Playing with Barbie Doll Pt. 07


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Ugh! Even as I said it, my brain shrieked. NO! Not your real name! Oh shit! Too late.

"Barbie, like the children's toy." He said in what I thought might be a Russian accent. "It suits you very well. Good name for escort." He held out a hand to me.

I giggled and accepted his hand, and he pulled mine up to kiss. At least he didn't think it was my real name.

"Does your husband know you are being escort tonight?" he asked.

Wow! Pretty direct. "Umm, yes. Sort of." I said, casting a quick look at Steve. "But nobody else in the firm knows... and I'd like to keep it that way. Alright, Marko?"

"Of course!" he guffawed loudly and kissed my hand again. "You are even more beautiful than Larry tells me. ochen' seksual'no."

I blinked at him. "I'm sorry. Is that Russian?"

He nodded, "Da. Russkiy."

I giggled. "And what does it mean?"

He leaned closer and grinned fiendishly. "It means, Very sexy." He growled.

"Oh, well, umm... thank you." My god, this was so weird!

We went to a steakhouse that was so amazing! The food was fantastic, and not a single item on the menu had a price next to it. I guess they figured if you were eating there, money was no object. After that, we went to a dance club that was just starting to fill up.

"Do you dance?" Marko asked.

I gave him a little shrug. "Mmm, a little."

He took my hand and pulled me out to the pulsing beat, and I did what I do! Hips moving, breasts bouncing, and that dress was attracting all sorts of attention. I got into a leg lock with Marko, and he was just trying to keep up, rubbing himself against my thigh between his legs. I have to admit, dance is an instant high for me. Even with that handsy Russian trying to grab, grope, and pinch every part of me, I had a blast! I did a bump and grind dance with about five other guys too, and every time I wiggled my way back to Marko, his smile brightened.

A few times, I saw Steve and Larry watching, and they both looked pretty pleased with themselves. They leaned toward one another to shout into each other's ear over the music, and I imagined they were trying to figure out how best to use me to get this deal closed.

I let Marko buy me two drinks and kept dancing out there while he rested now and then. The crowd thickened, and soon the floor was so crowded, I had hips and hands all around me in a sea of undulating bodies.

At one point, a hand reached right up my skirt and grabbed my bare ass. I startled and turned... to find a very cute goth looking girl with lip piercings and a wicked little smile. She blew me a kiss and tilted her head in a sort of invitation. I blew her kiss back but shook my head. She shrugged like it was no big deal and danced off into the crowd.

When I wiggled my ass out of the crowd and back to our table, Marko took me by the hips and pulled me right onto his lap with an obvious bulge underneath.

"You lie to me!" He roared through the music. "You are magnificent dancer!"

"She's a professional burlesque dancer!" Steve offered, and I glared warningly at him.

"Ah! No wonder!" Marko roared a laugh and bounced me on his knee as he cupped my ass and gave it a good squeeze. Damn, his hands were strong! It felt like I was having my butt massaged... or bitten by a horse! "Is too crowded here." He roared at Larry. "We go now, yes?"

"Of course!" Larry agreed.

We filed out with Marko keeping me right by his side, that meaty hand resting on my hip. Back into the limo, and we drove across town to a rather obvious strip club! I'd never been to one before and had no idea what to expect beyond the stuff one sees in a movie.

Marko guided me in with his hand on my hip or ass, depending on his mood, and maneuvered us up close to one of the three stages. A very curvy, very pretty, very nearly naked girl was gyrating seductively with nothing but a G-string on. Dollar bills were tucked into it here and there, and she flashed Steve, Larry, and Marko a smile, then settled on me with her eyes and flared her brows at me. Oof, she was sexy.

Marko took a twenty-dollar bill out, twitched a finger for her to come closer, then twirled his finger to get her to turn around. She presented her round ass for him, and he deftly slid the bill into her G-string while getting himself a feel on her round bottom. She smiled and nipped playfully at her tongue, then resumed her sexy little dance.

He sat, and quickly pulled me down onto his lap again. Holy shit, was he hard! His hands roamed around my hip, and strayed up my sides, but I thwarted his attempts to get to my tits.

I quickly noticed a lot of similarities between Burlesque and her strip tease. She was one with the music, perfectly in sync, and I recognized the hip movements and hand motions I use myself. She slid up and down with her back against a stripper pole and kept changing angles to let the guys enjoy her beauty from every side.

