Princess Sarah and the Origin

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The story of the first Nude Day.
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King Leonard and his new wife were in attendance in the foyer of their great hall when Princess Cornelia and her entourage returned from the fair just on time -- and alone. When his younger daughter blossomed forth all smiles as usual through the front door with her ladies in waiting, the king awaited her sister's entrance just afterward. When Princess Sarah and her company did not materialize, Leonard cast a frustrated smile in the direction of the nervous young man who stood at attention at the edge of the room. The bewildered servant, plucked from the obscurity of the East Wing waitstaff that very morning and still not at all sure this wasn't all a cruel joke, acknowledged the gesture with a tiny smile of his own. Though nervous, he was secretly delighted at the postponement of his inevitable humiliation.

"Welcome, my dear," the king said in an even tone with a nod. "How did you find the fair?"

"Delightful as always, Father," Cornelia replied. "We all are quite delighted to have made the trip and to now be home; I can't wait to bathe." She fanned herself lightly with her right hand, enjoying the indoor shade for the first time in hours. "It is ever so hot and humid out there!"

"As you wish, my dear," the king replied. "But where is your sister?"

"Don't be absurd, Leonard," Lady Clara snapped. "You know as well as I the elder princess surely stopped along the way to make fun with that harlot Marguerite!"

"Stepmum!" Cornelia exclaimed. "Whatever my differences with my sister, I'll not have you saying such things..."

"Now, now," King Leonard reproved his daughter. "You may not wish to hear it, but your stepmother no doubt speaks rightly and you know it as well as I. I asked only wishing that you might confirm what we suspected."

"What you suspected?" Cornelia replied, now bemused. "You suspected, of course, that Sarah and Marguerite and at least one of her other ladies overindulged on wine punch and who knows what else while at the fair, that they might satisfy her bizarre carnal desires on the trip home?"

King Leonard nodded knowingly. "Yes, my dear."

"Well," Cornelia continued, "She no doubt did. I know nothing but that our carriage stopped at the Willows Inn for refreshments and the privy and no one there had seen Sarah, though she and her ladies had left the fair before we did. I have no proof, but also no question that they stopped somewhere and went into the forest to do things a princess oughtn't in a place where no one ought do those things." Through all of this, Cornelia's ladies in waiting stood at attention, too frightened to say a word, but all of them perversely amused at it all and a few of them privately jealous of Sarah's ladies.

"I believed as much," King Leonard admitted. "And that is why I have an unorthodox plan regarding the gap left in her entourage."

"Ah yes," Cornelia said haughtily. "One of her ladies was bidden to retire to the city for nine months, was she not?"

"Indeed," her father confirmed. "And in her place, I have elected to appoint a male." He gestured to the young man -- his name was Justin -- still standing stock still at the edge of the room, sweating profusely and pretending not to have heard every word that had been uttered. Surely the king did not really intend this for him!

Cornelia looked askance at Justin. She then looked back at her father and at her own ladies, who knew their share of her secrets, and then back at Justin. And she burst out in laughter. "We shall see if Sarah's immodesty shall continue with him in the wings, now shan't we?"

"Indeed," agreed her father. "I shouldn't wonder we shall cool the baser instincts of our headstrong rogue princess with this development." King Leonard, vexed for a decade or more by the unorthodox habits he knew his daughter to indulge in so openly -- inspired, it seemed, by watching her horses mate in the springtime and coming to enjoy such a powerful burst of joy in the open herself -- was satisfied that he should tame her through such a simple strategy as appealing to vanity and shame. If only he had not thought of such a plan years before, when Princess Sarah had not yet created a reputation for herself for being as shamelessly hot-blooded as any man and come to be known far and wide as The Horny Princess -- but reputations could be repaired. At least in his family they could. This he knew from experience.

Cornelia had guessed correctly as to Sarah's whereabouts. An hour or so earlier, as Princess Sarah and her company were making their leisurely way home along the bumpy road, all knew the stage was set for a furtive stop in a favoured meadow. A few of her ladies were quietly making bets as to which bump in the road would inspire the princess to order James to halt the carriage. For all that, Sarah was lounging serenely in her cushioned chair, chatting amicably with Marguerite and a few of the other ladies who of course dared not speak what was on everyone's mind. But they all knew Princess Sarah well enough to know she would never pass on the opportunity for a stop on a hot day like this.

