Philanthropy Pt. 05

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Peter Chase enters the end game.
31k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/24/2020
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Philanthropy Part Five

Peter Chase misses his Shanti. Amanda has moved in and so has Dana, apparently. Peter wraps up his long-term plans for the Carvers. Will an assassin ruin his plans, or will Peter prevail? This is the end game, and Peter has only one hand to play and everything to lose.

You'll need to read the following first:

1. Part One: The Carvers (16K words),

2. Part Two: Building the Case (23K words),

3. Part Three: Reaction and Action (27K words), and

4. Part Four: The Offensive (23K words).

Meanwhile, I'm getting a cup of tea. Want one?

Before you settle in, I suggest a supply of tissues, a favourite toy, lube (of course!), and some wet wipes, be close on hand. If you are on a bus, subway, airplane, or some other public transportation, do not touch yourself! That's bad!

Constructive comments always appreciated.

Part Five: End Game

Imani had just left my condo leaving only her scent behind and I wandered back into my bedroom. I stopped and stared at the beautiful scene before me. The duvet and sheets on my bed were in complete disarray and exposed my two wonderful girls, Amanda and Dana, in their most wonderful places.

Amanda was awake and was watching me over the rise of Dana's right breast and nipple. Lower down her luscious ass cheeks were poking free of the tangle of sheets. Dana was on her back and snoring softly. Her torso and abdomen were exposed, but the sheets barely covered her pussy and hinted at the hidden treasure. Amanda was lying mostly on her side with her head inside the arm of Dana, with most of her face hidden. Her view to the doorway meant looking past Dana's glorious breasts. She watched me like a hawk eyeing its prey. Or a cat ready to pounce. I glanced at her ass to see if it was shaking back and forth.

"I got one more shot in me, want it?" I asked her and disrobed.

She smiled and nodded.

"Good. I want you to move in with me. Permanently. That be okay?"

Her eyes went a little wide and watery. She nodded.

"Perfect. I kind of want to fuck you doggy style with your pussy right over Dana's sleeping face. When she wakes up, she's in for an eye full."

Amanda's eyes crinkled and I knew she was smiling. She lifted her head a little and saw her teeth grinning at me. She spoke in a whisper. "Your cock needs some attention first. It looks all deflated and sad. Come here and let me warm it up."

I approached the bed and Amanda carefully extricated herself from Dana and then slid down the bed and lay on her back. She pushed with her feet until her head lay over the edge of the bed.

Amanda pointed at her mouth. "Right here."

I straddled her face and placed my semi-hard cock into her waiting mouth. Amanda rarely did this, and I admit it was sending excited thoughts through my head. Amanda closed her lips around my shaft and sucked gently, drawing more of my cock into her mouth. Her tongue swirled and my cock grew harder and elongated into her mouth and throat. Her hands reached around me and grabbed my ass cheeks and held me in place. I held still and felt her tap on my ass, and I pulled back. She drew in air and then lifted her head to push more cock into her mouth and throat.

We settled into a routine and I watched Amanda's breasts jiggle and wiggle. Her knees were drawn up and to the side, hiding her pussy from view. Her hands on my ass pulled me deeper and soon I was fucking her throat, gently and slowly. She would tap me for air, and I would withdraw for a moment. It was sensual and erotic. It was my cock and her mouth, and she loved it just as much as me.

Now and then, I would withdraw completely and place my balls on her mouth. I would stroke my cock, slick with her saliva, while she basted my balls with loving licks with her broad tongue. When her spit started to dry, I would return my cock to her warm, wet mouth.

I was ready to fuck Amanda and said so. She shook her head and kept at it. Unable to speak she just kept sucking and deep throating me and I felt my cum rise in volume inside me and demand release.

"Amanda, I'm going to cum..." I warned her.

She nodded her head a little and started to suck harder. I gave her air and then she drove me deep in her throat and swallowed around my shaft and cock head. My cum surged and I basked in the powerful sensation of my ejaculate shooting down Amanda's throat. She hummed around my orgasm and drove my cock harder into her throat and swallowed all that I gave her. Which, after hours of fucking two women, wasn't much. It still felt fantastic. Ten out of ten, I would do it again.

She tapped my ass, and I withdrew completely from her mouth. She rolled over and then licked at my shrinking cock. Drawing out my remaining cum and generally just enjoying herself. She swallowed and coughed a little.