As the music changed, I eased up off Marko's lap, and lifted my chin to the girl. She beamed me a smile and wiggled her body down the pole until she was at my level, and crawled closer so our faces almost touched. "You're very good!" I said loudly to her over the music.

"Ooo, thanks, honey!" She cooed back. "Do you dance too?"

I nodded. "Not like this, but yes!"

I felt a tug at my dress and turned to find Marko holding another twenty at me. I took it, turned back to our dancer, and she got a wicked smile. She took the bill from my fingers, tucked it between my lips, then dropped to her knees on the stage and cupped her breasts, using them to engulf my face and remove the money from my lips. It was all I could do not to laugh!

Marko was so turned on, he yanked me back down onto his lap, and got one of my breasts in his hand before I could block him. "That was very sexy." He growled at my ear. "You like where you sit, yes?"

As he spoke, his hand found its way up my dress and he grabbed a handful of bare ass cheek, his hard grip making me squeal a bit. To emphasize his question, he rocked a bit in his chair, making my ass wiggle on his bulge.

"Umm... yeah." I squeaked and looked over to see Steve watching... and he had one of his naughty grins on his face. He was enjoying this a little too much.

Marko waved another twenty at the girl, and she danced close again, and had me push the bill into her G-string right over her pussy. "You do lap dance, yes?" he roared at her.

She flashed him a smile, winked and nodded.

He grinned. "Very good."

The dancer then signaled to one of the serving girls who came over in her skimpy outfit, and they had a quiet talk.

"This way, please." She said and led us all to another separate room. "Can I get you anything?"

The men all placed an order for a drink, but when I refused, Marko insisted. "She will have... what is that again... Ah yes! She will have Cosmopolitan." When she left, he took a seat, and gave me a nudge toward Steve. "Sit with him while I get lap dance. You keep Barbie warm for me, yes?"

Oh, hell yes! I eagerly wriggled my ass onto Steve's lap, and he immediately gave me some very nice caresses and gropes. Damn! If we were alone right then, I'd have been on my knees in seconds! As much as Marko's touch sort of creeped me out, I couldn't help but be turned on by his attentions, especially when sitting on his hard bulge. His hands were rougher and more forceful than Steve's, but their touch still excited me.

Now that I was with Steve again, all I wanted was to have sex. He felt so familiar and comforting and smelled so nice. If only I could get one of his wonderful kisses. Even as I was thinking it, Steve took my hair in his hand, turned my face his way, and we engaged in a tongue battle. His hand came up, slid into my dress, and I moaned into his mouth as he groped my ass.

When the kiss was over, I immediately knew it was a mistake. Larry and Marko had watched the whole thing as Barbie, the wife of some unnamed junior partner, just let some other junior partner have a passionate kiss and grope me! Oops!

Thankfully our dancer arrived, and she made a sexy, theatrical entrance. "Hi boys... and girl." She waved playfully at me. "Are we celebrating anything tonight?"

"Not yet." Marko said, casting a sidelong look my way. "Depends on how night ends. We will see."

She nodded like she understood, though I'm sure she had no idea. "Well, am I dancing for all of you?"

Marko nodded. "Yes. All." He grinned with a wink at me. "You start with me."

She danced a little closer and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Fifty each." She said. "Okay, handsome?"

Marko grinned. "Da."

"And there are rules." She continued. "You sit there, and I do any touching we're going to do. Understand. No hands except where I put them... except you, baby." She winked at me. "You get to touch wherever you want. Okay?"

"Oh, I'm just going to watch." I giggled.

"No." Marko barked insistently. "You get lap dance too."

I felt a little wave of heat. Was it the thought of that curvaceous beauty lap dancing on me or was it Marko's commanding voice. Either way, I felt it right down to my sex. Shit! Get a grip, Barbie!

The lap dances were... just... Wow! Her control was fantastic. She moved like pure music in motion, smooth, graceful, sexy. What the hell was she stripping for? She could easily be on stage with the best of us at Yowzah!

Marko had her on his lap, gyrating and rubbing her pussy up and down the bulge in his pants. She straddled him, rubbed his face in her boobs, and even invited him to kiss them. Larry got a similar treatment, and I think she almost made him cum. Steve got a little more. She let him kiss her tits, then had him do it again while she put his hands on her ass and ground her pussy up and down what I knew she could feel was his massive member. No wonder she wanted him to do more.

