Princess Cindy


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After a few seconds Cindy responded, "Thank you, Mama. I appreciate it, really, I do. Good night."

"Good night, Sweetheart. I'll bring the kids by tomorrow around noonish, OK?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks."


A few days later Roger texted her greetings and indicated he had a good time with her at dinner. She casually texted back a few hours later. On one afternoon while the kids were in pre-school he dropped by and eventually helped her with some of the weeding in her front garden. It was a nice, casual conversation between them as they worked. She was surprised he didn't suggest another date by the time he left. However, on the next day he called from work.

"Hey, Cindy, I'd like to get together with you again. You interested?"

"Definitely. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I wanted to ask all three of you up to Long Lake on Saturday. It's supposed to be nice weather, so I was thinking a picnic, maybe."

"Oh, Roger, that sounds like a great idea. I know the kids would love to get out. Let's do it."

"OK, I'll pick you up at ten on Saturday. We'll be there within an hour and we can goof off, have a lunch and then I might have a surprise for the kids."

"I see. And what do you have in mind for my kids?"

"You're the one making the decision here, but I think it would be fun to get them into the paddle boats. I'll insist they wear life jackets and we can have an adult in each boat. What do you think?"

"I think it would be fun. I'll make sure they have bathing suits and bring extra clothes and towels. OK?"

"Great. I'll see you all then."

At the appointed time he walked over to their house and escorted them to his SUV. They were excited about the trip and talked non-stop asking questions and talking about things they saw on the road side. At Long Lake they took a short hike and ate the lunch Cindy had volunteered to bring. Afterwards, Roger led the kids down to the water activities center and asked to rent two paddle boats.

"Oh, wow. We're going on the boats? Neato!" shouted Mandy.

Chris was a bit more subdued. When Roger noted this, Chris said he was 'kinda scared' to go in the boats.

"Chris, you don't have to go if you don't want to. But I'd like you to try it. How about we men go in one boat and let the girls have their boat?"

"OK, I guess."

"Now kids, there are a couple of rules. The first is you need to get your bathing suits on. Once you've done that, meet me back here."

A few minutes later all four of them were in bathing suits. Cindy had a sexy one-piece suit which was cut high at the hips, low at the bodice and was backless. When she arrived back at the center, she could tell Roger kept looking at her from the corner of his eyes. It made her happy to think he was attracted to her.

Roger then sat the two down and gave out rule number two. "You must wear a life jacket at all times. No exceptions."

"But I can swim," said Mandy proudly.

"And, so can I," he responded, "But I'll wear one too. It's a rule that you cannever break. That way it will be safe and fun for all of us. Look at your mom. She's nodding yes. OK, kids, go let the man fit you for size."

Ten minutes later they headed out, Roger and Chris in one boat and the 'girls' in another. It didn't take much time for Chris to relax and enjoy the boat because it wasn't tippy and moved at a snail's pace. They never got too far from shore and paddled around in circles. At one time Roger pulled up behind the other boat and he slipped a water pistol to Chris. "Hey, when we go by them, I want you to shoot them, OK?" he whispered. Chris giggled and nodded yes. Once their boat pulled even with the other Chris aimed the water pistol at his mother and let fire.

"What the...," she yelled before she had to bite her tongue, "What was that? You got me all wet," she screamed.

Roger kept a straight face but Chris began to laugh and yelled, "I got you, Mommy!"

"You little rat. You wait until I get you back. And that Roger, too."

After that they chased each other, occasionally splashing water onto each other and generally having a great time. By late afternoon the kids were flagging so they all bundled into the SUV and headed home. In no time the kids were sound asleep in the back while Roger and Cindy got caught up. As they neared their homes, she thanked him several times for a great day and for including the children in his invite.

"Cindy, they're great kids and you've done a marvelous job with them. I had fun with them and would hope we can do more things together. Interested?"

"Yes, Roger, I am," she responded as she put her hand gently on his right forearm. "It goes without saying that I, gosh, it's so embarrassing to talk about this but, anyway, what I was going to say was uh, you know, I come with two extras. And if you are interested in me, please understand."

"Oh, Cindy, I know that. Hey, I like you, OK? And I'd like to spend more time with you, if you agree. And I had a great time today. It was fun to get Chris to open up a bit."

