Pink Sugar Confidential


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Hey, it worked; and Judi wrapped an arm around my waist, while telling the guy's "That was really fun boys; but now, this bastard better feed us girls, or else."

Ann sidled up beside me, draped an arm around my shoulders, and said "Yeah, that's right, we're starving," adding a hip bump for emphasis.

Living dangerous, I told our grinning neighbors "Sorry boys, but, apparently it's past their feeding time. But hey, who knows, but maybe we'll see you down at the clubhouse later."

Not looking at all disappointed, Mel said "Sure thing, we'll buy you all a round of drinks."

Moe added a wave, and a cheery "That was something alright. I'm sure as Hell never going to forget it. Gosh, a drink, or two, or three is the least we can do."

Oops, and then I was zigging and zagging, seriously trying to avoid the hands slapping at my ass. "Past our feeding time, oh you're so in for it," shrieked a wildly swinging Ann. With Judi calling out "Get the horrid bastard," I beat a hasty retreat. Damn straight, I made a mad-dash for the condo.


Yippee, it's Ann and I get to tell you all another story. This one's smoking hot and real fun too. It takes place at the resort's tiny clubhouse bar. Judi, Murphy, and I had already spent a sensationally erotic morning playing together in their condo's big bed. Wow, and later hadn't things really warmed-up out by the condo's pool? Well yeah,, see first off there had been this wicked romp with huff the pool boy, who was all man, and lots of it too. And then a little later there had been that most interesting little encounter with our voyeuristic next door neighbors. Wow, who knew two old guys could be so much fun; or, that the fun had barely begun? Ok, I'm assuming you've already figured out that if there's fun and games to be had, well yeah, Judi and I are there. That's right; and for sure Murphy's not about to be left alone playing with himself. Only after Judi had finished using the geezers for an appetizer, a break for a bite to eat seemed like an absolutely terrific idea. Hey silly, I'm talking about real food. Anyway, on that note her goes.

"Sorry guys," Murphy told Mel and Moe, "But, its way past the ladies feeding time." Well, after that smart-ass pronouncement, Murphy dodged us indignant ladies, and made a dash for the safety of the condo. So, after a chorus of "See ya boys," Judi and I waved, and blew kisses, before turning and strutting off, ass's swinging like a couple of hookers on the prowl. We stopped to use the patio shower, and for once, we didn't even put on a show; well, not much of one anyway.

Waiting in air-conditioned comfort, Murphy greeted us with "Hey, if you two don't want to get dressed, there's cold pizza and Champagne."

Hey, and that reminded me, no one had paid me for that pizza. So, while giving him the finger, I politely told him "Murphy you dog, you never even paid for that pizza. Yeah, so I figure, at least, you owe us girl's a real lunch."

Snuggling an arm around my waist, Judi suggested "Come on, let's get dressed and walk down to the clubhouse. There's a bar, right Murphy? And I for one could use a drink."

"Yeah, a giant Margarita," I cried. And then seeing that Murphy was acting sort of weird, I asked "Gee Murphy, what, are you playing with yourself or something?" I mean really, he had a hand groping around in the pocket of his shorts, and he was wearing a look on his face like maybe he had misplaced Pam Anderson's phone number or something.

The horrid tease was pulling something out of that pocket, when he said "Well gosh baby, if you don't want it, I'll just toss it."

Big deal, I thought, it looks like somebody's dumb business card. But then, squealing "Hey wait, Is that my surprise," I snatched it out of his hand. I looked, and saw it was a business card alright, and from Palm Springs Pool Service no less. Whooping, I spun in a circle, and felt my stomach hatch a horde of butterflies. And sure enough, I turned it over; and yippee, yes it was a note from Huff. Oh of course it was short. Who cares; it was sweet, and it included his phone number.

Huff had written "Hi Ann, I want to see you again. You're amazing, your smile, your laugh, and that incredible spirit too..." And yeah, you bet he put in three explanation marks. And of course he added three more when he wrote "Please call me..."

Oh Hell no, don't ask; I'm not about to tell you that number. I'm so embarrassed, there I was acting like a love struck teenager, dancing around, and squealing "he likes me, he likes me." Well I was when Murphy slapped my ass hard enough to get my attention.

Murphy grinned and said "Well duh, I could have told you that."

