Palau Palsu: Love For Sale


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It did help settle me. I was considerably more relaxed by the time we reached the real estate office. Despite the delays along the way we managed to arrive a little early, but our agent was already waiting.

I'd let Ceci arrange our appointment -- the agent was one of her friends. Dhia was a trim woman roughly Ceci's age, wearing a businesslike Western-style skirt, blouse, and tie rather than a sarong; unlike most of the women we'd passed on the street, she wouldn't have looked out of place selling real estate in California.

To my relief, she spoke excellent English, too. Though that last was rather a mixed blessing; I could understand everything Lena and Ceci told her about me and it was even more graphic than I'd feared. At least her appraising look afterward was more amused than disapproving.

But once the moment passed she was also very professional. Dhia insisted that we visit two of the other available houses first 'to understand the market'. I didn't argue -- it wouldn't hurt to have a standard of comparison. She was right; though both the places she showed us were under half the villa's asking price, they were still very nice. The better of the two, a large house a block from the beach, was impressive -- back in the Bay Area, it could have easily sold for several times the amount she quoted.

It served to make the villa sound all the more impressive in comparison. Rather than walk, Dhia took us there in her own car. It wasn't very far outside the village, just a mile or so south on the coastal bluffs, but it felt isolated; thanks to the low hills and dense tropical growth there wasn't another building in sight. Rather than the Mediterranean-styled beach house the word 'villa' had led me to expect, at first glance it seemed a larger, more-rambling version of the traditional houses I'd seen in the village. Up close, I could see that it was built of modern materials, but whoever had designed it had taken time and care to echo the older style.

The same time and care had been lavished on the inside. Though it had been emptied of furnishings, I recognized the enormous central salon's vaulted ceiling from my video calls with Lena. A hallway to the left led to the master's wing of the house, while another to the right led to Lena's old bedroom and the rest of the family quarters. Straight back led us to the dining room, kitchen, and -- off the kitchen -- smaller servant's bedrooms. French doors off the dining room let out on a tree-shaded paved patio that ran to the edge of the bluff; though there was a covered walkway leading to a smaller guesthouse to the south, what first caught my eye was a winding paved path leading down the bluff from the patio's out edge to the small private cove below.

Lena and Ceci were both blinking back tears as they took in the view. I should have realized how seeing their home like this would affect them. I gave them each a quick hug and led Dhia away to let them regain their composure.

"How much land is included?" I didn't really care, but it gave me a reason to pull her aside.

"Six and a half hectares." I blinked. If I did my math correctly, that was 16 or 17 acres. Suddenly, a million dollars seemed like a bargain price, even this far from the city.

"Show me the master's wing, please." I raised my voice. "Take your time, girls! I'll be checking out the master suite."


The master wing could have been a normal house in itself, with a huge bed/sitting/bathroom suite at the end, a smaller but still generous room just off the main hall that showed signs of having been an office, and a couple more of similar size between them. And utterly private -- the doors closing off the archway to the rest of the house were as solid as the front entrance.

Dhia led me inside, answered my questions, and waited patiently while I pretended to check things out. But she'd seen through my ruse. Once I finally ran down, she quietly asked "You really do care about them, don't you? Even after everything they've been doing for the past year."

I looked at her levelly. "I do. Not that it's any of your business."

A smile transformed her rather stern 'professional' expression. "Perhaps it isn't. But Ceci was -- is -- one of my best friends. And I've known Lena since she was small. I was worried that you'd hurt them."

I gave a skeptical smile. "Keeping them as sex slaves isn't hurting them?"

She gave a snort of amusement. "Those two? I've known Ceci for years -- and I rescued the books she kept on her shelves and bedside table. She's living out one of her fantasies! And I've always suspected Lena's very like her mother. After their last year? You're not hurting them -- you're giving them exactly what they need. Lena said you even promised to love them both."

I barely avoided snorting back at her. She did know Ceci's kinks. "I hope you're right. Now you tell me: will people accept them if I bring them back here? That's my biggest worry about buying this place. They love this village, and being rejected here would hurt them more than anything I'd ever intentionally do." I sighed. "I read your newspapers during and after the trial. Lurid descriptions of everything they'd done. Outrage because the 'rich society bitches' didn't get harsher sentences. Stories applauding that "Minister Tan's whores" would become just that. A lot of hate."

