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While running away from home Grace gets hunted in the woods.
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The cold breeze played with Grace's curls. She shuddered slightly, less from the cold and more from the weight of the decision she was about to make. She looked out at the thick woods stretching out for miles, then she took one last longing glance at the warm yellow light from her village. She couldn't go back, not unless she wanted to marry next month, carry a baby within a year, and be stuck in suffocating safety -- forever.

Grace grimaced, she wanted more for herself. God knows she was no fair dainty little thing like the other women at home, stuck in the kitchen and under their husband's thumb. No Grace is too strong and too stubborn to be under anyone else's control. She took a deep fortifying breath as she tightened the strap of her rucksack with new resolve and climbed over the moss-covered stones that made up the border.

The pale light of the pregnant moon illuminated the faint outline of an animal path in front of her. Her boots made a loud crisp sound in the otherwise still night. A dark foreboding permeated the air. A shiver went down her spine and Grace thought briefly about the stories of the beast that hunted these woods, but those were just fairy tales meant to scare little kids she told herself. With confidence, she didn't fully feel Grace picked up her pace.

Deep in the belly of the woods, a beast opened his eyes. His nostrils flared as he picked up the heady scent of a lone woman entering his domain. He took a deep breath in, luxuriating in the feminine scent. A big dangerous grin spread across his rugged face -- the game was on.

Grace had ventured deeper and gradually the thick canopies above obscured the little light she had. She had to blindly duck and weave past branches, arms to protecting her face. Her progress was slow. She let out a long string of curses as a branch scraped her cheek. The woods played tricks on her, sometimes she swore she saw something moving, but when she turned around slowly, squinting her eyes to scan her surroundings, all she saw was trees. She tried to concentrate harder to make out if something lurked in the shadows just beyond her field of vision, but alas all she saw was darkness.

The beast watched her poorly hidden fear from the shadows. His mouth twisted into a grin that looked predatory and hungry. She was perfect. Oh did he yearn to take a fistful of her curls and yank hard to expose her neck for his bite. He wanted to taste her, no that wasn't enough, he wanted to devour her so completely there would be nothing left of her. But all in good time. First, he wanted to have some fun.

As if on instinct, Grace shuddered and pulled her coat tighter. Silence surrounded her like a blanket as she cautiously continued on. It was eerie. Even at night the forest should be brimming with life. Small creatures skittering in the underbrush, owls screeching above, insects filling the air, but there were no signs of them. There was no sign of anything at all. Until she heard a laugh. It sent a shiver down her spine like someone had dumped a bucket of ice down her back. The laugh was eerie and disturbing; its voice was worse as it whispered in her ear.

"Run little rabbit, run."

Without a second thought, Grace took off. Her body was infused with wild terror. All she could hear was her heart beating, her pulse racing as she pumped her legs to go faster, faster. Miles seemed to whiz by as she gave it all she had. She darted around trees, and over rocks, eyes focused ahead. She didn't dare stop or look back but too soon her legs were cramping, her arms were hurting and her vision was swimming with black dots.

She was unraveling, her nerves raw and frayed. She didn't know how much longer she could go on but the dark presence of the voice haunted her. All of a sudden a black mass appeared on her right and slammed into her. Grace was shoved hard against a tree trunk. The rough bark skimmed her sensitive flesh. She let out a groan, her face scrunched up in pain.

She looked up and her eyes met his. His face was rugged, his features were sharp and he had wild dark hair that framed his face in messy curls. The look in his eyes was all-consuming, dark, almost black threatening to swallow her whole. All of Grace's senses narrowed in on him, everything else bled away, and it was just the two of them.

"Caught you little prey."

Adrenaline coursed through her veins. As if sensing her state he smiled widened and his eyes lit up with glee. He reached out a rough hand to touch her cheek. Instinct took over and she attempted to duck under his grasp to no avail. He grabbed a fistful of her locks and pulled her forcefully close to his chest.

She screamed and he put a hand across her mouth to shut her up. She tried to kick out with her leg and shove her body against his. As frantic as her movements were they were uncoordinated and messy, she was no match for him. Tired of her fighting he shoved her flaring body hard against the trunk of the tree. Grace let out a grunt and her body went momentarily still. Her body was still coursing with adrenaline, keeping her senses sharp.