Finally, she took me by the hand, had Marko give me his chair, and sat me down. She pushed a button on the wall, and the music changed to something... the only word for it would be erotic. It sounded like something a sexy vampire would play before biting his helpless victim.

She rubbed her hips and hands all over me, running her little fingers over every bare inch of flesh I was showing which was a lot. Her hand slipped into my dress, cupped one of my tits very gently, and leaned her lips next to my ear. "Is this okay, baby?" she purred.

"Mmm, yes." I moaned back.

She kept this up for a bit, then carefully removed her G-string, letting us all enjoy the sight of her shaved little pussy. I'm still not bi, but the situation was making me so fucking hot! She lowered herself onto my lap with a little nibble on my ear that made me squeak. She was bigger than me, probably had twenty more pounds and three or four inches in height and curves than I did, but she kept much of that weight on her feet as she covered me with her naked body. She guided my hands up to her breasts, made me squeeze them, then bent forward and licked my lips with her tongue.

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, but when she leaned at me again to lick my lips a second time, I licked hers back and then we kissed. It wasn't the same, sensual kisses I get from Paula, but it felt lovely. Her hands roamed over me, and I did the same with her. This only lasted a moment, then she sat more firmly on my lap, and started to grind her hips at me. I could feel her sex rubbing against mine, and it was making me even more horny than I already was. Come on, Barbie! Hold it together!

She finished with another sweet kiss and retrieved her G-string from the floor. "Can I have the waitress bring you another drink?" she asked.

"Yes!" Marko insisted. "One more for everyone."

"Oh, Marko." I pleaded. "I'm getting a little tipsy."

"Drink only what you want. Yes. But no empty hands. Is bad luck." He grinned at me. "Now, come here. Tell me more about you."

I got up and curled myself onto his lap again. We chatted a bit and I told lies about me and my husband, sprinkled with enough truth to make it believable. His hands were everywhere, and I was having a hard time keeping him from touching my more sensitive places. Both my breasts were fondled, my ass stroked and squeezed, but I still managed to keep him from touching my pussy. Our drinks finally arrived on the tray of another exceptionally hot young lady, then she left us alone again.

"So, you are professional dancer, then." Marko said.

I nodded. "That's true."

"Show us." He said.

I blinked down at him. "What?"

"Show us dance you do. Come. Show us." He said insistently.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea." I shook my head. "That music won't work for what I do."

"Then do dance that works with music!" he said with that same note of command.

"How about a lap dance?" Steve suggested, and my eyes flared at him. What was he doing? He wanted me to lap dance? I didn't know how to lap dance! Besides, this was supposed to just be flirting and looking pretty for some stranger. I wasn't supposed to lap dance!

"Yes! Perfect!" Marko agreed eagerly. "Very good idea!"

"Oh, I totally agree." Larry nodded. "Barbie here is a fabulous dancer. I'm sure she can figure out how to do what that other dancer did."

"But I dance a different style all together!" I protested. "My... my husband..."

"Will never know." Larry insisted. "Nothing we see will ever leave this room. Right, gentlemen?"

Steve nodded at once.

Marko smirked, then nodded too. "As you say. Not a word. No stories come of this."

"You see?" Steve grinned. "Your husband will never know. We promise."

Ha! That was pretty cheeky coming from my husband who not only knew but was instigating it! I felt Marko grab my ass again, and his hand started sliding around and up my thigh toward my pussy, so I decided dancing might at least get me out of his clutches for a little while.

"Alright." I squeaked and got up. That same sexy trance/vampire seduction music was still playing, and I moved to the center of the room, letting the music get inside me. The slow, pulsing beat was so erotic and deep, it made my body move on its own. I felt the flow of it, the sexual rhythm, and my hips felt it too. Soon I was moving like I did on stage, but much slower and with more sexual energy. It felt good. A little too good. Like... scary good!

I started on my left, which was Larry. My body glided over his, and I lowered my ass to his crotch, rubbing his hard cock under his pants with my ass cheeks. He wasn't satisfied with just feeling my rear and slid the tight hem of my dress up so my bare bottom rested on his lap. I playfully swatted his hands away. "Rules, mister Pierce." I purred. "I get to touch you, but you can't touch me."

"Well, don't the rules include you wearing a lot less than that?" Steve said.

"Oh, umm..." I faltered, glaring at my husband's instigation again.

"That is true." Marko nodded. "Is not lap dance if dancer is still wearing clothes."

