Paranormal Research Club Ch. 03


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Shining my light downward, I saw a beautiful, ornately carved golden armband rolling gently along the filthy stones and reflecting the light from its finely polished surface. It was a spectacular piece, cast in pure yellow gold in the form of interlacing strands of ivy and grapevines, woven through with delicately carved serpents. I have always enjoyed museums, and I have visited the Smithsonian in Washington DC, the Louvre in Paris, seen the crown jewels in the Tower of London, and even seen exhibits of ancient gold work from King Tutankhamen's tomb and the treasures of Pompeii and Herculaneum. I have seen the work of legendary masters of goldsmithing such as Faberge. But even in the dim half-light, I knew that I had never before seen the goldsmith's art so impossibly perfected as what was now before me. I could not imagine that the world could contain more than one piece of art this perfect. No normal human being would be capable of producing such impossible, awe-inspiring attention to detail or such impeccable craftsmanship.

Gold is a soft metal, and it is easily bent, dented, or scratched. It was a miracle that the chaos that had ensued here a few minutes ago hadn't badly damaged this ancient treasure. It was also a miracle, I thought, that Lisa's ex-boyfriend hadn't found it and sold it at a seedy pawn shop. The safest way to get it out of the chamber without risking damage to it would be to slip it over my arm for the brief climb out of the hole. Even injured, I'm more than strong enough to accomplish the climb without the risk of scratching the gold, and it looked as though it would fit me well enough. I slid it up to my left bicep, the way an ancient nobleman may have worn it, and pushed my way up into the basement. I had braced myself to ignore considerable pain from my ribs as I pushed out of the hole that led up out of the tomb, but I found the climb to be easy and painless.

"You're not going to believe what I found down there," I said to the ladies. But my left bicep was tingling, feeling as though a warm liquid electricity were flowing over the circumference of my upper arm. I felt strong and steady on my feet again, although adrenaline still coursed in my veins. Looking to where the armband had been, I now saw an elaborate marking on my arm that resembled an intricate tattoo. It looked much like the armband, but was etched onto my skin with an uncanny skill and precision that no mortal artist could ever hope to replicate. Even in the half-darkness, I could tell that the golden color of this tattoo was nothing that could be reproduced by an artist of any degree of skill. But the golden treasure I had found seemed gone. Perhaps the ladies were right and I shouldn't be standing.

My friends didn't seem interested in what I had found down there. As hard as I had just been hit in the head, it was as likely as not a herd of fuzzy pink elephants engaging in ballet practice.

"Let's get you back to the house," said Diana's voice. "Can you walk?" Before I had even answered, I felt her arm grab my bicep and begin leading me towards the stairs.

"Diana, does anything look different about my arm?" I asked. She was holding me around the tattoo that the armband had left, but she didn't seem to notice it.

Diana instantly relaxed her grip on my arm, but placed her hand on my back to gently guide me. "Once we're out in the light, I'll check you out and make sure nothing's broken. For now, are you OK to walk?" She clearly thought that I was concerned that my arm might be broken, and she didn't appear to see the strange markings on my arm. I let the topic drop so they wouldn't think I was crazy or punch-drunk.

"This might sound weird," I heard Erin say as we filed up the rickety wooden stairs that led out of the basement, "but something feels different about this place. I don't think whatever that was is going to be back. I think John really did manage to kill it." And she was right. The basement was still dank and dark, but the oppressive feeling that had filled it was gone.

As we exited the church, the late afternoon sunlight seemed unusually bright. Diana had me sit down outside of the church as she inspected me. Her familiar face and soulful eyes were filled with concern as she systematically and thoroughly inspected me for serious injuries. This was a task that she performed with the professionalism that comes from having done something many times under difficult circumstances. She borrowed my handkerchief and used it to clean my forehead. As her gentle fingers traveled over my face, I could tell that the knot that I was certain had been there mere moments ago was gone.

"You're not going to believe this, John. The blood doesn't look like splatter from someone else, but you're not cut. A few minutes ago, you had a knot on your forehead the size of a hen's egg, but the swelling seems to be entirely gone. I have no idea what's going on here."

