Porn Star Family: Bridgett’s Tale


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"Wow," Bridgett muttered as she and Vikki backed away as Anael grew to twelve feet tall. The only two things that showed her demonic nature, inherited from her father, were her tail and horns. Her angelic light shimmered along her wings as her halo burned brightly. A smirk rose the corner of her lips when she felt her demon wiggling as Anael's own power started to mix with her angelic side. Then the question remained how Ira had combined his own energies in the first place. She knew she didn't have a lot of time; she knew neither did Ira, and she wasn't facing the end of the world like he was doing at the time. Wondering if Anael had thought of that too.

"You move against my family; I will destroy you," Anael warned. The power of Hell laced every word, causing the room to shake.

"Anael, bring them fourth." Lucifer's commanding voice played along the air.

"Sorry, didn't mean for you to see that," Anael said embarrassingly.

"What'cha talking about? What are you sorry for? That was awesome; how do you do that? Can I do that?" Bridgett inquired as she fell instep beside Anael.

"You should. Have you not learned your angelic name yet?" Anael asked quizzically, glancing at her.

"No, should I have?" Bridgett didn't think it would be as important as it appeared to be when Ira told her about it.

"Yes, once you do, you'll start your true awakening. Father went through the same thing."

"So if I do, then I can be as tall as you?" Bridgett asked for clarification.

"No, that's another skill not tied to finding your name. No, finding what it is will open the door," Anael said ominously.

"Yeah, but the door to what?" Bridgett worried.

"The Cosmos," Azza cut in.

"Do what?" Bridgett uttered, peering back at Azza. Remembering she had heard Ira mentioning that word before, she just thought he was joking with her.

"As Father had done, as I hadwhen I was asleep in my mother. It's the requirement in reaching the first order," Azza stated informatively.

"I see," Bridgett muttered, chewing on her lip. Now she knew what was required to get to the top; she wondered if she would be strong enough to reach it. Her mind flashed back to their night with Samuel and his wives, replaying what he had said to her. Her eyes fell upon Vikki; of course, it was worth the cost; she was worth it. Looking down at her hand as, her angelic sight allowed her to notice the three different energies that dwelled within her. Rubbing her fingertips together, she would have to experiment later and not in a room full of power-hungry demons. "We'll talk later?" she asked, getting a bow out of Azza.

"Come, Bridgett," Lucifer spoke, rolling her hand for her to approach. "Come, and tell me why you have visited my palace?" she asked in a grandmotherly voice with a mix of power behind it, reminding everyone there where they stood.

"Hey, Lu... Hello, grandmother," Bridgett quickly changed her greeting when her grandmother's eyes bored into her. "I just came to visit Anael here since she's always coming to see me," she stated, gesturing to her Aunt/niece. "Plus, I hear I have a room in this place; I thought I check it out." Ignoring how Anael was looking at her.

"Oh?" Swallowing hard as the light of Hell was shown in Lucifer's eyes as her grandmother leaned forward. "Where have you been lately," Lucifer asked; the pad of her giant index finger lifted Bridgett's chin as she sat in her true form.

"I don't know what you mean, m'lady," Bridgett answered, feeling herself cowering beneath her grandmother's satellite dish-sized face. Her knees began to tremble as both her angel and demon quaked beneath her power.

"I believe you do; we'll speak on this privately later, now stay and watch; you are my Princess," Lucifer commanded, waving for Bridgett to stand to her right while the bowl of the souls that are forever damned to be her eternal consumption rested on its pedestal that stood to her left as she leaned back in her throne.

"Seriously, doesn't the description fit a little too much like Dante's Inferno?" Bridgett whispered low to Vikki as they moved to take up their spots beside her grandmother. Not missing the twitch of the left corner of her lip when she said that, wondering if there was some truth to that book.

"It does," Vikki agreed.

"I release you while we're in the Palace; go say hi to your mother for me," Bridgett said, looking over to Azza with a warm smile.

"Are you sure?" Azza asked, eyeing the demons that were gathered.

"I'm sure a Nephalem such as yourself won't have a problem returning to my side if the need arises," Bridgett stated, putting on a brave face.

"Thank you, m'lady," Azza said, bowing to Bridgett before disappearing from view only to appear within a foot of Zophiel. Bridgett saw how Zophiel just smiled down at Azza when she reached her. Since the moment Zophiel had appeared in her eyesight, she's always worn a disinterested look on her face. Nodding to Zophiel when her eyes fell upon her before her eyes began to roam along the fallen angels in attendance.

