Pink Magnolias


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"No. You moving here would be great cause then I'd never have to go there."

"I don't understand."

"Ok, you're going to be pissed when I tell you this, I think. I don't want to make you mad especially right now when it looks like you came over here to spend the night."

"Spend the weekend." she corrected.

"I'm not trying to piss you off and I'm not trying to run you out of here. I want you to stay. I missed you. I'm so happy you're here but I do think you will be angry when you hear this."

"Well, hurry up and tell me and find out."

"Ok. The night I went on the date with Brook I lied about the meteor."

"You just told me that."

"Nothing else was a lie." I said. Then I put my arms up to block my face. "You're going to hit me now."

"What else did you say?"

I looked past my defenses and she had a puzzled expression.

"You don't remember?"

"I wasn't listening."

All this tension I had in me uncoiled and then I lowered my head to my chest. She came closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "It's ok. You can tell me. It's ok. I love you and I see you're making an effort. Tell me whatever you have to tell me."

I looked up and took a deep breath. "The husband who asked me to have sex with his wife; he's your dad."

For a moment Kate's face looked like the words didn't really register with her. She had a curious expression. She was about to say something but then nothing came out of her mouth. She swallowed and then she had a different curious expression. "So then ... you did have sex with Brook." She said as she crossed her arms.

"I did."


"Before homecoming. And on after."

"And then your plan was to have sex with me?"

"I wanted you and Brook to get along."

"Damn you. Because of Brook I was thinking of NOT going to live with my mom but it turns out she was just a big fucking slut after all. You fucked her. You really fucked her."

I didn't have an answer but then I realized there was something I needed to say. "Please don't tell them that I told you."

There was silence for a bit. I let it continue because it could only be her decision to stay or leave. Eventually I did reach for my pants and then she put a hand to my wrist.

"Well, aren't you going to ask me?"

"Which question?"

"The question."

I was thinking but nothing was coming to mind.

"Hello. I'm normal girl Kate. I just found out that my uncle, who I'm romantic with, is having sex with my step mom. Ask me the question Dungeon Master."

"What do you want to do?"

She wrapped her arms around me. "I kiss him." she said as she put her lips to my cheek. "I love him. I save him from these bad decisions he's making. I tell him that I want to be his girlfriend and that I want only him." Then she reached for my dick and gently put her hand on my balls. "And then I pay him back all night long. I'm able to do this because I have the sacred ancient time crystal. It can't erase what he's done from his memory but it means we get to start fresh from this moment. Kate and Agitato."

"Isn't Normal Girl Kate married to Excalibur."

"Fuck Excalibur. That's the name of a fucking sword anyway. Big surprise, the butch female warrior named after a sword is a fucking dyke."

Ok, so that was a development in my life. After that Kate changed the topic of discussion and wouldn't allow me to bring it back to that. We sat on the bed watching a movie but we couldn't finish it cause it was so late already. Before surrendering to sleep Kate got on top of me and started to ride me. It was then that Brook's name came up again. "Do I fuck better than Brook?"

"Um, secret about guys, we're required to lie when asked that kind of question. So even if I told you the truth you could never be sure of what the real answer is."

"Don't be a pussy. Tell me."

"I can't concentrate. You're pussy is way too good. Oh, so much better than Brook but you can't ever tell her that. She'll be so mad with me."

"Are you ever going to fuck her again?"

"I don't know."

She flashed anger and then she brought her hands to my throat. "I'm asking you a question. Are you ever going to fuck my dad's wife again?"


"That's better. Now cum for me."

"We forgot to use a condom again."

"I don't care anymore."

"Ok, get up."

"Not this time."

"You have to get up."

"Cum for me baby."

"Inside you?"

"That's the place."

"Are you sure?"

"Shut the hell up and put your baby in me."

And so I started to cum inside of Kate and then sleep found us quickly.

In the night I had to take a piss so I got up and went to the office. After I came back to the room I saw my phone was flashing a message so I checked it. Brook had sent me a picture of Sally licking pussy, and if I wasn't mistaken that was Brook's pussy. So that was going to continue. Ok.

"Looks like you have a girlfriend now. So do I. Emoji."