Hey, and then Judi snatched the card out of my hand and tore off towards the bedroom. Huff would have been proud of the tackle that landed me on top of her. We crashed on to the bed laughing, squealing, rolling around, and wrestling for control. And damn, that Judi's strong, and she ended up sitting on my stomach, yeah holding the card out of my reach. Giggling nastily, she informed me that she was holding the card for ransomed. "Gosh darling, if you want it, it's going to cost you," she teased. "Let's see now, how about a nice steamy kiss for starters, OK?"

What, was she serious? Come on, because of course I was going to jump at the chance to kiss her, stolen card or not. And come to think of it, several delightful minutes later, she was still holding the precious thing. Anyway, Murphy interrupted to order, "Break it up. Come on ladies, try saving it for after lunch."

Calling him a "spoil sport," Judi dropped that card between my tits. Well she did, right after she rolled out from between my legs that is. What was I supposed to do with it, my purse was out in the car, and my skirt didn't have any pockets. What else could I do, I slid a corner of it under the lamp sitting on the nightstand.

Looking around I spotted Judi bent over, and wasn't that a pretty sight? She was busily rummaging around in her suitcase. Oh shit, I thought, all I have to wear is the same tiny tank top, and short skirt that I was wearing when I'd shown up last night, innocently expecting to deliver pizza. Oh boy, and I'm not likely to ever forget that delivery, or the amazing woman who answered the door bare ass naked. Unbelievably I had found myself being seduced; yup, kissed, fondled, and then stripped naked. And after Judi had shown me just what a woman could do to a poor unsuspecting clit, her boyfriend Murphy, had done a pretty awesome job of fucking my brains out. But then, with a promise to return, I'd had to split; and, just so I could attend, of all things, a dumb wedding rehearsal.

Oops, about then is when I remembered I'd thrown my cum soaked panties away after that wedding rehearsal. So, maybe feeling just a wee bit chagrined, I muttered "Oh boy, hey, I'm not going to be wearing any panties."

Without bothering to turn around Judi told me what she thought of that. "You think so do you," she asked. "Darling, you just better think again." But hey, she was laughing when she tossed me a pair of panties while saying "Hey, you know I might just want to come back here again; so, I've got a reputation to protect."

I caught them, and looked down at a shiny black micro thong. And hey, it was so tiny that wearing it wouldn't have been all that much different from going bare. But then, bare is what I wanted to be. So, I tossed that pair of panties to Murphy, giggling as I pressed a finger to his lips. Catching on, he dropped them, and then kicked them out of sight under the bed. So then, and with plenty of mock surrender in my voice, I said, "Sure Judi, whatever you say darling. But, you're a wicked and thoroughly nasty little tart. Yeah, and it's way too late for you to worry about your reputation."

Oh well, Judi ignored my teasing snipe, and kept rummaging in her suitcase for something to wear. She finally stood up holding a tiny silk wrap that looked as if it might be even shorter than my skirt. Well, by the time I got back from brushing my hair she had it on and was pulling a tank top over her head. And guess what? She wasn't wearing a bra. Especially Murphy slid his hand up under her wrap and caressed that sweet ass of hers. Oh yeah, I caught her little smirk and wondered. But gosh, while she was occupied brushing out her hair and applying lipstick, Murphy ran his hand up under my skirt; and well, I sort of forgot about Judi's smirk and what it might have meant.

We strolled in to the bar; and bummer, there was only one couple, and a lady bartender. Well, I caught the guy slyly checking us out; so gosh, I gave him a wicked little grin. Hell, he looked like somebody's father, besides, ugg, they wore matching white tennis outfits. Now that bartender chick; wow, she was tall, a green eyed redhead, with a killer body. Really, if I'd caught Judi drooling, I'd have smacked her one; oh but, I would have understood. Anyway, Murphy led us to a table. Oh boy, and I ended up sitting next to Judi, and across from Murphy. And, that meant Judi and I were facing that guy.

I sat down, and naturally my already short skirt hiked up. Oh poor me, what was I to do? Right, I made damn sure that guy got a wide open look at my so nicely exposed bit of pink pussy. And, of course, I pretended to ignore him.

OK, so the bartender dropped off menus and took our drink orders. Fine, except Judi had to tell Murphy to stop staring and order. Who could blame the poor man; after all, that redhead's wore a long sleeved shirt knotted under a pair of tits nearly as big as mine. Well, in my book that makes them awesome. And in that bar's air-conditioned air, her nipples stuck out from visibly dark areola, jutting out hard and looking inviting. OK, and so what if all three of us watched her cute butt sway, as she walked back to the bar? It was a real nice ass too; barely contained in a clinging skirt that was, maybe even shorter than mine. What? Of course I just couldn't help wondering if she was wearing anything under it. Well of course that reminded me of Judi's earlier knowing smirk; so then, I was left wondering if either one of them was wearing panties. I mean gosh, what if I was the only one going commando?