"Hey, who's the one in the red?" Bridgett asked to the four of them.

"That's Allocen, she's Father's new Hell-wife, and she's carrying my newest sister. She's also a Duke of Hell; it's wise to not go alone into her domain. She's very strong, also very tricky, so keep your wits about you, as mother would say to me," Anael whispered low to keep their voices down while her mother conducted her affairs of ruling all of Hell.

"There's Asmodan," Vikki pointed out, "She's the ruler of our circle, you know that. There," pointing to the angel furthest from the throne, "is Apollyon," she said, making sure Bridgett was paying attention which she was.

"You shouldn't have any trouble with her. Compared to us, she isn't a threat since she only rules the first circle," Anael stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Although, you should keep an eye out for Lilith," she uttered, leaning into Bridgett. "She's Samael's wife, and she isn't very happy with the decree mother put out about Father; plus, she hates, really hates, the children of Adam. So be on guard whenever you transverse the Third Circle."

"Some reason, Samael is staring at me like that?" Bridgett whispered out the side of her mouth as those golden eyes of hers felt creepy as they shown through Samael's white hair. Although, that didn't stop her mind from wondering what her breasts looked like on that slender body of hers when Samael wasn't wearing the breast plate she had on at that moment.

"She's a schemer; from what I have heard, all the Circle rulers have been plotting on how to get close to Father. But she's the worst; when you hear them speaking of Satan, they're referring to her," Anael said, informative.

"No way, she's Satan?" Bridgett turned her gaze to her grandmother, wondering how often her ire was raised being called that. Arching an eyebrow when she noticed how Lucifer's right eye peered at her from its corner. "Does Luci have any other name?" she asked low, eager not to piss off her grandmother. She had the suspicion she was going to get an earful later.

"Father likes to call her Little Horn or Light Bringer."


"When I asked Father, he said: he likes playing with her Little Horn, and well, mother is the Light Bringer," Anael said, not missing how her mother's cheeks had heated when she mentioned what her father had said.

"That dirty perv," Bridgett muttered low, noting how Vikki was fighting to contain her giggle at what Anael had said.

"I don't follow," Anael said, confused. Her eyes went wide in shock then a lust of longing filled her eyes, pondering if her father would do what Bridgett whispered what he had meant when he said that to her when they were together next. "Then there's Gadreel," she stated, getting back on track. "You know the snake in the Garden?"

"Yeah, who doesn't?" Bridgett said aloofly.

"The snake was Samael, and Gadreel was the one that let her into the Garden in the first place. It was what got her imprisoned in the first place, then mother freed her once she rebelled. She normally sticks to herself, so unless you spend a lot of time in the Fourth Circle, that's the place you'll find her, unless here that is," Anael said, giving Bridgett a rundown of court life as she went. "That's Kokabiel."

"Wow, damn, she gives Luci a run for her money," Bridgett said to herself, feeling her grandmother's eyes on her when she thought that. More so with what she thought up next, "I know Ira, the moment he sees her, he'll be here every day."

"She's the ruler of the Fifth Circle, she'll help for a price, and most of the time, it's very high," Anael warned. "That's Mephistopheles."

Bridgett wondered what she hid beneath that full metal helmet when she noted the pain within her immortal eyes. Pondering what had happened to her that she would want to hide her face. Her eyes moved down the angel's body, wondering if she used the whip in other ways than for attacking that hung on her right hip.

"She's the master of lies, so never trust what she tells you unless you know she has some stake in whatever, then definitely trust she will betray you if she's after something. She rules the Seventh Circle; mother praises her constantly when she and her sisters speak about the War," Anael said, keeping her voice low. She knew her mother didn't mind if they talked, just so long it wasn't a distraction. "Then there's Belial; I told you about her," she spoke, seeing Bridgett nod. "Mother thinks Father will stop visiting her once he's lain with Belial..." Anael's head snapped towards the doors as she and all the rest felt something old and powerful approaching the throne room. Calling forth her angelic weapon, ready to lead her mother's forces into battle. Only to freeze in her spot as her mother's right hand jutted out, keeping her from launching at the intruder.

"Stand down, Anael; Mother is coming," Lucifer said ominously, returning to her former position. Noticing how her sisters, too, were staring at the door, waiting on their mother's entrance.