"Well, he opened fire, that's for sure!"

"Yeah, that was a kick."

"I bet you liked seeing my wet bathing suit."

"Oh, I won't deny I looked. You are," he paused looking at the slumbering kids a second before going on, "One sexy lady."

"Thank you. Being a mom in jeans and an old shirt isn't much of a sexy image, now, is it?"

"I think you don't give yourself enough credit," he said as he pulled up into her driveway. Once he had parked, he turned to her and took her hands in his. "I had a great time. Let's do it again, sometime. OK?"

"Yes, let's," she answered as she stared him in the eyes. He looked back at her for as few seconds before he turned away to open the door.

"Roger," she whispered, "My hug?"

He turned back to her and reached over the console and brought her into his arms. They sat there a few seconds before she pulled back, staring him in the eyes. Then she let head drift closer to his before she tipped her lips up to his, inviting a kiss.

The kiss was brief but sweet and tender. There was a slight hint of softening of the lips before they pulled apart.

"Mmm, nice," she whispered.

"Yeah. Uh, let's get these kids up into the house," he said, breaking the mood. Once the three were all in the house he thanked her again before running his vehicle back across the street.

Cindy was occupied with fixing a quick meal and supervising two baths before reading to both of them until they fell asleep. She then had a glass of wine as she thought about the day. Suddenly she had waves of soul-wrenching guilt course through her veins. She realized she had gone for most of the day thinking about Ted only a few times. And she had kissed another man! She tried to remember the pep talk her mother had given to her before, but the overpowering sensation was she had done something wrong. She wept and tried to talk sense into herself but with no success.

Then her phone pinged for an incoming text.

I had a great time with the kids and you Thank you R

So did I I'm worried about the kiss

It was sweet

Yes but I feel bad about it

Suddenly her phone rang. "Hi," she answered.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, not really. I have to deal with my own demons."

"Cindy, I like you. I don't want you to feel any pressure at all."

"Hey, I initiated the kiss, you didn't. You were the perfect gentleman."

"Look, here's the deal. I'd like to see more of you and the kids. But you need to be in the driver's seat. And if you aren't ready for a stronger relationship, I'll respect that. I can't imagine what your life has been like and I know you miss Ted. Miss him terribly. And I can't be a replacement for him. No one can."

"So, what should I do?" she asked with an exasperated voice.

"I don't know, Cindy. I just don't know."

"Well, you're no help," she chuckled.

"Seriously, Cindy, only you can help you. Have you thought about counseling?"

"I did it for a while and it helped with some of the initial anger, I guess. But what I have now is guilt about moving on."

"OoooKay. Then here's what I propose: How about we be friends, you know, like in a neighborly way. We'll wave, shoot the breeze and maybe we can do things with the kids now and then. But no pressure, no expectations."

"I could do that..."

"You need friends, now don't you? I can be a friend and maybe I can be a bit of a masculine figure for Mandy and particularly for Chris."

"Do I still get my hugs?" she asked in a small, hopeful voice.

"Only if you want them, but they'll be 'friend hugs' and nothing more. OK?"

"OK. Thanks for talking with me. I know it must be driving you crazy with me going in for a kiss one second and then pulling back from you the next."

"Like I said, you're in charge. I want to be in your life, even if only to be a nice neighbor."

"Thank you. I really mean that."

"Sure. 'Night, Cindy."

"Good night."


And for the next several weeks they were just that; friendly neighbors. They chatted about the weather and they had him over for dinner a few times with the kids asking him to tell them wild stories, tall tales and fairy tales. One breezy Saturday he took them kite flying after helping them each make old-style diamond-shaped paper kites with cloth tails. And he had them all over for another bar-b-q. On one occasion she needed someone to pick the kids up from pre-school and he gladly helped out. And during this time, she snuck in a couple of friendly hugs.

Mandy and Chris obviously liked him. He always seemed to have a new and exciting activity for them when they got together and Cindy could tell he always used the opportunity to give them little talks about the science or the history behind the activity. On the Fourth of July he shot off a few fireworks and got them sparklers while Cindy was pleased he talked about why we even celebrated the holiday as he talked about the history of the colonies.

