All Comments on 'Pig'

by edrider73

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wow, some serious mental issues exhibited here. Shouldn't this be in the rape category, since that is what she did?

Very interesting, and very disturbing. So sad his betrayal scrambled the wife's brains. Can you imagine what sort of children this marriage would produce? God help civilization!

badinbedbadinbedabout 8 years ago
Yup, she clearly loves him!

Yeah, that relationship is going to work long-term! Sorry but this is a just plain unbelievable story by any stretch. I don't get the whole willing cuckold thing, but accept that some are into that and that it happens. This is something entirely different though. It's a story about HATE not love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Did you fall off your horse

and land on your head before you wrote this crap?

I hope so because I hate to think you think it is good.

MbgdallasMbgdallasabout 8 years ago
Overall well written.

But just a horrible story. love? Not an ounce of it in her. That was the action of pure hate. People who love people don't go out of the way to that extreme to hurt someone they love. There is no way he can still love her after the purposeful hurt she put on him. Her therapist was right and now they both need some severe help.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Is This A Rewrite?

Why would you repost this POS story? The topic was bad then and still bad now. It's still a 1 and always will be in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

This is no "loving wives" story. This is S/M junk coming out of a sick mind. If that is what she does to someone she "loves" I wonder what would she do to someone she hates. Very disturbing. Rape is the fantasy of an inferior mind who needs the power of the abuse to fell superior for an instant. Torture and rape sholud not be under "loving wives".

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
BTB (bastard in this case)...

BTB (bastard in this case)...It's well written, but it has a lot of issues that would end any marriage, love or no love...Sure he cheated...But her extreme measures would really save their marriage? I don't know, but I'm almost sure it wouldn't...This arises another question: If she was the one cheating would it be looked as natural for him to exert the same kind of revenge on her? 3*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Hope so! Moron

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well, that is some sick shit! It is obviously a dissociative fantasy, as there is almost...

....nothing of reality in it.

What she did was a felony in most parts of the world.

It is illegal to restrain a person against their will.

It is illegal to torture a person.

It is illegal to force a person into sex acts distasteful to them.

It is illegal to partially suffocate a person.

I believe that coercion is also illegal in most places.

Combinations of two or more of any of these things constitute endangerment and are a clear and present threat to the life and well being of the subject.

He should have opted for divorce. No one, and I mean no one will Tay in love with someone that forces them to things they find painful, offensive, hurtful or betraying.

He should take back up with his boss, since wifey seems so bent on playing out more sicko shit in order to stay together.

Why would anyone with the brainstorm hold down a job want ongoing pain, torture and humiliation in their marriage? Because they're a sick puppy!

Anyone of a more normal cut of cloth, would blow out of that deal like a cannonball from it's seat in the cannon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Same Old Story

You may have rewritten it but it is the same old story. It was distasteful before and hasn't improved.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

He needs to strangle Lori and then slit his own wrists.

The gene pool needs weeded out from people like them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Not quite finished.... should end with the slow and sadistic torture of Lori, Misty, and Iris. All three are totally depraved; and should pay a painful price.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Agree with "Whoa"- what demented assholes allowed this shit to be posted?


kimi1990kimi1990about 8 years ago
What possessed you?

Nothing remotely interesting or hot about any of this. It did have that "mortification" tag, so I had to read it. Never pass up a story with the "mortification" tag.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

"I don't understand, You get excited by thinking about watching me have sex with someone else, but you would be devastated if it ever happened."

That's not so hard to understand. There can be many things that the IDEA, in theory, sounds exciting, but to actually DO them would be anathema.

SlirpuffSlirpuffabout 8 years ago
WTF ??

At least she now knows she's a sick fuck...

Let her make that appointment... I would just tell her...

"You've got to sleep some time." and smile like a mother fucker...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

great LW story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

She would have quietly disappeared a few months later and her friends would also be in trouble.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It's about the comments

That's why the author writes about the things he/she does. It's all to provoke a reaction from the reader. Knowing the type of people that reads this section, this kind of story will definitely get a response. All that said, I ask for all you BTB writers to post your chapter 2 to this. Maybe something includes psychological warfare.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Great LW story?

Damn Bonnie, your tastes haven't improved any. Give me a fucking break, will you.

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsabout 8 years ago
I liked some aspects of it

... although a good bit of it is outside my comfort zone, I think. A lot of what you write fits well in the BDSM, Non-consent buckets and this might have received a better review in those categories. That said I wouldn't let the narrow minded comments from those who live inside a small box in the LW realm discourage your future endeavors.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well if you are a sick little cuck, bad things will happen.

