Poking the Bear


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Wayne met my every motion with his own. His big hands squeezed my hips and pulled me into his lap. I felt his lower body lifting, shoving everything he had against my ass. I grinned, hypnotized by the sensation of such a huge manly guy participating in the act. I didn't just hear the rumbling from his chest, I could feel it resonating down through his bulky form.

I quickly grew greedy. Soon I was rolling my hips up and down the man's lap, twisting and tormenting the dick in my ass as I went. The friction was incredible. Such a huge thing pushing me apart created heat like I'd never known deep in my body, burning and tickling every sensitive part of my insides. I kept pushing further back, wedging the fat thing deeper with each motion.

I stole a glance over my shoulder, this time not at the stairs, but at the hairy man behind me. I spun myself through his lap and saw that his eyes watched the area where our bodies met. My ass. Of course he was staring at my ass. I grinned and exaggerated each backward thrust of my body, letting him see my cheeks spread with his thick shaft wedged into my hole.

You're fucking Alana's dad.

Once again the thought only spurred my motions. I mashed my ass back against the big man's hairy stomach, enjoying the way his cock barreled through me when I did. I watched Wayne over my shoulder. I saw only reverence on his face. His eyes scanned my backside, from my shoulders to my sliding cheeks.

I could tell Wayne wanted this. I had to wonder if he'd actively worked to make it happen. Were the things he said all just apart of his outspoken nature? Or had he envisioned sticking his dick in me from the moment he slapped my ass in the kitchen? I couldn't gather all of my thoughts up to make sense of them. I didn't even care in the moment. I knew that what I was doing was nasty and insane, and I was loving every second of it.

It surprised me when I felt myself falling forward. The weight behind me pressed in, and I had to catch myself on the corner of the coffee table ahead of me to stop my fall. My feet dug for traction on the carpet. Wayne had sat forward so suddenly. At first his cock bent strangely inside of my ass. The man kept shifting in the recliner until I found myself down on a knee, clutching the wooden coffee table.

I could feel Wayne positioned behind me. He was upright, somewhat, with his hands engulfing the cheeks of my ass and his big belly pressed to my naked flesh. I was bent over, no longer in control of the dick that throbbed inside of me.

I felt Wayne pull back. I braced, but was not ready for the blow that came. The thick shaft shot through me. The head of his dick knocked at my insides. My jaw flew open wide from the force. Fleshy thighs collided with the back of mine. A hairy set of balls swung forward to slap against my own.

Before I could make sense of how it was possible, Wayne eased back and thrust himself into me again. Spots darted across my vision. I know I made a sound. I fumbled to catch a grip on the coffee table. Wayne reared back and slammed himself forward again. There was pain, and heat inside of my asshole like I'd never known.

I was able to steal a glance back at the huge man behind me. Wayne was nearly in the floor on his knees, his hulking form still dwarfing my own. I felt his fingers dig into my ass cheeks. I got to watch his body square up for another thrust. I could see his arms growing rigid, the muscles beneath his skin taking form. He was holding my ass as if he were choking someone, his biceps pulled close to his chest and his elbows locked. Wayne straightened himself, his chest spreading apart and his belly swelling forth. I saw his face. I saw the delighted smirk behind that salt and pepper goatee.

Wayne jammed himself into me again. The collision nearly made my teeth clack together.

I endured several more powerful blasts of energy from Wayne before he began to tug his dick from my ass and ease it back in with some sort of rhythm. His hairy stomach swam over my ass, and his thighs beat at mine repeatedly. Giant palms kneaded my ass cheeks like dough. My dick flopped with every impact of the big man's body.

I sank lower onto the coffee table, though I fought to keep my knees from sliding apart on the carpet. Wayne's pace kept getting faster, though. It became harder and harder to gain my balance. His hand swept up my spine, and his fingers fanned out painfully through the skin of my back beneath my shirt.

Shockwaves shot up from the flesh of my ass. Wayne's huge hand slapped my ass cheek with force enough to blur my vision. I gasped, twisting my head toward the stairs. No one was there. The clap was loud enough to hear outside. There was no way Alana would sleep through that, right?

I yelped when another loud clap electrified my ass cheek. My whole body tensed from the impact, though the cock that slithered through me never slowed. Without any lubrication, it felt like my anus was being pulled out across Wayne's thick hairy cock. Heat became the norm behind me, from the friction through my asshole, from the blaze of reddening flesh on my ass cheek, to the sweaty mat of hair mashing into my crotch from behind.

Wayne slapped my ass again. All I could do was bite my lip and moan my approval. I'd never felt my ass cheek jiggle from such a blow before. I knew Wayne could see it. I wanted him to do it again.

Instead he thrust himself against me one final time. I felt the pain of his cock diving far into my body. I nearly fell on my face on the coffee table. I felt his weight like never before bearing into me.

I felt his dick spilling warmth into my ass.

