Palau Palsu: Love For Sale


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She looked at me nervously. "Rick, I was serious when I promised 'always', too. Maybe small tattoos? Something to help remind us of our promises? Please?" Her voice was pleading. Behind her, Lena was nodding enthusiastic agreement.

I rolled my eyes and gave up. "At least neither of you are arguing about having my children."

Lena rubbed her belly. "I've been looking forward to doing that since before we graduated." She grinned "And threatening to knock me up on our video calls always turned me on. Do you think I'm going to complain about getting what I wanted?"

If anything, Ceci's smile was even wider. "Me, too. Even if I had to steal my daughter's guy to do it!" She giggled "Our kids are going to be so confused about what to call us."

Lena and I laughed with her, but I shook my head. "I'm pretty sure I didn't give either of you a choice. And it's easy -- you will be Momma Ceci-" I kissed her forehead "and you -" I gave Lena a matching kiss "will be Momma Lena. Simple."

Ceci was smiling. "It's still going to be odd." She raised an eyebrow and waved her hand at the three of us. "Though I suppose no odder than we already are." Her hand joined Lena's in groping my cock. "Who gets our man first this morning?"

Lena mock-glared. "Hands off, you greedy slut! It's my turn -- you had him last night. Maybe if you're nice he'll let you sit on his face." She hurriedly straddled me and positioned my cock at her entrance. She stuck out her tongue in her mother's direction as she slowly lowered herself on my stiff dick.


"'Our Man', am I?" We were all quite awake now, but still too pleasantly sweaty and limp to want to move. I idly ran my hands down their backs as they snuggled closer.

"Yes. 'Our Man.'" Lena sounded smugly certain. "Just like we're 'My Girls'. Does it bother you?"

"Rick, we already know you're not letting us go. Does it surprise you we feel the same way?" Ceci's voice was just as smug. "Or we could always call you 'Our Master' if you'd like." She giggled. "I think I might like that. Master Rick?"

I gave both their bottoms a squeeze and a light swat. "I think I like 'Our Man' if I have to choose. Just as long as you remember that you're both supposed to be my helpless playthings." I chuckled and gave their bottoms another swat. "Now up, you lazy wenches! You can share the shower while I shave."


Lena winced slightly. She was being very cautious about how she walked. Her hand crept down to rub her inner thigh before she jerked it guiltily away, "Maybe doing this wasn't such a good idea, after all. How did you set this up so fast, anyway?"

"There's this thing called the 'Internet', Lena. You might remember it. And I told you I was teasing about getting you tattooed and pierced -- you're the ones who talked me into letting you get tattoos anyway. Sorry you did it now?" I tried not to sound too amused.

Even though she was walking just as cautiously, Ceci chuckled. "Not a bit -- she's just grumpy because she'll have to be a little careful for a few days. But she loves it -- don't you, Lena?"

She laughed and reluctantly nodded. "But this is like our registry tattoos -- we'll have to be careful every time we spread our legs until it's less sore. When I just got him back? What was I thinking?"

I laughed. "So we'll be careful. And it was your idea, after all. I can see that I'm going to need to work extra hard to keep you two out of trouble. Would it help if I offer to buy you lots of toys?"

"Ohh! We can set up a playroom! Or maybe a dungeon!" Ceci was nodding enthusiastic agreement. They both looked far too happy at the idea.


"It's going to take weeks until the villa's ready for us to move in. What should we do first?" Lena asked the question, but Ceci was listening just as intently.

"Off the top of my head? Have the villa inspected and any needed repairs done. Find a designer or home decorator to handle furnishings. Set up the house and pantry -- cookware, food, linens, basic tools. Buy a car -- probably an SUV of some kind. Arrange for gardeners if we need them. Have I missed anything?"

"Dhia can supervise the inspection and any repairs for us. Would you like me to call her and get things started? And I know several decorators and home furnishings companies here in the city." Ceci sounded excited.

I smiled. "It sounds like you're volunteering to manage that. Thanks! Let me know how much of a budget you need."

Ceci looked slightly surprised but pleased. Her face turned abstracted and I could almost hear the wheels starting to turn in her head.

Lena volunteered "I'd wait until the house is repainted and furnished, but I can work with Zarah to put together a list of the kitchenware and linens we need -- she used to handle all that for us. She can stock the pantry at the same time." She thought for a moment and added: "I can help you with the licenses and paperwork, too."

