Pink Sugar Confidential


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Hearing that, I scampered around the table figuring I'd give Bob a birthday kiss. I thought about dropping on to his lap and really laying one on him; but I didn't. Instead, he got a chaste kiss on the cheek; and then, I introduced myself. "Happy birthday Bob, I'm Ann," and pointing at Murphy, and then Judi, I introduced them. By then, deciding they probably weren't all that much older than Judi and Murphy, I listened to Bob, as he introduced his wife. And really, Carla, that was her name, was looking pretty hot and seriously sexy. She could have been Italian; you know the kind with real dark curly hair and pale skin. Wow, and her pretty dark eyes had this real eager, sort of intense look that had my stomach fluttering. Not surprisingly, the way she looked at me, well, it reminded me of the way Judi eyes me when I'm lying there naked, waiting for her to do something, like maybe swoop in and devour me. Gosh, and up close and all it sure looked like Carla's silly old tennis outfit held a pretty terrific body. For sure, like ooh, it definitely held a pair of awesome tits.

I tore my eyes away, when Murphy called out "Happy birthday Bob, nice meeting you too Carla." But then, oh no, Murphy was on the move, pushing his way in to the bathroom. So, suddenly, I was left standing there all by my lonesome. With nothing to do but smile sweetly and swallow my nervousness, I glanced from Carla to Bob and back again. Anxious to follow Murphy, I lingered long enough to brush Bob's mouth with a soft kiss. But then, for some silly reason, I bent and gave Carla one. And maybe, it was just a teensy-weensy bit more like a real kiss too. Hey, don't ask me to explain, I'm blonde after all. Wow, and when I straightened up, didn't Carla's dark eyes do one thorough job of roaming over my body. Definitely flustered, I flashed her a smile, waved, and headed off in pursuit of Murphy.

Oops, but turning the corner, about to slip into the Ladies Room, I thought about Judi. Well come on, of course I just had to check on what my sexy Eurasian playmate was up too, didn't I? So, I peeked around the corner, and there she was standing at the bar, neatly sandwiched between the four old coots. Both Mel and Jack had an arm around her waist; oh sure, but even as I watched, Jack's hand dropped down, and yeah, he was groping her ass. Oh sure, I could have hung there, and watched his hand run up under her tiny silk wrap, and for damn sure that's where it was headed. But, I had places to be, and things to do.

Bad. Who me? So, instead of turning in to the Ladies Room, I pushed in to the Gents. Of course, because that's where I'd find good old Murphy, right?

I'd heard the horror stories of course; but hey, it was clean, and even smelled good. I spotted Murphy, and hoisting myself up, I plunked my bare ass down on the cold tile next to the sink. Well, that let me peer over the little divider thing. How cute, I got to watch Murphy pee. By the time he'd finished, shaken it off, and put it away, I was leaning back against the mirror. I had my skirt flipped up, and was already half way to an orgasm. OK, so I'm easy, what of it? Whatever, it took two stiff fingers fucking my slippery, fiery hot vagina, and another one beating out a flicking rhythm on a most seriously erect clit. And yeah, I was going for it; only gosh, Murphy had other ideas.

Murphy knelt in front of me and I scooted my ass forward; and, heels on the edge of that counter top, I let my knees splay out. So, as they say, I kept on keeping on. I had an audience; so of course I gave him something worth watching. OK, But it was Murphy after all; so, for sure he didn't settle for playing voyeur for long. Yeah, and right after the horrid bastard ordered me not to cum, he reached out and pulled my fingers out of my vagina. And then, and even before I could think about pitching a bitch, he pushed three of his own thick fingers deep into me. Oh boy, and did it ever get monstrously better after his wonderful tongue swapped places with the finger I'd been strumming my clit with. Oh God, and did he ever play my clit. OK, so a standing ovation was out of the question; but, that talented tongue of his deserved rave reviews. Oh boy, and let's not forget his hard driving fingers, they definitely played a delightful accompaniment.

OK, it's weird, but even in the midst of one seriously fine orgasm, I realized, in that little tiled room my cries were damn loud and echoing. Oh but who cared anyway?

Not me, because the nasty bastard teased me right up to the edge of a second sizzling orgasm; and then, he just ripped his fingers out, leaving my poor pussy feeling very empty. Luckily for him, that amazing tongue of his kept working its magic, while he slid his hands up my legs. Grabbing my ankles, he spread me wide open. Yeah, yeah, even wider open. Well fine, but that meant that tongue was diving in and out of my vagina, instead of flicking maddeningly sweet strokes over my poor clit. Uh-huh, but it was a definitely ecstatic clit that welcomed that wicked tongue back. And sure, of course I just had to be rather loudly pleading "Take me, oh god, oh god, more, yes, that's it take me you bastard," when in walked Bob.