"Why do I sense fear from my daughters?" Ba'al's voice spoke with the power of her godhood lacing her words as she neared. Bridgett wondered why it sounded so much like Zuul from Ghostbusters. "Why have my fallen daughters not come to see me, their mother?!" Bridgett held onto Vikki as the Palace violently shook; glancing up, she could sense it was taking a lot for her grandmother to hold back her mother even in Hell. "You have known for days now that I was taken in by Suriel Zol; not one of you, minus Lucifer and Zophiel, has greeted me since my return?!" Bridgett saw the inaudible sigh her grandmother and Zophiel released when they knew they weren't in trouble, wondering how powerful the entity could be if it could make Zophiel respond like that.

"Because you were hoarding Ira, mother?!" Kokabiel stated in almost a shout as she stepped out into the aisle. Her defiant look quickly vanished as the doors just burst open, and there stood a rather ornery, four-foot-tall Queen of the Heavens as she looked annoyed at her children as her golden eyes fell upon them.

"So?!" Ba'al growled in a hiss. "My Light Bringer, surely you instilled some intelligence into these things when you made them," she demeaned in a motherly tone as she held the demon that was on the Virtue class of angel frozen in place as she held up her left hand. "Did you're puny demon brain take my size to mean that I am weak?" Ba'al asked menacingly as her eyes narrowed dangerously. "I. Am. Ba'al?!" The fabric of the Heavens vibrated as her name radiated throughout the Cosmos. The demon in her grip watched in horror as she stripped it of its eternal form. She found it amusing watching the thing thrash about in his feeble attempts to stow her anger at the thing's disrespect. However, her amusement was short-lived as her focus turned back to her daughter. "You could have asked, and I might have let you join!" she thundered.

Bridgett noted how they were clearly startled when Ba'al said that. If she had to interpret what their looks meant to her, it appeared that they clearly didn't think of that fact. Wondering if their time in Hell had conditioned them to the point that simple acts like that were lost on them.

"Hello, daughters who honor their mother," Ba'al spoke warmly to Lucifer and Zophiel, earning burning glares from their sisters. "I do not believe I have met you," she said coldly as her gaze fell onto Bridgett.

"Mother?! This is Bridgett, my granddaughter and Suriel Zol's sister," Lucifer said, formally introducing the two of them.

"Ah. Yes. I do sense something familiar about you," Ba'al said in an unimpressed voice.

"Watch your tone in my realm, Mother," Lucifer spoke in a commanding tone as she stared her mother down.

"Yes, fine," Ba'al sighed begrudgingly, knowing she had no power to fight against her daughter in her realm. Well, she did, yet it would be costly and, to her opinion, not worth the price. Not when her new home was a paradise compared to where her daughter ruled over.

"While it is always a pleasure to see you, mother, yet why are you here?" Lucifer asked, peering down at her, wondering why she wasn't hidden in Ira's realm like she had done for thousands of years in that pocket of time.

"Well, Suriel Zol gave me this thing," Ba'al spoke, holding up a clay tablet that she had pulled out from her robes that held the written language of the angelic order on it.

"And what is that?" Lucifer asked, her car door-sized fingernail pointed at the object.

"Suriel Zol." Bridget wondered why Ba'al got a dreamy look in her eyes when her great-grandmother said Ira's angelic name. "Told me as long as I behave myself, this will allow me passage to here."

"And why would you need that?"

"I know, I know, that's what I thought too," Ba'al said, stating the obvious. "However, seems your father," she spat the title, not missing how her daughters' attention was garnered at that. "Voiced his displeasure at my new Lord that he would dare take me in."

"Mother?! What did Ira do?" Lucifer asked, very worried that Ira had started a war, so shortly after, they had put Onoskelis back to sleep.

"He stood up to your father, telling him I was family and had every right to be in his realm as he did. You should have seen your father's face when he threw Yahweh's commandment back in his face," Ba'al said, giggling as she replayed the image in her head. "Then your father stormed off like he normally does when he doesn't get his way."

"Yes, Father does have that tendency," Apollyon uttered, stealing into the conversation. "Greetings, Mother," bowing her head to Ba'al, her raven hair played out before her, "I would have come sooner to see you, yet I didn't know how you would react to seeing me."

"We'll speak later about your reasons, daughter," Ba'al commanded. "Anyway, so when your father did that, Suriel Zol gave me this," holding up the tablet once again, "so long as I don't cause any trouble, I'm to be treated as a denizen of Forth Heaven and all protections that go with it. But he'll only allow me to go here while your father stews for a bit."