She could feel the outline of his hard-on pressing against the apex of her tights. Fear and something else, something a lot like excitement coursed through her. No, this could not be happening. She would not submit, she refused to be a victim. With a roar, she headbutted him hard. He gritted his teeth and before she could recover he gripped her delicate throat in retaliation.

She gasped fitfully, as he choked her with a gleeful smile on his face. With both her hands she tried to force him to let go of her throat. She clutched uselessly, trying to dig her nails in as he lifted her up. Her vision blurred and she could feel herself slipping. He looked at her intently, his face filling up her whole filed of vision. Her hands fell and her eyes rolled back. Just before she succumbed to the lack of oxygen, he threw her like a ragdoll onto the hard dirt floor.

She gasped loudly for breath. Sweet air started filling her lungs. The sound that came out of her was guttural and feral filled with panic and desperation. In any other circumstance, she would be embarrassed by the noises she was making but Grace was too focused on survival to care. Before she could fully regain her composure he was upon her. Teeth latching onto the sensitive spot just to the side of her exposed throat. He bites down hard marking her as his.

Grace screamed, the pain sharp. She tried to push his head away but drained and exhausted as she was, she was no match. He didn't budge, didn't even flinch as she slammed her small fist against his big body. He simply dug his knee into her stomach and clenched his teeth against the mouthful of flesh until blood was practically spurting into his mouth. She was shaking uncontrollably, sweat from the fight causing the dead leaves to stick uncomfortably all over her exposed skin. Her breathing came in short shallow gulps as waves of fear rolled over her. Never before has she felt this helpless and exposed.

Unwillingly a fat tear rolled down her face. She hiccuped softly as more followed, making a wet trail down her cheeks. As if drawn to the sound he let go of her throat. His head tilted curiously, his dark gaze settling on Grace. For a single moment, tension hovered in the air between them, as if the whole world held its breath.

Without warning a sort of frenzy entered his eyes, like a storm cloud on a clear sky. Grace knew the exact moment he snapped. She cried out and tried to kick as he ripped her clothes off with ease. He flung the garments away leaving Grace nude. With no effort at all he flipped her onto her stomach.

"Stop!" she screamed, as she attempted to shove him off.

Her legs were forcefully pulled apart, her ass tilting up into the air, exposing her most vulnerable part. The cool breeze against her heated flesh made her shiver. His firm hand came down with a sharp crack on her ass, jostling Grace. Grace tried pathetically to crawl away but each movement resulted in a hard merciless swat on her upturned ass. His one-handed grip on her hip was tight enough to bruise. With each spank on her bum, she felt herself clench on empty air. She could feel the wetness seeping out of her swollen cunt, seeping into the ground.

Mortified, she sucked in a breath, trying desperately not to give in to those urges within her. She held out as long as she could, but a sob ripped through her stoic facade. Once that pitiful sound escaped her lips, there was no stopping the rush of lust, pain, and shame that sprung from her like a fresh spring. She couldn't help herself as she started to hump the ground, pushing her ass up to meet his striking palm. Her face was pressed into her tousled and tangled hair, soaking it with her tears of shame and defeat.

He watched her unravel before him glowing with fascination. He saw how tightly she tried to hold on and how hard she had fought. Never had he met someone so small but so fierce. He would wear her claw marks as badges of pride. A serene smile broke across his face, he had met his match. He started to ease up a bit at such a slow rate that it went unnoticed at first. Soon he had shoved Grace flat onto the ground.

His spanks had turned into gentle strokes against her abused flesh. He reverently stroked her red ass, the contact still painful but a far cry from the impact of earlier. He cooed to Grace, a voice close to her ear as he made soft shushing noises. The tingling and soreness in her ass started to change, alternating to a slow-burning fire that seemed to grow with every careful stroke as those skillful fingers just graced the edge of her sex. She could feel her pussy starting to swell up even more. A new wave of shame washed over her.

His touch slid down the seam of her buttocks, and his thumb probed the lips of her pussy, coming away soaking wet. She whimpered. His hands were on each of her buttocks, his thumb parting them. His breath was there, a heated balm on her flushed skin. Then he put his mouth to her tight, puckered opening. His firm tongue licked around the rim, teasing the sensitive hole, which contracted under the attention, welcoming him in. He taunted her, keeping his tongue just outside, tickling and stroking the ring of loose wet nerves. His fingers tightened just enough on her abused butt cheeks, making her flinch and convulse at once.