I was going to go to bed then but another text came right away. "What's her name?"


"You mentioned her before."

"I really appreciate all you've done for me."

"She wants to get serious and not just have fun? Thank you."

I struggled to find the right thing to say. "I miss being with you but this new relationship I hope will be a very positive thing like you've been a positive thing in my life. Yes."

I thought that put a bow on things. Nicely done Jim. I got back into bed with Kate and held her.

The next morning we woke up slowly as the sun was warming the room through the window. I was going to go out but Kate said she actually had breakfast with her and it was true. They were just little sandwiches she made before coming but they were still fresh enough and it meant that we didn't have to get out of bed or get clothes on until lunch.

We were having a nice pleasant morning just being naked in bed together. We weren't even having sex. We were just together and happy.


The sound at the door startled both of us.

"Whose that?"

"I don't know. Could be my social worker. Hide in the closet."

Kate sprang from the bed and went into my tiny closet and tried to close the door but it wouldn't close all the way. I got some pants and a shirt on and then I opened the door.

"Hello Jim." Brook said.

"You're here."

"Yes. Surprised?"

"I am."

Brook made eyes at me that suggested that I needed to let her in cause the office guy was looking over this way. Brook entered and then I tried to keep her from looking in the direction of the closet.

"I got you some socks."

"Thank you. That's great."

"Oh and Dale says hi."


"Have you talked to your girlfriend about me yet?"

"You mean ... that thing."

"You can say it. Come on."

"Well, we haven't gone over that specifically yet but she knows a bit about you."

"Are you going to see her today? Maybe let me talk to her."

"Maybe today but think it's too fast to have that conversation with her."

"You have to seize the day. You're only young once. But I won't push. You know her better than me. She's not a church girl is she?"

"I did hear her say she was going out for religious activities one time. I'm not sure it was true though."

"Well, Dale is busy with Jill. Sally is busy with Richard. You have me all to yourself for the rest of today. And maybe tomorrow if you're lucky."

Brook came close to me and put a hand on my dick as she kissed me. However, she noted that I wasn't really into it so she pulled back.

"What's wrong? Not in the mood?"

"I just .... uh ... you see ..."

Just then Kate swung open the door to the closet and marched over to Brook. She pushed me to the bed and I fell back cause I was already off balance.


"Yell my name a little louder so the office guy outside can hear you. And you, no wonder these things keep happening to you. She's walking all over you. You just can't resist can you?"

"Oh my GOD. Are you two fucking?"

"Yes. We're fucking. Oh it's so good to say it to your face. He's mine now bitch so you keep your hands off of him."

"He's biologically your uncle."

"I don't care. He's my boyfriend. I'm his girlfriend. We're together and we're going to be happy. So no more threesomes and no more orgies and no more having him fuck your friends in restaurants for others to see. You have to respect him."

Brook collected herself and took a few breathes. "Ok, please calm down."

"You're not loud but that doesn't mean you're calm. Take a moment to calm down and then we'll talk."

"I tried to explain." I said.

"Oh, I don't think you're going to help at this point." Brook said.

After they were quiet for a moment Kate sat on the bed next to me and then she locked arms with me. Brook took my chair and then faced us.

"Do you want to get some clothes on or should I get naked?"

"This is my boyfriend's room. Why do you need to get naked?"

"I just want it to feel equal when we talk."

"Get naked if you want to. See if I care. But you can't have him."

Brook stood up and mechanically got out of her clothes. Then she went to my door to make sure it was locked. She came back and sat down.

"He has to get naked too." Brook said.

"No, he can leave his clothes on. It's his room."

"Isn't he equal with us in this discussion or does what he has to say not matter?"

"I know what he's going to tell you. He's going to tell you that he doesn't need you anymore cause he has me."

"I want to hear that from him when we're all sitting her as equals."

"Fine. Jim, get your clothes off."

"Really?" I asked.

"Get your fucking clothes off and then tell her."

I stripped off the shirt and pants and then I was just as naked as they were.

"Now tell her." Kate said.

"Wait. First I want to say that I'm not judging." Brook said.

"You have no room to judge." Kate followed.

