Overpopulation Fixed by Chastity

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A world where all men are forced into Chastity by government.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/18/2023
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Chapter 1 - Eighteen

Ever since population growth went out of control, governments around the world had attempted to solve the problem, and get the number of births down. After many failed trials, most countries found the most effective solution was locking everyone in a chastity device. Experiments where run with multiple types of devices, for both men and women. The first prototypes were awful, and easily removed by the wearer. But over time, they became much stronger, safer, and eventually had become completely digital. However, they couldn't find a solution to having women wear the devices for long term, due to their monthly cycles. In the end, legislation was written that meant no female would be required to wear the device, only men.

When Jacob was born, like every male, a small chip was injected internally, below his waist. The chip watched for hormonal changes, and alerted the government once puberty was about to begin. Once the alert is received, the parents must schedule an appointment with a certified doctor, who will fit a chastity device over the penis. Every year, a follow-up appointment must be scheduled, to ensure there is no damage, and everything is growing as expected.

A base ring that wrapped around the balls and penis was held in place by two large bar piercings that pierced right through the wearers body, rendering the ring impossible to remove. Inside the ring was a battery that could power the device for years, however during the yearly checkups this was always recharged to one hundred percent, anyway. The chastity tube was then securely locked to this ring.

When the law and device was introduced, all males where constantly sexual frustrated. They would spend most days shaking at their cages, and using vibrators to bring themselves to a somewhat ruined orgasm. There was concern this ejaculation could be used to impregnate women, so the devices where upgraded to give a shock if any sexual pleasure from vibrating of shaking was received. Over the years, men and the chastity developers, where in a constant game of cat and mouse. Men would find a way to sneak out of the device, and the developers would add a feature to increase the security, and add certain deterrents/punishments for those who managed to break the rules.

The most recent devices, which Jacob had been placed into years ago, was of the highest tech. The chastity ring and chip worked together, to spy on every aspect of the wearers' sexuality. It could detect attempted erections, the quantity of pre-cum that left the penis, how many times he urinated, if the device had any sort of vibration or shaking and how close the wearer was to achieving an orgasm. The ring could even sense what had entered and exited the anus. All this information would be stored on the chip and uploaded to government servers, where licensed doctors could expect this information during appointments.

There was a large pee hole at the bottom of the tube to allow liquids to escape. This hole had metal bars in a cross shape, ensuring the penis couldn't poke out. Ultra violate light pulsed when any liquids left the body, ensuring no sperm could exit the wearer alive.

Each cage contained internal collapsible spikes, set around the base ring and inside the metal chastity tube. These where added as a safety mechanism, to ensure men who broke any laws, could be instantly punished for any duration, from a few seconds to months at a time. The spikes would make even the smallest erection feel painful, and could be installed at the government or a doctors request. This was normally only used on misbehaving adults.

Most household showers came, as standard, with an attachment hose that connected to all devices. This would simply screw on to the bottom of the chastity case, and squirt water into the cage. The pressure would move two rubber ringers inside the device, which would gently lift the foreskin, letting a blast of water clean the head, then pull it back down. Of course, none of this was visible from outside the device. As a mild pleasure could be experienced from the water squirting up, when the hose was connected, it would communicate with the chastity device and chip, to ensure that water would only release a maximum of once every twelve hours, and for a fixed time of twenty seconds. If any amount of sexual pleasure was detected, the water would shut off until the wearer had calmed down.

The lack of sexual release made men more aggressive and on edge all the time. So the devices could also deliver a painful shock to the wearer if certain conditions where met. These were programmable by the government and a licensed doctor. But thankfully, most of these features were left off by default. If a man was really struggling to control his sexual aggression, the spikes would be enabled, and shocks delivered during attempted erections. A few weeks of this turned even the most dominant into obedient and respectable men, then they could be disabled again, as the fear of another punishment would be enough to stop them relapsing.

