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The drape was pulled back down, he moved to the other side. His work there was almost exactly the same. Everything looked just like he had witnessed many times in class and done himself when he was working.

Gene suddenly felt guilty, he was about to shut off the video and stop this, when Mark moved down and slid the drape aside, baring one side of her fanny completely.

Rather than fold the drape back towards himself, he moved it away. He didn't roll it, he simply let it drop.

Gene knew very well that to protect a client's modesty, that was backwards.

Mark's hands began to work back and forth, sideways, the tips of his fingers actually reaching into the cleft slightly.

The chatting stopped as they both fell silent.

Then Donna rolled her hips back and forth, opened her legs a few inches more. That almost innocent looking reaction was like an invitation, Gene had seen it several times himself while working not only on his wife but some other females.

The conversation stopped. Mark moved to the other side, repeated what he was doing. He was not actually touching her between her legs but he was clearly getting as close as could be done without actually touching her. The drape now lay right between Donna's bare cheeks, barely covering her.

Still, even though his fingers were tantalizingly close, Gene knew from his own experience that the man could not see her privates and he never actually touched her there.

But he also knew the sensations that had to be going through Donna's mind, he had felt them many times himself.

Gene realized he was holding his breath, leaning forward in his chair. From the camera angle, he could see right up to where the dark shadow from the drape kept her loins hidden. The scene was erotic, Gene shook his head to clear his thoughts.

The man moved and the screen blurred, Gene realized he was again looking at Mark's back. The man was down at the foot of the table, using both hands, one on each leg. He began to lean forward, then back.

Good lord! Was he stroking all the way up her legs, with them open like that? If he had not moved the drape, then he would be provided with a clear view!

Gene glanced at his watch, it had now been nearly 45 minutes.

He saw Mark appear to reach upwards, to pull on something, then he stepped to the side of the table. Donna's behind again appeared, the drape was now pulled down to mid thigh.

Did the man do that before, or after what he was just doing? Gene did not know but it sure did look like her covered her after. Plus her legs were now much further apart?

Gene watched as Mark worked out her back and shoulders, then he held the sheet high as she rolled over. Gene was treated for a couple of seconds to a view of his wife's naked body as she settled in, and Mark lay the drape over her.

He reached for a small towel, rolled that up and placed it over her drape covered breasts. Then he began to slide the sheet out from under the towel.

Once the drape was tucked in at her waist, Gene could see the rolled up towel, it was resting on her nipples, the bottom portion of her breasts were in view from the camera angle.

Mark began at her shoulders, his hands coming down to the tops of her breasts. This went on for quite some time, then his hands appeared to go even further.

There was a moment when Gene saw Donna twitch slightly, he was sure Mark had touched her nipple. But it was just the one time, so it could have been an accident.

Moving to her side, the man began clockwise circles over her belly. The drape was bunched up high enough at Donna's waist that he could not quite see Mark's hands, they appeared to be dropping very low on her abdomen.

Then his fingers splayed outwards and slid down, it looked like he was reaching clear under the drape alongside her pubic mound. He repeated that motion forward and back several times, then Gene saw Donna move her feet apart again a few inches!

Mark leaned down and said something, Donna opened her eyes, tipping her head upwards slightly. She smiled, then nodded.

Mark's hand reached across toward the opposite side of the drape, just as the screen went black!


Damn! The battery had given up. Gene looked at his watch, it was now barely an hour, he knew the session had lasted at least another half hour.

Then he heard Donna come in, he quickly set the pen back in it's holder, clicked the button on the laptop and brought up Yahoo.

"What are you doing, honey?" He heard her call out.

"Just surfing, babe. What did you buy me?" He got up and went out there, she had a couple of bags of groceries so he helped her store things away.


Not being able to see the final portions of her massage was frustrating, but now Gene had suspicions. The session had appeared to be very familiar to him, he had a fantasy in his mind that she had allowed Mark to take liberties.

Over the next week or so that grew in his mind, it was driving him nuts. Several times he came close to just asking, but each thing he thought of to say would sound weird.

Then it was Julie's turn to come by. Donna normally stayed out in the living room and watched TV during his own sessions, but this time she told him she was going to run down to the store for a few things. Gene gave her a kiss and told her to drive careful like he always did.