That night after the exhausted kids were sound asleep, she sat quietly in her darkened living room, drinking a glass of wine, listening to music and thinking about the day. Roger was a great guy. He clearly liked her children and engaged them without talking down to them. And he seemed to enjoy being with her. He was, however, always a gentleman and never pushed anything. Indeed, she was the one who had to ask for a hug now and then.

Then her mind wandered a bit. She thought about sex and wondered if she'd ever find another lover. Ted was so attentive and such a great lover she thought even if she wanted to find another man, she figured he'd have to come up short. And how disappointing would that be? She was thinking about all of these issues when she suddenly realized she had no guilt about it. Sure, she missed Ted, but thinking about another lover didn't make her feel guilty or evil! She smiled to herself about this and thought, "I guess I'm beginning to miss sex, or something."

Halfway through a second glass of wine she looked down at her phone. Almost as if beyond her control, she found her hand picking it up and her finger suddenly clicking on Roger's icon.

"Hello, Cindy, what's up?"

"Oh, Hi, Roger. I just wanted to..." she paused.


"Uh, could you please come over for a few minutes?"

"Yeah, be right there. Everything OK?"

"I'll tell you when you get here."

After a minute there was a light rapping on the door and she let him in. "So, what's going on?" he said as she reached out to him and pulled him in for a big hug. She squeezed him tightly and felt his hands slowly stroke her back. He pulled away and looked at her. "Needed your hug, huh?"

"Yes, yes I did. And I need this, too," she whispered as she reached her hands up and pulled his head down towards her. Then she kissed him. Oh, it felt so good. He was tender and loving, not forcing anything, and letting her set the pace. After a bit he slowly broke away and looked at her. Her eyes were closed and she had a sweet, little smile on her lips.

"Thank you, that was nice," she whispered as she nuzzled into his chest.

He didn't respond as he held her loosely in his arms, gently rubbing her back.

She pulled back and looked him in the eyes. "Could I have seconds?"

His response was to bend down and kiss her once again. This time there was a bit more passion, a bit more pressure and a tiny bit of tongue.

"You OK?" he asked her after they broke apart.

"Umm-hmm, yeah, I am. Thank you."

"Thank you for asking or thank you for the kiss?"

"Both, I guess. Roger, please understand, this was a huge step for me. I really like you and..."

"And what?"

"And I'd like to do this again, sometime."

"Sure. You know how to reach me," he chuckled as he broke the hug and turned towards the door. "Goodnight, Cin, sleep tight."

"I will. Goodnight."

That night for the first time in ages she found herself seriously horny. Intellectually, she knew her body needed release occasionally, but this time her mind raced with images of Roger in his bathing trunks and memories of those two wonderful kisses earlier. She let her hand slip down inside her sleeping shorts and slowly started a 'two-fingered tango' in earnest. In no time at all she was soaking wet and she pulled some moisture over her clit and resumed round, circular strokes right over her pearl. She then found herself rising up to a wonderful orgasm which raced through her entire body. She relaxed a few seconds before starting all over again until she climaxed a second time. Then she curled up on her side and her final, conscious thought was, "Ted, Sweetheart, I think it's time to move on. Please understand..."


But on the following Saturday afternoon, her world was jolted anew. She was picking up in the living room when she saw Roger dressed up nicely in a suit and tie stroll out to his car and take off. He was going on a date; she was sure of it. Suddenly she felt pangs of jealousy even though she knew she had no claim to him. Still, it bothered her for the entire evening until she heard two cars drive up around ten pm. She peeked out to see him escorting an attractive woman from her car up to his house.

Suddenly, Cindy was torn up. She knew intellectually she had no claim on him, but emotionally at least, he was hers. He was her rock, her hug-giver and a great role model her kids. When she went to bed later, the woman's car was still there. Around three she woke up for a potty break and she noticed the woman's car was gone. She felt slightly better and drifted off to sleep.

The next day when Roger was mowing his yard, she decided to go over and see him. She knew she shouldn't, but the insecure teenage girl in her needed to know what had happened. When he saw her cross the street, he killed the engine.

"Hey, Cindy, nice day, huh?"

"Yeah, weather's nice, at least."

"Oh, something wrong?"

"Yeah. I, uh, I didn't sleep too well last night."

"That's too bad. Something bothering you?"

"Roger, I won't beat around the bush. It seems my neighbor and good friend went out on a date last night. And a woman came by afterwards."

