Protecting Marcus


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"So, if you don't want to lose your rights as a parent, Mr. Mel'ak. You will complete a 100 hour course on parenting, abuse and anger management. You will turn over any and all passports foreign or domestic, for yourself and for the minor child. You will sign a waiver stating that you will not remove the child from this county, state or nation; without express permission from this court. Failure to comply with any of these stipulations will result in the revocation of all your parental rights. I will also turn over your case to ICE for review of your visitor's status. Officers, he's yours." Everyone waited until Emil was taken out of the room, before the judge added.

"Mrs. Williams. That is the best I can do for right now. If he is able to take your son out of the country, my options are limited. I'd keep my head down until the investigation comes back. I wish you the best of luck." I didn't know what to say or do.

Paul and Anne had smiles on their faces as they exited the court. "This calls for a celebration." Paul exclaimed.

"Are you sure... what if...?" I worried about what could happen in the investigation.

"Sweetie, that judge would have thrown the book at Emil if he could. As it is, in six months, if he's sitting over the hearing, Emil will lose his parental rights. Then he can't touch Marcus. This is great news." Anne added.

"I don't know about a celebration, but I'm for getting some dinner. What would you like to eat buddy?" Trish asked the little boy, who didn't understand what had happened.

"Pizza...?" He asked hopefully.

"Then pizza it is... as long as we don't have to go to that rat place." Paul added, as he picked up the boy and spun him around.

We let Marcus go with Anne and Paul, so he could ride in the big-big truck. Something he had always liked doing. Once they headed to the pizza place, I vented my fears.

"What if he has some of his family take Marcus? What's going to happen when they find out that I don't even have a place to stay? I've heard some bad things about these hearings." I stammered.

"It will be okay...." Trish tired to sooth me. "Settle down, we'll find you a place." Trish put her hand on mine again. She listened to all the worry and arguments as she drove, until she couldn't take it anymore. When she pulled into the parking lot, she took direct action. "This will shut you up." She murmured, as she leaned over and kissed me.

At first I was too startled to do anything. As the kiss went on, I felt the warmth seeping through my body and unconsciously deepened the kiss, startling Trish. With my heart pounding in my ears, I pulled back, gasping for air, as Trish, looked with heat, into my eyes.

"What was that....?" I gasped.

"Come on, Marcus is waiting." Trish replied, as she got out of the car with a confident strut.

I caught up with her as she walked away. "Why did you do that?" I asked blushing.

"It's something I've wanted to do for awhile now, and... it put the color back in your cheeks." Without realizing it, I had grabbed Trish's hand as we were walking. Trish held on and continued. "It'll never happen again if you don't want it too.... But, I've wanted to do that since our eyes first met." Trish knew we were tempting fate, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

"Oh, um... I'm sorry." I tried to figure out what to say, as Marcus came running up.

"Mommy...Mommy didja see me in the big-big truck, waiving at you? Ms. Tish... Miss Tish... will you sit next to me? Was you kissing?" He asked in the innocent way that only a child can pull off.

"Marcus...!" I blushed.

"Yep... I thought your mommy needed a kiss, what do you think about that?" Trish asked smiling.

"Where's mine?" He asked, and puckered up. Trish picked him up and smothered his little face with kisses.

"I could use some help here." She looked at me, inviting me into the kiss fest. I was helplessly pulled in, as we walked, each wrapped in one of Marcus's small arms. He would switch between the two of them as they all laughed while going to their seats in the noisy pizza joint.



Damn, I should've never kissed her. That's what I get for acting before thinking. I didn't have to turn off my alarm the next two days. I was already awake. I meant only to shock her with a big smacking kiss, but after a second, it went deeper. I've wondered for the last two days if I was the one who deepened it. I've never done that before. What if she rejects me because I was so pushy? The only thing I could do is give her some space. I was a mess and even David noticed.

"Hey boss lady, what's at eating you?" He asked ten minutes after we started work.

"Personal problems..." I told him, not even trying to ignore his question.

"Wow, I didn't even know you had a personal to have problems with... So who is she? When did you meet...? I want details." He said in a sing-song voice, teasing out of my funk.

"Not too many details.... I kissed her and now I don't know. I'm giving her room."