Dhia gave me a considering look, then nodded "Yes, you do care." She shook her head "I don't think they need to worry. I doubt anyone here believed the worst stories about them; everyone in the village knows what they're really like. Neither of them was stuck up; they might have been rich but most of their friends here weren't and they didn't care." She gave a slight smile "If anything, people think of them as tragic figures -- they gave up everything they had, including their reputations, trying to save someone they loved. Like characters in a romance novel, or a movie."

I nodded my understanding, but couldn't avoid sounding skeptical. "They may be tragic heroines, but they've just spent a year working on their backs. Will they get grief for that?"

That seemed to amuse her. "Hardly! There are dozens of women in this village who've done the same. Voluntarily. To support their families, or to put themselves through school, or just because they wanted the money. Most of us enjoyed doing it. I certainly did!" She laughed at my expression, "Yes, I'm one of them. I can show you my tattoo if you don't believe me." Her hands went to her belt.

I returned her earlier considering look, then grinned and waved a hand in denial. "Tempting, but no need. I believe you. I can understand why Ceci felt comfortable asking for your help. And -- thank you for being her friend. I hope we can be friends, too."

She smiled slightly and nodded.


Both the girls were smiling when they joined us. Before they could speak I gave them each an enthusiastic kiss. "I've already told Dhia we'll buy it. I'll want both your help deciding how we'll furnish it now."

Their eyes were running again, but these were happy tears. Ceci had to swallow a couple of times before she could reply. "I know some good designers in the city. Do you have any ideas about what you'd like?"

"This room for an office -- I see the closet's already set up for networking equipment. The room next to it could be a gym -- I need to resume my regular workouts and I expect you both to join me. Make sure our bed has plenty of room for the three of us. I'm not sure about the other empty room in this wing, or what to do for the rest of the house -- let's see what your designer comes up with. Unless it's something I can't stand, I'll go with what you and Lena like."

Once again, I had a double armful of happily crying women. Over the top of their heads, I could see Dhia's eyes were suspiciously moist as well.


It was barely mid-afternoon when we left Dhia's office. Once I'd given her my bank information, the rest of the paperwork went fast -- confirming I had enough on deposit to pay the full price in cash had helped. It would take a few days for the title to officially change hands, but effectively the villa was ours.

Lena and Ceci were almost bouncing as they pulled me toward the open-air market. "What are we looking for here, girls?"

Ceci answered -- I think being called a 'girl' still amused her. "Not 'what' -- 'who'. If we're going to be living here full time, you're probably going to eventually need several servants, but you can start with just a cook and hire a gardening service for the grounds. The woman who used to cook for us has a stall here."

Lena grinned up at me. "Zarah's more than a cook -- she was my nanny when I was small, but she moved back here when she got married. She's kept an eye on the villa and cooked for us when we're here ever since then. She's like family."

A shadow crossed her face. "Except that Zarah visited us both several times before the trial. Our family didn't." That made my decision easy: Zarah had the job if she wanted it. I'd let Lena and Ceci handle the details.

The market was a small version of every other Asian open-air market I'd visited over the years -- small booths selling everything from fruit, vegetables, and flowers to live chickens and seafood, grouped roughly by type but otherwise jumbled together in no particular order. The girls pulled me toward the one they were looking for.

In person, Zarah was a short woman, maybe a few years older than Ceci. Though she didn't share Ceci's apparent immunity to aging, she was still a good-looking woman; her cheerful face managed to be attractive without being beautiful or even particularly pretty. She also had remarkable breasts -- easy enough to see, since they were bare above a plain cotton sarong. I swallowed as she crushed first Lena, then Ceci up against them. That was repeated a moment later, only slightly less enthusiastically, by a younger lookalike -- her daughter, at a guess.

Even if I understood the language, I couldn't have followed their conversation -- all four were talking at once. After a few minutes, I let the sound wash over me and occupied myself with looking over their booth. It wasn't very impressive -- I really hoped it wasn't their sole support.

"Rick!" I looked up. Lena was smiling happily.