"A little down the windpipe. Out of practice. But that was fun," she purred. "I didn't want to wake Dana. Let her rest, the poor thing."

"Hungry?" I asked her.

She popped my cock free of her mouth and nodded. "Yeah, starving. And thirsty!"

I held out my hand and helped her off the bed when she grasped it. I pulled her into an embrace and lowered my mouth to hers and we kissed. My hands roamed and stroked her back, ass, and shoulders. She melted into my arms and for a time it was just her and I in the world.

"Let's have a nice breakfast, you and I," I said and wrapped my arm around her waist and led her to the kitchen.

She made us wear robes and reminded me about Brad, who lived two bedrooms down.

I kept forgetting about Brad. He was about intrusive as a fart in a windstorm. I missed Shanti. She would probably be in my other arm right about now.

Amanda helped me into the kitchen. She was really starting to fit in with me in the kitchen. She stayed out of the way and helped in areas without having to be asked. I felt it was like a dance where your partner knows all the right moves. We were in step and I really enjoyed it. Soon we were sitting in the sunroom, already warm with the morning sun against the cool Fall air outside. We nibbled on fresh fruit and scones with jam and Devonshire clotted cream and ruined it all with hot coffee. It needed tea, but we needed the caffeine more.

She lay against me, sitting up with her legs tucked under her and covered by her robe. She had one hand inside my robe and played with my cock. This forced me to have to feed her, which she truly enjoyed. It was a win-win, in my books.

"This is nice," she said. "I love this afterglow with you. I could get used to it."

"It is nice. Better than nice."

We sat in silence, enjoying our food, when she pressed a little harder against me. "Are you going to be okay with me moving in? For how long? Should I be moving my things in here?" she asked, and I could hear the trepidation in her voice.

"I haven't given it much thought," I answered as honestly as I could. When it had occurred to me this morning, it was kind of me just opening my mouth without giving it too much thought. Now that I thought about it, I worried Amanda would misunderstand my intentions. "I want you close to me. This thing with the Carvers is really serious. Here I can watch over you. Keep you safe. I won't have to worry about you. I can't go through what happened to you, again. I'm not strong enough."

Amanda said nothing. She sipped her coffee and idly played with my cock, which was done for the next little while. It stayed soft in her hands, and I know she adored that. "You said permanently..."

I had. I had meant for a much longer time than normal. Not forever. Amanda would often stay with me for days and days and then disappear back into her own world. Months would pass and she would reappear at my door. When she was here, she kept to herself. I would forget she was there, and she would surprise me when I noticed her. It was simply the way things worked. What had I meant by permanently? I was fairly sure I meant she stay for a month or two.

I might have fucked up.

No way was I admitting that.

"Just you for now," I finally said, trying to force conviction into my voice. "You'll need some things obviously. But you should keep your apartment, if that's what you mean."

Amanda nodded. "Thought so..."

"We can look for a new wardrobe for you, too," I added to sweeten the pot. "Top to bottom. All new Amanda stuff."

Her hand on my cock got a little eager.

"Stay with me, Amanda. Not just for a few days like you always do. Stay until we sort out this Carver business."

"And how long will that be?"

I had no idea. This could go on for months or more. "I have no idea," I sighed.


"Yeah? That easy?"

"Yes. I want to. You're right. I feel safe here. I wouldn't be at home."

"Then it's settled."


We finished the breakfast, and I refilled our coffees. Amanda insisted I return to where I had been sitting and Amanda resumed her position, with her hand snaking back inside my robe.

"Can I ask you something, Amanda?"


"The drug thing. I know you said it was in the past, but I'm worried the heroin overdose sets you back. I read about addiction and that dose is bound to fuck you up. Are you okay?"

"Not now, okay?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just really worried, is all. Worried about you. You seem fine. Perfectly normal. Would you tell me if something was bothering you? A relapse?"

"Not now. Please. I'm not ready to talk about it. I'm okay. That's all you need to know. I'm dealing with it."


We were interrupted by Dana who emerged naked from the bedroom wiping sleep from her eyes. "Coffee? I smell coffee. Me wants..."

I chuckled. "Our daughter is awake, my dear."

Amanda squeezed my cock hard. "Don't call her that."

"Our step-daughter?"

