Pink Sugar Confidential


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Assured of an audience, Judi stood up. And then, a single finger under Ann's chin lifted her to her feet, and in to Judi's arms for a kiss that sizzled. Poor Ann, no sooner had she shot me a, hey, I got away with it look, then Judi used one hand to bend her over, and the other to administer a pair of cracking swats. A pause, a shrug, and she banged another pair of ringing swats off Ann's already glowing ass. And then, a tug on Ann's blonde hair stood her back up. Judi patted Ann's flaming ass, sweetly suggesting "now darling, How about you explain to Mel and Moe just why you got that delicious little spanking, OK? And, while you're at it I'll just wander over and kiss Murphy."

Really it wasn't much of a kiss; Judi could barely contain a fit of the giggles. Anyway while she giggled in to my shoulder, we both kept an eye on Ann. She had wandered over by the fence, and was talking with the guys. She stood with a hand on one hip; legs spread wide, one leg bent at the knee. It was quite a sight; so I shushed Judi, turned her, and pointed. Seen from behind, it was obvious there was more than Ann's pussy juices and a bit of sun screen glistening on her thighs. You bet, there were shiny white strings of cum running down those pretty tan thighs too. Wow, and while we watched, little MS Innocent absent mindedly wiped up a finger full of that cum and sucked it into her mouth. Well now, that was one damn wickedly erotic sight. Hey, I was afraid one of the old guys might have a heart attack or something.

Together Judi and I walked up beside Ann in time to hear Mel explaining that their other two buddies, Jack and Manny, were inside napping. "Hi boys," I said. "Hey, Tell your friends, if they want to watch us play, we really don't mind. Hell, the girls love an audience."

Ann snaked an arm around my waist, and started explaining "Gosh, actually he's right; I mean, especially Judi, she's a real showoff." Then, before Judi could interrupt, beginning to babble, she explained about how all their bitch talk, the spankings, and all the rest was just play and didn't really mean anything. Well, about then my nasty minded girlfriend finally chipped in to say "Well sure, that's right." Only, she wasn't done; oh no, she just had to bust my balls with "I mean, gosh, except for Murphy; he really likes being our little slave. Really, he'll do anything we girls ask; he's just so submissive..."

That was as far as she got, before I slipped out of Ann's encircling arm, and rounded on a snickering Judi. "Very funny honey," I masterfully declared. "Now, assume the position, these gentleman deserve a dose of the truth."

Before my incredulous eyes, Judi grabbed her ankles. And honestly, I figured it was way more likely to have been me assuming the position. Maybe she figured she'd earned it; whatever, I wasn't about to embarrass her by failing to follow through. So, while Ann snickered, and our voyeuristic neighbors looked on in fascinated awe, I quickly turned Judi's very sweet ass a cherry shade of red. And, if I do say so myself, it nicely matched Ann's still flaming red ass. "Mel, Moe" I said. "This one loves having her pretty ass paddled." Ann didn't manage to quite stifle her giggles, so jabbing a finger at Ann I added a "Yeah, and come to think of it, that one really gets off on it too." So, while Ann dodged my bluffed swat, Judi straightened up, and I suggested "So Judi, maybe you'd like to tell these gentleman the real story, OK"?

Oh yeah, those old guys listened intently as Judi explained about losing the bet that made her my sexual fantasy for an entire weekend. She explained about how Ann had shown up innocently trying to deliver a pizza and been seduced. Then, with Ann egging her on, she followed up her quick outline of our pair of erotic encounters with Edgar by briefly describing their seduction of Huff, the pool boy. And that's when Mel interrupted, and things really started to heat up again. Giving me a skeptical grin, he asked "Wow, you really don't mind sharing those two beauties with other men?" Still looking doubtful, with a shake of his head he said "Well, I guess I can see why you don't mind sharing Judi with Ann; but, with those other guys?"

Before I could say anything, Judi jumped in to say "Hey, really it's all just for fun you know. We're not exactly in love; but, we're tight, close friends who really care about one another." Then, like maybe she thought she needed to prove her point, Judi stung my ass with a nasty swat, before she added "Gosh, I guess I would have done any of that stuff without being ordered anyway."

Ann interjected, adding her two cents worth. "Hey me too. Honestly, it's a kick not knowing what's coming next. Yeah, and that Murphy's got a real nasty streak too."

