Payson's Wedding


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I whimpered softly, "I'm sorry Becky."

"Sweetie, you have nothing to apologize for. All of the little secrets you've been trying to keep from me are the things I find most attractive about you. I love that you have such strong homosexual desires. And I love that you wish to wear girl's clothes. And I think it's adorable that you're such a Mommy's Boy. You know your mother is going to be thrilled when we tell her all the changes we've decided to make for our wedding."

With the dildo buried in my bottom, I slowly humped my aching penis between Becky's big thighs. I was still sobbing a little, but I was so horny I couldn't focus on being embarrassed or ashamed.

"Payson, don't get your hopes up too high. I don't know if your mother will hold your hands while you get waxed, I got carried away there. But I can talk to her. I can tell her that you've never done it alone, that I've always been there with you. I'll tell her that she could wait in the lobby, but it would be much better for you if she held your hands during the process."

I gave up at that point. I had lost and I accepted it. In a squeaky whisper, I said, "I want that Becky."

"I know Sweetheart. I've always known." She rubbed my back and squeezed her thighs together. She left the dildo buried in my bottom while I humped myself at a quick pace between her thighs. She let me have my fun for a few seconds before whispering, "I know what my precious Payson needs and I'm going to give you the wedding day you deserve. It'll be a day you'll never forget. Sweetheart, you are going to make the most adorable bride."

In the candlelight in our living room, while I humped my thin, small penis between my fiancé's thick thighs, and she made love to my bottom with a realistic-looking cock shaped dildo, I made many promises. I would take her last name. I would forever wear her engagement ring and eventually her wedding band. We would ask my mother to become an active participant in our wedding ceremony. I hoped she would agree to help me choose the perfect gown, veil, heels, and lingerie. I would ask her to join me on the morning of my wedding so I could have my body waxed, and Becky would try to talk her into joining me in the room to hold my hands during the process. If all went as planned, my mother would accompany me to a salon so we could be pampered with a mani/pedi, hair, and make-up.

Becky helped to keep me on the verge of squirting by squeezing her thighs together and spreading them at the appropriate time. My wrinkled hole was stretched around the dildo she slid slowly in and out of my tush. I was clawing at the couch with my fingers. My toes were curled into tight knots and my back was arched deeply, allowing Becky better access with the dildo.

I was so horny, confused, surprised and ashamed at all that had occurred since I'd laid across her lap. I'd made promises, promises I had to keep. I could never break a promise to her. Becky knew things about me that I thought I'd kept from her. She knew I fantasized about being with a man. She knew I loved to have men stare at me while in public. She knew I went out of my way to attract their attention.

Becky had always known I was a 'Mama's Boy'. I spoke with my mother on a daily basis. On more than one occasion, Becky teased my body while I spoke with my mother on the phone. She often urged me to share intimate details of our relationship with her. No matter how personal or private the topics I discussed with my mother, she was always there to listen and offer suggestions. She understood I wasn't the manliest of boys and was thrilled I'd found a girl to share my life with. Especially since Becky was extremely protective of me.

Images and feelings flashed through my mind while I imagined telling my mother the new plans for my wedding day. I knew she would appear to be concerned at first, while secretly thrilled that I'd have such an appropriate wedding for a feminine boy like myself. Giving up my surname, wearing the engagement ring and even my attire at the ceremony were all things I knew my mother would accept if not be thrilled about. But I wasn't sure how she'd react about my waxing session. Becky wanted her in the same room! If that happened, she would see me naked on my wedding day!

I usually sobbed if not openly cried during my maintenance waxings. Becky was always there holding my hands and consoling me. When it was over, before we left the salon, Becky would rub me down with a special antiseptic cream to speed up the healing process. She helped me into one of her big t-shirts which were drastically oversized on my small frame and took me home.

Now my mother may be in the same room while I had this performed! Would she rub me down with the antiseptic cream? To be perfectly honest, I sometimes fantasized about my mother taking me those appointments. The idea of her seeing me naked and spread shamelessly for my waxing was terribly taboo, but it made my body tingle all over. I knew I'd be horribly embarrassed, but having her see me completely naked and unable to cover-up was impossible for me not to fantasize about.

In a soft whisper, Becky asked, "What are you thinking about, Payson? You've been quiet for a long time. Remember, you promised not to keep secrets from me anymore."

I whimpered softly and pushed my hips upward toward the dildo. Becky started applying a rhythm to her thrusts with the dildo. In and out quickly, then in and out slowly. I moaned and struggled to tell her that I was thinking about what our wedding would be like. I told her my mother would probably be thrilled with the new plans. Becky agreed. She knew my mother well enough that she knew this too.