"Zarah's agreed to come work for you full time." She lowered her voice. "Her husband died several years ago; without the money that we were paying her, they've been having a hard time getting by. If we're living here full time there's enough work to keep her busy, and Hanna's old enough now to live alone in their house. Zarah's going to be living with us." Behind her, Ceci nodded in agreement.

I wasn't entirely comfortable with the loss of privacy that went with a live-in servant, but I could take a hint. And the girls had already warned me that it was likely. Rather than grumble, I shrugged and went along.

"Since we're buying furniture, make sure the servant's rooms are comfortable, all right? And put Zarah in the best one." Lena's smile made giving in more than worth it.

I cast my eyes over the near-empty stall. "You said things have been tight for them, and it might be a month before we're ready to move into the house Do they need money to tide them over till then?"

Lena translated for me. Zarah looked me up and down, then pulled me into one of her hugs -- as short as she was, I could feel those massive breasts being crushed somewhere below my belt line. I did my best not to react, but I could feel my cock twitch a little -- despite her age, she was still an appealing woman.

I was certain Zarah could feel it, but she didn't seem to mind; her eyes were twinkling when she released me, and she said something that must have been a fairly bawdy; whatever it was, it left them all laughing, though her daughter's blush nearly reached her chest as she eyed me.

Chapter 18

"Are you sure you'll be happy living there?" Lena's worried voice pulled my attention away from the scenery. "It's what we both dreamed of, but will there be enough for you to do?"

I smiled at her "Now that I know people will accept us, I'm sure of it. If I get bored I can always do a little online consulting, even if I don't need the money. How about you two? Ceci?"

Ceci shrugged. "I was always happy when we were there, and I seldom got bored. When you get right down to it, other than being Clayton's social showpiece, my main responsibilities were pleasing my man and supervising his household. I don't imagine being your mistress will be all that different." She giggled. "Except more sex! I think I can handle that." She gave me a naughty grin and giggled again when I tweaked her nose.


"The 'pleasing my man' part sounds good, but if mom's supervising the household that doesn't leave much else for me to do." She grinned. "Maybe I should do like you suggested once and set up as a webcam girl. It's not like I'm not qualified!"

"Ooh, that sounds like fun!" Ceci's eyes were dancing as she broke in. I gave her a quelling look and turned back to Lena.

"Lena, if that's what you want to do. Is it? Or is it what you think I'd like to hear? Because I really want to know what would make you happiest. Both of you."

She looked a little apologetic. "Seriously ... Rick, I think I would like doing that. I like showing off as much as Mom does. But would you mind if I volunteered occasionally at the school, too?" The last sounded almost timid.

I looked at her curiously. "No, not at all. I didn't realize it was something you'd like to do."

She gave a rueful smile. "Towards the end, I was awfully tired of my job -- if I hadn't been trying to protect Dad I'd have already quit. I thought that if we stayed in Palau Palsu after we married I might become a teacher; with my Stanford degree it wouldn't have been too hard to get credentialed."

I nodded. "And since you don't need to work full-time, volunteering seemed like a good idea?" I thought for a moment "You can do both. But try to get that credential, too -- they'd probably appreciate having a qualified substitute teacher on call."

Lena's hug was almost as crushing as Zarah's had been.

We rode in silence for a few minutes more before Ceci asked: "Rick? What did you mean by 'now that I know people will accept us'?"

I sighed. "I worried about how people in the village would treat you now -- after your trial, you two went from the richest women in the area to a couple of penniless convicts. Penniless convict whores. So I watched everyone's faces when you talked, and cornered Dhia to get her thoughts -- it was pretty obvious she's still your friend."

She nodded her understanding.

"She told me you'd be fine. And when I worried if you'd get grief about your work, she laughed at me and offered to show me her own tattoo."

They both grinned, and Lena laughed.

"I told you I knew other women who've done it, Rick. Remember? I've seen Aunty Dhia and Zarah's tattoos all my life, every time we went swimming."

"You didn't tell me how well you knew them. 'Aunty Dhia'?"

"Well... not really. But I've called her that as long as I can remember; she's been Mom's best friend here in the village since I was really small."

"I think she still is. She certainly took her time looking me over before she decided I'd give you two what you need to be happy."

