Power of Love Ch. 02

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Will Don be able to get Jack to the wedding?
13.5k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/11/2017
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racism, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.


Dedicated to Laura Branigan. Beautiful lady. Amazing voice. Gone too soon.

Part 8 - Serial Patterns (continued)

6:00am, Wednesday, March 11th. Jack Muscone and I deplaned from the Delta Air Lines jet that had brought us to Atlanta on the 'redeye' flight. As Agents of the Law, we had been allowed to have our weapons on the flight, and also were allowed to disembark first.

Waiting for us in the hallway were Detective Amanda Beale and Sergeant Larry Taylor. We shook hands and I introduced Jack Muscone. Beale asked about Cindy, who'd she'd met on our last visit to the A-T-L. (Author's note: 'Four Square', Ch. 03.) As we began walking down the hallway, I marveled to myself how it had been nearly a year since we were there before.

We went to an office suite within the Atlanta Airport complex, an office most of the many airline passengers never see. The APD had offices there, and so did the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), and the Federal agencies: BAFTE, FBI, Homeland Security, Customs... and the CIA, though not even the other Feds realized it.

"You know FBI Special Agent James Conrad?" said Amanda Beale, re-introducing us to the long-haired Agent.

"Yes, I do." I said, shaking Conrad's hand. "Do you know SAC Jack Muscone?"

"Yes, we've met." said Jack as he and Conrad shook hands. We all sat down at the table after getting cups of coffee.

"So you've solved our case?" asked Amanda Beale.

"I have hopes." I said. "What I found was that one of the victims was named Justin Carson. A package bomb was put on his front porch, which exploded when he opened it, killing him. It was the fourth bomb to go off, and the first that wasn't a mailbox bomb. The bomb was alo more powerful than the others.

I continued: "Carson graduated from Georgia Tech and Emory, but when I tried to go back further, I couldn't find anything."

Detective Beale was looking through a file folder. "We didn't find anything, either, but I don't think we looked very far."

I said "Very likely you didn't. Here's his ID at the time of his death." The Georgia drivers license photo showed a man with black hair and a think black beard but no mustache.

"This may be politically incorrect to say," said Jack Muscone, "but he doesn't look like a 'Justin' nor a 'Carson'."

"Is he Hispanic?" asked Amanda Beale (who was black, but I digress).

"No, and I'll get to that." I said. "Here's his wife, Melissa Carson." I put up a Georgia ID of Melissa Carson. She was white, with brown hair, decent-looking but fairly plain.

"And here is what the trick was." I said. "Melissa Carson's maiden name was... 'Carson'. Justin took his wife's surname when they were married! And that allowed him to have a dual identity."

Everyone gasped as it began hitting them. I continued with my lesson:

"Justin's father is a man named 'Fasil'." I said. "He was an interpreter for the CIA during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, as he speaks Arabic and Farsi. Fasil's wife's mother was Iranian and her father was white, and named 'Justin', so I'm thinking our guy here was named after his maternal grandfather, and perhaps with deceptive intentions."

I continued: "So Justin Fasil married Melissa Carson, and he took her surname. But he was also able to use his 'maiden name' to get an ID as a CDC employee."

Sgt. Taylor said "But why didn't we catch that? No 'Justin Fasil' ever was reported as missing, or anything like that."

I said "My theory is that Melissa Carson was... and is... part of the ruse. My data to back that up is that I checked up on her, and found that she was an activist Feminist while at Emory University, which is where she apparently met Justin. She had connections to a student group that also has a Chapter on my University's campus, and the Faculty sponsors of that group are Dr. Jan Camp and Dr. Lionel Carmela, both very leftwing activists themselves."

Jack Muscone let out a low whistle. "I think I see dots connecting." he muttered.

"Yes." I said. "And here's what's going on with that: a Physics professor named Robert Stoddard was recently murdered in my County. Dr. Stoddard had strong, strong connections to the U.S. Military, though I'm assured he himself was not a CIA Officer. And here's the rub: the killer or killers attempted to frame Dr. Stephanie Steele for that crime. And the professor whose pattern in her paper that was used for these serial killings... was Dr. Stephanie Steele."