"I see," Lucifer mused, trying to keep back her smirk at Ira's antics. Pondering about what her father was doing at that moment. "While I would enjoy speaking with you about a great many things, Mother. As you can see, I was in the attending to my duties. Anael here was about to show Bridgett to her chambers. If you would like, you may join them," she said, gesturing over to her right.

"Hmm..." Ba'al hummed as her eyes fell upon Bridgett; her eyes moved up and down her body. "Very well, but the moment you're done with this, we shall speak."

"Of course, Mother," Lucifer said, waving to Anael to take the lead.

"So... you're my great-grandmother?" Bridgett asked nervously.

"Yes." How that one word felt so passionless, so cold, so hollow to Bridgett.

"Can I ask how you met my brother?" Bridgett asked curiously as Ba'al's eyes moved about the walls as they ambled down the hallway.

"He stole into my hiding place from Yahweh."

"Okay, that only begs the question, how did Ira get into your hiding place?" Bridgett asked, turning to look at Ba'al. Feeling a tinge of fear creeping up her spine as those golden eyes of hers fell upon her body.

"That Pharaonic demigod found their way into my domain; Suriel Zol was with him at the time." Bridgett grew curious as to why her cheeks were getting as red as they were. Pondering on just what perverted things her brother had gotten into when they weren't around.              

"So why did you leave Heaven, and why were you in hiding?" Bridgett asked, dropping back and falling in step with Ba'al, who was giving her a rather curious glance.

"I didn't leave willingly," Ba'al said somberly.

"Okay, may I ask, what you did to get kicked out of Heaven?"

"I created Lilith, Adam, the pig-headed fool, couldn't stand a strong-willed woman, so he ran to Yahweh like the spoiled child that he was and asked God to make him a partner that was subservient to him, and that was how Eve was made. So Yahweh tossed me down because I would not remake Lilith to suit that weak man's whiny need."

"Well, the Bible does say Adam was created in his image, no wonder where Adam got that from," Bridgett said, getting a rather wide smile out of her great-grandmother when she looked up at her. "Although, that just brings up a ton of other questions."

"Oh?" Ba'al mused slyly, noting the similarities between the Palace and the one in Heaven.

"Like if you're his wife, wouldn't you be just as strong as he is? If so, then how in the world could God just cast you down?" Bridgett asked, confused.

"Not easily, I assure you, yet he had help," Ba'al said vaguely. "Might I ask one of you? As Suriel Zol has said time and time again to me, I have answered many of yours."


"Why?" Ba'al asked seriously as she brought the both of them to a stop.

"Why what?"

"Why did you turn your radiant self into this abomination standing before me?" Ba'al asked in a disapproving tone.

"Rude much?" Bridgett huffed, crossing her arms, cocking out her hip in aggravation. "I did what I did to protect my fiancée," she stated proudly.

"And that is what you attend to marry?" Ba'al asked, flickering her finger in Vikki's direction.

"Hey?!" Vikki growled, only to be stopped by Anael's grip on her upper left arm. Her ears perked at the sound of Anael's loud inhale; she knew Anael only did that when she felt Ira approaching. She would have to ask Ira later why Anael did that and if it was an angel thing or not, also pondering on why he was in Hell in the first place.

"Father?!" Anael proclaimed as she quickly turned around as Ira appeared at the other end of the hallway in his true Nagdaium' form. A wave of sheer demonic energy rippled down the hallway, causing her body to shudder in bliss at the feel of it. Falling to a knee as his red burgundy eyes fell upon her. Her angelic side began to vibrate as she felt her father's love on her body, which in turn caused her essence to sparkle along her duel-colored wings.

"Anael." Ira's voice was loud as it echoed along the walls. The essence of Hell rippled with every step he took; the imps scurried for cover as they felt his demon pressing down on them. Her golden-ruby eyes watched with glee as he shrunk down to his humanoid size as he approached. "I hear you've been busy. I hope Luci isn't wearing you out too much," he said in a fatherly tone as he placed a hand on her right shoulder.

"Yes, Father, Mother has had me taking on more tasks, but I assure you, Father, I can handle it," Anael said with determination to make her father proud.

"I'm sure you can," Anael's eyes widened as he held out that same hand to her once he removed it from her shoulder, "Ba'al, what did I say?" Ira asked, smiling at Anael when she snuggled closer to him when he squeezed her hand.