Sensing the princess may have winced at a particularly jarring bump, Darlene, the youngest and newest of the ladies in waiting, piped up. "Shall I call for a halt, madam?"

"Aye, Darlene, that is a wonderful idea," Sarah replied. "Marguerite, would you like to stop and stretch our legs?"

"If you wish, madam," replied dark-haired Marguerite, who never missed an opportunity to join the princess in her naughty games. Today, having drunk rather a lot of wine punch at the fair, she would have preferred to get to the Willow Inn and its privy as soon as possible; but joining the princess in the meadow was worth squirming a bit on the remainder of the trip.

"Honestly, Marguerite," Darlene confided in her elder colleague while Sarah was ordering James to pull off the road onto a path she knew well, "I shan't ever understand the appeal of this silly ritual. Aren't you horribly embarrassed by it all? What if a hunter in the woods should spot you?"

"Nay," Marguerite reassured her with a sinful grin. "I am not horribly embarrassed when that happens, I am delightfully embarrassed. One understands or one doesn't, my dear, but the rush of joy and the palpable intimacy of it all, are all well worth a moment's discomfort."

"When that happens?" Darlene exclaimed. "You mean you have been spotted? And that hasn't stopped you from doing it all again?"

"You understand or you don't, my dear," Marguerite repeated. "It's something one feels or doesn't feel." At that moment, Marguerite certainly did feel it! The anticipation had stirred up a wonderful tickle in her vagina, and as the carriage bumped along the unbeaten hidden path, she feared she might well find a damp spot on the backside of her gown. But it was worth it all for the intense orgasm that was on the horizon and the camaraderie she felt with the princess just now.

It was, she would have confessed had Darlene asked, only that opportunity to be close to Sarah that had enticed Marguerite to join the princess on her discrete journey into the woods on the first occasion she had done so. Many of the princess' other ladies in waiting had done the same once, occasionally twice, for that same reason, in the five years or so since Sarah had first dared act out the fantasy she had been harbouring since she was quite young indeed. The others had soon found it disagreeable and not worth the opportunity to grow close to Sarah. But Marguerite had discovered her own true fondness for the shameless act of self-love, the risk of great embarrassment, the sweet vulnerability followed by sweeter climax of that most intimate sort. And that she had occasion to share that intimacy with Sarah -- not a princess in those moments when they retired to the woods to pull off their gowns and spread their legs and giggle at the sheer absurdity of it all, not a superior, but a true friend -- that only made it all the more worthwhile. The beguiled looks they received from whichever other random lady might choose to join them that one time added that much more to the frivolity of it all!

As the carriage came to a stop just deep enough into the woods to avoid detection from the road, Marguerite saw a look of almost desperate curiosity on Darlene's face. It was a look she knew well. "Join us, Darlene," she said. "I can see you want to try it."

She was expecting an argument from Darlene, but she got none. "May I, madam?" Darlene asked Sarah, who had already stepped down onto the path.

"Any of you may if you wish!" Sarah announced, as she always did, while Marguerite stepped down to join her.

The others all declined, but Darlene accepted Marguerite's offered hand to help her down, and followed at a respectable distance as the princess and her best friend strolled off down the path.

They clearly knew where they were going, and Darlene let a giggle escape as she realized they had probably stopped in this spot before. Sarah overheard her and looked over her shoulder with a smile. "Yes, Darlene, Marguerite and I know this meadow well. I think you'll enjoy it, too. I've never seen another soul here, so you needn't worry about privacy."

"Speaking of privacy," Darlene said with a nervous grin, "I did have a lot of punch to drink at the fair..."

Marguerite and Sarah looked at one another and laughed sympathetically. "We're feeling that need too," Sarah said. "But there are some things even I cannot bring myself to do in the outdoors."

"Nor I," said Marguerite. "But we shan't be long on the way home when we're done here."

"Do not let us stop you from finding a spot in the woods, though, Darlene," Sarah said. "No one needs to know."

Darlene accepted that offer and, when they emerged in the clearing, she skittered off further into the woods beyond. As soon as they were alone together, Marguerite said, "I do hope this shan't be too much of a shock for her."