"Dots connected." said Amanda Beale.

"To a point." I said. "So let's go back: Mr. Fasil is considered loyal to the United States, but his wife, Justin Carson's mother, is very radically anti-Jewish, and in her younger days she called for the eradication of Israel and the extermination of all Jews. I also believe that Justin Fasil, a.k.a. Carson, may be used his CDC identity to get information on the CDC, and he possibly could've stolen bacteriological cultures, viruses, and drugs from there."

"Forgive me for not being the Iron Crowbar." said Sgt. Larry Taylor. "Help me understand this." Everyone else murmured in agreement.

"Sure." I said. "My thesis is that Robert Stoddard found out about Justin Carson, or someone found out and contacted him. He could've seen Stephanie Steele's paper before it was published, or at least her graphical diagrams. He used that pattern, or suggested it be used, to get to Justin Carson and kill him, but make it look like it was part of a serial killing, and not a specific targeting."

"I get that." said Taylor. "Where I'm stuck is why he and his cronies would go through with all that, and kill five other people."

"My idea on that," said Jack Muscone, "is that the Federal Government did not want it to get out that he'd infiltrated the CDC. Maybe he stole something like the smallpox stored there, or the COVID-SARS or -MERS viruses, or something else that could cause a major pandemic. They don't want that getting out, so they go through all this."

"That's a good thought." I said. "But Sergeant Taylor is right... it's pretty bad if they're willing to kill five people just to get to the one."

"So what's our next step?" Amanda Beale asked.

"To get a warrant," I said, "and pay a visit to Melissa Carson..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The home in Druid Hills, Georgia was very old, very large, and almost obscured by the massive old trees on the property.

"Antebellum?" Jack Muscone asked as we arrived.

"No, they burned Atlanta down, remember?" I replied. "Definitely after the war, but this area was once a neighborhood of the wealthy and powerful. Emory University is a small but outstanding school, and Emory Hospital is to cardiac and heart patients what St. Jude's is to cancer patients. And the Woodruffs, who created a drug formula they called 'Coca-Cola', are just one of the big-time families contributing to the School."

We knocked on the door, but there was no reply. Amanda Beale tried the door; it was unlocked. "Hell-ooooo!" she called out as she went in. "Atlanta Police!" There was no reply.

"Looks like Melissa Carson bolted." said Muscone as we looked around and the almost totally empty house. "Wonder how she and her husband could afford this place?"

"Oh, they had help." I said. "And she had some money in her own right."

"Looks like she's flown the coop." Amanda Beale said after it was determined no one was at home. "I wonder how long ago? Right after her husband died?"

"Recently." I said. "Very recently. There's still dust with clean floors showing with sharp corners. There's no musty smell, no mildew growths in the bathtubs or toilets, and the electricity is still on."

"They needed more than a few hours to clean out the house." said Muscone. "So our trip here now isn't what triggered her."

"You are correct." I said. "I wonder if Melissa was warned after the Stoddard murder, and she bolted before we could possibly connect the dots and get here."

"So do we have a mole?" asked Jack.

"That..." I said, "...or we're being watched."

Part 9 - From Where Power Comes

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Friday, March 13th, from the roof of the building at Riverside and College, with the Federal Building in the background across the Square. "A serial killing spree in Atlanta may be connected to our Town & County!"

Bettina began: "Channel Two News has learned that a series of mailbox bombings last year were in a pattern based upon a recently published scientific paper by Dr. Stephanie Steele of the University's Astronomy Department. Authorities in Atlanta as well as our Town & County believe that Dr. Robert Stoddard, who would've had access to Dr. Steele's papers, may have been associated with the serial killer. Dr. Stoddard was recently found murdered in Dr. Steele's office on the University Campus."

Bettina: "Sources tell Channel Two News that one of the serial bombing victims, Justin Carter, was being targeted by the killer or killers, as he was a CDC employee under his original surname of Justin Fasil. He took his wife's name when he was married, which enabled him to deceive authorities and acquire the sensitive position in the CDC, which gave him access to dangerous biological substances as well as chemicals."