Gosh, I wasn't sure if I should be defending myself or not. And, before I could make up my mind, Judi said something that was a lot like tossing fuel on a smoldering fire. "Who knows," she said. "Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to do something as wild as telling me to run right over there and give both you guys a blow-job. Oh sure, he knows I wouldn't mind; and gosh, I suppose I'd even like doing it. But, the real kick would be in knowing how much it would turn him on." I figure even if Ann hadn't squealed "wow, oh wow that would be hot," Judi would have added her little tease. Moving so I was between them again, Judi got as far as "Yeah, well that," before adding "And, it would be awfully fun knowing it would absolutely infuriate darling Ann to be left stuck over here watching."

Well that got her a hands on the hips humph, and a frosty glare from an indignant Ann. And after a set-up like that, of course Mel was going to ask "No way, you wouldn't, I mean he wouldn' oh man that would be something now wouldn't it Moe? God, and wouldn't the other two just about have a shit fit."

I heard just what I expected to hear; a gigglingly indignant Judi asking "Hey there, you wouldn't be calling my bluff would you Mel?"

Calling Judi's bluff, that's about the same as daring her. And, daring Judi is a pretty good way to guarantee she'll do something; but, I figured Judi wouldn't have brought it up if it hadn't been exactly what she wanted to do anyway. So, hell yes, I played along. First, I asked Ann to run and grab Judi's little silk robe. Yeah, and to my utter surprise she took off without an argument. Sure, but as it turned out, only because she assumed I would send her along. Oh sure, like I was going to let her just stroll over there in the nude. I'm sure she would have too; but, I wanted to watch Judi play out whatever wickedness was running wild in her very creative mind. Besides, Keeping Ann on my side of the fence would be fun, with the added bonus of driving her absolutely nuts too.

Taking charge, Judi suggested "OK then, so one of you two guys better meet me at the door, right?"

with a "Sure, on my way," Mel's head disappeared. I heard him tell Moe to drag a couple of chairs around to our side of their pool, and then Moe was gone too.

Turning to me, Judi asked "I'm on my own, aren't I?" My nod earned me one of Judi's fabulous smiles. "In which case," she said. "I better head off Ann. Oh God, is she going to be pissed."

Judi had that right; but I tried suggesting "You could try reminding her that there are two more old farts over there." Then, I added a lame sounding "Whatever, you'll think of something; so, hit the road babe." When she stopped to brush a kiss across my lips, I took the opportunity to add a teasing "Gosh, and try not to give those poor old guys a heart attack or anything."

OK, so it might be a bit of an exaggeration to say Judi slugged my shoulder. Still, it wasn't any love tap she delivered either. Yeah, and her frosty "Darling you're a bastard," was delivered with the barest hint of a smile; ah but, it was there.

Having to stand there watching as Judi walks off is bearable, but only because you get to watch that amazing ass of hers as she does. Anyway, left alone, I figured a cold beer was in order. After all I sure couldn't be expected to rearrange furniture, without the friendly assist of a cold beer. I figured if Ann and I were going to watch Judi's performance, knowing we'd need a boost to see over the fence, I set out to position a couple of chairs against it. And, I'd just moved one chair in to position, when a seriously frowning Ann showed up. Hey, do you know she can frown, and pout at the same time; and, she can do both, while sounding chillingly sarcastic too. Stopping, she gave me one of her patented hands on the hips glares, informing me "You're not going to need that chair buster." And then she breezed past me, stepped up on the chair, and peered over the fence. "Us girls decided," she told me with a glance back over her shoulder, "You don't get to watch." Yeah, and then she gruffly declared, "Right, so have a seat right there; and maybe, if you're lucky, I'll tell you all about it." And then, after she waggled a stuck out tongue at me she added "hey, and you could offer a girl a beer you know?"

Knowing it was best not to argue, I twisted the cap off one. Ann was peering over the fence, muttering "Come on Judi, let's get the show on the road already," when I came up behind her. Nasty old me, pressed that ice cold bottle hard in to the cleft of her sweet round ass. I held it there too, while she squealed and shrieked.

"Come on baby," I told Ann, with a grin. "Tell me you still love me, my feelings are hurt."

"Never you're a beast," I was told. But hey, when I handed her the beer, at least I got a grinning humph, before she returned her attention to our neighbor's patio.

Ann wasn't really mad at me; but, could a little ass kissing hurt? Nope, I didn't think so; and a bit of that ass kissing, and I do mean literally, soon had Ann's sweet young ass rotating under my lips soft teasing kisses. Maybe it was those kisses; but, I'm inclined to think it was the way my hot tongue worked to warm the soft silky smooth skin between her round ass's sweet cheeks. Whatever, something was working; because, she wasn't exactly purring; but hey, at least she was talking to me. And, in whispered tones, she told me "OK, there's Judi, and she's leading Mel by the hand. Oh how cute...OK, she's got them sitting down, and she's giving them that look of hers. Oops, and she just shrugged, and now she's giving them that look, only now, the bitch is bare ass naked."