Oh no, stop that, I thought, when I realized Murphy couldn't seem to stop glancing up at the bar mirror and grinning. Horrors, he already had Judi looking at him with a puzzled expression, and even before our drinks arrived. Knowing I was as good as busted, I tried distracting her by babbling to the bartender. Naturally, I started babbling about our fabulous sexual adventure. You can't hardly trust a redhead, at least one that's drop dead gorgeous; anyway, she smiled, laughed, and fully busted me. "Well now, hey, that does sound like great fun," she said.

Murphy interrupted, and just so he could introduce us. And after saying, "Triann that noisy blonde is Ann, and the smirking beauty next to her is Judi," he went on to say, "And ladies, meet Triann." Triann said "Hi," reminding us with a laugh, "Just let me know when you're ready to order." And then, it was poor me time. Yup, and she was looking right at me when she said "And, darlings, what you're doing to that poor man, well, just keep it up. Honestly, it's the most fun this bar's seen all day."

Murphy looked like he was trying hard not to burst out laughing. Forgive me, but about to be busted, I sort of hoped that maybe he might just choke or something. OK, so it wouldn't have saved me anyway.

Judi nonchalantly smiled up at Triann, and told her "Thanks, how about another round of drinks, and then we'll order."

Then, while Judi snickered and slowly slid a hand up my bare thigh, she softly purred, "Murphy you bastard, you knew." And then, as her hand crept higher, she added a sweetly sarcastic, "Oh my, my naughty little bitch here forgot her panties. And well, gosh, I suppose that means the wicked little tart is deliberately showing off her pretty pussy to that nice man." Yeah, of course I was, like seriously duh. And anyway, about then that nice man would have been watching her push two fingers in to this brightly blushing girl. Damn, I thought, she'll probably keep it up until she's got me cumming right here too. So sure, I leaned back, what else could I do; and, let her probing fingers and teasing thumb do their work. And that's just what I was doing when Triann sat our drinks down.

Well, Triann caught my eye, winked, and said "Lucky you." And then, I watched her eyes slide down; which of course meant, yup, we were both watching Judi's fingers work their magic between my thighs. With a shake of her head, Triann softly whistled, before saying "You go girl, take her."

Hey, with the way Judi was snickering, I figure the only thing that saved me from cumming right there at the table, well, I think I mean saved, was the arrival of Mel and Moe. Yup, and I figured the pair of geezers tagging along were the buddies who had been too busy napping to join in the earlier round of erotic hyjinks. Judi spotted them, damn it, and pulled her fingers out of me. So, by the time the guys made it to our table, she was sitting there, resting her chin on her folded hands. Ha, yeah and just who did she think her sappy smile and wide-eyed look of innocence was fooling anyway? Whatever, oh boy; and then I got caught in one of those blonde moments.

I jumped up to greet them. Only oops, I forgot all about my fucking skirt being hiked way up on my hips. Well, I had, at least until Judi; little MS Cool herself, casually reached out and pulled it down. Behind the bar, Poor Triann totally lost it. OK yeah, I suppose that from her perspective it probably, and I said probably looked pretty funny. And hey, none of the geezers laughed; but a couple of them were lucky their false teeth didn't fall right the fuck out of their freaking mouths. Anyway, ignoring Triann's cackling, and feigning nonchalance, I waited while Mel introduced his buddies. They were Manny and Jack; and honestly, I still don't know why Murphy found that worthy of a barely stifled guffaw. Whatever, one at a time I gave the guys each one damn hot little kiss; yeah, all four of them.

Poor Moe blushed, turning a deep red. No shit he changed colors with the regularity of a traffic light. Never mind that, that rascal Mel had his tongue half way down my throat and his hands roaming up under my skirt. Manny, who had obviously been prepared, or do I mean warned, gave me a kiss with some serious heat behind it. Yeah, and it was awhile before he stepped back and let Jack pull me in to his arms. "Well now," he said, "I'm beginning to believe what that old coot Mel said." Yeah, and then, that old coot Jack, buckled my knees with a long, and surprisingly aggressive kiss.

Oh sure, Judi kissed them too, and got herself felt up too. And if I hadn't been too busy making Google eyes at tennis guy, I might have noticed what she wasn't wearing under her tiny wrap. Anyway, our foursome of happy neighbors finally moved on to the bar; and, we at last got around to actually eating lunch.