Thats why the sickos like this shit, being degraded turns them on. Yikes?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Might have been good

Less then five minutes of anal won't have you having heal and stay out of work. Come on he was lubed too. What he did was wrong and she more then got back at him for it. So then you have her doing this forever? Make him watch the video. Make him have anal until he likes it. Suck someone.

soldierboy50401soldierboy50401about 8 years ago
I Can Honestly Say I've Read Worse Stories Than This.....

.....but not very many. Three stars for the writing, one star for the content. Basically a $5,000.00 fine for a $50.00 crime. Totally disproportionate response which detracts any sense of reality to the story. Maybe that was the intent but just not my thing. But no matter what, keep on writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Total Trash

What kind of sick mind could conceive of this story. Get help and get a real life!

LostnFoundBinLostnFoundBinabout 8 years ago

Ed didn't you post this story once before? It might be a classic "get everyone angry" story by why the repeat. Having read all the other stuff you wrote I know you were starting to struggle with new revenge ideas. Your stories were becoming "wash, rinse, repeat" versions of each other. So I'll admit I was hoping you found a new and original manner to address a cheating spouse. I was sadly disappointed with you just reposting an old story. I may not like what you write but you certainly have a special way of writing it that can't be ignored. Hopefully something better next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
edrider73 over 18? seriously hard to believe.

He would own all three women for the rest of their lives. They just became his property when they decided that it was ok to commit a couple felonies. Utterly ridiculous.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 8 years ago
I don't blame her for being angry. I wouldn't blame her for having an affair.

I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a divorce and took him to the cleaners; but degrading, humiliating and RAPING him for one night was immoral and worse, illegal. To confess it to a therapist is tantamount to calling the police, she just admitted to a string of felonies but to become so angry with him that she will need to hurt him again and again and again...that isn't love, that's abuse and that means there is only one option, divorce.

The worst part: that she enjoys hurting him. That she was giddy with joy at hurting him. That she was wet imagining how much she could hurt him. If a man was turned on physically abusing his wife, that he got hard imagining how much pain he could inflict on her, that he was excited at the prospect of hurting her EVEN AS SHE WAS HEALING, you would be disgusted with him, and the suggestion that the damage isn't permanent is ridiculous because the mental scars will accumulate and if she gets off on his pain, she will need to hurt him more and more.

gordo12gordo12about 8 years ago

Sorry, but I didn't care much for it. 2*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Can't be bothered!!

Too stupid to bother even writing about this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

... you sure got a lot of the basement dwellers stirred up with this story edrider :-)

It's pretty well written, as I would expect from you, but of course the story is way out there and the subject is a sensitive one for the testosterone challenged part of the readers. However in my opinion it's imaginative and fun. So, well done sir.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
re: anonymous-wow

Yep, I see you finally got out for some fresh air. All that light made you dizzy, didn't it?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Yes indeed.

The ravings of a sick mind. Normal fare for most of the offerings in this category.

GoodhueGoodhueabout 8 years ago
Oh Esquire

It isn't Lori who'll need to call a lawyer,but Edwin will. After he's charged with murder,he'll certainly be in need of a defense attorney.

He might even get Murder One,after the jury finds out that premeditation was surely involved in his ramming the dynamite stick up Lori's ass and then lighting the fuse.

Sure he felt a little sorry as he watched them scraping Lori off the walls,but then again,she had it cumming!!!

2ServeWoman2ServeWomanabout 8 years ago
It started out erotic but, suddenly turned creepy

It was a tad over the top - way too much - it would have been more erotic had she just gone with the cuckold part with just one other man and also having him suck him off, gradually increasing his humiliation to sucking and being taken anally by him - and to be such extreme and then clean herself out before having him perform analingus on her?

Really, too extreme - but it started out hot!

Sorry, as kinky and nasty as I have had to be, it just was too much for even me!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Like that author, idiotic and cheap!!! MINUS 5*!!

He only has one topic: Idiocy; like him self!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Just when you thnk This site cannot get any worse

This crap gets published. I wish there was a minus 1000 option available.

7daysuntil7daysuntilalmost 8 years ago
After all of that...

The wife should have divorced him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
The story by a brain sicj author!!! MINUS 5*!!!

Only real brain sick or pervert people can write such an idiotic crap!!! You have to be real insane to think the law would not cut through that criminal slut!!! He goes to the police with the cd and she and her co-perpetrator go to prison for a long time!! I thik you are a ugly old bag who is full of hate against men an thats your idiotic criminal way to get revenge!! Only laughable!!!

SimplyMikeSimplyMikeover 7 years ago
What the F**K!