I heard Judi telling them "now boys, who's first? Come on now, first one to show me some cock gets me first."

Barely stifling a giggle, Ann picked up her whispered blow-by-blow description. "No fair, poor Mel had a belt and a zipper, and Moe only had to yank down his shorts. Wow, Moe's only half hard, but wow, he's really thick...Judi's going to like that." And I was still thinking, like yeah, when Ann picked up her blow by blow. "Yeah, she's down on her knees, licking his balls...hey, now that's got his cock jumping. No fair, she swallowed it, yeah and before I got to see how big it was. Hey, now she's moved over and she's kissing Mel's limp thing. Wait, yeah she's got her hand pumping away on Moe. Uh-huh, but oh yeah, Mel's up now; and Ok, it's longer than Moe's. But then, it's sort of skinny."

Certainly not talking to me, Ann positively squealed, "Ooh, you go girl."

A muttered "Ooh wow" and Ann returned to her voyeuristic play by play. "Oh shit, wow she's really going to town on old Mel," she excitedly proclaimed. "Like fuck me, she's got her mouth blasting up and down that skinny thing...gee, and I mean even faster than the fist she's got working over Moe's pretty dick."

I wanted too, and I tried; but, I just couldn't figure a way to gain access to Ann's hot wet pussy, not with the way she was standing in that damn chair. Her legs were too close together, besides she was too close to the fence. But then, there was plenty of room between her firm round tits and that fence for my hands. So, while she went on describing Judi's duo of blow-jobs and hand-jobs, I went to work tantalizing Ann's duo of wonderfully erect nipples. And what do you know, I managed to rip a gasped "That's nice, more Murphy," out of her. But then she was saying, " Oh God, she's still at it. Yeah, and she's still got Moe's balls in her mouth, and she's still jacking-off Mel. Now, she's got her fist working Moe too. Damn, you know he might be almost as thick as huff...seriously." And she was still talking to me when she squealed, "Oh yeah hard, yes, do them hard... what, yeah more...did I tell you I really liked huff...oops she's deep throating Moe... oops, and now it's Mel's turn." There was an ominous pause, and then our pouty-lipped blonde playmate was saying, "She hasn't even looked our way. Oh man, am I ever going to smack her one. Oh what the fuck, now she's got Mel's balls in her fucking mouth; and ooh, he's got his hands in her hair. Wait, Moe just said something. Wait, wait, oh man, maybe he's going to get off." Good bet, I was thinking when she asked "Do you think she'll wind-up swallow both of them?"

I did of course. But before I could say so we heard Judi ask "hey, you guys don't mind if I swallow do you?"

"Oh fuck her, just fuck her," Ann groused, thrusting her half empty bottle of Corona in to my hand. "Get rid of this. Yeah, I need my hands free."

Great, I had a warm beer, and a fine view of the sexy backside of a masturbating hot young blonde, while she described my erotically minded lover giving two old guys the blow-jobs of their lives. Hey there, I'm not complaining; hell, I was having a ball. "Bitch, she's got to be swallowing," Ann cattily informed me. "Yup, Moe's holding her head down, and he's sure wearing that shit eating grin you dumb boys get. Oh my god, I'm wet...MMM, wet, and oh so slippery too." That did it, tight fit or not, I pushed my hand sideways between Ann's luscious thighs. My thumb slid easily in to her slippery wet vagina, meeting up with a pair of her fingers. She popped her fingers out; but, I could feel that they hadn't gone far. Nope, I could feel them working on her clit as I stroked, and circled my thumb, hunting for her G-spot. Aroused, excitement flared in her voice. Forget whispering, her breathy voice crept up the scale as she kept up her description of Judi's antics. "Oh yeah, he came alright...there she goes, she just licked a big old glob of cum off the head of Moe's cock. Oh fuck, looks like its Mel's turn...right yeah, there...that's good."

Not that there was ever any chance of its happening, but Ann squawked anyway. "Hey buster, don't let me fall," she squealed. But then she settled down, only breathing in panted gasps as she announced, "Shit, I don't know if I can cum standing up."

