Please, You Take Her


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The rain had stopped, but the light had grown dim beneath the canopy. I trudged on keeping a quick pace all the while knowing it was going to be close. I stopped at the next junction and looked at the post--it had 'd' on it. I looked at the map as I didn't remember passing a 'd'. It must be 'b', which made me feel better as I was about an hour away now at a slow walk, it would be almost dark when I arrived.


I scanned the room as I put his plate down next to members of my group. It had been a good day with a number of excellent observations, including three bird species I had seen but a few times before. Bridget was nowhere in sight. When I asked if anyone had seen her no one had. If there was one thing I had noticed about her it was she didn't miss a meal. It didn't make sense to me as I was good at picking out patterns of behavior, and this didn't fit ditzy Bridget.

I didn't finish my meal, instead I went to her room to see if she were feeling well. When I read the note on the door I noticed several of the letters reversed and out of place in three of the words.

She's dyslexic. Crap, if she's using the trail map she's going to be confused as hell. No wonder she's not here. She's out there somewhere.

Seconds after reading the note I took off for my room at a run, picked up my backpack, and shoved a large flashlight into the center pocket as I dashed out the door. I was at the trailhead in about five minutes as another flash of lightning streaked overhead and a few large drops of rain fell. Stooping, I saw a fresh set of boot prints in the damp soil. They had to be Bridget's as there were no other prints present suggesting a group had used this section of trail.

I better get a move on because if it rains hard it will wash any footprints away and it's going to be dark soon.

Jogging I covering the section in record time bringing me almost to the first junction, which would be 'b'. Looking down was the same boot track veering off to the left. It was dusk and the crepuscular species where beginning to call, though the rain had held off. I was panting and sweating heavily as I reached 'c'. Tugging my water bottle out I took a long drink as I knelt down, thinking I saw the same footprint. After pulling the flashlight out I placed it at an angle to reveal the raised portions of the print. She had gone left when she should have gone right. I called out several times and didn't get a response.

Goddamned woman. Still a pain in the ass.

I pushed onward with the flashlight beam leading the way. Almost an hour had passed and the jungle was pitch black except for the bioluminescent insects flashing on and off with the greenish glow of fungus on the decaying vegetation made it look surreal.


I was standing confused in the dark after passing 'c'. There was nowhere to go now as each sound seemed eerie, flashing green pulses seemed to float in the air in a bewildering spectacle of beauty. It was the low growl in the distance that had terrified me most. Jaguars roamed the forest and though I knew they seldom looked at humans as prey it did happen. The high pitched drone of flying mosquitoes looking for a blood meal surrounded me and I was thankful the DEET laced insecticide I had applied was mostly working. Still, I was smacking my bared arms and legs all too often, and those that came into my ear deepened my misery.

I should have told someone where I was going. I should have done more than left a note on the door. This was going to be so simple. Just a quick hike, some good birds, and something to talk about at dinner.

I stooped low so my legs were together to reduce the amount of bare skin I couldn't reach and pulled the sides of my broad-brimmed hat down over my ears. It was when I felt something run across my boots that I felt a surge of fear course though my body. I'd never felt as helpless in my life as there was nowhere to go in the dark. After placing my hand in front of my face I'd not been able to see it. Only the absence of the green flashes of the insects around me showed it was there.

It began to rain hard as the lightning flickered above and the dull roar of rain upon the leaves increased--it was going to be a very long night. I felt myself fill with despair as it was unlikely anyone would find my note until morning and being alone out here terrified me when something small bit me hard on the leg.

Chapter 5 Changes in Latitude and Altitude


Twenty minutes later I called out in the hope of getting a response. The jungle can be a noisy place when water is dripping everywhere. I walked on and stopped again to call several times--again, no response.

Damn it! Where is that woman? I may have to go back and assemble a search party. That should be fun.