Several of the ladies around me watched as Diana wiped the blood from my forehead, revealing healthy skin beneath it. Next she lifted my torn t-shirt, and inspected my abdomen. Again, she found blood beneath the tears in the shirt, but no injuries.

"I'm saving this blood so that one of my buddies at the medical school can look at it. If it's not yours, I'm interested in knowing who or what it came from."

Back at the house, Naomi greeted us at the door and let us in. As Diana, Erin, and Lisa explained what had happened to Naomi, I went into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. The tattoo on my left arm was still there. Perhaps I imagined it, but I actually thought that I might have seen one of the graven snakes move, although my arm certainly didn't feel as though anything was moving on or beneath its surface. I felt exhausted. After I had scrubbed myself clean, I retired to the room that I had been assigned for the night.

While my mind felt as though I had made love several times that day, my body was quick to remind me that I had in actuality not even masturbated, at least not in this reality, and the semen that filled my testicles wasn't going to disappear on its own. My erection formed a tent in the blankets. It is rare for me to fall asleep without sex or masturbation, but I was utterly exhausted. I ignored my boner in hopes that it would simply go away, and eventually drifted off to sleep despite the attention that my penis was demanding from me.

Several hours later, I was rudely awakened by the lights in the room flicking on. Based on the darkness that was visible through the window, it must have been pretty late outside.

"What's going on?" I asked groggily as I looked up to see all seven of the ladies in the house pour into the room. They were dressed for bed, wearing their usual sleeping clothes. All aside from Diana, who I knew always slept nude. She was wearing her jeans and t-shirt.

"Diana and my daughters told me how you bravely protected everyone earlier tonight, and I'm pretty sure that they would like to thank you," Naomi purred. Something sounded unnatural about Naomi's voice when she spoke. Her voice had a strange seductiveness to it that didn't seem to fit with what I knew of her character. "I suspect that we would all like to thank you for your heroics earlier today."

Suddenly, a blast of cold air struck me as Kim jerked at the blankets from one side of the bed. I was naked under them, and I instinctively clutched at the bedsheets to avoid being exposed to the women. Laughing, several of the ladies climbed into the bed with me and joined Kim in attempting to wrestle the blankets away from me. I struggled to hide my erection as the merry struggle continued.

"Ladies! I don't have any clothes on under these blankets!" I cried out with a laugh. What on earth was going on? I was soon buried beneath a comfortable pile of warm, wriggling feminine flesh as the other ladies joined them on the king-sized guest bed. I was stronger than any of them, and managed to hold on to the blankets from the top of the bed. I inhaled the scent of a pile of women on top of me, breathing in the girlish odors of floral shampoos and herbal body washes along with the delicious odor of female arousal. I noticed that Erin's nightgown hung open as she wrestled above me, and for a brief moment I caught sight of one of her breasts.

"Get off the bed!" Diana playfully ordered the rest of the women. As they complied, she jerked the sheets and blankets up from beneath the mattress. I was too strong for them to get the blankets away from me up where I could hold them, but I could not hold the bottom of the sheets as well as the top. Diana whipped the blankets up from the bottom of the mattress, exposing my nude body from the waist down. Heather immediately climbed on top of me, kissing me with shocking passion in front of everyone in the room. Nobody seemed to mind her overtly incestuous lust as other women climbed onto the bed around me, resuming their assault.

I didn't know what was going on. Something unnatural was possessing these ladies, and while my body demanded that I make the most of this situation, my mind cried out that I could not take advantage of these girls. Heather slipped her nightgown up over her head, exposing the delicate curves of her chubby white body and her milky breasts to everyone in the room. Her white cotton panties were becoming damp with her sexual need as she ground against me. Through the soft fabric, my bare cock could feel my cousin's vaginal lips caressing the underside of my manhood. I couldn't believe that I was practically fucking my cousin in front of a room full of people. I felt my beloved cousin's vaginal fluids soaking through the thin fabric to moisten my turgid member, and looking down I saw a few stray pubic hairs poking out around the leg-holes of the white cotton panties. Then my vision was obscured as Heather returned her face to mine, sealing her lips against my own in desperate passion as her soft breasts pressed her firm nipples into my chest. Heather's words from that morning echoed in my mind. "I'm super-fertile right now. I felt myself ovulate last night. I'm pretty sure that even if the head of your penis so much as brushed against my opening, if even a drop of your pre-cum got inside of me, I might get pregnant just from that."