"What do you mean you don't know... what did you do after the kiss?" David looked perplexed at my answer.

"We had pizza and she went home with her son." I shrugged.

"Wow, a kiss, pizza and a cold bed. That's either a very bad first date or you're holding back." David flipped through the report we were working on. "Who is she?"

"Beth Williams...."

"Ohh, the plot thickens. We're talking about the knockout redhead that you were spending so much time with?"

"How do you know she's a knockout?" I asked.

"Sweetheart, I'm queer, not dead. I thought she looked a lot like younger Debra Messing. Her hair is redder though." He said as he worked.

"Who...?" I asked not knowing.

"You know... that actress from Will and Grace.... The TV show? Never mind, I forgot, you don't watch TV."

"When did you see Beth?"

"Oh, Like I wasn't going to see who my boss was frittering all her lunch hours away with. It wasn't like you were trying to be sneaky about it. I was hoping you'd fall in love and I'd get some weekends free. Well, the board should like this. We're still profitable. Do you think we'll get the new research grant?"

"Are you keeping tabs on me?" I didn't know whether to be angry or not.

"It's in my job description, didn't you know that? You have a one o'clock and a conference call in thirty. If she's worth it, it's not supposed to be easy." He left, leaving me more confused than before.

By the end of the day, my head was pounding and I wanted nothing more that to get home and soak in the Jacuzzi tub for an hour. I was doing a final read through of the quarterly report, when David knocked at the door.

"Someone to see you...." He poked his head in.

"Did I forget an appointment?" I asked, not looking up.

"No, but I've slotted some time. He smiled at me. "You can thank me later with a huge Christmas bonus." He opened the door and ushered in Beth. "I'll hold your calls." He closed the door behind him with a wink.

"Oh, hi Beth...."

"Hi, I'm not disturbing you, am I?" She asked, clutching her purse strap.

"What brings you here?" I swallowed, not wanting to tell her just how disturbed she made me. I got up and walked around my desk as she put her purse down. "Is everything okay?" I wanted to put my hands on her, but didn't know if they would be accepted.

Beth turned around and looked like she wanted to say something. Instead she stepped up and placed her hand on my face. I could hear our breathing as I leaned down, hoping she wanted the same thing I did. I swear I could hear the zap of electricity as our lips met. After that, I couldn't think at all.

I let her control the kiss as my head spun and my hands, starting at her wrists, slid up her arms. I felt her flesh rise and my body respond. I felt her hands move up my sides and shake as she softly cupped my breast. I could feel each knuckle as her fingers moved over my excited nipples and moaned into her mouth. I was about to pull her into me as the phone buzzed and broke the spell.

"Yeah..." I gasped into the receiver.

"I hate to bother you during a meeting, but Shelly has a case she needs you on. She's on seven." David sounded contrite.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." I dropped the phone and looked at the blushing Beth. "I'll be back in about fifteen minutes. Don't go anywhere." I told her as I grabbed my stuff. "If you need anything, ask David... He'll get it for you." I hated doing it, but I rushed out of the office.


If kids are hard, babies are the hardest, especially donor babies. Over the next half hour, I had to try and give support to and convince a set of parents that it was a good thing to let their baby live on in other children who didn't have a chance without the donation. After I got all the forms signed, I left the grieving parents with their minister and hospital support staff.

I knew there were now at least three babies that had a chance, but at what cost. Almost forgotten was the startling kiss I shared with Beth. I blindly walked past David and back into my office. I stopped short when I saw Beth looking at me. I couldn't stop myself. She was there and I needed it so bad. I didn't even close my door as I engulfed her into a fierce hug and ravaged her lips.

Beth somehow understood the storm that was raging through me. She responded with an intensity I've never felt before. She held onto me and kept me stable. She gave as much as I took and more. I didn't hear David close my door, I didn't care. I didn't realize I was crying until Beth softly wiped my eyes.

"Are you okay?" She finally asked.

"I'm better now. Thank you." I said as I pulled back. "I'm sorry, but what brought you here today?" I asked bewildered.

Beth blushed, "Um, Anne bitched me out this morning, and then let me use the van. I had to know if the other day was real.... What happened?" She asked. I could have played dumb, but I knew what she was asking.