The thing about wearing a plastic poncho in the hot humid tropics was an enigma I realized. You get wet from the inside out rather than the outside in. The only reason I donned a poncho was to keep my books and gear dry rather than myself. The sound of water dripping off leaves and branches echoed around me as I walked up the trail. I hoped Bridget hadn't gone much past the junction at 'c', because if she passed 'd' it was a very long way before the trail would swing around and head back towards the lodge. The section labeled 'd' was actually the cut-off that formed a short loop, with 'd' showing at two points on the map. Since 'd' angled off from this side I hadn't gone as far as 'd' during the tour I led while on the other trail section. In essence, the trail was a balloon with a tail, with a smaller balloon inside the larger.


I couldn't help it. Tears came to my eyes as I slowly settled down onto the trail. I'd passed 'b' so I was closer if someone were looking for me. I covered myself with my plastic poncho to keep the mosquitoes away, tucking it under me. It muffled the sound of the dripping water by way of the rain pelting the plastic which was louder. An animal hadn't called in quite a while and I figured even they were waiting the rain out. I sat looking into the darkness and noticed a greenish glow all around me, recognizing it as bioluminescence. It gave an otherworldly aspect to my surroundings, but did nothing to improve my disposition.

I closed my eyes and wondered what I should do when I returned home to Spartanburg. My business was doing well. My clients liked my art pieces and graphic designs and had spread the word. Most of them had remained loyal to me for years. My last boyfriend had been harassing me since our breakup and I'd taken the tour a bit earlier than I usually did to get away from him. I still had a decision to make--I could move, or I could try to make the restraining order work.

The rain was falling steadily when I thought I heard a voice. I pulled the plastic from over my head and listened. It was! It was someone calling my name. I jumped to my feet feeling relieved, "I'm here! I'm over here!"

I watched as the beam from a flashlight shone on the trees down the trail, the light swaying back and forth slightly. A male voice called out again.

"Bridget!" long and drawn out, then again, "Bridget."

"Here! I'm over here! I yelled as loudly as I could as rain spattered and splat around me, my heart racing wildly.

"I hear you. I'm coming," the deep voice called back from behind the light as it bobbed ever closer.

As the light fell upon the trail I walked towards it sobbing in relief. I fell into the person's arms as the rain fell around us. It was when his voice came into my ear I recognized it.

"I'm sorry Dick. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to see the birds I missed."

I felt him pull me a little closer, then his voice, soft, but commanding, "You stupid ass woman. Next time ask and I'll take you."

I looked up half crying, half laughing I was so relieved, "I will. I won't do anything like this again."

He slowly released me, took my hand, and led me down the trail towards the lodge. It was an hour before we stopped at the door to my room. He hadn't said but a few words the entire time. I knew he had a right to be upset and I couldn't really blame him. I should have done it differently. It was now almost ten o'clock and there was no one around as I looked up at him not knowing what to say.

"Get some sleep, you're on the boat with me in the morning."

"I know. Thank you for coming to find me."

I saw a grin flicker across his face. "I don't get paid to lose customers in the jungle. Just don't do it again."

I locked the door behind me and undressed, my soggy clothes hitting the floor with a dull, wet, thud. There was still a hint of inflammation on my butt, but several bright red welts on my arms and legs were evidence of my latest misadventure. I used the cortisone on the itchy area, then onto the mosquito bites after showering. After turning off the lights I lay on my stomach in the dark, the air from the fan flowing over my mostly naked body. I'd expected him to be furious with me. Smiling, I recalled he called me a 'stupid ass woman', but he hadn't yelled, or said it harshly as if he were mad. It if he cared.


I walked into my room, stripped off my soggy clothes after removing my soaked boots and socks, and stepped into the shower. After drying off, I turned off the light and lay in bed beneath the fan naked.

You're a dumb ass. You're getting too close to her and there is almost a week left. Don't go down that road again.