In an effort to further reduce any aggression and frustration in men, the government commissioned relief centers across the country. Doctors would closely monitor attendance to these centers, requiring frequent prostate massages and occasional controlled orgasms. These centers were only to be attended by men over the age of eighteen, so a man's eighteenth birthday was a very relieving time.

The default rules applied from the moment the device was installed, as required by law, where:

- An electric shock would be delivered if any shaking or vibration caused sexual pleasure to the penis

- An electric shock would be delivered if anything was inserted into the pee hole of the chastity tube

- Any attempted orgasm would be halted by an electric shock at least five seconds before the point of no return (although this was impossible for most men to get anywhere near)

This is what Jacob, and every man had lived through for years.

On Jacob's eighteenth birthday, like every year, it was time for his yearly doctor's checkup.

"Okay, go, go, you don't want to miss your appointment," said Jacob's Mum, rushing him out the door.

"I'm leaving now," said Jacob.

"Go straight there, or you'll be paying the fine, not me," she said.

"I know. I'm leaving," said Jacob, finally picking up his backpack and making his way to the clinic.

Waiting in the reception area, he sat and watched the news with subtitled on the television. A segment was being shown, explaining the success of population decline, specifically showing how the quality of schools, education and health had improved, since nothing was oversubscribed anymore. A woman spoke.

"Yes, I think it's been a huge success, not only for the birth rate decreasing, but violence and sexual assaults have reduced to all-time lows. But I don't think we're going far enough. There is still an issue of allowing men their erections inside their cages," said the lady.

"But, you know there's hardly any space in those tubes. Men can barely grow a centimeter," said the reporter.

"But should we really be letting men have sexual thoughts unpunished?" she asked.

"Jacob Shaw," called a man at the door, right as Jacob was rolling his eyes at the crazy women on the TV.

He stood up, grabbed his backpack and followed the man into his office.

"Hi Doctor," said Jacob.

"Morning Mr Shaw," said the doctor. "So, it's a special day I see, finally eighteen?"

"Yeah," said Jacob smiling.

"Well, you should know the drill by now. You can take off your cloths when ready, and sit on the bench over there," he said.

Just as every year before, the doctor inspected Jacob from head to toe, checking for cancer, growing problems, even his eyesight and memory.

"Everything looks great here Jacob," said the doctor after ten minutes of inspections. He then wrote up some notes on his computer, then turned back to face Jacob. "Now, I'm sure you're more than aware since it's your eighteenth birthday, you have a few options here."

Jacob sighed. He knew that once every man turned eighteen, they were allowed to pay a fee to remove the chastity device permanently. The fee would be paid into a government fund, that would ensure any child born would have more than enough money to pay for school, health, food, even a house of their own. Any child being born would be fully supported by the state. Of course, this costs a lot of money, and only the richest of society could afford to have the chastity device removed.

"I see you haven't applied to remove the device permanently today?" said the doctor.

"No doctor, it costs too much. Maybe one day I'll have enough," he said.

The doctor looked sad on behalf of Jacob, knowing what the frustration felt like. The doctor didn't have his own removed until he was twenty-four, and a fully qualified doctor with a job.

The doctor wrote some more notes on his computer. "Okay, well today we'll get this old device replaced and check everything is working properly down there," he said, grabbing a scanner and charging cable from his desk drawer.

"Lift your arms up," said the doctor, swiping the scanner over Jacobs waist. The device beeped as it detected the chip that was installed when he was born, then some information appeared on his computer. He connected the charging cable to the base ring, which caused a green light to start flashing.

"So I can see you've been having attempted erections every morning," he said, causing Jacob to blush. "It also looks like you've been having quite a few nocturnal ejaculations. They have been happening more frequently in recent years."

Jacob nodded shyly. They always made such a mess of his underwear.

"But this all looks totally normal and is expected at your age. Your orgasm count is zero, as it should be. I can see you've still not given yourself a prostate massage," he said, clicking some buttons on his computer, causing the chastity device to beep and click. "You really should be trying at least once a month, this will help with the nocturnal ejaculations. Would you like me to explain how it works again?"