It was hard to hear well with my face smothered beneath writhing bodies and my ears filled with gasps and moans. Sarah's face appeared beside my head, grinning with wanton lust and kissing me passionately on the neck while my lips were still engaged in a sloppy, wet kiss with Heather. I was vaguely aware that Sarah was completely nude. Heather's warm, soft breasts were crushed against my chest as her tongue plundered my mouth. "Having fun with my sister?" Sarah asked with a wicked grin. "You're a very naughty boy to be kissing your cousins the way you seem to like doing. But when you take your own sister's virginity later tonight, I think that will be crossing the line between naughty and depraved." She grinned wickedly, merry dimples appearing in her cheeks. "I like that. I'll just have to show you that I'm depraved enough to keep up with you."

It was hard to hear what was going on elsewhere in the room, but I heard Erin's voice as she said something about "this is going to be my first time", and my sister Kim replied that it was going to be hers as well.

Heather slid off of me and onto her back, squirming out of her panties so that our act of lust could be completed, but before she could return to me Diane was voraciously sucking my dick as several other women began shedding their nightclothes or wrestling to lavish their touches and kisses upon my face, my chest, and my body. Diana pulled her mouth away from my cock long enough to slide her t-shirt off over her head and slide her jeans down over her wide, womanly hips. She wasn't wearing any panties.

The instant that Diana's mouth left my penis, the still wet member was immediately engulfed by Sarah, who seemed to have no qualms about shamelessly sucking off her cousin in front of a room full of people. Nobody seemed at all upset by the the taboo act that was occurring within less than an arm's reach of them. Past the rush of pretty female faces that were bathing my face in kisses and warmth, past the soft feminine hands that caressed my body, I saw my cousin's hair as her head bobbed on my cock. But none of these women were here simply after oral sex. Completely nude, Diana moved her curvy, shapely, tattooed body to straddle my cock. My vision was obscured as proper, motherly Naomi pulled my face into a wild french-kiss as I felt my best friend take my cock in her hand and line it up with her opening. I moaned into Naomi's mouth and caressed the older woman's breasts as my best friend's pussy swallowed my cock into blissful heat and moisture. I thanked heavens that she was on birth control.

My hands traveled the nude female bodies around me as I felt myself washed away by bliss. My hands felt between Naomi's soft, maternal thighs. Her pubic hair tickled my hand, and she moaned with pleasure as I touched the folds of her womanly opening.

Even fully-clothed, Lisa was more beautiful than most women that I have seen on the covers of magazines. But naked, she was beyond perfect. For a moment, I had an unobstructed view of her flawless, curvy, feminine body as I ran my hands over her perfect ass and her firm breasts. And, looking over, I felt certain that I was the first man ever to see Erin or Kim naked. Both of the beautiful virgins were gorgeous, and I remembered from my dream what it had been like to feel Kim give me her virginity before. It would take more willpower than I thought that I possessed to not make Kim and Erin both into women tonight.

The excitement of having a pile of women force themselves upon me was almost more than I could bear as I felt my best friend's sweet pussy pull me higher and higher towards a mountaintop of bliss. She was at least as good at this in real life as she had been in my dream, her every movement calculated perfectly to bring the two of us higher into the rapturous ecstasy that awaited us. Diane's warm, moist tunnel stroked and caressed my manhood, and I could hardly think of any part of me that wasn't experiencing sensory overload. Soft, warm, feminine flesh pushed against me from all directions, pushing me hard into the gently yielding sheets and mattress that lay beneath me.

It was soon more than I could take. With one hand I was caressing my sister Kim's virginal vulva, and with the other I was running my hand over my sweet cousin Heather's soft, chubby stomach and thinking of how, in another reality, that belly would soon be swelling with my child. And I thought of her willingness to bear my child in the real world as well. She and I could give ourselves to each other entirely if we wanted to. All I had to do was let it happen.