While still humping my hips up to meet each of her thrusts with the dildo, I asked what she would wear at our wedding. I stuttered, bit my lip and asked if she would wear a tuxedo because I would wear the gown. She answered in a deeper than normal voice. She told me a tuxedo sounded like the appropriate attire for her. She told me she couldn't wait for us to be pronounced Becky and Payson Martinez.

I whimpered, "Payson Martinez."

Becky replied, "It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

I moaned, "Yes it does."

Becky asked me, on a scale of one to ten, how horny I was. I whimpered that I was an eleven. She giggled softly and asked if I wanted to squirt. I told her I did. I told her I was desperate and wanted to cum very badly. Becky chuckled softly again and suggested that before I cum, we get my mother on speaker phone and tell her the change in our plans.

Becky made sure her thick, soft thighs were spread wide apart and there was nothing for my penis to rub against when she suggested we make that call. I moaned deeply and arched my back up as far as I could. The dildo sunk all the way inside me. Goosebumps rose up all over my body. I was frantic with arousal and terrified Becky wasn't teasing. My fingernails dug into the couch and I squirmed across her lap.

When Becky next spoke, it wasn't directed at me. She had picked up her phone and called my mother! They chatted casually while Becky continued to slide the dildo in and out of my tush. The two of them had a close relationship, they shared many of the same interests and even had very similar physical builds. They would often meet for drinks after work. And the possibilities of what they discussed during those get-together's was always frightening to think about.

During a lull in their conversation, Becky told my mother we'd decided to make significant changes with our wedding ceremony. Becky told my mother she wanted to put her on speaker phone so we could tell her our good news together. Becky pressed the speaker button and laid her phone on my naked back.

My mother's voice filled the room, "Payson Sweetie, are you there?"

I tried to sound normal when I told her I could hear her. Becky spoke up and explained that we wanted to tell her about our decisions in person, but we were so excited we couldn't wait. My mother was extremely enthusiastic about our wedding and loved to hear any tiny detail. So it wasn't surprising that she was giddy on the phone while waiting for us to tell her the news.

Becky was careful with the dildo. She slid in and out very slowly, trying to keep the wet sucking noises to an absolute minimum. Becky told me to tell my mother the news. My mother knew Becky had proposed to me. She also knew Becky had asked me to take her name. I never knew how she felt about that, but I was about to find out.

I struggled to sound normal. But just when I began to talk, Becky squeezed her thighs together, trapping my stiff little penis between her warm, soft thighs that were slippery with my arousal. I covered my mouth with my hands. I almost moaned out loud! I held my hips perfectly still while Becky squeezed and relaxed her thighs rhythmically. I fought to get control of myself and before I realized what I was doing, I blurted out, "I'm going to take Becky's name. I'm going to become Payson Martinez."

My mother began speaking without the slightest hesitation. "I've very happy for you two. Especially you Becky. Payson should have agreed to take your name the evening you proposed. We've talked about that at length before. It just seems like the appropriate thing to do." She paused for a few moments before saying, "Payson Martinez. That sounds so cute!"

I squeaked out, "There's more, Mom."

Becky held me in place with her hand on my lower back. She milked my poor penis between her thighs while still sliding that dildo in and out of my body. I was so close to squirting. But I couldn't, not while my mom was listening! Hearing my mother's voice while in that condition was so awkward and naughty. I tried not to think about how I felt or what Becky was doing to me.

My mother spoke up, she asked what else I had to tell her. She was obviously thrilled she was so informed and involved with our wedding. I whimpered softly and worked up the courage to speak.

"You know grandma's engagement ring and wedding band? Well, um, Mom, um, I'm going to wear them, not Becky."

There was a short pause before my mother said anything. When she did, it sounded like she was crying. But they turned out to be tears of joy. "Oh Payson, your grandmother would have been thrilled to learn that if she were still alive."

Before she had passed, my grandmother always spoke to me and treated me as if I were a girl. Even when I was very young, my grandmother gave me gifts more suitable for a girl than a boy. I knew in my heart that my mother was correct, my grandmother would be thrilled that I'd be wearing her ring. Mother went on to say, "And that the one-carat diamond is going to look huge on your little hand and will surely attract a lot of attention."

Mother asked if we had anything else to tell her. Becky spoke up, "That's all for now. But I am trying to talk him into walking down the aisle wearing a wedding gown while I wait at the altar in a tux."

Mother spoke in a soft voice, "That would be... something."

Becky quickly asked, "Don't you think he'd look cute in a wedding gown? I think he'd look adorable!"

Mother replied, "Yes, he would look cute. And he'd fit into those smaller sized dresses. He'd have a much better selection than you or I would. They don't make enough full-figured wedding gowns."