Jacob turned bright red. He remembered the humiliation when the doctor, in previous years, would explain how to finger your anus in front of his mum. He always just wanted to floor to swallow him up. But this time, he was alone so simply replied, "I know, I just think it's weird."

"Okay, we'll have to work on that. Let's get this off you anyway. It's unlock now, you can slide it off when you're ready," said the doctor.

Jacob's heart raced, as he anticipated the once a year moment that freed his penis from his cage.

He pulled at the metal tube that imprisoned his penis, sliding it off and revealing his cock semi erecting. He handed the doctor the tube, who inspected it on the inside and outside, then set it down on his desk.

Even though the same procedure happened every year, he would still get embarrassed at the erection, but would look down in amazement, wondering if he would ever get to try penetrating anyone with it, or even just pull on it to see how it would feel.

Jacob had an instinctual desire to tug at his erect cock, but previous visits where he would be told off, and sometimes physically restrained, had taught him to behave himself and keep his hands by his side.

"So it looks like your penis is functioning well," said the doctor, commenting on Jacobs now fully erect penis, pointing firmly at the ceiling. The doctor pulled back the foreskin Jacobs erect cock, inspecting his raw red glans. A small drop of pre-cum oozed out of his hole, and ran down his shaft. The doctor used a tissue to wipe this up for him.

"Good, good. You look clean and healthy, so the device seems to be a great fit for you, so we can keep the same one. This year, as you are now of the right age, if we were removing the chastity device permanently we would be required to collect a sperm sample," said the doctor. "But, there's no need today, so let's get your tube back on."

Jacob nodded, still looking down at his firm erect cock. He gulped, as he knew what was coming next.

"Sorry about this Jacob, but I need to test the shocks are working as expected. It will also help with your erection," explained the doctor, clicking a button on his computer.

"Ouch, fuck," he screamed out as a painful electric shock punched his genitals. He caught his breath, then took a sigh of relief.

"Perfect," said the doctor. "That's worked normally, and look, your penis is flaccid again."

Jacob sat back on the bench as the doctor moved his chair closer to him. He picked up the tube and applied a small lubricant inside then slid it over Jacobs penis, clicking it into the base ring. He turned around to face his laptop and clicked a few buttons, causing the chastity device to buzz as it locked securely in place.

"I presume you have the GovHealth app, Jacob?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have it on my phone now," he said.

"Great, the next time you open the app, you should see a lot more information than before, now you are eighteen. From there, you can see how many attempted erections you have had, how many nocturnal ejaculations, how much semen has left your penis, and more information," explained the doctor. "You will also be able to share this real time information with anyone you want, however remember you are under no obligation to do so."

Jacob nodded, looking down at his metal chastity cage.

"Yes, you'll also now be required to visit a licensed relief facility every month. The device will be removed, and you will get to explore some of your sexuality, along with some relief as allowed by law," he explained. "The sessions are strictly regulated," he asked. "At your age, you are required to have one monthly release. This should reduce those nocturnal ejaculations, but again I would really recommend more frequent anal massages. Failure to attend your monthly session will result in the police coming to your home, and the spikes getting activated on your device. Needless to say, this isn't something you want to experience, as every attempted erection will cause great pain. So don't miss your appointment. The app will remind you."

"I've also prescribed one orgasm for you. It will appear on your GovHealth app," said the doctor, standing up. "You can redeem this at any point in the year. But I'd recommend doing it soon to make sure your penis is working properly. But, I think we're done here. Is there anything you'd like to ask?" said the doctor.

"No, thanks Doctor," said Jacob.

"No problem," said the doctor. "We'll see you next year for your next checkup"

Jacob left the clinic, and walked straight towards the relief facility down town. He could feel his cock trying it's best to expand in the metal tube as he imagined the new pleasures he would feel.

Opening the app, he explored the new screens, amazed at the amount of information it told him about his genitals. The one number that stuck out to him was "0 Orgasms". But, walking up to the Relief Clinic reception, he knew that was about to change.

"Welcome," said a smiling man at reception. "Are you here for a relief session?"