Thoughts of impregnating my beloved cousin soon had my rampant member even harder as I thrust deeply into my best friend's waiting vagina. She was so wet that her fluids were literally flowing in a stream down my pelvis and onto the sheets. It was hard to hear what was happening with all of the action that was swirling about me like a kaleidoscope of gorgeous female flesh, but Diane's cries and moans of pleasure were becoming louder and more insistent. I looked down at my beautiful best friend. Her dark, lovely hair was bouncing as she rode me, the full, curves of her body with her large breasts and wide hips undulating skillfully as her sweet, familiar face regarded me affectionately. Her pale white skin was adorned with tasteful tattoos that served to make her even more beautiful. As I looked between her legs at where our bodies were joined, I was grateful to be able to experience this with her. She ground her hips against mine, and I felt the opening into her womb lovingly invite the tip of my penis against it. Both of our bodies needed this.

It was soon far more than I could take. With a loud cry of ecstasy, I ejaculated deep into Diane's waiting pussy, feeling her body pulse and spasm with mine as our genitals conspired to take an act of pleasure and turn it into an act of procreation. She rode me wildly, her body milking mine of every drop that I could give her as she bent down to kiss me desperately on the lips. I felt her body drinking spurts of my cum as she whispered, "I love you. I've always loved you." Our eyes met, and I felt her vagina clench around my cock again as I filled her womb with yet another jet of my semen. Our friendship would never be the same again.

For long moments, we held each other close, her curvy, nude body pressed tightly against my own and our mixed fluids slowly trickling out of her around my still-erect penis. There was nothing at all between my best friend and I, and it felt wonderful beyond my capacity to describe it. We kissed again, but were interrupted when Sarah noisily cleared her throat beside us.

"If you wanted a romantic lovemaking session, you should have done it last night!" Sarah admonished us. I chuckled. She had her nerve, being the one that had prevented us from doing exactly that! Diane smiled and slid her warm, soft, full-figured body off of me. My cock felt cold outside of her body, but I knew that it wouldn't feel cold for long.

I looked down and immediately saw my cousin Sarah moving into position. She was beautiful and athletic-looking as she straddled my cock, facing away from me and giving me a perfect view of her ass as she began sliding her shapely body down to take me into her vagina. She was every bit as tight as I remembered from the previous night as her delicious pussy slid down to encase my cock in a sweltering sheath of moist pleasure. She looked over her shoulder at me, smiling at my obvious appreciation of her charms.

The supernatural powers that had sustained me in my dreams were clearly at work as I thrust my cock up at my cousin and she bounced on me, bracing her body on her arms and moving the fleshy globes of her ass up and down in a deliciously controlled rhythm in full view of everyone. Nobody objected as the sexual nectar of two cousins joined before them, the very lewdness and forbidden nature of the wickedly taboo act transporting both Sarah and I into the heights of pleasure. When we had made love the previous night, we had delighted in the secretive nature of our act. But now we were shamelessly engaging in one of the most shocking acts imaginable, sexual intercourse with our own flesh and blood, in front of a room crowded with our family and friends. Only wild beasts behave like this. Looking down, I saw the slick, viscous sexual liquids that Sarah was depositing on my cock as she moved her ass up, and then felt hot pussy engulf my manhood as she moved her tight, sweet butt down to grind my cock deep within the sweltering depths of her moist sex.

"I swear that I can almost feel you touch my spine!" Sarah exclaimed as she wriggled herself down to take my member as deeply into herself as she could, and I could feel her cervix grind hard against my cock.

A pile of writhing female bodies seemed to bury me as my cousin and I fucked, and the air was filled with obscene gasps and moans. Squirming through the mass of feminine bodies, my precious cousin Heather fought her way over towards me as her sister rode my cock. Soon, Heather's face was directly above mine. She cupped my head in her hands, and shamelessly kissed me on the lips in front of our family members and friends. "Having fun with my sister?" she asked with a raised eyebrow and a wicked grin. "I hope that you're saving some of that for me!" And then she returned her mouth to mine, voraciously sucking my tongue into her mouth as I felt her sister ride my cock.

The kiss from Heather was more than I could take. Moaning into Heather's mouth, I felt my ass cheeks clench as my cock began spurting deep into Sarah's core.