That was the first time she had ever left the house while Julie was there.

Julie arrived just as Donna was leaving, they chatted briefly, then she came on in.

"I will go get ready, just be a moment," he told her."

A few minutes later, Julie came back in and began the session. One thing Gene did like about her was that she started out differently every single time, sometimes she began at his feet, sometimes at his back, a few times she had even had him start out face up.

This time she began at his feet, working her way up his legs. It was just like the session he had seen with Donna, that vision popped into his head.

By the time she was standing by his side, and reached to work his butt through the drape, Gene had an enormous erection.

"You can not bother to drape the glutes if you don't mind." He told her. That was something she had never done before and he had never asked.

"OK. As long as you are comfortable with that." She told him with a soft titter, sliding the sheet towards herself.

"Oh, I am not bashful, it's just that the...uhh...hands directly on the flesh feels better." He managed.

Lord, that sounded lame. For a moment, Gene though Julie might take offense, but she giggled softly.

"Good. I am glad you are comfortable with me. Do you want me to work your upper thighs today also?" Julie asked him sweetly.

"That would be great, if you don't mind." He answered. There was an obvious catch in his voice, he couldn't hide that.

"Oh, I don't mind. Anything you would like, just..ask. Anything at all." Her voice now had a little teasing tone in it.

The usual conversation had taken a turn, to tiny hints. Gene was well aware of that. So had her strokes changed, they became slower, more sensuous. She let her hand rest on his butt cheek, gripped for a moment.

What Mark had been doing was in his mind, in his fantasy, and being relaxed by Julie's work, Gene was really aroused.

Julie's fingers slid up the back of his inner thighs, bumped his testicles, just for an instant.

"Oh! Sorry." She whispered that.

"It's all right." He told her quietly.

"In a bit of a...mood today, I see?" She asked, still whispering.

"Yes. I..your hands feel really good." He replied. Gene realized where this was headed.

Her hands stopped for a moment.

"How long do you think your wife will be gone?" She whispered leaning down close to his ear.

"At least another hour or so." He told her.

"Do you want me to...?" Julie's quiet voice trailed off, her fingers moved back and forth gently on his thigh just above the edge of the drape.

"Uh huh." Gene told her. It was now quite clear they were on the same page. Julie leaned down and whispered in his ear again. He was completely aware of her soft breast pressing light against his back.

"OK. I don't mind, as long as I like someone. I really like you." She looked him right in the eyes when he turned his head her way.

"I...uhh...think I would like...that." Gene answered.

"OK." She answered, moving towards the foot of the table.

Julie's hand then slid all the way up underneath him, it felt soft and slick. Her hands slid up and down the insides of his legs, then drew slowly downward, brushing his penis deliberately with each stroke. He felt the drape being pushed upwards with each stroke, then it slid off the side. Julie made no move to put it back.

It had been many years since Gene had had this done, back in college one young girl in his class had invited him over to "practice" and it was clear what that entailed.

That had been fun, both of them got to do what they could not do in class. Oddly, that had been just the one time, though. Later Gene had caught the glances between that girl and other men in the class, she apparently did that with all of them.

Now here he was, his therapist Julie was doing the same thing. There had been some teasing right along, but nothing had ever happened before. She did it while he lay there on his stomach, that was different. Her hand went up and down his length, teasing at first, then finally gripping firmly.

That first climax was shattering! She had slipped the soft towel underneath him, then with one oily hand she had rolled and squeezed him, his orgasm came quickly.

Next she had him roll over, and she quickly had Gene erect again. The draping had vanished.

Gene glanced up at Julie's face, she was smiling, staring at him.

"I love doing this." She told him.

That was an amazing session, Gene thought he should have felt guilty but he was reasonably sure his wife Donna had also allowed Mark some liberties with her.

At least now they were even. If she could, then he could, he rationalized.


Donna came home about an hour after Julie had left, she had a few packages.

"How was your session today, honey?" She asked. Normally she did ask, but it still gave him a guilty start.

"Uhhh...fine." He told her.

"Great." Was all she said, then she went in to fix dinner. Gene helped her with the dishes later, then went in to the living room to watch TV.