Oh my god, for most of that meal I might as well have been naked from the waist down. Judi had pushed my skirt up above my hips, and I'm sure she would have knocked my hands away if I'd tried to pull it down; which of course, I hadn't. Gosh, but did she have to giggle like a silly school girl every time she reached down to stroke my pussy? I knew she was sharing grins with tennis guy; hey, you know how she gets around an audience. I expected Murphy to ignore us, and he did; but wow, I couldn't believe the guy's wife never turned around to see why her hubby's eyes kept wandering. Eventually I got around to making a move, reaching down and trying to run a sensual caress up one of Judi's silky smooth thighs. Well, she brushed my hand away; and yeah, I knew. So, when she knocked aside my second try, I ordered "Stop that." And, I was already reaching for her tiny wrap, when I told her "I know you're not wearing any panties. Oh sure, and let me guess, that snickering boyfriend of yours is in on it too?"

As short as Judi's silk wrap was, there sure wasn't much too actually hike-up. But, I yanked it up anyway, ordering "Spread your legs nice and wide darling. Let's give that lucky guy a real double attraction to feast his eyes on."

Looking like he was working overtime to keep from totally losing it, Murphy muttered "I don't believe it; well I do, but I need a drink anyway." And, when he waved, intending to catch Triann's attention, one of those mental light bulbs lit up. Yup, I had an idea, and a nasty little plan to repay Judi for her wicked deception.

My plan; well, it started when I casually- la-di-da-added a glass of ice water to our drink order. Right, and a wink at Murphy and a glance at that glass of ice water; and then, all I needed to do was wait for him to distract the unsuspecting Judi. What fun, and when he asked her what she thought of redheads, I slipped two big ice cubes in to my hand.

Judi asked "You wouldn't be thinking of any particular redhead would you honey," and I unobtrusively maneuvered my ice laden hand under the table. OK, and right in the middle of her "Really, she's quite a tasty little treat," MS Cool herself, got those ice cubes pushed in to her so nicely exposed pussy. Damn it though, she barely even batted an eye, just went right on merrily babbling "so, would you like...ooh...oh my...well now...ooh-aah...well, Ann and I could seduce her for you."

Oh well, at least she thanked me, purring sweetly "Well, thank you darling. My pussy was getting just a bit overheated."

I'll say, wow, those ice cubes melted away so fast I expected to see steam. But, when Judi spotted me reaching for another handful of ice, she was pretty quick to grab the glass. Well that did it, and there was no mistaking the laughter coming from tennis guy; yup, he'd noticed alright. So, to show my appreciation, I lifted my top and flashed him. Well imagine that, the sight of my set of bared 36-C beauties stopped his laughing cold. If I do say so myself, I've got a great rack; really, their big, their round, and their real firm too. And just then, they were sprouting a pair of deliciously erect nipples. Well, he was staring, and Murphy was staring too; but gosh, I wondered if that was my entire audience?

Turning to check, I spotted Triann, who had a hand over her mouth in a vain attempt to stifle her giggles. And of course the four old guys were swiveled around, eyes laser-locked on me. Gosh, and what, just because I was pinching and rolling a pair of decidedly perky nipples? Oops, and that's about when I decided to check on tennis guy. Yup, and guess whose wife had turned and caught me showing off my tits? Astonished, you bet I was; not at her smile, but at her nod of approval. But then, when her eyes dropped, and she saw what else hubby had been gaping at, it was her turn to give me a look of wide eyed astonishment. Gee, maybe she'd never seen a totally shaved bare, fully exposed pussy before; oh but, her hubby sure had. OK, so maybe it wasn't exactly bare; so maybe the fingers Judi had working there might just have had something to do with her scandalize expression. As things turned out, I'd misread her expression, but I didn't know that, certainly not when she turned back to face hubby.

Dramatically belching and banging his emptied bottle down on the table the pig, yes I mean Murphy, announced "Ladies, if you'll excuse me, I'm off in search of the head."

If you don't count his big grinned, then I'd say he ignored Judi's tsk-tsking and my snickering too. Having a lot more in mind then peeing, I said, "Yeah, me too, let's hit it buddy boy."

What do you know; gosh, Murphy and I needed to pass right by the tennis couples table on our way to the restrooms. So, while hubby grinned, wifey caught my eye and smiled. What else could I do; I stopped and smiled right back. "Hi there," she said. "You're doing a terrific job of entertaining my husband. Oh, and by the way, it's Bob's, my husband's birthday. So, the sweetheart's getting extra privileges today."