I blinked, unsure if it was really happening. It was. The thick shaft pulsated. Wayne pressed himself firmly against my ass. I felt the tell tale little tickle of his tip spitting from its slit, coating my insides with an ooze that swam around the nodding dick like hot jelly.

Things grew still. I gasped for air, my breath washing across the wood in front of my face. Wayne's enormous body heaved behind me. His bare belly was slick with sweat and slid across the top of my ass. I waited for the moment I knew would come. Eventually, he would decide to pull the swollen flesh out of my body, dripping like a dish rag and leaving me with cum leaking out of my ass. As much as I welcomed the feeling every time I'd felt it before, it always signaled the end, when a guy was done with me. Wayne would be no different.

I felt him ease himself back. His dick was still so stiff inside of me, even as it pumped its last drops. I waited for the thing to fall from my ass, leaving me draped on the coffee table like a fresh kill.

My eyes bulged when I felt the thing burrow its way back into my body. Wayne's dick felt so slick now, gliding through the mess he'd pumped inside me. He pulled his cock away again, his warm body lifting from mine once more. I felt his huge form crash against mine as he shoved his shaft through me again.

Then his stomach crammed itself over my ass and his hand slipped around my waist. I gasped when he took my cock in his meaty fist and began to stroke.

Alana's father was fucking me again.

The big man pulled on my stiff dick while he thrust into me, with no less vigor than before. I felt encased by flesh. Wayne was nearly laying on top of me. I resisted the gravity of his weight by bending my back, stuffing my ass high into his waist. This only caused his slimy cock to jab deeper into my guts, until I thought I could feel his tip probing my stomach.

I actually jumped when I felt the bristles of Wayne's mouth at my ear.

"Used to fuck twinks like you out on the road," Wayne growled into my ear. "But I'm telling you now, this fat little ass of yours is the best I've had."

The words hit my mind and shot through my nervous system like a jolt of electricity. That was all it took.

A shudder shot down my entire body. Wayne's hand squeezed my cock one last time before it erupted. Rapid bursts of cum spewed through his fingers. He didn't stop pushing his dick through me. His shaft bent and slid right across my aching prostate, forcing my cock to jump in his fist. I tried not to make a sound but my gasps were as loud as any moan would have ever been. Wayne kept stroking my cock, now glazing me with my own cum.

I wasn't sure when I stopped. It was hard to tell with a dick still gliding in and out of my ass. My back kept lifting from the spasms. My face was on the coffee table now. My body felt like a fresh corpse with nerves still causing spastic twitches and shakes. For many long minutes, I drifted down through the afterglow of my dizzying orgasm, allowing Wayne to slide himself through me still.

I finally felt his cock slide free of my wet asshole. The weight and warmth of his body left my skin. I didn't turn to see what he was doing. I just lay there on the coffee table with my ass held high behind me. I felt my little dick jiggle with each throb of waning strength. I felt a droplet of cum gathering at the tip of my dick.

A hand slapped my bare ass hard. My face even lifted from the table. I heard Wayne climbing to his feet behind me while the heat of his handprint seared its shape across my flesh.

I loved the way it felt.


The two of us almost fell through the back door.

Alana tried to enter the threshold alongside me. Draped as she was with her arm around my shoulder, her weight nearly made me lose my footing as we squeezed past the doorframe. Thankfully I didn't trip, or we both would have tumbled to the floor.

"I s-swear, I'm good," Alana said right into my ear. "I know my... own house, Jamie."

I chuckled, still propping my friend up as best I could while shutting the back door.

"I know," I said. "It's just that your feet don't seem to work so well right now."

"No, no I'm good," Alana reassured me. "I just need a minute."

"In a minute you'll be passed out in the floor," I told her. "Let's just get to bed, and you can do all the passing out you want."

Still holding Alana around her big waist, I stared up into the darkness at the long stretch of stairs. One last hill to climb, then Alana would be safe and sound. I guided her toward the stairs, and thankfully she found her footing and climbed with me. I still held her with one arm, ready if she slipped. I wasn't sure I was strong enough to keep her from rolling down the stairs.

"I don't think I've ever seen you this drunk," I told her, trying to keep her talking.

"Well, I'm... I'm not that drunk, though," Alana said, nearly missing one of the carpeted steps. "I'm juss... really, really, high... remember?"

I grinned. "Yeah, you smoked with that guy, but you also drank the entire night. You don't remember having margaritas made in your mouth at the big white tent?"

Alana gasped. "God that wasss... so fun. We are like, definitely doing those again."

"We will, but it's bedtime," I told her.

"That guy was hot, wasn't he?" Alana asked me.

I chuckled. "David? Yeah. Definitely. Don't worry you've got his number. We'll meet him tomorrow night when Angel Lust plays the main stage."

"I hope s-so." Alana made an odd whine. "Damn, dude... I'm so... sorry you didn't meet some hot guy there."

We'd reached the top of the stairs. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have all weekend, babe," I told her.