"Rules are rules." Larry agreed.

"No, but... I don't even have panties on!" I pleaded.

"Poor planning on your part." Steve said.

Grrr, you and I are going to have words after this, mister!

"I insist!" Marko demanded in that booming voice that I felt in my sex.

Oh hell! I danced off Larry's lap and stood in the center of the room again. Shit! Dancing naked for three horny men? This could get out of control fast. "Hands to yourself." I insisted and reached back to free my halter top. The dress fell, exposing my firm breasts, and I wriggled my hips free of it, letting it fall to the floor. Standing there in nothing but a pair of heels, I felt so dirty and slutty... and so sexy. The look in their eyes was unnerving and exciting at the same time. God, what was I doing?

I went back and resumed my lap dance on Larry. That music, the lust in their eyes, the erotic music, my husband eagerly watching, not to mention my naked pussy rubbing along his swelling erection. It all started to overwhelm me. I straddled Larry as the dancer had done and guided his hands to hold my hips. Arching back, I slowly leaned in and enveloped his face in my tits, giggling at how he tried to kiss and lick them while he was there. I linked my arms around his neck and leaned closer to his ear. "I'll bet you wish we were in your hot tub again." I whispered.

"Soon, I hope." He whispered back.

I didn't reply. I wiggled about on his erection a bit longer, then got up, and shimmied my way over to Steve before I did anything too naughty.

I gave him the same treatment, rubbing my ass on his substantial bulge, dancing around his chair and letting him enjoy the sight of his wife getting all slutty. Then I straddled him too, placed his hands on my ass, and wriggled about, grinding my pussy onto his hard crotch. He leaned forward and took one nipple into his mouth and tongued it as I rolled my head back. Then I linked my arms around him as I did with Larry, leaned close and whispered. "You should stop this soon before I do something we both regret."

"Maybe." He hissed back. "Once we know the deal is done."

How would he know that?

I kissed him quick, then got up and resumed my journey until I was dancing for Marko. I circled him twice, giving him extra time, then sat my rear on him and wiggled about, feeling him getting stiff and straining at his pants. I turned and straddled him as I had before, and gently guided his hands up to my ass. My wiggling dance was rubbing my pussy right on his cock with just his pants between us. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be enjoying this quite as much as I was.

For a little extra, I leaned back and pulled his hands up to my chest. He took both tits in his powerful hands, and kneaded them with almost painful force. Somehow, that got me even more turned on. Oh shit! What the hell are you doing, Barbie!

Marko fondled me, cupping, squeezing, and tweaking my breasts as my little bunny sounds started... which he seemed to really enjoy. Then his face grinned brighter, and he grabbed me by the hips, lifted me, turned me around, and sat me down again in seconds. I had no idea why. Then, all of a sudden, just in reach, was my lover's massive length hanging out of the zip in his trousers!

"Oh, umm... wait a minute!" I tried to protest, but Steve just stepped forward, cupped his hand under my chin, and pushed his cock into my stunned mouth. Oh hell. I loved giving my baby head. He was so good at this, but we weren't alone. I could feel Marko moving my hips to make my pussy rub against his cock, and I could see Larry approaching while rubbing at his own bulge.

Steve gave me a second or two to adjust, then sank most of his ten inches right down my throat. Marko cupped and fondled my tits firmly, and Larry groaned at my oral performance. God, why was this my sex life now?

"Damn, she can suck cock!" Larry hissed as he approached and freed his cock too, standing beside Steve and placing my hand on his length. I obliged by stroking him while I kept giving Steve a blowjob.

Meanwhile, Marko was wriggling me about on his lap, and feeling me up. As I was manhandled, Steve and Larry started taking turns fucking my mouth. Then I felt Marko's hands moving under me, lifting me a bit, and a moment later I sat again, and a bare cock nestled against my pussy lips.

"No!" I gasped in panic letting Larry's wet cock pop out of my mouth with a slurp. I tried to move, but Marko's strong hands held me in pace. His stiff cock was rubbing my pussy, trying to get inside me. "I'll give you blowjobs, but nobody is having sex with me. Okay?"

"But... this is what escort is for!" Marko spat. "No. We have sex too."

Somehow, I managed to surge to my feet and back away. "Blowjobs! That all!" I insisted. "That's already more than I was told I would do."

Marko glared at me, then turned that glare at Larry. "Hmph." He scowled. "Blowjob is not worth this deal." He started to close his pants.