Bettina: "Channel Two News has also learned that Commander Donald Troy was in Atlanta last year helping the Atlanta PD investigate the serial killings, and that he was instrumental in the break in the case that allowed Police to identify Carson as the intended target of the crimes. As usual, Commander Donald Troy has refused to respond to KXTC's repeated requests for comment."

Bettina: "And all negotiations in the State Legislature have been called off by the State House Democrats, who are in the majority in the State House. The Democrats are calling State Senate Republicans 'unreasonable' and 'obstinate'. State House Minority Leader Wilson Hammonds and State Senator Cain Mitchell, both Republicans, said that deeply unpopular Governor Val Jared is responsible for the lack of progress in any negotiations."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I suspect that something's going on behind the scenes in Midtown." I said as we drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room.

"Why do you suspect that, Mr. Crowbarrrrr?" drawled the Chief.

"Because Our Sheriff is lousy at hiding his facial expressions." I said. "He's trying hard not to grin like the Cheshire Cat. He knows something." Everyone else chuckled as I cooly sipped my coffee in the face of the Sheriff turning and peering at me.

"Not a damn thing gets by you." muttered Griswold.

"What, are they going to have a bill pass, after all?" asked Tanya Perlman.

"Don't let this get out." said Griswold. "But things are looking good for a Budget that's the same as last year but with COLA increases and some baseline budgeting increases. Val can spit in Cain Mitchell's face if it goes through."

"Speaking of 'not a damn thing getting by the Iron Crowbar'," said Teresa Croyle, "that was some damn awesome work figuring out that serial killer pattern, Commander." There were murmurs of agreement.

"I don't get why that guy's wife didn't skip town within a month of her husband's death." Cindy said.

"She had ties to Emory University." I said. "She may have been purloining information out of there, and from other Schools through their interweb connections. Then Stoddard died, and that's when they decided to take the precaution of getting her out. But why they took all the furniture? I dunno..."

"DNA, maybe?" said Tanya. "Jack said the entire place was wiped down very well. They didn't get diddly-squat, not even from the drains and the toilets. But does that happen at our University? Stealing information, that is?"

I replied "Laura says that research gets stolen more than people realize, especially if there is an industrial or military application. The Red Chinese are behind a good bit of it. Her own Psychology Department is careful, as well."

"Don," Cindy said, "doesn't that anger you that Bettina has all that information and is spewing it out?"

"Yes." I replied. "But there's not much I can do about it, unless and until I find out whoever is leaking to her. And when I do... well, I probably should just not say anything, for the sake of 'plausible deniability'."

"If I find out before you do, Crowbar," said the Sheriff, "you won't need 'plausible deniability'..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At 9:30am, Jack Muscone came to my office. As we sat and drank mugs of coffee, he got me up to speed on things.

"We touched base with the LAPD over the serial killer out there that was using an astronomy theory pattern," said Muscone, "and they're looking for victims where the husband took the wife's surname upon marriage, as well as suspects that did the same. We'll see if something pops up." I nodded.

"As to this Justin Fasil Carter," Muscone said, "his father appears to have been a good guy all the way around, loyal to America, all that. But his wife, Carter's mother... we're starting to find some links between her and Iran. She may have radicalized her son, and had him spying for her and for Iran, getting CDC information on things the Iranians could use to create bioweapons and unleash them upon the American People."

"So he was taken out," I replied, "and in a way that wouldn't gin up publicity... until now. Any idea who is behind those leaks to Bettina?"

"No, and it wasn't just Bettina that got the information." said Muscone. "The Atlanta Media, including CNN, have the story, which means it's a national story now. And that's one reason I came to talk to you today... who do you think leaked it? Bettina made sure to mention your involvement last year and this year."

"Yeah, but that was local." I said. "No one else is mentioning my good name, that I know of. But the question is interesting: who benefits, or thinks they benefit, from putting this out there?"

"Yes, that's the $64,000 question." said Muscone. He then made the 'ink pen' sign, and I turned on the bug killer. He said "So I'm curious. I know you accepted the 'dark agent' credentials. I'm one of the ones that pushed Lange and Lance to get them for you. But I am wondering why you accepted them?"

