chance to implement her plan. She had wanted to wait and think it all out, however, Marinda showing up threw her a curve ball.

"I thought maybe... we can work this out between us. I know I should have told you the moment Pat agreed to join me and Bob, yet I let my lust cloud my judgment. I mean its not every day one gets to fuck the man she has a crush on," Marinda said bashfully, as she brushed her hair behind her ear. "But it doesn't excuse what I've done Nora. I'm just stating facts as they are."

"Then tell me," keeping her anger from her words, "how exactly were you planning on making up for the most enormous mistake of your life?" Nora asked, her mind racing as to how to get Marinda into her son's bed.

"Honestly, I don't know, but I'll do anything Nora, to show you how sorry I am. You're the first friend I made here when we first moved here. Please..." Moving quickly towards the counter, taking Nora's hands into hers, "you have to let me try to make it right between us," Marinda pleaded.

"Anything?" Nora asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Yes, anything," Marinda nodded vehemently.

Nora couldn't keep her wicked smirk from showing, she couldn't believe Marinda had willingly walked into that. Now that she had Marinda snared she wasn't about to let go until the killing blow, figuratively speaking of course.

"Tomorrow night, eight o'clock, be here, or don't darken my doorstep ever again, do we have an understanding?"

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I don't understand why the mother is OK with sharing her son, which is essentially him fucking other people, but she was raging that her husband fucked other people. Yes, it was different circumstances, but the end result is pretty much the same. I would have thought she would be more possessive and want to have an exclusive relationship, similar to how her marriage should have been. Just feels strange to me, but I think it might just be this author's proclivity to include sharing in the stories. Especially now that she's wondering about pregnancy with her son's child but then 2 minutes later is wondering how to get her friend into his bed as some kind of revenge. I'm guessing the next chapter has the son fuck more people and Nora is OK with it.

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 2 years ago

(3/9/2022) These first two chapters were enjoyable reads. I like where this series is going and I'm hoping for a nasty comeuppance for the user Patrick and a nice harem for Jon. But I have to agree with Weezyf regarding Julie stating Jon's tool wasn't anywhere near the size of his father's. It may be a guy thing but it feels like the character was somewhat diminished even though she cared for him. The use of the words "anywhere near the size" was too harsh, IMO. I believe something like " not as large as" would have served our hero better, IMO. Maybe there'll be a bit of a growth spurt in the coming chapters. Miracles do happen.

WeezyfWeezyfover 2 years ago

While she knew her brother wasn't anywhere near the size of their father,

Its kind of sad/weird to read all this.. here you have 2 women who were fucked, used and dumped by the father and then som showering them in love by his mothers forced will. Next she’ll probably bring her friends that the dad fucked to fuck her son as well and they will also mention how small he is but atleast he licks pussy like a bitch so hes okay.

God. If Patrick said or did a quarter of what his son has done in the time we've been together, I wouldn't have sought out my own son," she said to herself. " come on will she and the sister ever forget the father? Thinking about him 24/7 and using the son as a replacement. Maybe the dad was right when he said to the son they cant live without me.

Screw that," Jon said, forcibly. Janice yelped in surprise as Jon pulled her to her feet. FINALLY HE SHOWED SOME CHARACTER! Excellent!

MogelbaumMogelbaumover 3 years ago

I love the story you write but its sad that there isn't a followup.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftover 3 years ago

Eagerly waiting for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Don't make the daughter pregnant plz

The mother should be the one !

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 4 years ago

Great second part looking forward to more.

linnearlinnearabout 4 years ago
Excellent Second Chapter

As usual nicely done, with enough sex to make it interesting. I like the way you have been building your stories to make us wonder what could be next, always leave them wanting more. Great writing.

neolynneolynabout 4 years ago

Honestly the first chapter showed so much promise that it is a let down to have this one as a sequel.

Nothing is really happening plot wise, except the bit with the librarian and Miranda.

Or maybe I'm wrong and the plot is not about Nora getting her revenge on Patrick and Jon discovering his sexuality. In that case I don't really get where you're going.

Perhaps chapter 3 will shed more light on what actually is going on with the plot.

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