"If it is, so much the better that she gets that shock out of the way now," Sarah said. "If she's going to be among my entourage, it's not going away." Without another word she turned around and held her hair out of the way for Marguerite to unbind her gown.

Presently Sarah was enjoying the early summer sunshine on every inch of her body while Marguerite, still fully clothed, hung her gown carefully over a low branch. As always Sarah offered to help Marguerite off with her own dress, and as always Marguerite demurred. "I may be your dearest friend, Sarah, but I am also your servant," she reminded Sarah as she pulled her dress over her head. "Whatever salacious rumours they share about me at the pubs in town, I shan't have anyone saying truthfully that I fancy myself your equal."

"We certainly aren't equal in all regards," Sarah noted, cupping her small breasts in her hands as she watched Marguerite untie her brassiere and let her much larger breasts fall free. "I do envy you those!"

"You wouldn't say that if you had to wear one of these every day!" Marguerite declared, draping the undergarment over their dresses on the branch. "How I would love to have your option of never wearing one."

"It was hard won," Sarah reminded her. "If Mother were still with us, I've no doubt it would still be a daily battle, and here I am past twenty! But enough of that; let us find the right spot to enjoy ourselves!"

For a moment they were as business-like as two women could be while stark naked in the outdoors; just which part of the clearing had the ideal blend of sunshine and sounds from the woods and soft grass to recline in? Marguerite soon found a spot where she was comfortable and Sarah joined her at arm's length to her left, and Darlene returned from her privacy in the woods just in time to see them both on their backs with their legs spread wide, their fingers making their first explorations of their pink inner flesh.

"Oh, this was worth the wait!" Sarah proclaimed at her first gentle stroke on her clitoris, while Marguerite only moaned her agreement.

"Oof!" Darlene gasped, and they both looked up at her and laughed at her obvious shock. "Ever so sorry, madam," Darlene said, ignoring their laughs. "I never thought, even working for you, that I'd see such a thing!"

"Well, you're welcome to just watch if you want," Sarah reassured her. "But I encourage you to join in. There is no greater thrill!"

"Might I keep my dress on?" Darlene sat down gingerly, still clothed, but she did spread her legs and gather her skirt up.

"Of course you may if you prefer," Sarah said. "I'll see to it that no one harasses you about any grass stains."

Marguerite laughed at this, but soon her laughs were subsumed by moans. "Oh, yes!" She had her eyes shut tightly, and her right hand working in tight fast circles.

"I do so wish I had your imagination at a time like this, Marguerite," Sarah said. "I've got a bit of catching up to do." She went to town on herself, and soon the old friends were in joyous inarticulate harmony.

Marguerite made no direct response to her friend's commentary; she was much too busy imagining the stable-boy running his hands all over her on a bed of soft hay, his whiskers tickling her thighs as his tongue played all about her womanhood, his rough hands proving somehow gentle on her breasts...even Sarah didn't need to know everything!

Sarah, for her part, was soon equally lost in the same tried-and-true fantasy she'd been coming back to longer than she cared to remember. Mr. Robert, her Latin tutor, who had looked ever so dashing in the three-piece suit she'd never seen him without -- except in her vivid imagination, where he more than willingly let her help him out of it. Then there they were together in her private bath, which she regularly shared with Marguerite in real life. Marguerite may have been Sarah's dearest friend, but she couldn't very well give Sarah a hands-on tutorial in the workings of the penis. Robert taught that lesson so very well in her fantasy that by now she almost could have sworn it really had happened. It hadn't, but in that dazzling sunlight in the meadow it did, that and more.

Darlene drank it all in, unsure as to whether she dared join them. When her fingers did finally find their way to her pussy, she was surprised to find it as wet as ever it had been. Then there was no point in denying she loved it as well as they did, much as a part of her wished she did not. As both the princess and Marguerite were very much lost in their own flights of fancy, Darlene lay back and followed their example, the bright sun bringing dazzling waves of colour to her closed eyes as she gave in to the delightful sensation.

And delightful it was, her sweaty skin prickling with constant awareness that they might be spotted, but that only furthering her arousal, which she satiated with both hands. As she felt the magic moment coming, Darlene began to wish she had undressed as well, for her dress felt terribly confining. But a moment later that was off her mind entirely as she felt an intense orgasm wash over her.