"My sister married our cousin and that's legal where they are but it's still not easy for them. If you two continue this then you're going to have a hard life."

"It's our life to have and we want to have it together."

"Kate, sweetie. I love you so much. I knew you weren't going to like your evil step mother but I tried with you. I didn't know what to do but I tried. I really need you to hear me right now. It's not just that this is illegal. It's not just that you can't have kids. This is unhealthy and it's wrong."

"Not as wrong as when he's with you."

"I'm not related to him."

"He's your brother in law. You're supposed to be married. That makes it double wrong. Triple wrong when he's with you. We may be biologically wrong but you're morally wrong."

"My husband knows about what I do with Jim. Fuck. He's the one who made me do it."

"You could have told him no. But instead you're just a fucking slut who... "

"I did tell him no at first but then ..."

"You have no excuse ..."

"Quiet." I said.

The girls continued to argue so I stood up from the bed and put a hand on each of their heads.

"QUIET!" I sort of whisper yelled. "This is not helping. Now I have something to say."

The girls got quiet.

"First Brook I love you. I really appreciate everything you've done for me. I know there are challenges if I have a relationship with Kate. I know that and she knows that. We're adults. Maybe we'll still make mistakes but we'll deal with them like adults. It takes couples like your sister and us to be together and face the challenges in order to move society towards acceptance.

"And Kate. I love you. I'm ready to try this new world with you. But I need you to get along with Brook. Don't just look at her as a rival. You don't know how much your dad hurt her. I was worried when I first saw how things were. I was thinking it was going to end bad. So don't blame her for what happened. She was under a lot of pressure and trying to manage what she could. If you want to blame anyone then blame me. It was my decision to go along with your dad's idea. It was my decision to keep going after Brook in my weak efforts to help her be happy. I hope that with everything that happened that things are better now."

"They are." Brook said.

"He said be quiet." Kate snapped.

"Stop it. Ok. Fine. You know what. We're going to do an experiment. I'm going to let you two see what it's like from the other person's eyes. Kate, we're going to have a threesome with Brook, right here, right now."

"No." Kate said.

"Then I'll just keep fucking her behind your back."

"No." Kate repeated.

"Then you better leave me cause that's the choice."

"I don't accept that."

"Fine. Then you are free to leave."

"Just like that? Are you out of your mind. After all your talk. And everything."

"That doesn't feel very good does it?"

"I should fucking kill you for talking to me like that."

"But you're not going to kill me. You know you're not. You only have two choices, have the threesome or lose your relationship that we've been building up. How does that make you feel? Cause that's the choice that your dad gave Brook. And she loved him enough to do as he said. So now do you love me enough?"

"How can you ask me that?"

"I need you to understand what Brook went through to get to this moment. She had to learn how to go down on other girls in order to please your father. She was challenged in her body, and her mind, her morality, her sexuality, and I think even her religion."

"Religion?" Brook said.

"You said you talked to Jesus."

"Ok. I understand." Kate said.

"Maybe you're starting to but you don't fully understand yet. Cause you're still thinking that if it was you that you would have been stronger and refused forever. If you think that then it means you still don't really understand."

"I don't think that."

"Prove it. Let's have the threesome."

"I don't need to have a threesome with her in order to ..."

"Yes, you do."

"You're just horny."

"After all the sex we had last night, you think I'm just horny? No. We have to do this and then you'll understand not only what Brook faced at the beginning but how surviving the ordeal made it better. So I'm just going to have to insist on this. We have to have the threesome to save our relationship."

"But why with her?"

"You'll understand soon. Trust me."

"Trust you? After you ask me to do that?"

"If we're going to be in a relationship, more than other couples we have to trust each other."

Kate put her head down into her hands and then she shrugged. "Alright."

I turned to Brook who was just watching with an unconvinced look. "My lady Brook, Kate and I would like to invite you into our bed."

"Not going to happen, loverboy."

"Yes, it is."

Brook shook her head. "I appreciate all the nice things you said about me but there's no way I'm having a threesome with my step daughter."

"Yes, you are."

"No. Listen to me. No I'm not."

"Brook, it will help you understand."

"What don't I understand?"

"Brook get in the bed."

"No." she said as she stood up and then put her hands on her hips.