Why put this in the 'Loving Wives' category???? Revenge never really works in any positive way although it might be satisfying at the time..... but to take revenge in this manner is sick and way, way, way over the top..... and to keep on doing it is just perverse. I know it's a 'story' but it's just unrealistic and stupid. Nobody, man or woman, would submit to such actions without being a sick pervert to start with and, from the intro, neither of them were. Sorry, edrider73, it's just too way out, 1* only and that's grudging.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

fag cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
uneasy read

I can't adequately explain my reaction to this story. First, it is well written. Next, it is compelling, I felt compelled to follow it through to the end. Beyond that, it is such a bizarre and unusual story, that I'm pretty sure I could never dream up such a story line. The hubby allows himself to be dominated by his female boss, and then lets his wife terrorize him emotionally and physically .... especially physically. In the end, I'm left with the feeling that they are both completely deficient personalities. He is terribly submissive, and she is a deranged sadist. Perhaps they had recognized their mutual non-conformism and that's what allowed them both to continue loving the other. This is a very strange story, but one I'll not forget for a long time. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Ed, are you off your meds again?

Seriously, the therapy doesn't seem to be working.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Minus 10000 stars, no further comment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
stop writing

I've read 2 of your stories and nothing is good. no good characters no interesting plot and the males are closeted homos at best. as people write what they like usually id recommend you get a vasectomy to prevent dilution of the gene pool.

oh and i forgot my signon names irish you pathetic sub cum sucking sissy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
An incredible piece of 💩

You should see a doctor instead of writing crap 💩 💩

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

You should see a funeral polar!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Even after finding her husband and boss,what she did was overkill and no one no matter how much in love is going to suffer his humiliation without responding by divorcing her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
you need help

go see a shrink.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Don't write anymore. All u have written are shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A cheating pig is married to a bigger sow!!!

Whats the message of your crap? A brain sick wife is married to a cheater and for her revenge she goes far exceed the proper dosage! The husband at your stories is always the idiot and accepts her humiliations!! And you cite as an example thats love!!! Funny thing! Could it be that your brain isnt working that good?? Maybe that you need the therapy!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
It's not rare

IT'S NOT RARE AT ALL that a man marries a woman who loves sex as much as him,or EVEN MORE!On the contrary,THAT HAPPENS QUITE OFTEN!When someone REALLY LOVES a partner,then IT'S OBVIOUS that the respective person MUST LOVE VERY MUCH HAVING SEX WITH THAT PARTNER!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ick. It's neither revenge, loving wifes or even realistic

I dunno why this is put into "loving wifes". Maybe it should be put in the "Humiliation" (if there is) category

deblackbusterdeblackbusterover 6 years ago
LOL! These stories are insane

Yet I can't stop reading them. Like watching a train wreck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
psychopathic author writing disgusting shit

Score 1*. (lowest score available)

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
No problem that psychotic author has quit writing his crap!!!

More crap as written by that psycho wasnt possible. But we all know his degenerated organ called brain couldnt get better stories! So be generously with him!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Simply awful.

She "oinks" he packs his bags and leaves her, filing for a divorce the next day. Some men would simply put a bullet between her eyes. Another terrible story by the King of crap.

49greg49gregalmost 6 years ago
I agree

I agree with the previous comment that said this story/these stories is/are insane, but I can't stop reading them. Most make me smile. Some are sort of sexy in weird ways.

OK so maybe I'm twisted.

Oh yeah, I voted 5 stars for this story, in fact most of this author's stories that I've read got five stars. I think only one got less.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

That's what would be in store for this sick bitch and her accomplices. Then across the border to a new life with a nice new identity.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
WTF was that????

First and last story I'll read by this author. Why would he wait for her to call her attorney? Why wouldn't he call his attorney and move out immediately? Who would spend another single minute in the house with the crazy bitch, let alone a whole night? Not only is this crap unfinished, which I hate, but it has to be the most disgusting story I've ever read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I’ll remember the name so I never read any more of this totally non erotic crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Kick the psycho to the curb if you're a man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Loving wifes?

Absolutely Not!! Not only this sick cucks Posting their weird fetish here, no ... Also this sicko here! If you take a Look at his other stories (u don't Need to See many), you See only this Kind of shit. Many Hands up his ass! Its always about limbs in his ass!

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

What a stunning piece of shit!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
another wimpy story loser crap

shit of your shit crap writing loser wimp

iameaseliameaselalmost 4 years ago

Another "Hey I wrote the worst stories on LW and no one can do worse" followed by another writer saying "hold my beer" moment.

RanDog025RanDog025over 3 years ago

Doesn't even deserve a vote!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Are you fucking kidding! How about blasting her and the other bitches.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I started to read, but I saw the author’s name and stopped. If you’ve suffered through one of his stories you really don’t have to read another (they’re all the same). No imagination.

BigfundrewBigfundrewabout 3 years ago

Gee, someone hates men. It's telling that it never occurred to author or her character to confront, retaliate against, or even complain about the other woman, even knowing her husband was blackmailed to start.