"A baby on seven... I had to convince the parents to donate.... It's never easy...."

"Oh... I'm glad I'm here for you.... What happens now?" Beth asked sitting down across from me.

"Whatever we decide... I won't pressure you... I'll always be your friend first." I hoped she understood what I was offering.

"Wow, my sister is right.... Do you love me?" Beth asked in a rush.

"I know I could. I care for you deeply, but I won't rush into love... I've been hurt before.... Are you okay with this?" What a strange day, my headache was all but forgotten.

"I don't know... I just wanted to know if it was real. I almost convinced myself it wasn't, until you came back... This is real isn't it? I felt you, all of you, when you came back."

"Yes, it's real and can be real if you want it to be." I looked at my watch. "Can we go somewhere and have dinner? Or do you need to pick up Marcus?"

"Paul is taking Marcus fishing... Anne has some friends over and I was feeling a bit like a third wheel. They have my cell if they need me." I could feel the hesitation, but was willing to take the risk.

"I'll follow you to the house and then we can go out. I think we need to talk alone." I said, noticing a shadow at my door. I heard David chuckle, not even being sneaky about listening in. He knew he was busted. He just smiled encouragingly as we walked past.

After we dropped off Anne's van, I asked Beth. "So, what do you want to eat?"

"How about some Wong's... we can take it someplace quiet."

"My place is quiet, as long as we turn off the phone."

"Deal..." She smiled.

We drove in silence, each caught up in our own thoughts. I ordered automatically at Wong's, and Beth let me. It was like she enjoyed not having to make the decision. There was a bit of nerves as we walked into my house.

"Well, here it is; no place like home." I said as I took the food to the bar, where I usually ate.

"Why is there a printer on your stove?" Beth asked as soon as she saw it.

"So I can print out stuff while I eat. See, there is my docking station. I have an extra room for an office, but this is easier for me most nights." I said shrugging out of my work blazer and heels.

"How do you cook?" She asked shocked.

"I don't... Oh I could do a can of soup or something, but I find it's easier and cheaper if I get food to go. I usually don't have the time to cook a meal, so I leave that to those who do." I set out our plates and took out a good wine.

The evening was magical. Oh, I know that saying is over used, but it was. We laughed and talked about everything and nothing. After dinner was put away, we sat in my living room on my overstuffed couch. There wasn't a mad rush of kissing or groping. It was a smooth comfortable feeling. Beth put her head on my shoulder and sighed.

"I didn't plan on seducing you today... I wanted to ask you how you felt, but then we were kissing. It felt so nice. I haven't been kissed like that in over five years. I need you to promise me that if we do end up making love, that I'm not some kind of one night stand. I'd rather jut be friends."

"Sweetie, I can only promise you that it won't be on my side... I'm not going to push you into something you don't want. Make sure this is what you want, before we cross that line." I hugged her next to me and kissed her head.

Here it would be nice if I could go to some detailed description of our first lovemaking session. If I did, I'd be lying. We cuddled together and fell asleep. Well, there was a budding love growing. But, with the emotional overload and the long day at work, we just drifted off to sleep. That's the thing about big fluffy couches. If you snuggle just right you don't have to go to bed.

I heard the alarm, but it sounded like it was a million miles away. I felt Beth move and then the annoying sound stop. I woke up to a soft kiss and emerald eyes looking down at me. I groaned as I stretched, hating the fact that I'd slept in my clothes again.

"Get up sleepyhead. I've got to get home. I have to be at work by nine." Beth said as she tried to get me to get moving.

"Make me some coffee and you can have the shower once I'm out." I told her as I shuffled into my room. I smelled the coffee as I washed up. I could shave ten minutes off my time if everything was ready.

My mind registered the smell of food as I walked out to tell Beth she could have the bathroom if she wanted it. I was greeted by a full cup of steaming coffee, and eggs in toast. Beth had moved my printer and scavenged out a pan and a couple of eggs that were hidden in my fridge.

"I could get used to this." I smiled. "I'll have to join a gym, but still..." I teased as Beth puttered around me.

"I can take a shower at Anne's house. I don't have clean clothes anyway." Beth said, not making eye contact.

"Okay, then why don't you drop me off at the hospital and use my car today? I know you don't have a ride."