"Brook, get in the bed." I repeated.

"I told you no."

"After everything we've been through I have always been there for you, doing whatever you asked and never asking for anything in return. Even when I didn't understand. I did whatever you asked me to do. I kept the secrets. I managed the disasters. I found a way to make things work because you're important to me. I love you Brook. And right now I need you to get in that bed."

"This is different."

"Yes, it's different but I still need you to do it." I said as I pointed.

"But ... for how long?"

"Get in the bed Brook."

I waited for her to say something back but she didn't. Instead she slouched her body and then sat next to Kate. I sat down in the chair and then had the two women look at me.

"My two perfect ladies. This will be difficult but please trust me and it will be better by the end. Brook, kiss Kate."

Brook swallowed and then furrowed her brow. She looked over at Kate and the expression on Kate's face seemed like she wasn't too excited for this either.

"If it makes it easier for you imagine you two are normal girl Kate and her butch warrior friend Excalibur."

Brook let out a laugh.

"And mall security guard man." Kate said.

"I thought Jim was the beggar." Brook said.

"Security man smells nicer."

"You have a point there."

The girls seemed to pass a message between each other and then they grabbed me to pull me to the bed but I was ready for it and braced myself.

"No. First you kiss. Let me see. Or I'll lock you both up in the mall dungeon."

"Ok, mister guard security man, abusing your power over us helpless women." Kate said in character. Then she turned to Brook and right there in front of me I finally saw Brook and Kate's lips touch. Brook was startled but then I guess she decided that it wasn't so bad.

"Good. Very good."

Kate pulled out of the kiss. "If we're doing this then you shut up."

The Kate had spoken. I sealed my lips and just watched as Kate and Brook got used to each other's lips and then started to make out. I nodded with approval as my dick was getting hard. I encouraged Brook to lay back and get all the way on the bed and then Kate was on top of her making out. Eventually the kissing was going on so long that something else needed to happen. Kate raised up and looked over at me. I gestured with my hand to continue. Kate then started to kiss Brook's neck and upper chest.

While Kate was doing that Brook reached out for my dick. She got it and thought she was going to bring me to her so she could suck me but this wasn't about my gratification. I resisted and instead she was just stroking me while Kate was sucking her breasts.

"Is that enough?" Kate asked.

"I'll say something when it is." I answered.

So then Kate kept going and moved to the other nipple and Brook's body was responding more and more to this. Kate glanced my way and I gestured to keep going as Brook was still stroking my cock. Kate moved down Brook's body and then Brook opened her legs for Kate. Oh nice. Was Kate going to do this? She looked up at me. I gestured and nodded.

"I am so going to pay you back for this." she said. Then she resigned herself to it and started to lick Brook's pussy. Now the important thing was not that Kate get Brook off doing this. The important thing was that Kate at least do it.

Brook was stroking my cock and concentrating, trying to reach out for an orgasm if Kate could give her one. I wasn't expecting that to happen but I wasn't against it either and I could allow it if Kate could build up the skills fast enough.

Brook started to moan and the she let out, "A little more on the button."

"How do you like this, you dyke?" Kate said as she put two fingers in Brook and was pumping her with them while she licked. I guess the two fingers was what Brook needed cause then she started to reach climax and I nodded with approval. It wasn't earth shattering but it was enough. Kate sat back and smiled. Brook caught her breath and then sat up to look at Kate.

"You're actually good at that."

"Not my first time." Kate said.

"I didn't know that about you."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Ok. Let's focus. Brook, please reciprocate."

Brook leaned over towards me and then kissed my dick. Kate came close to challenge her for ownership of it. However, as soon as Kate was close Brook grabbed Kate by the back of her head and then kissed Kate tasting her own pussy on her step daughter's lips. I could see in the kiss that the hunger was starting to grow with them. Brook pushed Kate down to the bed and then Brook had Kate spread her legs. She skipped right to the end. Brook went in and started to lick Kate and as she did so I knew it was the right time to add another element to this. I brought my dick to Kate's mouth and she started to suck on me. Brook glanced up at us and she saw it. She saw it. She paused but then she got her motivation back and redoubled her efforts on Kate's pussy.