MormonJackMormonJackalmost 3 years ago

I really dislike the imbalance. What MCdid amounted to betrayal and humilliation. What she did amounted to assault, unlawful imprisonment, and rape. And now she gets to call out "oink." To the MC I would say ... Dude, get the divorce. You don't want to have kids with this "woman." There are plenty of women that would humiliate you without resorting to rape, assault and kidnapping.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The sick bitch over shot the revenge so much that I had to skip ahead to see what the cuck was going to do. Realized he was sicker than her. They belong together but not in a story. Poor.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 3 years ago

I'm holding out for the musical version!!! As always, a refreshingly different take on the usual theme!!! 5/5!

TrstxxxTrstxxxover 2 years ago

Liked the story. The husband fucked up a great marriage by not telling his wife about his boss’s blackmail. But as for the wife’s degradation of the husband…I’d love my wife to make me do those things. Maybe I’m sicker than the characters, according to other comments lol.

DentalFlossTycoonDentalFlossTycoonover 2 years ago

Five and follow, I like the ending. Part of the sex scene is the same as one in my story. Still going to use it though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can see that this is the rarest of rare writers who writes such shit that he does not even get good ratings in other easier categories… forget LW

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

ok, terrible story and v sick couple. I put up w/ her until im healed and we think its time to have sex again cuz she loves me (BS) and i love her(piled hier and deeper). So were forplaying or maybe ive fucked her semi senseless, shes relaxed half asleep and then i slip the restraints on her hands and then her feet, i put an emesis basin under her ass and cunt as best i can, get some pliable plastic and jury rig a system so that if she pees during the rest of our "fun" it will get directed into emesis basin, maybe i change the sheets and put plastic or waterproof ones. what i plan to do periodically and as i wish, is to play breathing games w/ her. i will cut off her airway manually or w/ ropes belts whatever until she passes out, then i will release the tension and let her breathe again. She doesnt seem to have a job so i dont have to worry much about leaving marks. I prolly wont ever fuck her again but might as long as it degrades and debases her, anal will certainly be done w/o any prep or lube( unless that hurts me then i will have to figure a way for me to rape her anally w/o causing any pain to "my leetle friend".

How to have avoided this; well he could have taped his boss's intent in his office, could have tape/videoed the actions and then tried to sue her and the co? telling his wife is another option, dont know how she'd react but if he explained why he was going to go along, seniority hi pay bla bla, she might go along or help figure a way out. he didnt got caught, she way overreacted, but killing her wont make her suffer enuf so the strangulation, sheet he cld try cutting off her air w/ pillows and try all kinds of shit. the fact that she has to endure it till he get bored shld be a very bad experience and waiting for next time should be bad too.2 stars rk

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69over 1 year ago

This author has, to say the least, a very interesting imagination.....LoL

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

story sucked!!!!!!!!!!!

ArcDemonDemiurgeArcDemonDemiurgeover 1 year ago

Terrible story. As soon as she wanted to have multiple guys rape her husband in response to him getting and giving head, that relationship would be over.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A better ending... Lori finished the letter and Edwin just started laughing so hard he was crying. Lori was completely puzzled. Once he could stop he looked at her with contempt. "Oh you stupid, stupid bitch. I thought I may like the cuckold, piggy thing, but I decided it wasn't for me. So for that, thanks hon. Now as to our future, you don't make the rules or insist on anything. You have no say in the matter you cheating skank slut." With that the red head from the office and two other women walked into their bedroom. They spent the next four hours sexually using Edwin's pathetic wife in every way imaginable. She cried and begged for them to stop but they just laughed. When they were done Edwin allowed Lori to clean up and go to sleep. The next morning she came downstairs walking gingerly. "I guess you think this makes us even." "Ha!" he smirked. "I have no interest in being even, just winning." Suddenly four masked men appeared in their kitchen. "What is all this Edwin, please, I can't take any more!" "Well my dear, you better be a quick learner. These gentlemen are part of a Mexican cartel that owns brothels in Tijuana and I've sold you to them for 10K. They are pretty sure you'll last 2-3 years before you give out and they are certain they will more than triple their money in that time. As I said, I don't get even, I win. One last thing before you begin your new life on your back, knees and any other way men want to use you... who is the piggy now?" Lori was screaming and pleading as the men gagged her, tied her up and took her to the van parked in their garage. As they left the red head reappeared. "Now where were we master Edwin..."

FaceForRadioFaceForRadio10 months ago

Note to Edwin: get the Hell out of Dodge!!! Lori is as sick as they come and it’s only going to get worse…much, much worse

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Plot twist. Edwin rubbed her arm, she said oink and he jumped up and soared in the air for 2 and half minutes and did a spinning round house kick, which he learned when he was a black op MMA fighter, and kicked her head right off her skank ass body. It looked like a golfer teeing off. Then he called his boss over and they did anal sex using her blood as lube. The end. (See, over the top is shit).

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Really messed up. Put this one in the sty.

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