Becky wasn't offended by my mother's comment at all. The two of them had long discussions about finding clothes in excess of size 16. Their choice of stores was extremely limited.

Becky planted a seed in my mother's mind by saying, "Just think, if we can convince him to wear the gown, you could walk him down the aisle." Becky began talking to me then, loud enough for mother to hear, "Payson Sweetie, you're her only child and she has raised you all by herself. You don't want to rob her of the privilege of giving you away at the altar, do you?"

I clawed at the couch, my back arched up so deeply and my legs began kicking wildly. Becky continued to slide the dildo in and out of my bottom without changing the rhythm. I pushed my face into the couch cushion and tried to stop from making any noises at all. My little, bald penis flexed hard and I thrust it between her thick, warm thighs. I felt goosebumps rise up all over my body and knew it was inevitable, my orgasm was happening. Becky couldn't stop it and neither could I.

Becky told my mother that I looked like I was thinking about it. Mother suggested Becky take me to a bridal store so I could see the dresses in my size. Her thought was that once I saw how pretty they were, I would change my mind about wearing one. She insisted I not pick one out, we'd just look. She said it wouldn't be right for Becky to see the gown I would wear on my special day. Mother even volunteered to take me out shopping for my gown, if that is what I chose to do. She pointed out that she wasn't applying any pressure for me to take the part of the bride at all.

While the two of them discussed my wedding day, my little, bald penis throbbed and jumped around between Becky's big thighs. I thrust myself between them while Becky sunk the dildo all the way inside me. I bit my tongue and smushed my face into the couch, I couldn't let my mother hear me orgasm! I tried to remain silent, but I wasn't completely successful. My little penis throbbed hard and my toes curled up in knots. I've always been rather noisy when I orgasm. I thrust myself between Becky's loving thighs quickly and the wet, sloppy sounds of my action echoed in the room. While pressing my face deep into the couch, I moaned, chirped and squealed in a rather high pitch while my body spasmed and my penis erupted.

Mother asked what the strange noise was that she heard. Becky told her it was me, she explained that I was getting excited about my wedding day.

Mother sounded confused, "Excited? What do you mean?" There was a pause of several seconds before mother said, "Oh! Oh my goodness! I better let you two go so you can finish talking about your big day."

Becky told me she'd hung up. But I made her show me the phone before I'd talk. Once I was sure mother was no longer listening, I told Becky I would be really mad at her if I didn't just have an orgasm and if my mother hadn't been so positive about all we'd just told her.

Becky rubbed my back while slowly withdrawing the dildo from inside me. She told me she knew my mother would like the fact that'd I'd be taking the Martinez name and wearing my grandmother's ring. She confessed that she'd hinted about it to my mother earlier in the week over drinks. Becky said she wasn't sure how my mother would react when she suggested I wear the wedding gown, but she was pleasantly surprised by her reaction. As the dildo slipped out from inside my body, leaving me feeling used and empty, Becky told me there was no way out of it now. I would be her bride on our wedding day.

She rolled the dildo up in a hand-towel and used another to wipe the excess lubricant from between my cheeks. I slid off of her lap to my knees on the floor in front of her. Becky spread her heavy thighs and pulled her nightgown up above her dense bush. Her pubic hair was matted down with her juices near her plump lips and giant clit. Her pussy was peeled open like a flower and I reacted to her musky aroma in the expected manner.

The insides of her upper thighs glistened with my creamy love. And I was unable to take my eyes away from her fingertip as she dragged it through one of the larger drips. In a soft voice, she told me to say my name.

I bit my lower lip and whispered, "Payson Martinez".

She raised her creamy finger close to my lips and asked me if I was going to be the bride or groom at our wedding.

My back arched and I whispered, "The bride. I'll be your bride Becky."

As her finger approached my mouth, I slowly parted my lips and looked up at her face. She was smiling while she painted my lips with my cum. I whimpered softly when after she'd coated my lips, she began to slide her finger in and out of my mouth. When her finger was clean, she looped her hand behind my neck and gently pulled my face to her thighs. I began licking and slurping up the mess I'd made. I'd been cleaning up my messes since the first time Becky made me squirt with her fingers. She had convinced me it was what gentle boys did. I struggled with it the first few times, but after doing it so often, I'd come to appreciate its flavor.

While I worked, she began thinking out loud to me. "Ms. Payson Martinez, my sissy fiancé. First thing in the morning we're going to the jeweler to have the engagement ring fitted for your tiny hand. The next stop will be the bridal store downtown. I'll get you measured so we learn your dress size and then we'll browse around for the perfect gown for my sweet, little bride. It will have to be dripping in lace, sequins, ruffles, and tulle. I'm thinking a sexy backless gown with a plunging neckline. And cute little gloves and stiletto heels. Payson Sweetheart, you are going to be the cutest sissy bride to ever walk the aisle, your mother will surely make that happen."