"Whoa. Were you spying on me?"

"No, I happened to see you leave dressed up. I kinda knew what was going on from there. Then when I went to bed, I saw you and her. She stayed really late."

"Hey, look, Cindy. Let's get something straight. I like you. I like you a lot. I adore your kids. But that doesn't give you a claim on me and it doesn't give you the right to pry into my personal business."

"So, are you just giving the old widow lady some attention while you go get your jollies somewhere else?"

"Jesus, Cindy, what's got into you? I thought we were friends!"

"I did too," she answered with a sob in her throat. "And I know I've been hard to deal with, you know, with my issues. But somehow I thought that we were..."

"Were what? Lovers? Cause we're not. Not that I wouldn't be interested, but we're not. And I get to go out with other women on my time and how I want."

"I know, I know. I'm being such a bitch," she sobbed. "But I'm hurt even though I know I have no right to be."

"You're not a bitch. You're acting a bit rashly, but I'd never call you a bitch."

"I'm sorry, but it hurt me. Who was it, anyway?"

"Look, Cindy, I like you. I really like you. But this has got to stop. Please stop before we both get hurt and live to regret it. Now, let me finish this work. Please."

"OK," she responded with a small, hurt voice. "See you around."

"Yeah," was all he said as he fired up the mower again.

Back at her house Cindy broke down. Not only was she hurt he'd gone out with another woman, she also knew she'd done a horrible, horrible thing and probably ruined their friendship. She tried to dry her tears and present a strong front for the children.

Later that day Mandy and Chris were playing in the front yard trying to throw a frisbee back and forth with not much success. When they saw Roger across the street they said 'Hi" and asked if he'd help them. He appeared wary but came over, stood with them and showed them how to hold it correctly. In no time they were doing a lot better.

"Thank you," shouted Mandy, "You're so nice."

"Hey, it's fun to toss one of those around. Glad I could help."

"Would it be OK if I asked Mommy to give you a soda, or something?"

"Eh, maybe not today. Your mommy was a little upset earlier and I think it would be best to say 'No'."

"Why was she upset?" asked Chris.

"Oh, nothing big. Look, you two, I've got to go to the store, so take care."

"OK," they answered together, "Bye."

After they tired of the frisbee they went inside to see their mother wiping a tear from her eye. "Mommy, what's wrong?" asked Mandy.

"Nothing, Honey," she lied.

"Why are you crying? asked Chris.

"I'm a little bit sad, that's all."

"Roger said you were upset," said Chris.

"Now when did you talk with him?"

"He came over and helped us throw the frisbee. We wanted to invite him for a soda but he said you were upset. What's wrong, Mommy? Are you mad at Roger?" asked Mandy.

"No, Sweetheart, I'm not mad at Roger."

"Good, 'cause I like Roger. You like him too, don't you Mommy?"

"Yes, Kiddo, he's a very nice man. Now, how about some hamburgers for dinner?"

The change in subject distracted them and she was able to avoid any further discussion of Roger.

For the next two weeks Roger seemed to be suddenly less visible. He went to his car quickly, didn't hang around the front yard and mowed his yard when Cindy was away at her volunteer work. She realized he was still hurt, mad, upset, whatever, and it was all her fault. She even slipped a quick apology note into his mailbox but he never responded. She knew she needed to talk to him and kept looking at his place hoping to catch him but with no success.

Finally, one evening she put the kids in front of the TV with a big bag of popcorn and told them she was going over to Roger's place.

"Say 'Hi' to him and tell him we miss him," called out Mandy as Cindy was headed out the front door.

After she knocked there were footsteps coming to the door. Roger opened it up and with a somewhat subdued voice greeted her.

"Hi, Roger, may I come in?"

"Uh, sure. Kids OK?"

"Yeah, they're fine. Well, not really. They are wondering why you've not been around much lately."

"Nice kids. I miss seeing them. Are they alone now?"

"Yeah, but they'll be fine for a few minutes. Uh, look, I need to say something. I can't begin to tell you how pissed I am with myself for my behavior the other day. I had no right to say what I said and had no right to question you or your relationship with the gal you went out with. You are looking at a one hundred percent contrite neighbor begging forgiveness."

"I see. Cindy, if I can be so blunt as to say that, uh, what you did..."