The next morning I walked to the lodge to get breakfast early and read over the message from my parents again. I was due to return home and they wanted me to come home after this tour ended rather than staying in Brazil for another two weeks. It wasn't as if I didn't want to return to Asheville, or didn't want to see my parents, I did. But, it was where Lisa had lost her life due to a drug overdose after she returned to Charlotte. It was too close not to feel the pain when I was home. If I had stayed with her rather than returning to work I could have stopped it from happening. I would have been at the party, I would have been able to dissuade her from taking anything, I would have...

"Dick, are you ready for your trip with your best ever customer?" Carl offered cheerily.

"You know you're getting a lot of mileage out of this. Maybe you should take another turn," I replied evenly.

"Nooo thank you. I think if you give it enough time she's going to grow on you."

That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid.

"You know she's has dyslexia don't you?"

"Nope, had no idea. How do you know?"

"I've noticed she prints some letters backwards and her spelling is off in her species lists. I didn't actually think about it until yesterday. I think that affects her in ways we don't understand. Maybe that's why see seems a little off to us."

"Could be I guess. We don't see people with disabilities other than age related on these tours. I mean most of our clients are well educated, make good money, and are in reasonably good physical shape. I noticed she sometimes doesn't come up with the right words in conversation, but then she doesn't say much come to think of it."

"She's good at hiding her condition," I offered.

I watched as Bridget walked in with another woman and they headed straight to the buffet to get breakfast. Bridget glanced our way, smiled and gave a small wave.

She didn't look like the stress of the night before had affected her from what I could see.

"See, she's getting your attention. I'll bet she comes over to sit with us," Carl chuckled behind his hand.

"You don't know that. She could be coming to sit with you," I retorted.

"Dick, that smile and wave wasn't directed at me. Cheer up buddy. Only a week left and she'll be history." He smiled and patted me on the shoulder as he left to return his dishes and silverware.

It's going to be a long week.

The older woman and Bridget walked over to the table and sat down on either side of me. The older woman spoke first and asked a few questions. Then I heard Bridget's voice.

"Good morning," it wasn't a cheerful good morning, but it didn't seem perfunctory either.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Everything is fine this morning. You're not upset with me are you?"

"No. No reason to be."

She looked at me with a faint smile, then dug into her scrambled eggs and hash browns. I finished eating and said goodbye telling them I'd see them at the dock.


Helen looked at me. "You know he's a pretty good looking man, makes me wish I were twenty years younger. I understand he's from close to where you come from. You're from South Carolina right?"

"Yes, Spartanburg, but I didn't know he was the same state as me."

"No honey, he's from near Asheville, North Carolina. I don't know how close that is to where you come from, but it's the same part of the country."

"Asheville is about two hours away I guess. Higher elevation, but it's a nice area."

I never would have guessed he was from there. It was close.

I'd checked my email while I was in the lodge and read a message from my parents. They told me my ex had called them again and asked when I was coming home. He just wouldn't leave me alone despite the restraining order. They knew when I would fly back, so I told them to call the police and see what they could do. I really hated that my parents had to deal with him. Even in the Amazon I couldn't entirely get away from him, and it didn't make for a good start to my day.

I was glad the day was productive, adding another twenty-two species to my life list. I took a few photographs with my point and shoot camera so I could work up a few sketches later. For the first time in over three days I was able to sit down without any problem. I was able to get a few good looks during the day at Dick so that helped too as I began to view him differently.

He hadn't gone out of his way to engage me during the boat trip, but I knew he was trying to avoid being too obvious about his concern for me. It was better than his being upset with me and I tried hard not to be a klutz, or do something ditzy.

The next few days flew past without any further incidents and I was enjoying myself. I dreaded the thought of what I had to deal with when I got back home. Brian had cozied up to me again and I had come close to accepting an evening glass of wine. I had entertained the idea it would relieve the stress, and if I found myself in bed with him, it wouldn't be a bad outcome. I wasn't sure why I decided against it at the last second, but I did. I was glad I had a good right hand that night as I lay in bed. Not what I really wanted, but it helped.