Everything was perfectly normal. Gene had carefully checked the drapes, put everything away and wiped down the table.

Any evidence was well hidden, he even took the small towel Julie had used out to the dumpster, they had dozens of those so he was sure it would not be missed.

Donna was busy doing something in the other bedroom, she came out finally and asked him to come in there.

"What, babe?" He asked.

"Just something to show you." She said.

"Oh, OK." He got up and stepped into the spare bedroom, came to a stop.

There on the now open laptop screen, frozen framed was Gene lying on the table, Julie's hand wrapped around his erection!

"I found your camera." She told him sweetly, an unfathomable look on her face.

"I..uhh...shit! Honey? I'm sorry. It just happened...When did you find out?" He asked her, flushing furiously.

"About an hour after your toys arrived I figured that out. Then I saw all of the antics you went through to set it up, so I messed with you for awhile before I let you. I figured you wanted a little show so I gave you one." She grinned at him.

"Besides, you charged the order to our credit card. So of course I figured it out." Donna snickered.

Gene's face flamed with guilt, there on the screen was clear evidence of his own indiscretion.

"That was a really shitty thing for you to do to me, I almost don't believe you would sneak a camera in there." She was now smiling at him, that didn't quite fit her words, especially since she had her arms folded across her chest.

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself? If you wanted to know you could have just asked, or even came in and watched if you wanted to."

He hung his head, ashamed of himself.

"I..the battery... and it looked like he was...?" Gene stammered, his face flaming.

"Yes, I know, but he wasn't. I played that video, too. You missed the really good part! I even spread my legs so you could see! I knew where Mark was standing that he couldn't see anything. Then your battery went dead, that is hilarious!" Donna started laughing.

"And I see I didn't miss the good part." She added when he didn't answer.

"I really don't believe...this!" She pointed at the screen, now frowning.

Gene was completely confused, she should have been screaming at him, angry.

But she wasn't?

"Honey, I'm sorry. It will never happen again."

"Don't be, I'm not. We are all grown up, the kids are gone, besides, from what I see here, you had a good time." She giggled again at that.

"I just thought, it looked like you let Mark...?"

"Well, I didn't. Not YET anyway! But I think he might, since he does try to peek sometimes. But I knew you were filming it so I let you look, Mark couldn't see anything standing up like that." Donna got up and came over and hugged Gene.

That was a surprise also, she didn't seem to be very mad? What in the hell was going on?

"It's OK, honey. It's just touch and that is all it would ever be, even if I did let anything happen." She told him.

"What? You mean are thinking about letting that guy...?"

"Well?" Donna again folded her arms across her chest, frowned at him.

"Honey, I really am sorry for spying on you. I was just...jealous." He told her.

"That's OK, I guess, but no more sneaking. Hell, I would have gladly let you film it if you asked. In fact, why don't you go get a better camera? This one sucks." She smirked.

"What?" He looked at Donna in shock.

"Well..after THAT??" She pointed at the screen, Julie's hand wrapped around his erection.

"I sort of think you owe me one!" She laughed.

Gene stood there, he had no idea of what to think, or say. This had not turned out anything at all like he had planned.

Donna turned and walked away, Gene braced himself for being stuck in the spare room for the night.

"Honey? Are you coming? Watching those videos has me horny as hell!" Donna stood in the bedroom door, smiling at him.

Gene started after her, she went into the bedroom, giggling. She already had her blouse off and was reaching for her slacks.

"Are you sure you didn't let Mark do anything?" He asked her.

"Nope. Of course not."

"But you did, with that Julie woman? So I still think you owe me." She added with a giggle.

Gene felt his body responding, her teasing was starting to really affect him.

"God. You are driving me nuts! You aren't mad?"

"I am a little bit, honey. And if you have that Julie come over here again, then remember that if you can, I can! How would you like it if I did that to Mark? You know how good I am at giving hand jobs. Maybe let him...diddle me some, too?" She snickered at that.

"I am sorry about that, I won't see Julie again." Gene told her.

"Oh. Darn. I was thinking of putting on a nice little show for you again?" She looked up at him and broke out laughing so hard she got tears in her eyes.