I was way too far gone to be bothered; yeah like I would have been anyway. So, while Bob watched, I screamed out some seriously insistent demands. "Please, yes, do it...oh yes, make this bitch cum all over your face...yes, oh my pussy, do it." Then, with him sucking hard on a way over sensitized clit, Murphy absolutely ripped another orgasm out of me. Ass bouncing, my screams rang off the tiled walls, until I just couldn't take any more. Finally pleading, I tried to pull his head up, while I pleaded "Enough bastard, stop, stop it now."

Murphy stopped alright; oh sure he did, probably just so he could laugh at me. OK, so yeah, he only snickered; but then he rather nastily cooed "Oh you poor baby, so young an innocent, and forced to endure such torture." Whatever, right after that he stood up, grinned at Bob, and waved him past.

Bob stepped up to that urinal thing, blushing and trying hard not to, well, gawk. Murphy grinned, winked, and then held his hand out to me. Fine, so I let him pull me to my feet. Hey, I even accepted his apologetic kiss. And then, I stood there, feeling like a dork as I listened to him tell Bob "Hi, don't mind us; feel free to use the facilities."

Hey now, I thought, this nasty little bitch could be a facility, couldn't she? Yeah, well anyway Bob was just standing there, innocently peeing, when I came up behind him. Pressing my body against his, I reached around and took his penis in my hand. Working hard to sound all sweetness and innocence I said "Gosh, I've never gotten to hold it for a guy while he did it."

OK, so I was sort of telling, and let's just call it a little white lie alright. Yeah, I guess I did, sort of, get to do it once. That time, I'd been enjoying a shower with a lover, when I let the Bozo talk me in to letting him turn it in to a golden shower. And, when that hot stream started to rise toward my face, well now, you better believe I took hold of his limp dick and corrected the fucker's aim. Anyway, it was kind of fun; and oh boy, did it ever turn that guy on. Whatever, I was practically purring in to Bob's ear when I said "Oh gosh, it's kind of fun holding it for you."

"Ah yeah, sure," was all the poor guy managed to get out.

I was bad; with my free hand I pushed his shirt up, and managed to get mine hiked up too. And then, while I rubbed my soft round tits, and their hot hard nipples against his back, I ran my tongue in to, and all around his ear. That poor guy's cock was already beginning to stir, when I whispered huskily in to his ear. "Bob darling," I breathily teased. "You know what; I'd really love to give you a birthday blow job. But oh gosh, would Carla consider that one of those extra privileges?"

Well, by the time I'd shaken that rapidly inflating penis off and he'd groaned out a "Well, I don't know," I was holding one definitely rigidly erect cock in my hot little hand. Guess what; It's true what they say, lead a man by his cock, and he'll follow you anywhere. Well, that's how Bob ended up pushed up against the counter with me on my knees holding a nice sized and very hard cock in one fist. I looked up, and just couldn't help teasing the poor helpless guy. Hey, and I was only getting started too. "You don't want to go ask permission do you," I rather cattily asked? I wasn't expecting an answer, just then anyway. So, while I slowly pumped my fist up and down his hard cock, I went on, adding "No, well then say it; yeah tell me to suck your cock Bob. Come on buster, you've got to ask for it...well, that's if you want it you do."

Not bothering to wait for him to work up an answer, I began to pump steadily faster, sliding along the smooth hot skin of that cock's throbbing shaft. I looked up, and waited; because, for some perverse reason, I really did want to hear bob ask me to suck him off. Thank God; because, finally, a chuckling Murphy suggested, "Go for it Bob. Really man, it's cool; so, just tell her what you want."

Lovely, Bob slid his fingers in to my hair, and told me exactly what I wanted to hear. "God yes, I want it. Suck my cock Ann...oh yeah baby, I want you to suck it alright." And then making me suddenly extremely curious the guy about to get the blowjob of his life told the girl about to give it to him, "Carla won't least, not if I tell her all about it she won't."

Hey now, I'd been right to ask; because, I sure did like hearing his answer. Seriously, I almost made the poor guy ask me again; you know, just for the fun of it.