After I'd cleaned her thighs, she pulled me toward her big pussy with its forest of long, dark pubic hair. I wiggled my nose against her fat clit before dragging my tongue along the length of her lips. I sucked her enormous clit into my mouth and tickled it with the tip of my tongue.

Becky moaned softly before continuing her thoughts, "I can only imagine the lingerie your mother will choose for you to wear." She ran her fingers through my hair, "You must realize that you'll need to model the lingerie for your mother. I'm sure she'll want to be sure it fits properly. My Sweet Payson, has your mother ever seen you in panties before?"

When I pulled my face away from her sex, it glistened with her juices. After licking my lips, I blushed before confessing that I'd once 'borrowed' a bikini from our neighbor's clothes line and mother had barged into my room while I was wearing it. She wasn't upset and didn't seem at all surprised. She only told me I shouldn't take things without asking and that if I wanted a bikini of my own, she'd take me shopping for one. Of course, I told her I was just trying it and didn't want one for myself. At the time, I couldn't admit my shameful desires to her.

She pulled my face back against her sex and I went back to work licking, sucking and making love to her with my mouth. Becky talked about how proud she was going to be when I walked down the aisle toward her. She tried to imagine what the reception would be like. She talked about watching me mince about during the mother/bride dance. And just when she began talking about our honeymoon, she grabbed my head firmly and pulled me snuggly against her sex. My entire face slid along between her lips. And her strong, thick thighs clamped down on either side of my head, smushing me against her even more.

Becky kept me pulled against her sex until her orgasm had completed. Her hands were knotted in my hair and her heavy thighs trapped my head in place. After a few seconds, I began to panic. I was having difficulty breathing. My arms and legs began to flail about while Becky floated down from orgasmic bliss. When she let me go, I flopped back off my knees onto my bottom. I sat there with my legs spread in front of me and leaned back on my hands.

When I raised my hand to wipe my juices from my face, Becky stopped me. She told me she loved the way I looked at that moment. I was spread out in front of her. My face was dripping with her juices. My skinny, little penis was perfectly erect with its squishy, pink head pointed at the ceiling. My usually pale skin was flushed with excitement and I didn't even have a single hair to hide my nudity behind.

While I sat on the floor in front of the love of my life, the reality of all that I promised began to settle in. Becky must've known how emotional I was becoming and told me I had nothing to be ashamed of. She reminded me that she loved me because I was so cute, meek and kept such naughty secrets. I squirmed on the floor when she whispered that I was going to make the most precious sissy bride to ever walk down an aisle.

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ken2305ken23056 months ago

What a wonderful story wish it was me walking down the isle in a bridal dress

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Refuse to marry the bitch and toss your Mother out of your life. And when Becky traps him near the end? Bite the shit out of her and end the nonsense. This was poorly done.

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 2 years ago

This is Absolutely Fabulous!!!!! Your stories are the Best!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sorry gurls,sissies and other, this one is not for me. Jildijow.

lawndartslawndartsover 3 years ago

I can't wait for Payson's bachlorette party; some Chippendale-type guy with a big cock is going to make a proper woman out of him.

BrendaNWBrendaNWover 4 years ago
very exciting story

Thank you, I am enjoying your story so far and hope you will continue their adventure.

cdCindy1cdCindy1almost 5 years ago
this gives me an idea

I'm a sissy CD gay husband (married to a woman) but I only want to be with men now. If and when I find a permanent boyfriend, I would love to be his bride, to wear his engagement ring and to walk down the aisle with everyone knowing that I'm a sissy gay bride. This is a dream of mine and maybe one day it will come true.

This story really turned me on. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

rdoolittlerdoolittlealmost 5 years ago
Another hit

Great imagery:"my quivering, balloon-knot of a hole". Made my day

SissyArleneSissyArlenealmost 5 years ago

What sissy doesn't dream of being the beautiful bride.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

grow some balls stupid men don't wear girls wedding rings or wear a bridal gown get the hell out while you have some dignity left next she will have you sucking men and they will be having sex with her and you will not RUN

trixie47cdtrixie47cdalmost 5 years ago
I liked the plot just fine, but...

Did I miss something, or is Becky the buxom Scandinavian blonde named Martinez?

Still a good read, but just the sort of continuity issues I have writing. Keep up the good work, hon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Don’t wait too long to write Part 2!

Please publish a continuation of this hot story line!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
I love it!

I thought the story was amazing,I hope that there's a part 2 to tell!

300bowler300300bowler300about 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
My Dream

I so dream of being a bride, wearing lots of lace. Wearing a bra with my breasts encased in lace. A tampon string in my lace panties.

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