Naturally I figured it would be fun to see if she could or not. Hell, I was rooting for a simultaneous orgasm, hers and Mel's. Didn't happen...bummer huh. Ann caught up with one though, a quickie anyway. She shuddered, molten juices flowing as her quivery voice cried, "Oh God, oh God, oh God." Then steadying, and audibly gulping, Ann managed a gasping "OK, OK, yeah OK then." Her husky voice steadied, and she resumed her commentary. "Oh well, yeah, She's got the head of Mel's cock in her mouth and his balls in her hand. Oops, now she's got his balls back in her mouth. Yup, and it looks like he likes that too...oh boy, look at her hand go." And then, like maybe she actually expected me to believe it was all up to me, she pleaded, "Not yet, no, don't, not again Murphy." Hey, just saying, but if she hadn't stopped talking, I wouldn't have stopped tweaking her clit with my wig-wagging thumb. But I did, so I got to listen to her saying, "OK, yeah Judi's still jacking him off. But wait, oh shit, what did she say? Fuck me...whatever the fuck he nodded. And yeah, and ooh, and now she's got his fucking cock back in her mouth. Ha, he's trying to hold on to her head...oops, no way. She's got his hands trapped...yeah, and oh man, if she keeps that up she's going to be swallowing more cum."

Well fine, and if Mel was going to get off, well so was Ann, whether she wanted to or not. By then Ann had both hands gripping the top of the wall. I managed to twist my hand around so I could use a finger on her clit and jammed my thumb back in to the liquid heat of her vagina. So, as I reached for her G-spot, she squealed, "Yeah OK, yeah, yeah she's got him...oh shit he's done. Oh fuck, I don't care."

Of course she cared; only, well gosh; her focus had sort of shifted some. Anyway, she loudly proclaimed, "Oh god yes, oh god, my turn...more, more, oh God, oh God, that's it, yes, yes, yes, oh dear fucking god."

How sweet, and while gushing a flood of hot juices that practically scalded my hand clear to the wrist, Ann screamed out my name. Fine, except I was afraid her damn knees would buckle. So, I worked my hand free. And then, I held on to her hips. She continued to clutch the wall as she said, "Wow, fucking wow, OK Murphy you're forgiven." I wasn't at all sure for what, but I did like hearing, "Oh just fuck me that was just amazing."

I hated to interrupt such a torrent of praise, but curious minds need to know. So I asked "OK, so tell me, what's going down over there now?"

"What, oh nothing," a giggling Ann informed me. "Well OK, she's kissing Moe, and Mel's trying to get his pants pulled up." Turning to grin down at me, her husky whisper teased "Bummer, I was sort of hoping someone would get fucked."

That was enough for me, hell, I can take a hint. Grabbing Ann by the hips, I lifted her, took a step backward, and sat her down. And guess who didn't need to be asked? Accompanied by more of her customary giggles, Ann bent over, grabbed hold of the chair, and spread her legs. Stepping between those invitingly parted thighs, I slipped easily in to the molten softness of her still pulsing vagina. I paused there, buried eight inches deep, marveling at the ferocious heat of the liquid velvet clenching around my cock. She gave me an over the shoulder grin, licked her lips, and pretty much ordered "Hard bastard, fuck me hard, yeah do it, take me you fucker."

OK, and I'm telling you, that's just what this fucker did too. But then, somewhere in the middle of that wild stampede of a fuck, I heard a "Wow, gosh someone must have liked my little performance."

It hadn't occurred to me at the time; and just then, I was just a wee bit preoccupied too much give a shit. OK, so sure I should have; and I would have applauded, except I was rather busy getting ready to pump a certain sexy young blonde full of cum. But hey, I did manage to give Judi a big grin. That was right before I unloaded what felt like about a gallon of cum deep in to Ann's wildly convulsing vagina. Who knew; and at the time I sure didn't, but right then, that girl was riding the wave of her own thundering orgasm. Who cared? Right then anyway, I sure didn't. Anyway, I kept right on slamming in hard crashing thrusts until I was sure I had managed to drain every drop of cum out of my balls. Then, and quite satisfied, with a whoop, I ripped my cock out of Ann, and cracked a pair of ringing swats off her ass.

Wrapped up in one of their long passionate kisses, the girls looked like they might be trying to melt in to each other. And, that's about when I noticed that Mel and Moe had popped their heads up over the fence again. So, I waved and then headed their way. "Well guys, what do you say," I asked. "That Judi's really something; and pretty good too, right?"

Oops, that brought a scowling Judi storming my way. "Again with that pretty good shit, really Murphy you're such a bastard," she complained. "Just ask them, aren't I just about the best ever, come on guy's tell him."

I tried mollifying my glaring playmate with a sincere "Gosh baby, it's just an expression, everyone, well almost everyone, knows you're the world's numero uno cock sucker."