Amanda snorted and spilled a little of her coffee on her robe. "Dammit! You made me spill my coffee!"

Dana was wandering about, not fully awake.

"Over on the counter, Dana."

Dana turned around in the kitchen and spied the coffee. In moments she joined us but sat across from us and sipped watching us.

"That was great last night, Peter. Thank you. You too, Amanda. It was perfect," she said as the caffeine opened her eyes a little more. "But I'm so sore! My pussy hurts." She opened her legs a little and we were exposed to her pussy. She touched herself and then winced. "Ouch! Right there!"

"Friction burns," I said, feeling rather smart.

Amanda sympathised and told her to lay off fucking for a few days.

"Days!" whined Dana. "I can't go days now that I know just how truly awesome it is! Why'd I wait so long?"

"You didn't wait. You weren't ready. Now you are," soothed Amanda.

Dana touched herself a little more, wincing and looking for exactly where it hurt, and then closed her legs. "My poor muffin. It will never be the same," she said with drama in her voice.

"That's because you fucked Peter as your first. Sex will never be the same," replied Amanda. "Trust me. You'll look, but you'll always come back."

My ego thanked her.

"Is Shanti coming back then?" asked Dana and I stiffened hearing the name.

Amanda looked up at my face before replying. "I honestly don't know."

"I do," I said. "Imani visited me this morning. Told me Shanti is done with me."

"Imani said that? Wait, why was she here?" asked Amanda.

"Dana's parents are suing me. Again. They've filed civil lawsuits against me citing the broken arm, threats to him, his wife and even you Dana. Imani says I will need to testify for this one. The police are also being sued for not charging me. Imani calls it strange behaviour."

Dana was nodding. "Yeah, I should have told you. Mom's been working hard on it. Talks to dad all the time and its always about the lawsuits."

I found that interesting, but not unexpected.

Amanda was thinking. "Imani said Shanti was done with you?"

I nodded.

"I don't think that's true, Peter. I think she'll be back. And I think you need her back."


"You call out her name in your sleep, that's why. You're not over her."

I found that odd. Of course, I'm asleep at the time, so who knew?

Dana found it odd, too. "He says her name? Doesn't that bother you, Amanda?"


Dana gaped at that. "Nope?"

"He says my name, too," she replied with a coy smile up at me.

I did?

Dana looked surprised. "Does he say my name?"

Amanda looked sadly at Dana. "Not yet, hon."

Dana looked upset.

"He's only just met you, Dana. Give it time."

Dana put down her coffee cup and rose. She looked more than a little upset. She walked away into the bedroom and in moments reappeared with her clothes on. She looked over at us and then left my condo.

I turned back into my seat and wrapped an arm around Amanda. "Strange."

"She's eighteen. She's going to live by your deeds and words. She'll analyse everything you say to death. Find hidden meanings. She's crushing on you hard. Trust me."

I did. I always trusted Amanda. "I always trust you, Amanda."

"Can I trust you to go to bed with me and not try to fuck me? We need sleep, baby."

"Yup. My dick is done anyway. Otherwise, no, I would fuck your beautiful brains out. But right now? Sleep wounds wonderful."

Amanda didn't move and we lay there a moment, comfortable and at peace. The sun through the glass of the sunroom felt soothing and warm. After a bit, we fell asleep.

* * *

The next morning, I received a phone call from Roger Daniel, the CEO of Insight Financial, the company I 'work' for. He rarely contacts me, and I picked up right away.

"Peter! Sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you could come round the office this morning? I apologise for the last minute, but there are some things I need to discuss with you. In person."

"Really? No one works in the office these days. Can we not just do an online meeting, as usual?"

"I would rather do it in person. I've asked your team to come round as well."

"My team? Roger, you know I don't like anyone speaking to them."

"And as CTO it's your right. I haven't said anything to them. Just asked they be available in person this morning. What time can you come round?"

I blew out an exasperated breath. I was thinking hard, too. What would Roger have to speak to me about? I worried it involved my special code but knew that was impossible. It had to be something else. "What's this about, Roger? Tell me that at least?"

"I wanted to simply congratulate you on the success of the latest build. The clients are non-stop praising it. I mentioned this to Dawn, and she said she wasn't aware of a new build. I found that strange, don't you?"