Gene looked back down at her. Donna lay there with her legs open, one hand idly moving between her legs.

It didn't help him to clear his thoughts since her other hand was sliding up and down his erection by then.

"Mark really is cute! So you had better remember that this thing is mine!" She teased him later.

Gene felt his face flush at that.

Was she just kidding? Or was she serious? He didn't know for sure. But he had violated her trust, in more ways than one.

Yet the whole time, she had had the upper hand?

Her reaction was completely confusing.

Still, Gene knew he had some repairs to make.

"I do love you, Babe. I won't ever do anything like that again." Gene told her.

"I know. I love you too! If you ever want to know anything, just ask me. If you want to know what Mark does, come on in and watch. Or go buy a better camera, those things suck. I bet I can give you a show you will love." Donna said.

"Now, shut up. Come on, let's make up!" She told him. She shoved him back on the bed, straddled him.

I was very clear that Donna had the upper hand.

Gene was not minding that one bit.


Things did settle down, back to normal. They both skipped getting their massages for a few weeks.

Then came a knock on the door, Donna answered.

"Package for you, honey." She had an odd look on her face.

"Oh, good." He began to open it.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Our new camera." He told her with a grin.

"Really? Are you serious?"

"Yes, I think I am. I want to know how far he will go." Gene told her.


"Yes, see? It's a digital clock, there is a camera inside."

Donna took it and looked it over carefully.

"So where are we going with this, honey?" She asked him.

"I was thinking, keep it just to touching, we can sit and watch the video together later?"

"So you want me to be naughty, honey?" Donna smiled at him.

"I think I would like to watch that, I don't know why, I just do. But just touch, OK?"

"You mean? Like when I watched Julie get you off?" She snickered.

"Yea. I think that got you hot." Gene told her.

"Come on, admit it, it did." He added when Donna didn't answer.

"OK. Yes, that was fun. I have watched it a dozen times, when you are at work." She smiled a knowing smile at her husband.

"Yes, I know. That is why I bought this camera." Gene grinned at her. Donna was already starting to rub his leg.

"Let's go to the bedroom." He put his arm around her.

"To test this thing out." He added.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Fucking cuck might as well go ahead let mark fuck her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Still again. A husband willing to be a cuck, not a jealous bone in his body unable to feel anger or even resentment. You make Neville Chamberlain look like an angry forceful man. Wimpy stories, although well written. Why bother spying if you won't take action?

jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Fine fun story. Can't take these stories too serious. Can't take life too serious. A wife with a little play fullness is a lot of fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Boy that was a big nothing...

.... a big bore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
and the line....

Has been crossed into his being a cuckold. Wants to watch wife get being being fucked

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
A real first class individual, that one.

Your protagonist got what he deserved... for being as dumb as a bucket full of rocks.

All he has done, is give her a get-out-of-jail free card, not that she'd ever need it.

She's been hanging horns on her their whole lives and he would never have known any better, if she didn't want to bring him in from the cold. Now, she has him thinking they are exploring a little bit of kink, and that he was the one caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

She also has him thinking that the new camera is his idea, not hers, where in real life, she is finally getting off on hubby happily agreeing to let another man fuck with the beloved golden pussy, watching it, and recording it all for posterity.

Her and her big boy-toy masseur will laugh about it later as she wipes his cum from her face and offers him her asshole again.

She already knows how she is gonna get hubby to lock his cock cage all by himself... and smile like an idiot when he does so.

And the boy she danced with? You know what he said to her, looking over to hubby sitting on his hands, waiting like a good boy? He said, "How about we take this up a notch, slut? How about we make cucky suck my cum straight out of you tomorrow, instead of you putting it in his meals like you normally do?"

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

which is mightier, TK U MLJ LV NV

racfguyracfguyabout 10 years ago


I just finished reading most of your stories in the order in which they were submitted (by the dates). (I didn't read the Sci Fi ones - they are too weird for my liking.)

You have one hell of an imagination. I liked the earlier submissions better than the recent ones

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Beyond great

Only a complete moron would not find any enjoyment from this great tale. 5-Stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Beyond Stupid!

Only a complete moron would find any enjoyment from this idiotic tale. 1-Star

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