"Yes, it's my first time," said Jacob.

"Excellent, let me scan you in," he said, scanning a device over Jacobs waist, beeping once it had found his chip.

"Jacob, yes, looks like your first visit," he said. "Let me just get you an available room."

The receptionist stood up and walked Jacob down a hall and stopped outside a white door, with only a three-digit number stuck on it.

"The instructions are all on the screen inside, so I'll leave you too it," he said, then walked away back to reception.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Lol omg this is a non-con/reluctant erotica and the comments are butt-hurt (prob) males haha! I've read mostly stories in this same genre but about slave girls and women being taken captive etc yet there is no backlash on this about toxic masculinity or masochism etc. Yet here we are, these insecure men calling out feminism because of an erotica story LOL

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This is always so dumb. Why lock only the males? Locking the female is way better in terms of social stability

punishment_centerpunishment_centerabout 1 year ago

I simply loved the story. I have had fantasies like this for years.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The birthrate is at an all time low, so low that we can't continue to sustain life. But read all your frminazi bs and carry on

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If this were attempted then you would see chaos. There would be murders of every representative who was for it or voted for it and they anyone who spoke out for it would also be killed. I am 100% positive that would occur.

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198about 1 year ago

The proverbial feminist wet dream, How to control all men. The problem with that is if they somehow managed to do it, they would have to got back to living in mud huts.

Good Luck with that ladies.

EvangellosEvangellosabout 1 year ago

I for one like the story. Yeah it's totally silly and ridiculous, but that's why I like it and I want to read more. I often think of this premise a lot where politics and government run amok and they come up with some asinine policies that make no actual sense but any scrutiny results in public shaming, etc. This is obviously an extreme worst case scenario in response to a world crisis where coming up with some other less invasive procedure would be more logical, but that's what I like about femdom chastity dystopian stories, they often go straight to the deep end. The involuntary nature behind it is appealing, for whatever reason and I hope you continue writing. I enjoyed the read. Maybe consider doing a segment in the future where roving gangs of women relentlessly tease men in hopes they get erections only to get in trouble with the government and police, or that women just walk around nude or scantily clothed because why not. It's all about the tease and denial, and that's what I like to read. Anyway, good story! :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Lol - I'm curious how many of the previous comments were made by male-based gender stereotype-types (or wthever). Cute premise. Suspend belief - after I skimmed past the mechanical-engineering deets, I'm sorta wondering how this will (ahem) shake out. Write on, please! Thank you! :-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That's what you get with governments running the world, Pure Stupidity. Why would they Bother with chastity cages with spikes and shock Capabilities? If it's not just for personal control over all men. If the didn't want the control part, they could have just made all men get Reversible vasectomies, so if they made enough money to support a child, they could get the Reverse On the vasectomy. The part about controlling women from get Pregnant is simple, just install Semi permanent IUDs, that only the government can remove. But all goes back to governments wanting to control all things Pleasurable..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow all that technology and they couldn't just come up with the obvious solution of a male contraceptive pill, strange eh.

Mibal_ZahariMibal_Zahariabout 1 year ago

Not very well thought out. Overpopulation is the problem so the solution was to put all men in a chastity cage? A vasectomy is about a 5 minute procedure and reversible. The problem is that you have women running free and sexually frustrated and lots of men who have the cages removed. Doesn't stop the women from hooking up and becoming pregnant, just sets the lower caste as involuntary eunuchs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, this is an...interesting world build. Entirely unbelievable and definitely a fantasy but I guess it's something.

When things like this pop up I always ask if the person writing ever takes into consideration that gender is a spectrum and that having ideas like this really shows blatant transpobia. Not only that but gay erasure amongst other things.

Population control could also be easily done by legalizing and providing safe abortions for people with uteruses. As well as giving easier access to safe and effective contraceptives.

But I guess making a futuristic sexual torture world is a way to go as well. Even though no government would want to limit the amount of wage slaves that would be come dependent on their capitalistic overlords.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was a fun start!

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