"I can't... what if.... I'm still waiting for the insurance check to go out and look for something. I have to pick up Marcus this afternoon for his appointment." Beth looked shocked at my offer.

"That's fine... I trust you. He's been in my car before. If I have to drive you all the way home, we'll both be late. It's only logical." I told her finishing my coffee. "I'll call if I get off early." Beth tried to argue as I handed her the spare key. I'd needed my set for work. She argued with me the entire time until we pulled up I front of the hospital and I silenced her with a quick kiss goodbye. "I'll see you tonight.... Give Marcus a kiss for me." I told her as I left her there staring after me.



'What the hell am I getting into?' I asked myself as I watched Trish walk into her work. I jumped when a car behind her honked. I put the expensive sport car in gear and slowly pulled away. I drove to my sister's house, realizing that I had slept better the night before, than I had in a long time. I was all smiles as I walked in and was greeted by Anne.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in. And where were you last night young lady?" Anne asked me sarcastically.

"Trish bought me dinner and we fell asleep on her couch. I have to hurry or I'll be late. Did Marcus get to school okay?" I tried to avoid her questions by being blunt.

"Yes, he did ask where you were, but was fine, when I told him you were with Miss Trish. Your son has just a big of a crush on her as you do." Anne smiled as I took off my rumpled clothes.

"I don't have a crush on Trish." I answered back. "I like her... I might even be falling in love with her, but no crush." I ignored my sister's look as I started the shower.

"Did she drop you off? I'll need the van this afternoon. I have to meet Paul at the doctors for the ultra-sound." Anne shouted over the spray.

"That's fine.... Trish let me use her car today. I have to call the insurance again. I need my own car. Did you send a note telling them I'd be picking up Marcus today?" I tried to change the subject away from mine and Trish's night.

"She let you drive her car? That thing has to cost more than our house. Don't wreck it." Anne warned.

"It's not that bad... it's nice, but still just a car. Nothing I could ever afford... but she was adamant so we both wouldn't be late for work."

"Yeah and a good way to make sure you see her again today. So, how did it go yesterday?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Fine..." I said wrapping a big towel around me. "I kissed her and she had to go back to work. She was upset and kissed me when she got back. We talked over dinner and fell asleep. Nothing more to tell, really." I informed my nosy sister.

"So...?" Anne pressed.

"So, what...?" I was trying to put my make-up on.

"So, were these kisses, like quick pecks or...." Anne asked exasperated.

"No, and I didn't time them either. They were nice... better than nice, but I still have to worry about Marcus and the investigation." Beth left the room to get dressed.

"Are you going to go out with her?" Anne pushed harder.

"I don't know... we might go out as friends to dinner or something. I'm sure she has better offers for romance if that's where you are leading with this."

"What if she wants a romance with you? What then?" Anne wasn't giving up.

"Really..." I huffed at her single mindedness. "Like I'm such a prime catch.... I'm a damaged, middle aged, divorcee, with a young son, who I have to take care of. It's not like I can run off to the Casaba and live in an illicit love affair with her. She's a professional and I'm an out of work teacher, working for almost minimum wage. We have so much in common." I tossed my hairbrush down. "I have to get to work, before I get fired. I might be that after today and I think Emil is following me again."

"Wow... she's got her work cut out with you." Anne muttered at my outburst. "I'll call you and let you know what they say about my ultrasound. I can feel flutters." Anne kissed me as I rushed out the door.

I felt bad about going off on Anne, but I'd like to have some time to process my feelings for Trish, without all the questions and commentary. I would relish just a little bit of privacy. I know I'm dreaming, but all the same. I took a deep breath and smelled the spicy sent that I recognized as Trish's. Smiling, I drove to work in a much better mood.

I didn't even get defensive when I had to tell my boss that I was leaving for the day. I got my stuff and went back out to the car, smiling again as Trish's sent wafted out to me as soon as the door opened. I turned on the radio and blasted some music as I traveled to pick up Marcus.

Marcus held and swung our hands together as we walked to the car. As soon as he saw it he called out. "Miss Tish!" I laughed.

"No honey, she's still at work... she's just letting mommy use her car. We can see her later." I promised when his face fell at not being able to see his friend.