But, forgoing that delicious pleasure, after releasing my hold on Bob's cock, I bent and gently swirled my tongue around his cock's pretty head once; and then, I sucked it in to my mouth. Showing off, and OK, I like doing it to, I drove my mouth down. Yippee, hard cock slip through my lips, and voila, the soft head of bob's cock slid in to my throat. Well, he sure wasn't Huff, or even Murphy, but he did have a respectable sized cock, and it was sure seriously hard. Whatever, while still holding him deep throated, I reached up and hooked my fingers in the waist band of his shorts, and yanked them down to his knees. His ass was hairless, and real solid, and I liked the feel of it in my hands. So, I held on to my delicious double handful of hard male ass, and slowly, real slowly, began to piston my mouth up and down the entire hot rigid length of Bob's cock. Yeah, and I made sure I paused before popping that throbbing cock's head back in to my mouth; and then again, before starting the long sweet trip back up. Hey. I just wanted to give him a sweet second or two to contemplate the fact that I held him fully deep throated. But then, and not wanting to bore the poor guy, I moved on. And that meant, on my way down to entertain Bob's balls, my lips followed my tongue's sensuous lead, licking and flicking over every deliciously silky smooth inch of his lovely cock. When I'd had enough of tantalizing his balls with my lips and tongue, I licked my way back up to the darkly swollen head of his cock. And then, after wrapping my fist around the red hot poker I'd made out of that cock's pulsating shaft, I looked up at Bob. Oh my and when I blasted my fist up and down his cock, just a couple of times mind you, well gosh, didn't he just go and groan ever so sweetly. Yeah he did, right before I paused to ask "So Bob, what will your lovely wife say? Are you sure she won't get mad if I swallow a big old load of your cum? I'd really hate that."

I wasn't done teasing, but gosh, I was tired of talking. So, I took a moment to pump my fist, while I sucked hard on the pulsing head of Bob's cock. And then, while looking up, and holding his gaze, I told him "You know lover, I'm going to go right ahead and suck you off, and swallow every drop of your tell me to stop that is." You bet I was kidding, like as if I really cared what Carla thought about me blowing her hubby. But, I was curious about how Bob would answer. So, while she waited to hear that answer, guess who sucked his balls in to her mouth?

Well now, I suppose Bob wouldn't have been the first guy to tell me to stop in the middle of a blow-job. I admit it; I've had a couple of guys tell me to stop half way through one. OK, OK, but only so they could flip me on to my back, and try to fuck me senseless. But never mind that, I digress.

Finally, hands tangled in my hair, Bob gasped out "It's my birthday; anyway Carla's already swallowed one big load so far today." Hey, I thought, that's a pretty damn dangerous thing to tell a gal holding your freaking balls in her freaking mouth. Well, not if that gal is me I guess. In any case Bob saved the day; yup, with a flattering "Oh yeah baby, that's so good. I like that, just don't stop. More...oh, when I tell Carla about this, she's going to be on her knees, with me fucking her mouth." Well Hell, I damn near came myself when he added "God, Carla's going to be so turned on...she'll be damn near cumming...hell, she'll probably make me blow my load all over her face." Anyway, it sure left me thinking, hey now, that Carla, now that's a woman I could learn to really like.

Believe me, it was more than just the cold hard tiles under my poor knees that made me decide to stand up. But, I figured I could wait a bit longer; because, first I wanted to treat Bob to the erotic thrill of having my mouth pistoning up and down his cock. You're right; I'd already done that, just not real fast, and not as he was like actually fucking my mouth. Judi's wicked ways must have been rubbing off on me, yippee; anyway, my hands were behind my back while I performed that lovely little lightning fast pistoning trick. And then, maybe about the second time the poor guy's knees buckled, I stopped, licked the glistening bit of precum off his cock's dark head, and stood up. Yup, and I stood there, looking straight in to his eyes for a delicious moment, before wrapping my arms around his neck. Now, that was a real birthday kiss, long, hot and nasty, and with lots of wickedly dancing tongue. Bob's hands had started out under my skirt, caressing my bare ass; but, pretty quick he had one pulling my head back by my hair, and the other one flirting back and forth between my tits tautly erect nipples. Wow, it sure hadn't taken good old Bob long to have both nipples jutting, hard as...Ok let say, as his cock. But oh my, pretty quick like things began to get out of hand; yeah, he was tenderly nibbling on my nipples. Then, evidently wanting to double his pleasure, he pushed my tits together, and sucked both my rigid nipples in to his mouth. Oh my god, and then his teeth clamped around them. Squealing, I positively shivered from the ecstatic pleasure of his enthusiastic nibbling, and Oh dear god, from his barely restrained bites. I wanted more, lots more. But, what I really wanted, wanted bad, was his big hard cock back in my mouth, and then the taste of his cum. And, maybe that Murphy's some kind of mind reader; because, just when I was about to suggest it myself, he beat me to the punch, telling bob "Hey guy, how about trying it with you sitting on the counter?"