Ceci shook her head and laughed. "I just realized why I felt a little odd -- it's been over a year since I've been able to plan or decide anything! It feels good, doesn't it, Lena?"

Lena squeezed my hand as she nodded in agreement "It feels amazing. It's good to be useful."


I woke reluctantly; I'd been having a very good dream. As I gradually grew more alert I realized it wasn't a dream; someone was gently sucking my cock, occasionally alternating with her hands.

Two someones. As I looked down, Ceci let my cock fall from her mouth so Lena could suck me in. She gave me a wink as she saw me watching.

I stroked their heads as they took turns. None of us was in a hurry, so they were able to switch several times before I finally erupted in Ceci's mouth.


I looked up from the proposal. Lena and I had given our input, but Ceci had done the bulk of the work with the decorators. "Ceci, you may have missed your calling -- you should have been an interior designer."

Ceci shrugged. "It's not that hard. This isn't the first time I've decorated and furnished a house; this isn't even the first time I did it for that house." She dropped into my lap and gave a suggestive wriggle. "Besides, I like my current job."


"A dance club? Really? What kind of girl do you think I am?" Given her laughing tone and the way that Ceci was shaking her bottom to the pounding music, her complaint didn't sound terribly sincere.

"One who's looking to get laid? Why else would you be here, dressed like that?" Even if I hadn't seen her dressing, the way her body was moving made it obvious she wasn't wearing anything under her skimpy dress.

"Blame Lena -- she's the one who wanted to come here!" She pointed to where Lena was dancing a few feet away, looking just tempting. If anything, Lena's dress was skimpier than Ceci's.

"So you're both cock teases -- I seem to recall the two of you shopping for dresses together. If either of you sits down wearing those you'll be flashing anyone who looks your way. Was that your plan?"

She gave a wicked chuckle. "Maybe. You'll protect us if one of our admirers wants to do more than look, won't you?"

"Of course. But who'll protect you when I get out of hand?"

"What makes you think we want protection?"


"Rick, I haven't been here since I was a child!" Lena was laughing.

Bandar Palsu might not be as big as Singapore or Bangkok, but it was still a major city, with all the big-city amenities. It had a yacht harbor, a symphony orchestra, botanical gardens, a zoo, and where we'd just arrived: an amusement park.

"You told me once how much you used to love coming here."

"You remembered that? Really?"

"We don't have to stay if you don't want to."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind her "I want to ride the roller coaster first. Then the bumper cars, and the teacups, and ..."


"I never thought I'd own an outfit like this again." Ceci's eyes were suspiciously bright.

So were Lena's. "I didn't either. Or go to the symphony."

I adjusted my tie. "I remember you both mentioning how much you enjoyed concerts. And it's an excuse to have you dress up." I gave them admiring looks -- the last time I'd seen either of them dressed like this had been Lena's graduation. I pulled a couple of small boxes from my jacket pocket "But I think you need a little jewelry to go with it."


It took nearly a month before the villa was ready.

Ceci and Lena handled most of the day-to-day issues, but I'd had to deal with more details than I liked -- contracts and licenses, buying an SUV, the computer setups I wanted, arranging internet service ... it wasn't a huge burden, but with regular trips to the villa to monitor the work, it added up to an additional day or so a week.

I couldn't complain; the rest of the time we were free to enjoy what was effectively a three-way honeymoon that gave us a chance to adjust to being together.

We needed that time. If slowly, their tension and occasional feelings of disbelief and unworthiness eased and they became -- mostly -- the women I remembered.

Mostly. Lena's already-active libido seemed stronger than before, though in private she'd always been a horny little wench. By her own admission, so had Ceci. But before neither had betrayed any hint of that in their public behavior.

Now? If I insisted, in public both had regained their skill at projecting an air of cool elegance and emotional detachment, however false. If I didn't insist, or in private? They enjoyed sex -- both with me and each other -- and didn't see any need to pretend otherwise. We spent a lot of time in bed.

But they were even needier emotionally. I thought they were starting to feel more secure, but even the smallest signs of affection were returned with almost frightening intensity. I grew used to having at least one of them in my lap or snuggled against me whenever I sat down and waking up with both of their bodies wrapped around mine.