She wanted to wiggle against his face, rub and squirm but with a herculean effort she held onto the last remnants of her pride. She bit the inside of her cheek until she tasted blood trying not to sound like a wanton whore. Her fingernails dug into the dirt as that agile tongue made small concentrated circles around her pussy. He put delicious pressure on the rim of her opening again and again. She trembled with need. Her pussy was convulsing, she started to whimper, and soon her whimpers became pleading cries.

The sound of his trousers hitting the floor cut through the fog in Grace's mind. Before she could prepare mentally his thick crown was there at Grace's wet entrance, showing inside, deep and raw. The initial stretch was painful, and Grace tried to wiggle away. His fingers dug in hard enough that a lance of pain went through her -- a warning. The combined threat and command stilled her once more. The added agony of his hips pressing against her battered flesh had her mind fracturing.

He thrust deeper in one hard push and stilled. Slowly the burning pain gave way to warm wet pleasure. He put a hand at each of Grace's knees to keep her spread wide so he could stare down at his prize. He slowly pulled out, watching his cock emerge glistening with her wetness. There was wild possessiveness in his gaze. They were both panting loudly. His cock was at her entrance again thrusting inside at the same time that he wrapped those strong fingers around Grace's neck again and squeezed. He rutted into her violently like the beast he was, blocking off all airflow as he choked her simultaneously with his hand at her throat and his cock in her pussy.

Grace felt like she was about to pass out but her pussy didn't seem to care. Every time he shoved his throbbing membrane into her wet heat, she bucked back against him, chasing his dick. She let herself get closer and closer to that edge, any second now she would-- He released her as quickly as he had taken hold, giving her a heartbeat to suck in a deep lungful and cough before he grabbed her hip and shoulder.

Too disoriented to fight, Grace found herself repositioned on her side with him at her back. Her cheek was cradled by his firm arm. Her right leg was lifted and then that thick cock was spearing into her from behind all over again. He pumped deep, the marks on her ass stung as it rocked back and forth on the rough dirt but it only spurred the need inside her further. The harder he pummeled her with his cock, the higher the elation inside seemed to grow, inflating like a balloon until it was stretched so thin it was at risk of breaking.

A whiny desperate sound worked its way up Grace's throat. She wanted more. He fed another inch of himself. She was unraveling, a desperate wet mess. As if knowing how close she was, he slowed his pace. Frustrated, her hand clutched at the dirt as she struggled. He growled and hauled Gracae back against him, his cock finally slamming all the way in so that Grace's mouth popped open. He rolled his hips, using her body to stroke himself, keeping his pumps shallow enough to avoid that spot inside her that would have made her sing.

"Please" she croaked out.

Her throat had gone so dry it hurt to speak. When she tried to rock back against him, he stilled her. His finger tangled in her hair. He kissed the curve of her jaw slightly almost playfully, before nipping her with his teeth hard enough to smart. Her pussy clenched and she whimpered with desperate need.

"Please let me come!" she cried louder this time.

With a dark chuckle, he obliged and started fucked her in earnest. Every time he hit that spot inside her she felt herself get closer, closer to the edge but it wasn't enough. As if knowing what she needed, he reached over with one hand to stroke her swollen clit. Grace's face was scrunched up in bliss, eyes half closed, mouth open as she moaned. Her leg started to tremble uncontrollably.

Then he pinched her clit hard. The orgasm crashed into her, ripping her away from reality, as she came, and came, and came. Her spin bowed and her pussy clamped down on his cock like a vice.

He unloaded with a guttural groan that Grace felt all the way to her core. The warm spurt of his cum inside her wet hungry hole undid her last straw on sanity. A silent scream parted her lips as tears welled in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. His tongue darted out and lapped at Grace's dirty wet cheek. He let out a groan of dark satisfaction.

Grace was limp, blissed out as he carefully arranged her body against his. He placed her head against the warm flesh of her chest. Grace snuggled in closer, too blissed out to care. At last, she was at peace.

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GrandDad0803GrandDad080321 days ago

Good story. Hopefully another installment will be forthcoming.

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