We had a social the evening before we departed and we all shared what we had liked best about the tour. There were funny stories and I had a few myself which surprised me in a way. The guides were praised for their expertise and how they handled the tour with seeming ease. There was no indication anyone knew about my brush with the nettles, or my extracurricular birding after dark in the rain. For that I was grateful. Dick had done well by me as had the other guides.

After breakfast the next morning those of us leaving for the airport boarded the shuttle van. I was surprised to see Dick get on board with his backpack and a suitcase. He had made no mention of leaving to anyone on the tour. I looked at him as he scanned for a place to sit and when our eyes met they held, my heart raced a little, than sank as the older woman made room for him to sit next to her two rows ahead.

At the airport we boarded the aircraft after our luggage was loaded and we took off for our major departure point, Manaus International Airport. Dick was seated at the rear of the plane while I was ahead of the wings during the two-hour flight. We deplaned and found we were on the same flight to the States along with several other members of the tour. We talked as we waited to board the flight, though Dick didn't make any special effort to spend time with me. Perhaps he didn't want to give the impression to the others he had singled me out as a single woman--still, I felt disappointed even though I had no reason to be.

The flight to Miami was almost six hours after a departure from Manaus at noon, then getting through customs took another hour, even with but two carryon bags. The next available flight on the final leg of the trip wasn't until the next day at eleven making an overnight stay in a hotel a necessity. I had lost track of Dick while in customs and didn't see him as I boarded a shuttle for the hotel.

It was mid-afternoon when we landed at Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport after a delay of the flight while still on the ground in Miami. Several of us from the tour, including Dick, headed to baggage claim, collected our luggage and bade each other goodbye. Dick actually said goodbye to me with a smile as he walked out the door with his cell phone in hand. I planned to take the shuttle to reclaim my car in long-term parking but when I went to cross the street a car pulled up in front of me. My ex-boyfriend came around the car and took me by arm before I realized what was happening.

"About time we had a talk," he said gruffly holding my arm so I couldn't get away.

"Let go of me!" I shouted "I'm not going anywhere with you!"

He hissed into my ear as he tightened his grip, "Shut the fuck up bitch."

I wrenched myself away from him, but couldn't break his grip. I looked into his eyes as tears started to form in my eyes. I was desperate. He had threatened me before, but I didn't think he would do this.

"Let her go!"

I felt myself being tugged towards the new voice, as I jerked to a stop.

"Who the hell are you?" I heard my ex's voice thunder.

"I'm the guy who's going to kick your ass if you don't let her go."

It was Dick's voice, it had to be.

"This is none of your goddamned business. Get lost."

"Let her go now, or I'll let that cop stop me from beating the shit out of you," Dick replied calmly.

I looked and saw a deputy looking at us from the other entrance. I felt my ex's grip loosen as he stepped away.

He looked at me with a cold stare, "This isn't over."

I was shaking as I watched his car pull away. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned into Dick's arms. I felt his arms come around me and knew I was safe.

"Are you okay lady?" came another male voice from behind me.

When I opened my eyes and turned I saw it was the police officer.

"Yes. I'm fine now. That man in the car who pulled away was my ex-boyfriend. I have a restraining order against him and I don't know how he knew I was coming home. I didn't expect him to be here."

"So, you're okay with this guy? He's not forcing you to do anything?"

"No. I mean yes. No, he just helped me. I know him. He's fine," I stammered.

I felt Dick lower his arms as I turned to face the officer as he asked, "You're sure?"

"Yes," as I reached for Dick's hand.

I watched as the police officer turned and walked away. Then I turned to face Dick as I swiped a tear away from my eye.


He stood looking at me not speaking, my hand in his. I didn't want him to let go told me I was safe.


I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the guy jump out of the car and run to see Bridget. For a few seconds I thought it was a happy reunion. Then I heard her shout and try to pull away from him. I hesitated at first.

You don't need to get involved in this. She's not your responsibility anymore. Let that police officer handle it. Shit! He just turned in the opposite direction. She looks terrified. Dammit all.

Now here I was, involved as she stood holding my hand, or was I holding her hand? Hell if I knew at this point.