Still, despite my concerns, I think we all thoroughly enjoyed our honeymoon.

Chapter 20

I pulled the SUV into its place and killed the engine before climbing out to hold the door for Lena and Ceci. I gave them an appreciative look -- for the trip from the city, they'd chosen colorful silk sarongs and surprisingly demure bodices, but "modest" didn't mean "unappealing."

"It's good to be home." It earned me an enthusiastic double hug.

Lena's eyes were a little moist as she repeated: "Home." She took my hand and pulled me eagerly behind her to the front door. It swung open as we approached -- Zarah had been waiting for us.

She led us around proudly, showing us the changes since our last visit. Zarah had been a major help; we'd have had to come out from the city a lot more frequently than once a week if she and Dhia hadn't supervised the bulk of the work.

She beamed when I told her "Thank you. It looks even better than I'd hoped."

It did. She had reason to be proud.

Instead of the "modern" international décor popular in the city, we'd chosen the traditional local style. The huge central salon looked almost sinfully comfortable -- and like something out of a colonial-era costume epic.

Lena and Ceci would have fit right into one. They'd discarded their bodices as soon as they were inside; like Zarah's, their bare breasts were swaying free. Even after weeks of exposure, it was distracting -- Lena and Ceci were knockouts, while Zarah herself was worth a second look.

Perversely, the setting helped keep me focused: I felt like I should be wearing planter's clothes and perhaps a pith helmet to match them. I grinned to myself and shelved the thought for later -- Lena would probably love the idea of playing Helpless Native Serving Girl Forced Into Colonial Oppressor's Bed. If Ceci didn't claim the role for herself, that is.

Right now, though, we had a house to tour. Family wing, servant's quarters (I was pleased to see that Zarah's room was as large and comfortably appointed as my California apartment had been), back terrace, guest house, climbing down the winding path to our private beach ... It was nearly an hour before we entered our private wing.

I gave my office and the gym a quick look, and pointedly ignored Zarah's laughing offer to demonstrate some of the playroom's more esoteric features -- fortunately, she seemed amused rather than shocked by the enthusiastic thoroughness with which Ceci and Lena had furnished it.

The master bedroom was everything I'd hoped for -- a huge bed, a comfortable private lounge area, and plenty of shelves for all our books. Most of mine were still in transit, but Ceci and Lena's shelves were already partially stocked with the books Dhia had rescued after their arrest. Our bathroom was equally luxurious, though Zarah's eyes twinkled as she pointed out the full massage setup Ceci had included in the redesign.

I gave a sigh of relief when Zarah waved us a cheerfully knowing goodbye and returned to her dinner preparations. "Finally! I was afraid I'd shock her if I had to wait much longer."

Lena giggled. "I don't think she's shockable, Rick. She's more likely to ask to join in." She giggled again at my arched eyebrow.

One of the things I love about a sarong is how easy they are to remove: undo a single knot and they fall away. I'd gotten a lot of practice at untying them single-handed; with a couple of tugs both theirs slid off to puddle on the floor.

The girls gave impish grins and posed for me, doing a slow pirouette. I felt a wave of protective tenderness as I watched -- by now, I didn't even try to pretend I didn't love them both. They were beautiful, smart, playful, sexy ... and just as fond of teasing me as I was of teasing them.

As they turned, I ran appreciative hands down their bodies, admiring the sway of their breasts, the dark contrast of their puckered nipples and dense little pubic patches, the subtle play of muscles moving beneath their smooth golden skin. "Do your slave girls please you, Master?" Despite adopting her most refined accent, I could hear the humor lurking in Ceci's voice.

"Oh, you'll do, I suppose." There was just as much in mine. "I think I'll probably keep you, after all."


I chuckled at the indignant chorus. "I'm willing to be convinced."


I gave a happily tired sigh. "It's good to be home. That was one hell of a welcome, girls." It had been, too -- I'd cum twice, and I'd lost count of how many times they'd each finished as I watched them. Lots.

Ceci just gave a tired smile and snuggled closer, but Lena lifted her head from my shoulder to tell me "We didn't want you having any second thoughts."

I tightened my arm possessively "Fat chance of that! You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm never going to let you go. I love you. Both of you."

We shared a tender kiss before I pulled Ceci over to join in.