Yikes, and the swat Murphy gave my ass, certainly focused my attention, at least enough so that I heard his "Ann baby, maybe you should think about getting back to work, mustn't keep our birthday boy waiting."

I know Murphy, and even if I hadn't caught him pushing his shorts down, revealing his thick eight inches of hard cock, I'd have known exactly what was on his evil mind. So, as I'd bent, bracing my hands on either side of bob's hips, I reached one back and flipped my skirt up. Legs spread wide; I leaned in, and drove my lips down over bob's cock, just as Murphy drove his hard cock in past that other set of lips. And, just like that, this nasty little bitch had her first double penetration, well of sorts anyway. I mean, just last night I'd had Judi's strap-on rubber cock fucking my pussy while Murphy took my asshole. But, this was two live cocks, and that made it a definite first, right? And no, I sure wasn't afraid of getting caught doing that happy little double penetration in the men's room. Hell, you know me, and yeah, I'd have probably gotten a kick out of it. I figured, the only other people in the bar were our four old neighbor buddies, and they were busy entertaining Judi.

Gee whiz, I mean all I wanted to do was ask Bob if Carla had ever been getting it from behind, you know, while she was sucking his cock. But I didn't make it any further then "So Bob..." before that nasty Murphy pushed my head back down, rather neatly gagging me on a big mouthful of Bob's cock. Sure the bastard caught my glare in the mirror; big deal, it only made his stupid grin even bigger. I mean hey, the silly fools lucky I didn't turn around and smack him for his stupid "Wow, whoever it was said, women are better obscene then heard, was a genius." Maybe it was his added "now don't get me wrong Bob, I love Ann; it's just that I love her more when she's got a big mouthful of cock," that saved the sweetheart. Then again, I really didn't much want to interrupt the wonderful things his thick hard cock was doing to me.

Up to his old tricks, Murphy was giving me one of those sweet laid-back fucks; you know the kind were the guy's savoring the feel of driving in lots of slow deep thrusts. Yeah the kind of fuck that feels, oh so good, right up until, suddenly you know you're going to start screaming if you don't get it hard and fast, yeah lots harder and lots faster. Oh boy and I just knew that it would be just about the time bob's began to pump cum in to my mouth that good old Murphy would decide it was time for him to absolutely cut loose. I figured that first he'd crack a ringing slap off my ass, and then bang the holy hell out of me. What fun, right? Yup, if I had it right, all I would have to do to get myself gloriously and most thoroughly fucked was to go right ahead and finish sucking bob off. Darn, only with the way Bob was already moaning and groaning, I sort of figured it was going to be almost too easy. So just for the Hell of it, I grabbed Bob's hands and set them on my head; and voila, he got the hint. Yippee. Right, you bet, suddenly I was getting fucked from both ends. Only golly, I was wishing I had Murphy's view of the proceedings. Oh well, while Bob proceeded to furiously pump my mouth up and down his cock, I snaked a hand back between my legs and got a finger busy pounding out a frantic rhythm on my clit.

Hey, have I mentioned that Murphy can be a truly horrid bastard? Well, what would you call a guy who pulls a horny girl's finger away from her very needy clit? And I'm talking about one who does it, laughs, pats your ass, and tells you "Oh come on baby, that's just going to distract you." Yeah, well so what? It would have distracted this blonde bitch straight in to an orgasm. Oops, never mind; because, the darling man reached right around, and began using a finger to thump out a wicked rhythm on that demanding clit of mine.

Murphy was busy, and Bob was doing a terrific job of using my mouth like a pussy, and that was fine; well, except what I wanted, was to get him off. The way I saw it, the sooner he was pumping cum in to my mouth the better, yeah, the better for everyone. So, I gently ripped his hands out of my hair, and got a fist wrapped around the spit slick shaft of his cock. And right after I delivered a slow lip licking grin, I got busy blasting that fist up and down Bob's hot and throbbing cock. Then using a thumb and finger to make a ring around that cock's shaft, I stretched its silky skin taunt. I focused all my attention on that cock's head and the inch or so of velvety soft skin right below it. Wet lips smacking, I pumped, letting them pop on and off over that wickedly sensitive bit of Bob's cock. Squirming like maybe he was being tortured, he braced back on his hands, back arched, and thrust his cock up to meet my mouth's plunges.