"And Zarah? Your nanny? How did that happen, Ceci?"

Ceci shrugged. "She spent a few years as a bar girl but told me she was ready to settle down. And we knew her family -- she was from Sungai Kecil, originally. So I took a chance." She gave a happy smile. "I'm glad I did. She's always been a flirt and a tease, but she's a real sweetheart. A lot of fun, too." She sounded nostalgic.

"Oh?" I regarded her suspiciously. I could tell there was more.

Ceci grinned. "She was our 'house girl' -- besides acting as Lena's nurse, she'd share a bed with Clayton and me, when she wasn't being lent out to our guests -- she was always a horny little thing. But she absolutely doted on Lena; caring for Lena made her want a husband and babies of her own."

"I didn't know that." Lena sounded genuinely surprised.

Ceci shrugged. "You weren't supposed to. Anyway, we let her quit that when her husband started courting her. No hurt feelings -- none of us had been looking for anything more serious." She grinned again. "I was glad she was willing to keep working for us after that, even part-time. I enjoy spending time with her out of bed, too. And she's still fun."

That jogged my memory. "So what did she say that had you all laughing?"

The question was enough to set them both off in another round of laughter. Lena finally told me "She said that it's a good thing she doesn't care about her reputation anymore. Because if you ever want to bend her over a chair she'll be happy to cooperate."

I blinked. "Okay. What's this about her reputation?"

Lena gave an apologetic shrug. "Rick, it's always been understood that wealthy men will sometimes bed their female servants -- the unmarried ones, anyway -- and offer them to their guests. Women weren't forced into it, but being a bed warmer paid better, so many -- most! - were willing. It's less true than it was in the past, even today bed duty is still often part of the job. It's expected if the woman's ever worked as a prostitute -- it's not as if women like us have any virtue left to protect! Girls who aren't lucky enough to be chosen as someone's mistress are likely to become 'house girls' -- part-time bed warmers."

She grinned at me. "You're rich, you're single, and you're virile enough to buy a pair of notorious sluts like us to be your mistresses. Now you've hired Zarah as a live-in servant. She's a widow, and still an attractive woman -- with her background, no matter what, people are going to believe she's warming your bed occasionally."

"I hope you told her I don't expect that! She's not worried that people might think that about her?"

Ceci giggled. "Rick, I'm quite certain Zarah hopes that it is true. We might have ... bragged a little about your virility." Her eyes were dancing. "She said it sounded like a job perk -- it's been a long time since her husband died, and she gets horny sometimes. A lot of the time. You really should think about it; she's a lot of fun in bed. And don't pretend you didn't notice her big tits!"

I ran a hand over my suddenly-aching head. "And Hanna? Will she think I'm bedding her mom?"

Lena shrugged and laughed. "Rick, she knows what her mom's like. Hanna will be surprised Zarah doesn't end up in your bed. For that matter, I'm pretty sure that if you offered Hanna a job she'd take it and try to crawl in with you herself."

I rolled my eyes. "You two are more than enough to keep me busy, Lena. I don't need another couple of mistresses, or fuck buddies or whatever you'd call them as well."

She gave a bright smile. "Good! Mom and I will be happy if we don't need to share you with someone else too often. I'll tell her that for now, she'll have to take care of her own needs. But if you're ever in the mood and want to try her out Zarah would be delighted by the attention."

The teasing continued most of the way back to the city, their suggestions growing increasingly outrageous. It might have bothered me if they'd been serious, but I could tell that they were -- mostly -- just having fun. And, I eventually realized, using the banter to camouflage their own uneasiness.

"Girls? You don't need to pretend you're not nervous."

Guilty silence. Neither protested; after a brief exchange of glances, Lena spoke for both.

"Sorry, Rick. We're still off-balance. And not sure if we're going to be able to be what you need. We really have changed. We feel guilty for what we did before we were convicted and everyone we hurt, but not for making the best of things afterward. We both liked what they had us doing. No matter what we were before, we're a pair of shameless sluts now -- we'd probably have stayed whores after our sentences were complete. Now suddenly you're here, we're yours, and we have a much better future to look forward to. We're both a little afraid you'll get tired of us, or we'll blink and it will just have been a dream."