It was a pleasantly warm morning, and the view from the terrace was postcard-perfect. I savored the last of the excellent local coffee Zarah had brewed before picking up the beach bag and following Lena and Ceci down the path to our cove.

The view below was even more spectacular: lush tropical greenery, a pristine beach, and a pair of golden-skinned bare-breasted island beauties standing ankle-deep in the clear water. Paul Gauguin would have loved it. I dropped the bag under the beach umbrella and pulled out my phone to take a couple of quick pictures.

"Like what you see?" Lena was smiling as I had them pose for a few more shots.

I smiled back. "Enough that I'm thinking about sending these pictures to my family as a full explanation of why I moved here."

"You want to show us off wearing just these?" She waved a hand at the rather scanty wraps around their waists.

Ceci grinned. "I think he'd like us even more without them." She slipped her sarong loose and handed it to me; a beat later Lena laughed and tossed hers.

Chapter 21

Within a few weeks, we had slipped almost seamlessly into our new life.

The transition was faster for the girls -- they had preferred Sungai Kecil to the city long before the destruction of their previous life; for both, it truly had been a return home. Despite occasional awkwardness, Lena and Ceci were able to pick up the threads of their previous friendships.

It helped that they'd never made an issue of their wealth and social position; their circle of friends had always extended across class lines. Though everyone in the village was fully aware of the enormous change in their social station, most simply ignored it.

I'd been shocked at how readily both Lena and Ceci had accepted their sentences and how comfortable they had become with their new circumstances. It had been hard to get my head around the realization that not only did they feel that their sentences were deserved, even lenient for their crimes, but that for the most part they'd come to enjoy their new roles.

What they'd told me had been true; people here didn't really care that they'd spent over a year as slave prostitutes, or that -- technically -- they still were.

Much as we'd enjoyed our city sort-of-honeymoon, they'd always been a little tense when in places where we might encounter people who'd known them as "Madam Wang" or "Miss Tan". I didn't see that here. Oddly, I think our makeover of the Villa helped -- it still retained the good memories but we'd removed most of the daily reminders of what had been.

Compared to the city or Silicon Valley, the pace of life was slower, but that was fine with me. I'm a country boy at heart -- though the lush tropical warmth and the local culture were both exotically different from my boyhood memories, the friendliness and pragmatic practicality of the local people felt oddly familiar. Though still the object of curiosity, I was no longer a total novelty.

I'd even managed to establish a few tentative friendships of my own. Growing up, I'd been a fair jackleg mechanic -- despite language issues, lending an occasional hand fixing a car or helping the school with their computers had earned me considerable acceptance. The village was starting to feel like 'home' for me, too, and I'd begun to share the girls' love for the place and people.

I'd even adjusted to the loss of privacy.

Although Zarah was technically a servant, in practice she fell somewhere between "friend" and "extended family" for the girls. Officially, she was our cook and housekeeper, but if they weren't busy they routinely pitched in to help her; housework and meal prep were normally accompanied by cheerful three-way chatter and frequent bursts of laughter.

It helped that Zarah had a reasonable command of English. I was starting to learn the local Malay dialect, but it would be a long time before I had a decent working knowledge. And I was grateful that she really was as unshockable as claimed -- the first time when we forgot to lock the master wing's outer door, her reaction to walking in on an enthusiastic and noisy ménage a Trois had been to blink appreciatively and toss a bawdy joke at the girls as she backed out.

Under other circumstances, it could have been awkward. Zarah was attractive in her own right; though her face showed a few fine lines and her heavy breasts sagged slightly she still radiated a warm, earthy appeal. If a few years older than Ceci and showing them, she was still a seductive, ripely sensual woman.

She made her availability quite clear, too. She didn't push it beyond an occasional teasing wiggle or not-quite-accidental brush against me as she passed in the hall, but her cheerful willingness -- eagerness, even -- was unmistakable.

At least she didn't push. Tempting though Zarah might be, I was still working to build -- rebuild, in Lena's case -- the strength of the connection I felt with my two women. My two loves. Though they echoed my feelings of commitment with almost frightening intensity, there were still moments when both stilled showed flashes of the uncertainty and self-doubt I'd seen on our first days together. Despite their laughing and apparently earnest suggestions that I give Zarah a tumble, bedding her seemed an unnecessary complication.