"Laura was surprised, too." I said. "And please, don't let this get out any further. Ian won't talk to Pete because you're an FBI Agent, and he gets his hackles up at Carole when she takes Pete's side on it. As to why I took it... I'm not sure. My own 'vibe' told me to, and I realized I may need Federal credentials stronger than those of an FBI Consultant. But I don't know if this is going to last very long."

Muscone nodded. "Well, it's power if you need it."

I replied "That's one thing I'm waiting to see... just who has my back if I do use the power? For example, there was a couple in Missouri being threatened on their own property by a mob. The used their firearms to defend themselves. But it was in a Democrat-controlled city, so the couple was arrested and jailed for defending their property with their Second Amendment Constitutional right... and nothing was done about the mob thugs threatening them."

I continued: "What good is the Second Amendment if it's not honored, not backed up? What good are our rights when Democrat politicians side with the thugs, the looters, the lawbreakers, over the law-abiding citizens that only want to have their businesses and raise their families? And those Democrat politicians let good people's businesses be burned to the ground while working as hard as they can to defund the Police?"

I finished up: "So we'll see what happens, but if I don't think I have the support these 'dark agent' credentials require... I'll be returning them to you and walking away from helping the FBI any more, ever again... like Myron Milton and his father and his wife want me to do... and like my son wants me to do."

Muscone looked very worried at those comments as I stopped to draw breath. "Don't let it get to you, Dog." he said. "Besides, I need a happy, smiling Best Man in two weeks..."

Part 10 - Representation and Taxation

Tuesday, March 17th. I was wearing my 'casual' uniform of khaki pants, green golf/polo shirt with my TCPD badge embroidered over the heart (and the metal one on my belt), and a very visible orange t-shirt underneath.

On this St. Patrick's Day, the Detectives were wearing either green or orange shirts, or both like me. Chief Moynahan and Teresa Croyle wore green shirts with green t-shirts. Uniformed Officers were allowed to wear green or orange scarfs around their necks, tucked neatly into their shirts, like they did with their neckties if wearing them. Lieutenant DeLong, who was black, called me and told me he'd never seen so many 'Black Irish' Officers in one place as there were at 2nd Precinct Roll Call.

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette in her clingy green dress at KXTC studios at 7:00am. "It's over at the State Capitol!"

Bettina happily began: "Thanks to the racist policies of deeply unpopular Governor Val Jared and his Republican allies, all hopes of a compromise Budget that would give cost-of-living-adjustment raises to State employees are over! State Representative Elijah McKinney, chairman of the powerful State House Ways & Means Committee, could not reach an agreement with State Senator Cain Mitchell, Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee."

Bettina: "Efforts by the bipartisan group known as the 'Foodie Group' were ineffective in bringing Senator Mitchell off of his obstinate positions to include tax breaks for the State's wealthiest citizens and biggest businesses. And Governor Jared did not help the Republicans's cause, nor their chances of election in November, when he said he would not sign any bill that included the provisions to address Climate Change that Representative Nina Cortez was demanding as part of the Democrats's 'Green New Deal'."

Bettina: "Conditions under the Gold Dome of the State Capitol are now described as 'hopelessly gridlocked', with Republican State Representatives not even bothering to represent their Districts by attending Committee meetings. Roll tape."

Tape rolled. First was shown State Rep. Peter Long Cox (R) of Nextdoor County, who said "There's no point in attending Committee meetings. The Democrats just ram through what they want without any discussion."

State Rep. Hoyt Stenson (D) of Jacksonville was then shown, saying "We don't owe the Republicans anything, not even the time of day. We're going to pass what we want, and the Republicans can sit and spin..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"What happened, Sheriff?" Tanya Perlman asked as we drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room. "I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I thought they were going to sneak something through."

"Last week," growled Sheriff Griswold, "Val Jared, Jimmy Cerone, Moe Molinari, and Elijah McKinney thought they had a package... COLA raises, and little bits of pork for all. You know how it works in Midtown. Everyone gets a little something for their Districts." We all nodded.