"Ooh!" Every colour of the rainbow flashed before Darlene's still-closed eyes and she exhaled deeply and opened them to find the day seeming just a bit brighter. Sarah and Marguerite were still grunting in wonderful harmony just feet away, and she sat up to enjoy the show as they both followed her down the path of joy. It did not take long.

"It looks as though our new friend enjoyed herself greatly," Sarah noted a moment later as she stood up to brush the grass off her body. "Did you, Darlene?"

"It is certainly the most unique thing I've ever tried, madam," Darlene allowed. "And it was great fun, but I'm feeling horribly guilty of a sudden."

"All too common," Marguerite said. "I used to feel that way myself."

"Really?" Sarah asked. "I never have. But worry not, Darlene, there is no right or wrong with our little games."

"I shall keep that in mind next time," Darlene said.

The other ladies knew well enough what the trio had been up to, and there were bemused smiles but no comments when they returned to the carriage. Presently they were back on the road home, and Marguerite was eagerly looking out for the telltale sign of the Willow Inn over the next clutch of trees. When it appeared, she recrossed her legs in anticipation of her impending relief. "Thank heavens!" she whispered with a conspiratorial look at Sarah, who after all had told Darlene back in the woods that she needed the privy too.

"Sorry, there really isn't time!" Sarah said, and she also recrossed her legs in solidarity.

"You're joking!" Marguerite searched her friend's face for some sign that she was.

"I'm bursting as well, Marguerite, but Father will already be upset with us for being late."

"Then what is the harm in an extra ten minutes?"

"It always stretches out far longer than that, and you know it," Sarah said. "I'm sorry, Marguerite, but the later we are, the worse it will be. Father has been less patient all the time with me, and he will only tolerate so much!"

"I wonder how much can we tolerate!" Marguerite shifted in her seat in a vain effort to minimize her urgency.

"Think of it as a game, and you and I are a team!" Sarah offered, her own eyes betraying the same discomfort Marguerite was feeling. "You know what we have to do to win!"

Those naughty thoughts sustained Marguerite through the remainder of the trip, which by then was nearly at its end -- although "nearly" is a matter of debate when one's bladder is filled to the limit, as both Marguerite's and Sarah's were. But at least they lost no more time on their arrival.

The elder princess' arrival having been announced, her family was hastily assembled in the hall to greet her as they had greeted her sister half an hour or so before. King Leonard looked stern, if pleased at the belated arrival.

"Greetings, Father," said Princess Sarah, who somehow managed a beautiful curtsey through her intense discomfort. Marguerite, standing head down at the princess' shoulder, marvelled at the feat and was grateful she was not required to replicate it. She found it quite enough challenge to stand still in the king's presence.

"Greetings, Daughter," the King said politely. "Were you detained on your route home from the fair?"

"Nay, Father," said Sarah, who knew that he knew perfectly well the cause of her tardiness. She said no more and showed no shame.

"I see," the king said, allowing the unspoken to remain unspoken. "The bathhouse is prepared for you and your ladies at your convenience. I trust you will see to your personal needs before evening time."


"Before you do so, Daughter, I have an introduction to make." The king beckoned to Justin, who was promptly at his side. "Meet Justin. A new addition to your company."

The news brought titters from the ladies, some of embarrassment, some of glee. But Sarah, though she felt a stab of outrage and immediately recognized her father's plan, remained outwardly indifferent. She turned to face Justin and extended her hand, which he took. "Welcome to the company, then, Justin. I trust all my ladies will treat you with respect due any of our own." She turned back to her father to see a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and took pains not to return any such gesture.

"You may retire," said the king.

The ladies filed out for Princess Sarah's wing of the hall. Justin was reticent at first, still wondering if this was all a joke and unsure of his duties or privileges in an area normally reserved for women only; but Sarah beckoned him along. "With us, Justin, you are welcome and expected in all corners of my domain," she told him, linking his arm through hers. "We are pleased to have you join us, isn't that right, Marguerite?"

"Certainly," said Marguerite, at Sarah's other side, who accompanied the both of them all the way to Sarah's bedroom at the far end of the hallway. By the time of their arrival, all of the other ladies had ducked into their quarters to prepare for the promised bath.