I walked Alana to her room and guided her toward the bed. Her motions sped up when she saw where we were. I let Alana drop into a sitting position on the bed and watched her fumble to remove her shoes. I bent low to help her, expecting her to fall right into the covers.

Alana stared up at me. Even through her glazed bloodshot eyes I saw a deeply sincere expression shine through.

"Jamie?" Alana said.


Alana gave me a weary smile.

"Dude, you're awesome," Alana said. "Thank you so... much for being... staying sober. You didn't have to do that. Or this...."

I waved my hand and gently pressed at her clammy shoulder, guiding her to lie down on the bed.

"Don't worry about it, girl," I replied. "Just get some sleep. We made it home."

I watched Alana sink onto the covers. It was true. I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen her this messed up. I smiled, knowing she'd regret every bit of it in the morning. Maybe that meant we'd sleep in.

Even that idea pulled my thoughts to deeper, darker places. Alana's eyes were closed, and already I could hear the heavy rhythm of her breathing. I shook my head. Soon, she'd be snoring. She'd slept in the car nearly all the way back to her dad's house.

I bit my lip. My feet ached. My whole body ached. We'd been standing and walking all day. It was worth the pain, but I couldn't wait to lie down and be rid of my shoes. I wondered how in the hell we'd even make it through another night of dancing and drugs. Much like Alana, I was for once thankful that I'd stayed sober the entire night.

I glanced toward the door. Already devious little thoughts where flowing like whispered winds through my head. Staring back down at Alana, I knew better than to think she was waking up anytime soon.

It was Friday night. Maybe Wayne didn't have to work in the morning.

After I plugged my phone into the charger and set my other things in order, I left the room. I looked one final time at Alana. I was able to see her chest rise and fall, knowing soon her breathing would become like a buzzsaw. Then I was drifting down the stairs. Weariness was not enough to dampen my excitement. I tried not to even think about what I was doing. I knew I'd try to talk myself out of it.

I passed by the fridge in the kitchen. I went deeper into the first floor of the house. It was brand new territory. I sleuthed down the tiny hallway toward the open bedroom door.

I'd found Wayne's bedroom. I saw the big wad of covers, and I knew he was beneath them. My eyes adjusted in the dark, and soon I could make out a single meaty arm bent behind the man's head. I rolled my eyes and grinned when I heard a similar snore to the one I'd heard previously.

I paused in the doorway of Wayne's bedroom. He was right there. Though the music and dancing and crowds were able to take my mind off of the man for most of the day, every spare thought I had was about this moment. And here I was. Even standing there I felt a little squeeze deep between my ass cheeks. The blood was already beginning to surge toward my crotch.

It was like I could still feel him inside of me, his cum glazed dick slithering back and forth through my insides.

I reached down and tugged my tank top over my head, flinging it to the floor. I kicked off my shoes, then hooked my thumbs into my shorts and underwear, pushing them down my legs to step free of all of my clothing. I stood there in Wayne's room, naked, wondering if what I was about to do was the right thing or not. My exposed dick bounced, nodding its approval.

I sucked in a deep breath and slowly let it out.

I crawled into the bed next to the slumbering beast of a man. I turned onto my side, grasping at the heavy covers until I was able to tug them over my naked body. For a long while, I simply lay there feeling the warmth of the big man slowly swallowing me up.

It was insane. I was ass naked beneath my best friend's father's sheets. There was no drug I could take, no high that I could attain that night that could have rivaled the feeling that pulsated though my entire body. I felt my dick straighten until it stood painfully stiff. Only a few feet away was the man that had bent me over a coffee table and fucked my brains out. I shuddered.

I was considering scooting myself back against Wayne's body. In that exact moment, I noticed that I didn't hear the snoring I'd heard when I came in the room. The entire bed shifted. I felt Wayne moving behind me. It felt like the entire world was about to cave in over me. A huge hairy stomach pressed into my back. My mouth opened wordlessly when I felt the limp flesh mash into my cheeks beneath the covers. Warm pubic hair nestled against my bare flesh.

An enormous arm fell over me. I shuddered and snuggled deeper against the giant body behind me. Hot breath washed down my neck. A set of bristled lips brushed my ear.

"Damn, boy," a voice growled into my ear. "That ass is feeling nice already."

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RopedBearRopedBear4 days ago

This was a great story. Great writing, great pacing, great erotic build up to a great double climax! I love a slow realistic start like this that feels like it could happen to anyone, a real good slow tease with a real good pay off. Kept me hard for the whole read!

Rimbaud17Rimbaud17over 1 year ago

So well written ... natural dialogue, and the sex was intense. I had a friend when I was younger whose dad fit this description and his name was ... Wayne. God, I know what I'm going to be thinking about tonight...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

freaking awesome!!!

bearboy1492bearboy1492over 1 year ago

More parts. Give us a whole weekend of fun. Maybe even a reason they have to stay in town longer. Want so much more of this

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