Dawn Waters is a programmer in my team. She's brilliant. And Roger was correct, I had completely bypassed my team on this. I was so urgent to get my code out to deal with the Carvers and LTG, that I had gone into independent mode and completely isolated my team. I sighed. "I understand, Roger. I may have gone solo on this. You know how I get. So, what is this? An intermediation so I can apologise?"

"Something like that. Dawn said she wants to speak with you in person, too. Seemed easiest to just call you and your team in. Can we say around ten o'clock?"

"Yeah. I'll be there. Listen, I have a bodyguard now, that won't be a problem, will it?"

"No, of course not. I've read all the newspaper articles about you. You keep getting hurt. That park business was horrible. Thought we were going to lose you."

I bet he was worried. Without me the company wouldn't exist or succeed. "Yeah, it's been strange. I'll be there at ten, Roger. See you then."

"Bye, Peter, and thanks."

"No problem. Later."

I hung up and then told Amanda the bad news. I would have to leave her in the apartment alone. She smiled at me and proved to me just how smart she was.

"No problem, I'll have Dana over. No way her parents try anything with their daughter here. I'll be fine."

I kissed her. "You rock, baby. I won't be long."

"Hurry back."

I nodded and then moved to the bedroom area. "Brad? Come on, I've got to go to my work for a couple of hours."

Brad emerged dressed and ready.

"Um, that was fast."

"I heard your call and got ready."

"Just how much can you hear in this place?"

Brad looked pained. "Too much, mate. Far too much."

"Huh. Fancy that. Okay, lets go! I'm driving!"

Brad shook his head and led the way down to the garage.

I now owned a Ford Edge Titanium. I had loved the rental so much I had upgraded to owning one. It was far snappier than my old Hyundai and had great acceleration with the V6. It was like driving a great big marshmallow with first class seating. I loved it, but still missed my Hyundai.

Soon, we pulled out of the garage and headed to Insight. I actually had to think for a moment about how to get there. I had only been in the building a handful of times over the years. All IT businesses are run remotely these days. Everyone works from home and can't imagine fighting traffic or riding the bus or any of that old world bullshit. COVID-19 didn't even accelerate it. IT companies were already used to it. COVID-19 only shook the old dinosaur businesses and got them to realise they should have done this years ago.

Insight Financial is located in Canada's Silicon Valley in a small building. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but the software literally runs almost every financial institution or business in the world. We even provide free software for small businesses under twenty employees and to the public for personal use. This had been my strategy. Everyone grew up knowing the software and then worked for businesses and expected the same software. Kind of like how Microsoft used to be.

Brad complained the route to Insight could only take a few paths, and he was constantly in motion, looking around us as I pushed the SUV down the highway leading further west of the city. I had some Tragically Hip blasting from my speakers and was singing badly to 'Ahead By A Century'. It was a crisp Fall day in early October. The weathermen were predicting a hard winter with lots of snow, and I pondered my interest in staying in Canada.

I mean, I could live anywhere, couldn't I? Why not somewhere warm? Mai Tais and Pina Coladas on a sunny beach. Scantily clad women frolicking in the water. Yeah, I could learn to adjust.

I was in the long stretch of the highway before my turn off. I had about six kilometres to go and the Tragically Hip changed songs to 'New Orleans Is Sinking' and I was belting out the lyrics. My foot pressed the gas a little harder and my speed climbed to 130km/h. I was in the HOV lane and thoroughly enjoying myself.

I had to ask myself what it was I was doing with Amanda. I had never invited anyone to live with me. I was trying to determine if I was slowly losing my Zen when Brad spoke up.

"We are being followed. I wasn't sure at first, but the vehicle just sped up to match our speed."

Instantly concerned, I looked in my rear view and spotted a blue truck booting it in the HOV behind me a good distance back. It looked like a Silverado. It was closing. "It's just in the HOV like me."

Brad leaned over and glanced at my speed. "And it's going faster than 130. Switch lanes. Move to the right-hand lane and slow down to the speed limit."

I did as he instructed and watched the rear view as the truck maintained its speed but moved over to my lane. I was suddenly extremely nervous. "What do I do? It stayed with me and is closing."

"You won't unrun it. It's a V8 and has more power than you. Stay in this lane and accelerate. Get up to 140."

I did as he asked. I kept checking my rear view and had to swerve to avoid cars in front of me. I was blazing a trail, and the truck had no problem closing the gap. It was now only a hundred yards behind me.
